Book Bret Hart in WCW

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Getting Noticed By Management
Bret Hart would have been able to contractually join ECW in 2000. now, it would have never of happened, Bret was big $$$, and ECW could never afford him. But let's have a little fantasy booking. Say he debuted in the Summerof 2000, how would have you booked the Hitman?

Heel? Face?
Working Justin Credible? RVD?
How do you book his actual debut?
What's his long term plan?
Besides that year sealing ECW's fate financially, the top tier talent was spread thin...

Mike Awesome left for WCW, Taz left for WWE. RVD was hurt early part of 2000 and he missed time due to money being owed to him. Plus he had solidified his legacy in ECW defending the Television title so his focus was mainly on regaining it and feuding with Rhino.

I never could get behind Justin Credible. So I would've had Bret Hart in the title picture immediately feuding Jerry Lynn. Lynn and RVD had great matches and I believe the veteran would've matches up well with Lynn.
WCW or ECW? I can't imagine the Hitman in ECW, and would have been disappointed in him if he had lowered himself to that. Didn't he wrestle Terry Funk at some special ECW event in 1997? I'm glad that was as far as it went.

In WCW? He was booked fine. In 1998 he was given pay-per-view main events and semi-mains, as well as countless Nitro mains, while correctly being kept away from the world title as Goldberg steamrolled everyone. In 1999 he was given the world title and more main events. He was booked to headline Souled Out 2000 until he had to withdraw due to his concussion. The idea that Bret Hart was "buried" in WCW is a total myth. Everyone had horrible storylines.
2000? Bret retired from in-ring competition after suffering a career ending concussion at Starrcade 1999, so if he had come in to ECW it would have been in an authority type role, not as a wrestler. But not only would Bret have not joined ECW because they couldn't afford him, Bret hated the hardcore edgy crash TV style, he hated the Attitude Era, so there was no way he was gonna join ECW. It was a bad time for ECW and they were near their end of days. As mentioned above, Awesome, Taz, Raven, Dudleyz all left for the WWF and WCW, and RVD was injured and according to wikipedia, refused to show up for events because of large sums of money owed to him. He didn't make an appearance in ECW until their last PPV, Guilty As Charged.

If Bret could have come in as a wrestler though, he would've become ECW Champion and the promotion's #1 guy right away. Bret would've been the biggest name ECW had ever signed, there's no way you start him and put the biggest draw you ever acquired, at the bottom below anyone, even below whoever was World Champion at the time. I imagine his only feuds up until ECW's demise, would've been with Justin Credible, Jerry Lynn, Steve Corino (which would've been a darn good feud), and maybe even Rhino.
WCW or ECW? I can't imagine the Hitman in ECW, and would have been disappointed in him if he had lowered himself to that. Didn't he wrestle Terry Funk at some special ECW event in 1997? I'm glad that was as far as it went.

In WCW? He was booked fine. In 1998 he was given pay-per-view main events and semi-mains, as well as countless Nitro mains, while correctly being kept away from the world title as Goldberg steamrolled everyone. In 1999 he was given the world title and more main events. He was booked to headline Souled Out 2000 until he had to withdraw due to his concussion. The idea that Bret Hart was "buried" in WCW is a total myth. Everyone had horrible storylines.

I think you're right, there obviously were some mistakes made but for me the big thing was Bret Hart just didn't fit in WCW. Whether that's because he was a WWE guy or not I don't know but something just didn't feel right. I do think it had started to go quite well for him towards the end, it's a shame he got those bad concussions.
Bret Hart was not booked fine in WCW.

From the start they failed to capitalize on the Screwjob situation and allowed WWE time to justify their actions for how it was handled.

NWO should've been targeting him along with Sting following the end of Starrcade '97. But instead they failed and his runs with the belt were less memorable as the World title lost a tin of credibility. Thanks to how the company treated it.

Never was booked in good programs with the likes of Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit or Chris Jericho where they could've really been putting over talent that could actually put on great matches.

He was more talented than Nash and Scott Hall in WWE yet was somehow beneath them in WCW.

At least in ECW he would been the face of the company be default and would've brought the best out of everyone he competed against.

Hart got over on his own after splitting from Jim The Anvil.
Bret Hart was not booked fine in WCW.

From the start they failed to capitalize on the Screwjob situation and allowed WWE time to justify their actions for how it was handled.

NWO should've been targeting him along with Sting following the end of Starrcade '97. But instead they failed and his runs with the belt were less memorable as the World title lost a tin of credibility. Thanks to how the company treated it.

Never was booked in good programs with the likes of Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit or Chris Jericho where they could've really been putting over talent that could actually put on great matches.

He was more talented than Nash and Scott Hall in WWE yet was somehow beneath them in WCW.

At least in ECW he would been the face of the company be default and would've brought the best out of everyone he competed against.

Hart got over on his own after splitting from Jim The Anvil.

Not how I saw it. WCW did capitalize by having Hart serve as a referee in two matches at Starrcade including the main event - he had a no compete clause and they made the most of it. Guerrero and Jericho were lowly cruiserweights and not worthy of runs with Bret Hart. The Hitman had several matches with Benoit including the best match of 1999, the Owen tribute. Not sure how you figure that Bret was below Hall and Nash.
Not how I saw it. WCW did capitalize by having Hart serve as a referee in two matches at Starrcade including the main event - he had a no compete clause and they made the most of it. Guerrero and Jericho were lowly cruiserweights and not worthy of runs with Bret Hart. The Hitman had several matches with Benoit including the best match of 1999, the Owen tribute. Not sure how you figure that Bret was below Hall and Nash.

Bret hart shouldn't have been refereeing anything, he should've debuted after starrcade 97 when sting won the title. It should've been sting vs bret with bret claiming he's the real world champion saying he never lost his title, then have hogan and nash feud, have bret win the title then feud with hogan. Bret winning the us title did nothing for him, bret was the hottest performer along with vince after the screwjob and wcw never capitalized on it
I think his opening start wasn't the best booked but after that I think he was booked fine. Having a clause where he couldn't compete right away makes me wonder how else they could have debuted him?

The problem with Bret was WCW fans just didn't take to him so they put him in the nWo (which actually started off fine) and the only time he really seemed to be getting over was after Owen's death. It's sad that it took that but it's true unfortunately and maybe that was more sympathy than anything else (although the match for Owen was so good that must have helped). Then I will admit nWo 2000 was a terrible idea and turning Bret heel didn't really work either. We just never got to see where else he might have gotten to with his head injury. He still put in the effort and had some great matches he just wasn't a good fit with WCW that's why he didn't really get over, the booking at times wasn't the best but for me it wasn't really that, it was him not been a good fit, he was a WWF guy and I think WCW fans couldn't really get past that. Just my opinion.

I am curious though with a no compete clause how would anyone else have booked his opening? Cause I really don't see what else Bischoff could have done. Waiting until Starrcade to debut him may have been too long, I know it's been argued that Bischoff took too long to debut him so that could have been the nail on the coffin before it's even begun.

Edit: James, admittedly I do like the idea of a world champion vs real world champion feud, would you have had Bret Hart debut with a title belt or not? Only thing for me is I think that would have best happened in a Nitro rather than Starrcade. The ending of Starrcade had to be WCW celebrating their triumph over the nWo. Any Bret a Hart entrance challenging Sting would have damaged that for me.
Bret hart shouldn't have been refereeing anything, he should've debuted after starrcade 97 when sting won the title. It should've been sting vs bret with bret claiming he's the real world champion saying he never lost his title, then have hogan and nash feud, have bret win the title then feud with hogan. Bret winning the us title did nothing for him, bret was the hottest performer along with vince after the screwjob and wcw never capitalized on it

I'm not into fantasy booking topics, but this makes perfect sense.
Wasn't a regular viewer of WCW back then, but I would have had him debut the night after the Montreal Screwjob, airing out Vince McMahon, dropping a "pipe bomb", temporarily going against his clean cut character and cussing and slandering Vince, HHH, Shawn and the WWF. Have him declare that this is WCW where the big boys play.

I would then have him say that he is still the World Champion since he never officially lost it, and then he would challenge whoever was the world champion in WCW at the time (I'm guessing Hogan). So it would have been Bret vs. Hogan for a few months for the title.
I would have given Bret a plane ticket back to the WWF because nothing WCW tried was going to get him over. Some guys are made for a fed and Bret was one of those guys.
Wasn't a regular viewer of WCW back then, but I would have had him debut the night after the Montreal Screwjob, airing out Vince McMahon, dropping a "pipe bomb", temporarily going against his clean cut character and cussing and slandering Vince, HHH, Shawn and the WWF. Have him declare that this is WCW where the big boys play.

I would then have him say that he is still the World Champion since he never officially lost it, and then he would challenge whoever was the world champion in WCW at the time (I'm guessing Hogan). So it would have been Bret vs. Hogan for a few months for the title.
Bret didn't like the way the WWF was going at the time and I doubt he would have agreed to cuss people out on Nitro. Hogan would have had Bret doing jobs to him which would have made him look weak. Bret was in a no win situation in WCW.
I agree bobbywoodhogan sting should've had his moment celebrating that night. I think the next night i wouldve had hogan demand a rematch with the original nwo beside him. Have nash cut him off and say you lost your chance, have nwo split since that's what they wanted to do have them fight backstage. Sting is all alone with no challengers until bret hart comes out and i would let him shoot. And say i was tue wwf champ and never lost it so im the real champion and have them sstaredown. Now idk if I'd have bret with a world title since one Vince wouldve sued and probably win, and its not like he can walk out with any title other than the wwf title at the time
Booking Hart is simple... you put him on Team WCW with the likes of Sting, Flair, DDP, etc and have him be a part of taking down the NWO and leaving WCW on top in the final showdown.

How WCW managed to screw that up just goes to show you how bad WCW was managed from the top of the chain all the way down.

And booking him in ECW? It's so convoluted for him to join ECW that I can't even think of a scenario that would work for him. He's not a hardcore wrestler and from what I've gathered, isn't too fond of that kind of wrestling. Nor is he fond of Paul Heyman.
Bret hart shouldn't have been refereeing anything, he should've debuted after starrcade 97 when sting won the title. It should've been sting vs bret with bret claiming he's the real world champion saying he never lost his title, then have hogan and nash feud, have bret win the title then feud with hogan. Bret winning the us title did nothing for him, bret was the hottest performer along with vince after the screwjob and wcw never capitalized on it

You're overlooking Goldberg, who was the hottest thing in WCW by 1998. Bret shouldn't have been world champion at all that year. People bang on about "capitalising" on Bret but he was never a major draw. I'm not idiotic enough (as bitter Flair marks are) to claim that Bret didn't draw because per what I read as an Observer subscriber back then he was a consistently strong merch seller from 1991-1995 (often #1 and always top 3 as I recall - when did Flair sell merch?) and WCW started its reign of dominance during his 1996 hiatus, giving evidence for his value. But he was never a Hogan or Austin and so I'm not sure what wonders he would have done for WCW anyway. To me he was used fine, placed in upper mid and turning in the same level of in-ring performance that made him a legend.
You're overlooking Goldberg, who was the hottest thing in WCW by 1998. Bret shouldn't have been world champion at all that year. People bang on about "capitalising" on Bret but he was never a major draw. I'm not idiotic enough (as bitter Flair marks are) to claim that Bret didn't draw because per what I read as an Observer subscriber back then he was a consistently strong merch seller from 1991-1995 (often #1 and always top 3 as I recall - when did Flair sell merch?) and WCW started its reign of dominance during his 1996 hiatus, giving evidence for his value. But he was never a Hogan or Austin and so I'm not sure what wonders he would have done for WCW anyway. To me he was used fine, placed in upper mid and turning in the same level of in-ring performance that made him a legend.

How is he overlooking Goldberg when he's talking after Starrcade 97? Goldberg didn't burst onto the main event scene until months later. Infact it wasn't until April when a lot of people really started to take notice of him after he beat Raven for the US title and even then he didn't go right into the main event scene. That gives Hart and Sting 4 months plus to start and be done with a feud. It's not like 1998 hit and suddenly everyone stood up and said oh look it's Goldberg. Makes me wonder if you were even watching WCW then or just going off what you have discovered later.
Brett was booked horribly in WCW but the whole NWO split/Hollywood vs Wolf Pac/Black & White vs Red & Black story was ludicrous and way over drawn as well, things just weren't very coherent in 1998 WCW.

Brett came in with all the hype after Montreal, he was the perfect hero in waiting (and he much preferred playing the hero than a villain), a guy clearly screwed over by the system, a system rigged by a greedy owner/boss, exactly what Bischoff represented and what the NWO were doing. Plus, we had never had Hogan-Hart. I think from Jan 1998 on everything Hart did should have been done to put him in Hogan's orbit for Starrcade 98.

First, have the ref try to screwjobb Sting correctly and have Hart make the save at SC 97 so Sting wins definitively. Hogan & Sting can have their Super Brawl re match with Stiing going over. If they want to use Savage as an NWO defecter and put him against Hogan & Nash that's fine. Someone from the NWO should be sent by Hogan to take out Hart, preferably Nash or Steiner (someone fans would care to see him wrestle).

Hart and Sting should be un easy allies through the first six months of 1998 along with Flair, all three hate the NWO but all three want to be champion. The whole fractured state of their union against Bischoff/NWO would be interesting, would the bad guys divide and conquer the Team WCW. By Bash At The Beach Id have the uneasy feelings of the WCW Trio come to a head in a Triple Threat Match for the WCW Title, with the winner agreeing to face someone from the NWO on the next Nitro. With Hart on the verge of winning, the NWO invades, Hart is screwed again, Sting is injured in the attack, and an injured Sting falls to Hogan on Nitro to bring the title back to the NWO.

This would be a good time for someone new like DDP to challenge Hogan for a bit but not win the title, while Sting & Brett would feud with each other though neither would turn heel. In the fall Id have a WCW name like Sting or Flair win a big match vs NWO with help from Hart, kind of his "retrun the favor" screwjob, enraging Hogan who would put a bounty on Hart's head, for any NWO or WCW guy to capture by taking him out. Frees up Hart for new non NWO challenges but keeps him square in Hogan's orbit.

Hart survives the bounty and gets his title shot vs Hogan at SC 98 - winning the WCW Title. He could retain at Super Brawl 99, which would be the catalyst for problems within the NWO and lead to Hogan being kicked out of the group, facilitating his return to Red & Yellow Hulk Hogan. From here you can go several different ways, Luger hasn't been used in this set up, Flair was a part early on but in this scenario he and Hart haven't had a feud (it was a mistake to match them up right away in WCW, no matter how much Flair acted like a heel half the crowd still booed Hart, not a great introduction for a guy who should have been a red hot fan fave after Montreal) plus you'd have the spectre of Nash taking over the NWO and feuding with Hogan (who would naturally be aided by Sting). Lots of potential heading into mid 1999.

This would have pushed back Goldberg's title win and subsequent SC 98 match vs Kevin Nash. Assuming his push continues and he remains as popular with the audience, this would have been the perfect time to put him in the title picture (maybe set him up to win the title at Great AM Bash or Bash At Beach)
You're overlooking Goldberg, who was the hottest thing in WCW by 1998. Bret shouldn't have been world champion at all that year. People bang on about "capitalising" on Bret but he was never a major draw. I'm not idiotic enough (as bitter Flair marks are) to claim that Bret didn't draw because per what I read as an Observer subscriber back then he was a consistently strong merch seller from 1991-1995 (often #1 and always top 3 as I recall - when did Flair sell merch?) .

Flair sold tickets and PPV buys, and lots of them. Plus his first DVD set with WWE sold a million copies it's first two weeks in release, WWE had to do a second pressing after the first week to meet demand, that was the best non WrestleMania DVD sales WWE ever did at the time. That's a lot of merchandise
I think the majority of people who think Bret was buried in WCW are WWF fans who didn't actually care about WCW. Read the posts by people who think Bret wasn't "used right" and see what they suggest. It almost always includes him winning the World Title from Sting or Hogan very quickly in 1998 and running over the nWo and basically dominating the WCW roster.

Let's introduce some facts:

1) Sting was way more popular than Bret Hart when Hart joined WCW.
2) Hollywood Hogan was way more popular than Bret Hart when Hart joined WCW.
3) The nWo as a group, including Nash and Hall, were way more popular with the WCW crowds than Bret Hart when Hart joined WCW.
4) Bret Hart had a non-compete clause that prevented them from bringing him in right away.

Bret Hart was a vanity signing by Eric Bischoff. He didn't have a natural fit into the nWo vs WCW storyline at first. He was not going to be put over Sting. People forget that Sting and the nWo were the reason that WCW was kicking the WWF's butt in the ratings with Bret Hart as their champion. Why would WCW, the one winning the war at the time, bring over the competition's champion and then put him over their top guys?

Oh that's right, because the WWF fans could say he was "used right."

There was stuff left on the table for Hart in WCW, but a lot of that was also his own making. He was bitter, half assed it a lot of the time, isolated himself, etc. He was given a short 3-4 month intro period as a face where he didn't really catch on. Crowds just didn't slurp Bret Hart. Then he was turned heel and made the #2 heel in the company. He was dominating tv time, beating everyone he came in contact with, winning the US title (when it was being held by Luger, Hart, Hall, Piper, etc.) and so on. Yet through it all he still managed to elevate Booker T and make DDP look like a million bucks.
With Bret Hart; there was a huge number of challenges when he arrived in WCW. Firstly, he was heartbroken from what happened in Montreal. Bret was a hero to millions of wrestling fans around the world when he was in WWF; from 1991, but especially from 1993 to 1997. Bret had only ever worked for his Dad and Vince, he looked up to Vince like he was a father too. Bret always worked for the "boys" in the back too; always ensured they got treated fairly.

The issues with Shawn were difficult for Bret, but you also have to factor in that his good friend Brian Pillman died just weeks before Montreal happened. Bret did not want to leave WWF but he was in a difficult spot. It was heavily rumoured that WWF was going bust, Vince was even taking the water coolers out of the offices. He even used the phrase "financial peril". Bret, as an "independent contractor" had a reputation built up. The first being that Bret was a good guy and that was damaged when he turned heel. Then his heel turn was damaged when Shawn became a good guy. He was in limbo.

Bret was in a very difficult place when he arrived at WCW. That in itself would be difficult for a performer. But to add to this; Hogan, Nash, Hall, Flair, Savage, Luger etc; they all were politicing backstage.

I will state that Flair put Bret over ina great match in WCW, and Bret had some decent encounters with Curt Hennig, Booker T, Chris Benoit and DDP. But he was not booked right; but then who was in WCW. The peak of the NWO and Hulk Hogan was at the start at Bash at the beach 1996. It went down hill from there. The most significant moment I recall after this is Hogan putting Golberg over.

That whole period of WCW; whilst successful; it went downhill very fast because it was not booked to progress anywhere. Nobody was apart from Goldberg.

If they should have done something different with Bret; they should have put the world title on him sooner. As they did not; they lost a lot of momentum. Another sad thing for Bret was he then went on to see his friend Rick Rude pass away, then his own brother the following month. It must have been hard to get motivated to get out of bed let alone be motivated to go to the ring and get bumped about for no substantial storyline purpose.
See I don't think there was anything wrong with Bret's commitments he was still having top matches and he was putting the effort in.

Remember when he pretty much put the title on Hogan when he came out during that match between Hogan and Savage decking Nash. Maybe he should have decked Hogan after he won aswell, only doing it because he wanted a shit at the title but he also wanted a shirt at Hogan.
Bret Hart was one huge missed opportunity for WCW, which they could - and should - have exploited but messed up, likely due to the overkill of the top liners' contracts giving them creative control over their characters (an option that should only ever be offered to legends in my opinion, never active members of the roster and certainly not the entire top rung)

Firstly, as has been said many times in the past, he should have been painted as wrestling's ultimate sympathy figure, and, as was the intent at Starrcade, he absolutely should have prevented the planned screw job finish (albeit a moment that was ruined by the slow count of Nick Patrick) and supervising the remainder of the match. Then, as Sting and Hogan set up a rematch (but not vacating the title, Sting wears it legitimately), the logical next step is Bret Hart seeks vengeance on Shawn Michaels (obviously not mentioned by name) by feuding with his Kliq cohorts, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash and Syxx. He could have beaten Hall at Souled Out, and Nash at Superbrawl. Obviously this means he wouldn't face Flair in his WCW ppv debut (pointless match/feud at the time) and WCW would have to find a different way of turning Scott Steiner heel.

Not only could this have built up steam and helped get him over quicker (rather than having him beat the long term face of WCW, Flair), but beating both Outsiders consecutively would stand him in good stead for a title shot.

But I would hold off that, for now...

Instead I would favour Hart v Hogan at Spring Stampede, deliberately putting their strongly-hyped match in competition for the ppv buys against Wrestlemania. WWE was picking up steam rapidly with the rise of Austin, but with Spring Stampede just a couple of weeks after WM some people would have to choose between the two, whilst even more would have a serious choice of which Monday Night wrestling show to watch...

Meanwhile, I'd build up Goldberg in exactly the same way as actually happened, but keep Sting as WCW Champion, largely defending against a fractured nWo, until Goldberg beats him for the gold. Hogan doesn't need to be anywhere near the title, nor does Hart, for now.

After finally beating the nWo, I'd have Sting and Hart start teaming up - perhaps here is where Scott Steiner, and possibly Rick, can turn heel - there is no need for Scott to join the bloated nWo (and Lyme likes of Stevie Ray would never join it) - to keep them out of the title picture temporarily, until Bret wins World War 3, perhaps last eliminating Sting, to earn a title shot at Starrcade. That's where I'd have him win the belt from Goldberg in a face v face main event, a year after his debut. This would mean no screwy excess interference, no finger poke of doom, in short 1999 would have a MUCH better start for WCW.

Obviously I've missed a few months but there's scope for tag team or 6 man main events v the nWo, and at the smaller ppvs (Road Wild, for instance) Hart could have faced Hennig/Savage etc. In the fall after the nWo is abolished at War Games, (Hart, Sting, Goldberg & Luger? v Hogan, Hall, Nash, Savage, loser 'disbands' and Savage takes the fall, resulting in his face turn and feud with Hogan), Hart could finally move onto Flair at Halloween Havoc.

No doubt there are flaws in my fantasy booking, and I've tried to affect any changes that my changes would have caused, but by and large I think it's a logical process that would have cut out a lot of the crap WCW featured (Jay Leno should NEVER have main evented a ppv) which ultimately drove viewers away.

The only character I don't know how to fit into all this is DDP, who became super popular at this time.
Having a clause where he couldn't compete right away makes me wonder how else they could have debuted him?

Have him come in hot, showing his hatred for the nWo, Hogan, Nash & Hall and aligning himself with Sting immediately. They could have even played up the fact that Bret was not contractually allowed to compete in the ring. Force him to sit on the sidelines and watch his new comrades get attacked and screwed over by the nWo.

Also, getting him involved in the Sting/Hogan match at Starcade made sense... The Bischoff / Zybiskow match on the other hand? Thumbs down.

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