Book a superstars ring return


The clue's in the title people. Book the return of a wrestler who is not in mainstream wrestling at the moment. It could be anyone from the Ultimate Warrior to D'Lo Brown, they could return to either WWE or TNA. Try to use the set-ups the company's have already, obviously it could be a few months down the line but try to keep true to what is currently going on and how you'd work your returning superstar into proceedings.

I would start out but I am shit at this sort of thing and no one wants to hear how Rico should return and team up with Charlie Haas, I might steal some good ideas later.

Bret Hart returns for Wrestlemania to referee a match... possibly HBK vs Undertaker?

Or... he makes a debut at TNA, and helps Sting against the rest of the main event mafia, to eventually take on Kurt Angle.
This is just off the top of my head without thinking about it much and it's not that great, but anyway...

Randy Orton is in the ring on RAW cutting a promo about how he's the greatest professional wrestler in the history of this business and how his finisher, the RKO, is the greatest and most devestating cutter and how many wrestlers he has put away with it and bragging on about whatever else.

Then 'Self High Five' hits and Diamond Dallas Page enters the arena, doing his signature Self High Five hand sign and then runs through the crowd and gets into the ring and then challenges Randy Orton at Summer Slam for a match to determine who has the best finisher because he thinks that the Diamond Cutter is better than the RKO and in the weeks leading up to Summer Slam, they both interfere in each others matches, giving each other their finisher to show the strength of their finishing move.

I know that's never going to happen, but I can wish can't I.
They should have had sid return to challenge the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Although HBK is the best available choice, I would like to see Sid back in a WWE ring
on a episode of raw have jericho in the ring verbally bashing random wrestlers for being sellouts and what not like he usually does nowadays and while he's doin it he mentions the rock for running off to hollywood and than all of a sudden he shows up unexpected and challenges jericho at wm25 to finally shut his mouth
This is a great topic. I think I am going with Bret Hart. Imagine all the Hart pupils in the WWE now. Tyson Kid, DH Smith and Natty Neidhart. All of them are in a slump. Loosing matches here and there...not knowing what they are missing. You see them backstage on there cells talking to someone. They keep saying to the mysterious person "we know we are screwing up, but we are not sure what is wrong. Do you think you can come back and help us out?" You here them mentioning that "he" will be there soon. Then when raw is in Calgary one here the music...the crowd pops like crazy. Bret Hart is back with the WWE. He says he has been home for some time and has missed wrestling and the fans. He says that there is a new generation of the Hart family here trying to find there way and he is here to give them the guidance and leadership they need to get to the top of the WWE. He brings them together in the ring and says "Welcome to the Hart Foundation 2.0 and we are here to put the Hart name back where it needs to be and that is at the top of the WWE."
For this well just pretend that vladmir koslov deafeted Hbk on raw.

Ok Raw begins with HBK standing in the Rings he announces that yes he lost to koslov, and on the day he was beaten by a better man on the day.

Though he says coming up is Wrestlemania 25, the biggest theres ever been, I AM THE SHOWSTOPPER I AM THE HEATBREAK KID and i demand that Wrestlemania 25 the biggest of them all that i be put in the spotlight becoz wats wrestlemania without MR WRESTLEMANIA.

Suddenly the Glass Shatters the and crowd erupts, (Hoping that there arent many cena fans who probaly dont remember stone cold) you here king go "WHAT ITS AUSTIN WHATS HE DOING" Austin comes into the ring does his thing grabs the mic.

Well i was sitting backstage and was going to come out later and talk about myself getting inducted, when i heard you talking about headlining wrestlemania, so i thought steve you old son of a bitch lets go do it want last time. He carries on and Evantually says IF YOU WANNA SEE STONE COLD AND HBK AT WRESTLEMANIA GIMME A HELL YEAH.
The finish there promo with them shaking hands b4 steve gives shawn the middle finger salute.

Next week on Raw.
Austin makes an Entrance, and begins his promo talking about him and HBK. He reminds shawn about how he whipped his ass and wrestlemania 14. HBK enters the ring the two go face to face. Steve says Shawn are you ready to compete against MR WRESTLEMANIA etc etc. Austin says hes done it all hes beaten them all. All the greats...

He makes his way to the ring does his thing. JR GOING SPAZ ON THE MIC, HOGAN IT CANT BE, HULKAMANIA LIVES ON.

Hogan says that Steve has gone agaisnt them all... Except with himself... Us three are the three biggest names in this industry ever how about we all go agaisnt each other and make this THE BIGGEST MATCH OF ALL TIME. They both agree. And all lock in a stare down.

Next Week On Raw In Miami Florida The Week before Wrestlemania

All three are in the ring. All bragging about what they have achieved.
When suddenly the Titantron Hits. It seems to be just the voices of the crowd at last years hall of fame screaming ONE MORE MATCH ONE MORE MATCH, then Austin and Micheals are shown on screen as they were last year.
Then Hogan is shown the week before saying We are the Three Biggest names in wrestlings history...
Then These Words appear on the Screen
I Think Your Forgetting Somebody
Suddenly Some Dramitic Music Hits (Of Opera or something) and Flashes are shown of somebody beating hogan, and austin at previous wrestlemania, the person is blurred.
Then A pyro hits With A massive Explosion near the Entrance and after the smoke clears all thats left on the Screen is a Brahma Bull.
The Three stand there in amazement.

Suddenly the rock enters in a tradional rock singlet
The Crowd is going insane after years and years the waiting is over he has returned.
The Rock Enters the Ring Poses on the Ropes then Walk like he always did across the middle not even looking at austin micheals and hogan he poses on the ropes again.
Before Jumping Down and Grabbing a Mic
Hes not aloud to speak as the ROCKY ROCKY Chants are deafining.
The crowd finally quites down.
Damn it feels good to be back, The Rock has been thinking, This is going to be the Greatest Match ever, but how can you have this without The Great One.
The Rock has never Faced HBK BEFORE and Steve its still 2-1 and Hogan there aint no shadow of a doubt that the Rocks going 3-0. So herby The Rock enters him self into this match.
So Hogan you can take those vitamins Shine them real nice, then you pass it to Austin you can turn it Sideways and then Shawn YOU CAN STICK IT UP ALL YOUR CANDY ASSES.
So how do you feel about that he asks the three, Austin Laughs but shawn goes to speak before IT DOESNT MATTER YOU FEEL.
Shawn slaps The Rock before a brawl breaks out leaving austin and rock staring each other down Austin Signals 3-1.

Obviously this isnt going to happen but you can only Dream
There would be 2..

Jerich keeps attacking hall of famers, right before WM he claims he's beaten them all and that the Hofers should just keep to their small gym and autograph signings and leave the wrestling to him. The glass breaks and austin comes out after grabbing the mike he tells him there is one HOFer he has not beat then gives him the stunner setting up a WM match and the final austin match.

After HHH attacks orton the Match is off, Orton stands in the ring and claims he is the GREATEST second or third generation superstar in history. He goes on saying he's better then Shane Mcmahon, Dustin Rhodes, Reid Flair, or any of the Hart Family. After a rant you hear "If you smelllll what the Rock is cooking" and The Rock appears and does his it doesn't matter what your name is and talks about how he is twice the wrestler Orton will ever be and is the greatest legacy in wrestling.. Setting up a match at WM to see who is the greatest generations wrestler.
The Orton/HHH fued is in full swing Wrestlemania is just around the corner. HHH is taking on Priceless in a handicap match. Orton interferes and attacks. Priceless is holding HHH who is prone to Orton's attacks. Orton is on the mic screaming about how HHH pushed him to this. He can't blame him for violating the agreement not to touch each other because of his IED. He gets a chair and goes to strike HHH again and the crowd goes crazy as Bret Hart's music hits. Hart ignores the crowd and walks slowly to the ring. He has that trademark smirk on his face and he goes to Orton and offers his hand. Orton is skeptical but shakes. He speaks to him and asks "May I?" Orton gets his drift and hands him the chair. Hart smiles at HHH who is staring daggers at "The Hitman." Bret goes to swing and the clobbers ORTON! Hart and HHH clear the ring of Dibiase and Rhodes. HHH is surprised Hart helped him given their history and the history of Hart and the McMahon family. Hart just stares at HHH and leaves the ring as RAW goes off the air.

The next week starts with HHH in the ring asking Bret to come out. Hart complies and he says he knows Hunter is wanting to know why. Hart gets in his face and says, "Make no mistake I don't like you, and the whole world knows how I feel about your in-laws, but I've been seeing idiots like Orton disrespect this great business long enough. Guys like him should thank God above for men like Bret Hart everyday that paved the way for his success. He says once again he doesn't like HHH but at least he knows and respects this business. He is here for one reason only to teach punks like Orton a lesson and when that's done he and Hunter are going to talk about their issues and his issues with the McMahno family and about that belt on Hunter's shoulder, but until then HHH has an ally in Bret Hart. HHH takes the mic and says Hunter feels the same way he respects what Bret accomplished but personally he hates his guts and thinks he should get over something that happened ten years ago and Bret brought on himself by jumping to the other side. Hunter says he doesn't need Bret's help, but anyone who wants to shut Orton's mouth is ok by him. Hunter also says that as far what happens after they'll cross that bridge when they come to it but for now welcome back to the WWE Bret. They shake hands briefly and both leave the ring. WM is Orton vs HHH with Bret at ringside keeping Legacy in line.
RVD!!!. i would have jeff hardy edge and HBK having an argument about whos the greatest wrestler in ladder match history and they would be making there case HBK_ i pionerred this match im the showstopper blah blah blah, Edge- ive won over ten ladder matches blah blah blah, Jeff- ive stole the show at 2 manias, and a summerslam and a survivor series with swanton bombs! of the top of the ladder! blah blah blah
than RVD music hits, and he says and im the whole fucking show! and im back!!!! than we have a fatal four way TLC match for the ic and us titles restoring both belts back to prestige!!!

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