Book Austin Into WrestleMania XXV


Championship Contender
Right well there are rumors that Austin is not motivated to wrestle at WM XXV because of the rubbish storylines that creative have come up for him. So my task to you guys n girls is, book Austin into a good storyline that he would be interested in doing come next year.

Make it realistic and use opponents that might actually want to wrestle him. So we're not gonna have Sting come over and fight him in an inferno match or something.

My Storyline

The build up would start with Austin already RAW GM, joint prehaps with Vince McMahon. They have been enjoying a good relationship as of late, but about 5 - 6 RAWs before WrestleMania, McMahon turns on Austin.

In a backstage segment, the last part of the show, Austin is shown admiring a awesome match between Mr. Kennedy and MVP. Then you see Vince come over and go "Shame you can't wrestle like that, and you'll never be able to again." The last shot of that RAW is of Austin looking dejected.

Roll on to the next RAW and Vince opens the show. He goes on about how its time for the new generation of stars to create history and become legends. Cue MVP. Cocky and arrogent, he says "I'm already a legend. I beat Beniot for the US Title, and beat Jericho for the Intercontinental Title!"

Cue Austin. He says winning 2 titles don't mean shit, and that you have to become the WWE Champion for you to become even close to becoming a legend. You have to head the company for over 5 years, putting your blood, sweat and tears into every match, risking your health.

MVP says he is too clever for that, and knows that he can win without risking anything. Austin challenges him to a match tonight. Vince makes the match.

Austin vs MVP. They exchange a few punches and the lights go out. Back in the ring and Austin is on the floor, so too is McMahon who is at ringside. Austin is bleeding. End of that RAW.

On they show a letter sent from whoever attacked Austin and McMahon. He says he will be at RAW this coming week.

Cue RAW, exactly 4 weeks away from WrestleMania. Coach is in the ring, and says McMahon won't be at RAW tonight due to the injuries he got from the attack. Coach demands that the attacker reveal himself right now. Lights go out. They're back on and nothing has happened. They go off again and Coach is on the floor bleeding when they come back on. Jerry "The King" Lawler checks on him and calls for the EMTs.

During every following match, the lights go out briefly. Teasing the attacker. Cue the last segment of the show, and Austin is out. He says he wants the attacker to reveal himself before he beats down everyone in the arena. Lights go out. Back on and McMahon is shown on the stage. McMahon runs to the back and Austin follows. They show McMahon getting into a car and driving madly away from the parking area. Austin catches up and gets into a car, and speeds after McMahon. Someone in a hood almost gets run over and has to jump out of the way. End of RAW.

It is now 3 weeks from WrestleMania and Austin is in the ring, bitching about McMahon. Vince comes out and says it wasn't him who attacked Austin. Austin thinks he is lying, but McMahon said why would he bloody himself just to get you, when he could get someone else to do it?

Vince walks away with Austin looking bemused.

Austin is the special ref for a match between MVP and Jericho, and if Y2J wins, he gets a WWE shot at WM XXV.

Y2J has the Walls of Jericho locked in, and MVP is about to tap when a man in a hood and a mask comes out of the crowd and attacks Austin. He gets DDT'd and MVP is tapping. Jericho flips at the masked attacker but then MVP rolls up Jericho, and the masked man counts the 3 count, leaving the crowd wondering if the pin-fall counted.

While the masked man is walking back, Austin runs after him and starts to beat the crap out of him. McMahon runs out with a steel chair and whacks Austin over the head with it. Masked man and McMahon drag Austin back to the ring. Vince orders him to get a table out. He sets it up and Austin is up. One on each end of the ring, staring at eachother. Austin gives him the middle finger, and the masked man takes the mask off. It's The Rock. Austin looking stunned, gets a low blow from behind by McMahon. The Rock pounds on Austin before giving him a Rock Bottom on the table to end the show.

It is now 2 weeks before WrestleMania and Vince opens the show. He introduces The Rock. Vince says it was him (McMahon) who was attacking Austin, and just pretended to be injured when it looked like he was attacked. He says The Rock had nothing to do with it until Austin nearly ran him over while The Rock was merly visiting friends. Vince signs The Rock and Austin for a match and says the contract signing will be on the final RAW before WrestleMania. Vince says Austin has been barred from the arena and security will make sure he does not wreck anything tonight. Y2J vs MVP is on again, same stipulation.

The Rock says he is gonna leave, and begin training for his match with Austin. He is shown being escorted out of the arena, then getting into his sports car and driving off. As he goes, Austin drives after him, ramming him. They are shown driving off, while Vince does not know a thing. Y2J wins the match and goes on to face Cena for the title.

As Vince leaves Coach is back and says Austin is chasing The Rock around the city. Vince and Coach get into a car and drive off in a rush to find them. Cameras pick up Austin with The Rock. Rock is out of his car and Austin is pounding away at him. Austin said he is gonna make The Rock pay. While Rock lays on the ground, Austin gets back into his car and revs it up. Rock is just about up as Austin goes full speed for him. The signal gets cut and misses the end, with RAW ending at that point.

On they say fans will find out what happened on the final RAW before WM XXV. Vince says do not expect Austin to make the contract signing, so Vince will sign the contract on Austins behalf.

Its the final RAW before WrestleMania and no-one see's Vince, Rock or Austin. Its the final part of RAW and everything is in place for the contract signing. Security are heavily surrounding the ring. Vince is the first out. He says as RAW went off the air, another cameraman taped the footage of what happened. Vince is shown in his car with Coach, ramming into Austin's car before it hits The Rock, and Austin's Car falls into the river below.

Out comes The Rock with a bag. In it, he has the Smoking Skull Belt. He says no-one has heard from Austin, not his family, not anybody. He says he has the belt because he stole it from Austin's house after trying to get him for trying to kill The Rock twice. Rock thanks Vince for saving his life, they shake hands. Rock says they will have to wait and see if Austin turns up for their match, and they get down to the signing. The Rock is first to sign. Crowd are going nuts chanting "AUSTIN!! AUSTIN!!". The Rock says Austin won't be here.

Coach runs into the ring and pleads with The Rock to listen to him. He says something terrible has happened to his home. They go to The Rock's "home" and show it completly trashed. Coach said it police found it trashed at 3:16pm. Rock is shown going nuts as Austin's music hits. Rides into the arena in a jeep, almost rams into the ring. He sprints out but all security jump on him. They manage to hold him. McMahon says let him into the ring under hold. So they take Austin into the ring while holding him back. The Rock trashes Austin and slaps him across the face. Austin is doing all he can but The Rock and Vince pummle him across the face. Austin is left bleeding. Vince cuts Austin's finger and forces him to sign in blood. They then continue to attack him after Vince sends the security out of there.

They are attacking him like animals, pounding the life out of him. Rock asks Austin how he survived the fall into the river, and Austin said Vince also pissed someone else off, and they were with me the whole way. Kennedy's music hits and he runs out of the crowd and attacks Rock and McMahon. Kennedy helps Austin up as Rock and Vince scamper up the ramp. Security runs back out and stands in the middle to prevent anything happening. Kennedy says Austin is not going to WM alone, as Kennedy will be in his corner. Vince and Rock look on shocked as Austin guarentees a win. RAW ends.

WrestleMania XXV

The Rock w/Vince McMahon vs Stone Cold Steve Austin w/Mr. Kennedy

Austin wins after Kennedy takes out Vince, and Austin gets the stunner on The Rock. Austin goes to shake Kennedy's hand but stunners him. Austin drinks beer to end the show.
Can't take this. It took me yonks to write that and I get no replies.

Because it was pointless. Austin at Mania already has it's own thread. Also you wouldn't really need to book Austin at Mania. Because Mania sells anyway. And an Austin return match would sell anyway.

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