Bobby Lashley for Smackdown Champion?

Bobby Lashley for Smackdown Champion?

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  • No

  • Its to soon he needs more experince

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Dark Match Jobber
How many of you think that Bobby Lashley Should be the next Smackdown Champion? I personally think Batista is overrated and Lashley can wipe the floor with him.
I think Lashley SHOULD be World Champion on Smackdown...just not yet, he isn't quite ready.

But I expect him to become champion sometime in 2007
Doubt it

Freaking WWE will give him the title from Booker.
Lashley is a future champ by far. But the guy needs to find his place in the business, he comes across as just go in the ring do a few moves and leave the ring.

To be a proper champ he needs to put a bit of flair into his work and get on the mic and entertain once in a blue moon. It cant be that hard to speak on a mic.

It's all good and well being a power wrestler but u need a bit more than that to carry the belt around ur waist. Ken Kennedy will be a excellent champ one day too.
size is really all he has...he has some in ring ability too, i cant deny that. but no mic skills and his facial expressions, even when very angry, dont seem much different from when he is happy. he has no threatening manner or look about him and always seems to be fighting back a smile...

bottom line needs waaaaaaay more 4-5 years
he's not ready yet, But I can see it happening within the next year or so, He needs to work on his promos and decide on a finisher, the running powerslam is stupid as a finisher and the spear is ok but over used he could keep it in his arsenal as a setup move for the dominator or somthing else devestating maybe steal the f-5 from lesnar and rename it the lash-out

more experiance at least a year and lashley will be a worthy contender, possibly champion
He's would make a great champ, it's just he's still a little too new. I hate it when they give the title to people too new to the business.
justinsayne said:
He needs to work on his promos and decide on a finisher, the running powerslam is stupid as a finisher and the spear is ok but over used he could keep it in his arsenal as a setup move for the dominator or somthing else devestating maybe steal the f-5 from lesnar and rename it the lash-out

LOL good idea
he to new as of now....let him work on them mic skills n et a nice 4-5 month run as us chmp under his belt then he will be ready!
i hope not booker is doing a great job as champ and deserves to hold the belt for awhile
^i agree but i cant deny i see him being champ next year.i was impressed when he grabed booker and did that spining move out of mid air.he has potential.a lot of it.
This isnt biased by my username, but maybe next year Lashley could be ready for a title run. He seems very dedicated, very talented, and does what hes asked to do. Basically, he is a great worker. Hopefully, if Lashley grabs the strap and holds onto it until Rey comes back from injury, those to could have a great title match.
He isn't quite ready yet. But it would ne nice to see him champ in the next year or so.
I wouldnt mind seeing Lashley as the champ... But I dont think hes ready for it yet.. He needs a little bit more time under his belt.. Tho it wouldnt be a bad move even if he did win the title... I just dont think hes ready for it.
lashley need to feud with like 2 other pple b 4 he get a shot as WHC...maybe a feud with kennedy in some hot matches...or a couple of arguements on #1 contender with batista

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