Bobby Roode's 'Glorious' Smackdown Debut


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When I saw roode come out for his match against aiden english last night, I thought at less they didn't try to fight the crowd reactions they we're getting like they did in NXT. This was the one thing that always bued me in NXT with roode, the guy was a heel, he was booked like a heel but clearly was getting babyface chants so why not just turned him istead of continuing the heel character. At less on smackdown he debuted as a babyface which works. This is a great addition to the upper mid card roster as I really want to see him go after the u.s title and wrestle guys like owens, zayn, ziggler and even aj styles. I woud even enjoy seeing him try to get a good match out of corbin.

After is debut last night, I see how a lot of potential with him on the smackdown roster and I'm glad they move it there with a creative team that knows how to booked talent to their strength.
I'm pretty sure he's still a heel. Of he's a face who's he feuding with? As a heel height can waltz into a feud with Styles next week.
I'm pretty sure he's still a heel. Of he's a face who's he feuding with? As a heel height can waltz into a feud with Styles next week.

But if he's a heel, why have i'm face aiden English in his debut match? The way he got booked last night screamed Babyface to me. If you wanted him to be a heel, you would have booked him to go against a babyface jobber like Tye dillenger and you wouldn't have told him to play to the crowd the way he did.
If he's a face, he can feud with Owens who's wrapping up a program with Styles. There's also Corbin, who obviously needs a feud with Cena now on Raw. There's even Mahal. I wouldn't go that direction and put Roode in a title match already, but it's possible. They only waited 3 months to give Nakamura that spot. If it were up to me, I'd turn Orton heel and put them against one another.

But I think it's gonna be Ziggler. He was finally back on tv last night, taking shots at everyone including Roode, saying something along the line of "maybe if I come out in a robe everyone would like me." It would be a fine way to go, Ziggler can carry on a decent promo and still go in the ring. It's hard to believe, but Roode is actually 3 years older. Roode is 40 years old, so I don't think they'll waste any time in making him WWE Champion. I'd be surprised if he's not already wearing the belt by the time the Rumble rolls around.
But if he's a heel, why have i'm face aiden English in his debut match? The way he got booked last night screamed Babyface to me. If you wanted him to be a heel, you would have booked him to go against a babyface jobber like Tye dillenger and you wouldn't have told him to play to the crowd the way he did.

That's a good point but he was always going to get an awesome reaction. May as well ride it this week or the next few and get him to be a heel after that. As a face he doesn't have anyone. The guy is a natural heel anyways. Owens has Shane, Mahal has Nakamura and Corbin is probably dead but could face Roode, that would kill at least one of them though. I had to come back and edit Rusev in because he has just been nothing for awhile now, so I dunno, he could run over Rusev but after that loss to Randy what's the point.Good to see SD got him with Cena and Ambrose both not on the show anymore. It'll be interesting to see how WWE handles him. Really don't see for any other reason to have Nakamura, Owens, Styles and Roode has the core 4. Orton, Styles and Nakamura feud in that order would be cool.
Folks, it's New York City. We know who Bobby Roode is. He has been through here MANY TIMES. There was no surprise in the reaction he got because we are all glad (?) he is finally on the Main Roster. He will be a heel soon enough. And, in turn, we will boo him out of the building.
I think he might be the guy they decide to "hotshot" to the top and topple Jinder rather than Namakura...

He's more prototype Vince style champion but is already massively over, replacing that Cena role. Nakamura might be a great champion, but Roode would DEFINITELY make one going into the latter part of the year... Also, Jinder, Corbin and even Nakamura could all benefit from working Roode and picking his knowledge.

I am sure he'll end up a heel by this time next year, but at this point it makes sense to keep him face.
Oh yeah this was awesome. I'm usually too negative and probably over critical of WWE, but this was great.

Roode is gonna be a star and he's a great fit for SD. A feud with Styles or Nakamura would be great. A feud or even team with Owens would be great.

I don't think he will be lost in the shuffle. He has presence and look some of the other "busts" from NXT didn't have.
I want him to be the fastest superstar ever to win a world title on the main roster - as he is 1) ready 2) deserves it 3) not that young.

He needs to get a quick feud for Hell In A Cell - possibly with Ziggler, before toppeling Jinder at Survivor Series.
I'd say that Roode is still a heel, I don't think anything will change with his character but that his reaction was due more to the fact that Brooklyn is one of the smarkiest crowds of the year. They'd have cheered for him if he came out and punt kicked a three legged, one eyed puppy.

As for what might happen with Roode, it's possible he could be the next WWE Champion instead of Nakamura. As has been mentioned, Roode isn't getting any younger and the longer the wait, the less likely it is that it'll happen. However, to be fair, that's on Roode as he could've come to WWE a long time ago. I think it's very possible that Roode could wind up being the US Champion, or possibly the Intercontinental Champion if the mid-card titles and champions switch brands due to the Superstar Shakeup.
Impossible to happen as that distinction belong to Finn Balor and he was inserted in the title picture on his debut and won it 2 weeks later. Roode might win it quick but will in no way pass Balor
I want him to be the fastest superstar ever to win a world title on the main roster - as he is 1) ready 2) deserves it 3) not that young.

He needs to get a quick feud for Hell In A Cell - possibly with Ziggler, before toppeling Jinder at Survivor Series.
I would say he will be face for sure as they need more top level faces
They just lost Cena, who knows when Jericho will be around and Orton is planning to be part time
That just leaves AJ and Shin as top level faces vs
KO, Jinder, Corbin (well unless he gets banished for his infractions) and Dolph (I would include Rusev but I think he is done and being jobbed out now)
I think Roode will face some jobbing talent first. aka... mike kanellis is probably next. A slower buildup than Nakamura. They want to save Roode's Title win I think for Mania. So that means, put him in the Rumble and have it down to Roode vs Styles vs Rollins vs Cena would be good... As far as upcoming feuds. I say his first should be Corbin. Then move onto Ziggler... by then it'll be the Rumble. Zayn been dead on the main roster as Owens said and needs a "shocking" heel turn, and could be a sign that he'll reunite with Owens in the rumble maybe? So maybe that could be a feud too. I don't see Roode holding Gold until Mania though. Nakamura's gonna hold it first by Rumble, and then possibly Owens from Rumble until Mania?

Unless they do another superstar shake-up by the new year... then noone knows what will happen. lol.
I loved his debut. And I've liked the booking he has received. He hasn't been on Smackdown every week fighting so that's kind of good. He has actually been built well enough and it's good to see him on Smackdown. I hope that he gets in a personal feud soon. With someone like AJ Styles or Randy Orton.

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