Book a wrestling storyline


Excellence of Execution
I've done this before, but it's been a while. You can take any promotion's wrestlers (or even make up your own), and create a storyline with them. Here are the rules:

1) The storyline must last a minimum of three months.

2) You have to plan your storyline for 1 TV show a week and 1 PPV a more, and no less.

3) Your storyline has to fit within the confines of television limitations. For example, saying you'd have New Jack come in, tell everyone to fuck off and then slice people with a knife is not allowed.

4) This is not a "Book This" thread. I don't want a whole roster of workers, I'd say no more than 4 would be the best number.

5) Book like money is no object.

6) You are not allowed to provide your own quality ratings to a match. So, you can't say that HBK and Morrison put on a 7 star match, which leads to everyone in the stadium giving them a standing ovation after the match is over.

What kind of storylines can you come up with?
I can't very well think up at least 1 thing to happen each week over 12 plus weeks withing the confinds of a single post. Good job I'm going to be the first to book what everybody else apparently want to see. Sting vs. Undertaker.

Obviously I'm going to steal heavily from the Hogan/Sting feud. Why come up with a worse idea when I can just steal a good one.

It'd probably start it at Survivor Series. You see him in the crowd. This carries on for a month or so. The at Armageddon somebody who doesn't have a matcfh comes out. Probably Jericho. He's annoyed he's not wrestling on the card, unlike that guy in the audience (who nobody but the crowd have acknowledged by name yet) he wants to wrestle. This leads to more promos until they have a match at the Rumble. This will be Stings first match. The first of only three I'm promoting. He wins with relative ease. In and out of the ring in 10 minutes max.

Then, instead of appearing whilst random wrestlers are in the ring, he only appears when Undertaker is wrestling. There's hardly any talking. Sting saves Undertaker from a beatdown by whoever he's still feuding with at the time. There's that intimate look in the eyes that Undertaker gives more wrestlers he respects. Undertaker wins his current feud at No Way Out and it's finished. He does his arm-raisy-thing in victory, the lights go out, Sting is standing in front of him. They stare each other down. Then it's the third Elimination Chamber of the evening, or something.

More staring over the next six weeks. Not much else. Some nobodies jump Sting, Undertaker saves him. The nobodies jump Taker, Sting saves them. Sting accidentally hits Taker with a baseball bat, Undertaker chokeslams him. Sting causes Undertaker to lose an important match. Maybe the right to have a shit match with Triple H. The Mania match is then announced on Superstars, for added effect.

They have the match, people say it's great, it's so-so, it doesn't matter, WrestleMania moment and all that jazz.

On the next episode of Smackdown Sting comes out, speaks for the first time, says thanks, sings Leave The Memories Alone, or whatever that Ric Flair song is. But wait, what's this? It's only Edge, or somebody fans want to see Sting face more. He respects him, but he wants to face him. Edge does the dummy face thing for a couple of weeks until he turns on Sting. Match for Backlash.

Sting wins, leaves. They don't call it the end, but it's obvious from how well the match is put together. It goes on last. Mostly because nobody wants to see HHH lose at Backlash when he should've lost at WrestleMania.

It's simple, effective. People will buy into it without the usual Undertaker WrestleMania hype. No need for the casket that year mon âme.
I'm going to do John Cena vs Randy Orton. Cena is the current WWE champion. HHH had won the title at The Bash pinning Orton and Orton wanted revenge but after failing to win the Royal Rumble in January last being eliminated by Cena. Orton didn't get another chance at retribution against Triple H and John Cena beat Triple H for the title at Wrestleania 26. Triple H was injured and Cena needed a new number one contendor enter Randy Orton. The storyline starts off after Wrestlemania. Cena comes out on Raw and puts himself over as the new champion. He talks about how he is glad to be champion again but he hated to see a competitor like Triple H get injured in the process. This prompts Randy Orton and Legacy to come out and Orton talks about how Cena shouldn't regret Triple H getting injured. Ortondidn't regret it when he hurt Triple H last year and he won't regret it when he hurts John Cena en route to regaining the WWE title. Cena says that if Orton wants to threaten his livelyhood and his passion if he wants to threaten to take away the one aside from his new beautiful wife that means everything to him then Cena will end him. Cena challenges Orton to a non-title match right now but Orton says he doesn't compete in non-title matches and he won't face Cena unless the title is on the line. Orton tells Cena to fight Cody Rhodes tonight instead. The main event comes and Cena beats Rhodes easily with the STF. Cena refuses to le go which causes Ted DiBiase to come down to the ring. Cena quickly disposes of DiBiase as well as Orton watches from the ramp. Cena challenges Orton to a title match at Backlash.

The next week on Raw Cena faces DiBiase. This match is a little more competitive than the week before but Cena once again wins this time with the Attitude Adjustment. Afterwards Rhodes comes down in an attempt to take out Cena but is easily disposed off. Rhodes coming down was actually a distraction however as Orton comes through the crowd and delivers an RKO to Cena when he turns around. Orton grabs the title and stands tall over Cena. Orton and Legacy leave with the WWE title as Raw goes off the air.

Two weeks until Backlash and Orton and the rest of Legacy come out to the ring. Orton has the title on his shoulder he is smirking and going on about how the belt being on his shoulder is a sign of things to come because at Backlash the champ will be here and his name is Randy Orton. John Cena comes out and challenges Randy to a match. He says the winner should get to pick the stipulation. Orton agrees to the match and Cena adds one more thing Legacy is banned from ringside. The match goes on and at numerous points Cena tries to put away Orton but Orton escapes every hold counters every offensive maneuver Cena throws at him. Cena finally locks in the STF and Orton crawls outof the ring grabs the title and gets counted out. Lillian announces Cena as the victor and Cena grabs a microphone and says at Backlash its gonna be John Cena vs Randy Orton Hell in a Cell!

The final week before Backlash. Orton comes out and is livid about the Hell in a Cell match. He has lawyers with him and says that the Cell is a liability to his career and he will nto compete in it. Cena comes out and says he made it a Cell match to keep Legacy out. He says Orton has tried to end countless careers and now Cena is gonna end his. Orton says he will not compete in that mach. Vince McMahon comes out and says not only will Orton compete in that match but if he loses Legacy must disband. Orton is furious and storms off with his lawyers. Cena has a match later that night with Kane and Cena has Kane in the STF Kane is about to tap out when Orton comes out from underneath the ring slides in and Punts Cena in the skull. As Kane is leaving Orton grabs the microphone and says lets see if you even make it to Hell in a Cell. He walks back to the corner of the ring and is about to deliver another Punt Kick to Cena when Triple H's music plays. Orton is about to turn tail and run when Triple H reminds Orton that it isn't over and Triple H is using his rematch clause on the winner of Orton/Cena at Backlash.

Backlash is here and noone is even sure if Cena will be physically able to compete. Orton comes out alone to the ring and gets in the ring. Cena's mucis plays throughout the arena but noone comes out. The referee starts to count to ten and when he reaches nine Cena's music plays again. This time he comes out. He has a huge lump on his head and is limping down to ringside. He gingerly crawls in and the cell is lowered and locked. Orton has a half smile half worried look on his face but the men lock up. The whole match Orton targets Cena's headand for awhile it looks like he has a concussion. Cena fights on though andthe action spills out to the top of the cage. Orton sets Cena up for an RKO and it looks like he intends on dropping Cena trough he top of the Cell. But Cena pushes him off and almost sends Orton off the cage. They continue fighting and Orton punches away at Cena's temple almost sending hm off the cell but when Orton goes for the knockout blow Cena catches him on his shoulders and delivers an impressive Attitude Adjustment sending Orton careening off the Cell and through the announce table below. Orton is unconscious now and Cena is standing tall on top of the cell the crowd is unknowing what to do. The match must end in the ring so Cena makes his way down. Triple H comes out and stares at Cena for a moment before helping him lift Orton's dead weight into the ring. Cena pins Orton and shakes Triple H's hand looking forward to another great contest between the two after the handshake. Triple H pedigrees Cena and poses to end the show.

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