Bo Dallas


Dark Match Winner
I am not sure why people dislike Bo Dallas- His Gimmick.
I think his gimmick is actually brilliant, as he is a heel who essentially is positive and uplifting to his opponents. He is extremely nice and positive and tells his opponents they will be fine and just need to BO-Lieve basically almost not knowing he is a heel or acting like one.

I think this is a refreshing gimmick, and Bo has plenty of room to succeed with his gimmick within the new WWE landscape.

First, can someone explain how so many of you hate BO DALLAS?

Second, what do you think is his peak as far as titles, success, etc with his current gimmick?
Bo Dallas' extra year in developmental did wonders for him. His gimmick is hilarious and one of the cleverest to ever come out of developmental, and in terms of in-ring ability and charisma, he's already far surpassed his brother. I can see Bo Dallas being United States Champion before the year is out. This gimmick won't last forever, but it's got a good year or so shelf-life, and once he changes it up, we'll see what he can really do on the mic.
I don't know if the "everyone knows I'm a heel but me" gimmick has any legs to it. But I give credit where its due...the writers have done a great job having Dallas give his condescending pep talks to wrestlers previously down on their luck like Fandango and Titus O'Neill. Again the fact that he doesn't realize he's being condescending makes it funny, at least for now.
I hated Bo Dallas at first, but I have to concede that he's playing his role very well. He's supposed to be obnoxious and I think they've done a good job at subtly fleshing out his character- getting annoyed with Santino and cheating against Fandango. At least we're supposed to want to see him get pwned, as opposed to Adam Rose, whom we're supposed to like...but I really want to see him get pwned. Yet Bo Dallas doesn't really excite me in any way as of now. But I think I was hating on him for the wrong reasons.

I think that has more to do with how newer talent is being pushed. I'm tired of predictable matches and whenever Bo Dallas or Rusev takes on a lower-midcard performer, you can guess who will come out on top. Part of the reason I despise Adam Rose is he pretty much squashed Swagger and make it out to be a big joke. I want matches to be between two wrestlers who are (kayfabe) around the same level of skill. Bo Dallas just sort of represents everything I currently dislike about WWE, even though he himself is doing a good job.
I think it's funny.
The lap around the ring and everything.
It took me seeing him a couple of times to get into it but now he's one of my favorite parts of Raw.
I don't see him going past mid card champion but that's okay. Not everyone has to be a man event wrestler to be entertaining.
bo dallas character is created for fans to hate with no reason. He is comedy heel who act as a face. If you see his nxt work, you really enjoy by hating Bo. When he occupy the nxt ring like bryan raw occupy. Everyone is enjoy that segment. This is the main reason that Wwe creative put him in main roster. He became the solid heat machine after vickie. But we know his gimmick is short term may be a year. Once his gimmick over he became jobber like sandow.

If he wins the mitb then we see some good segment in raw. But he not included in the mitb match.
I Like Bo Dallas,he is way better than Adam Rose.. Bo the whole BO-Lieve thing he has,is unique and he actually has ability in the ring.. Plus If this whole Bo-Lieve thing goes south,he has that super creepy smile.. he is someone who has endless possibilities IMO..

He is more than a comedy act,he is flat out entertaining.. I BO-Lieve
I don't want to hear anything about shelf-life to a gimmick unless it appealed strictly to something ongoing in the world at the current time. Look how long Santino being carrying on the way he has or even Goldust. I think one good thing he has going for him is he isn't a bad worker in the ring. It definitely took a couple weeks to grow on me and perhaps management has hopes for him. Afterall he was hyped for his debut, was one of the last eliminated from the battle royal and he gets mic time.
Bo Dallas is a wonderful character, he's an interesting heel. A heel who thinks he's a face essentially. Now the the problem with how WWE have booked Bo since his debut has been that he has been booked against faces who the crowd really dont care about. This is bad for Bo because the way his character is, it needs to have a strong babyface to work off.
Bo gives positive condescending messages to his opponents after he wins, but against faces that no one cares about this then really mixes the crowd response that WWE are after.

They want him to be boo'd but his positive condescending stuff wont work against someone like a kofi kingston or a fandango. For Bo to get heat he needs to go after a Daniel Bryan/Roman Reigns/Rob Van Dam etc. The Bo character will get more over and people will understand it more. Right now theres alot of mixed respones from half the crowd cheering, a quarter of the crowd laughing and the rest with some mild boos.
I think he's great! There's certainly no other gimmick like this in the WWE, and I think he performs it brilliantly. I love how they've added in this "streak" as well, fantastic! I BO-lieve that as he's shown both the in-ring capability, and the ability to make this gimmick work better than most would, he'll be able to adapt further down the line. I'm not sure he can take this gimmick to main event status, but if it turns out he can get to that level, I'm sure he can adapt. This is not me claiming he definitely is some future main eventer type, as nobody really knows yet. But I've been impressed so far. I think he'll get a fantastic reaction from the crowd when he wrestles at his first PPV (I know he was scheduled to face Kofi at Payback, but I mean an actual match).
bo dallas character is created for fans to hate with no reason.

True, that. I'm enjoying the gimmick and think this is the right guy to play it. Interestingly, one of the reasons for that is....I hate his face. Really.

When he's not smiling, I can almost stand to look at him.....yet when he's grinning, I want to puke. Maybe it's the character he's playing or maybe it's just his face, but looking at him always makes me wish I had a bedpan handy.:)

Bo's youth works in his favor; can you imagine someone like Rob Van Dam trying a gimmick like this? Bo is young and strong; he's big enough to be a presence (although too young to have that loose roll of flab around his middle, imo) and he seems able and willing to be the obnoxious punk he's portraying.

Also, I liked the way he was unceremoniously dumped in the Battle Royal last week; it showed the company isn't ready to cast Bo as an unbeatable brat....I doubt he's headed for main event status any time in the near future. That's not a knock on him; there's plenty of room for growth in the mid-card.

I wasn't sure of this gimmick when Bo first started, but have warmed to it. He's doing a good job.

As long as he doesn't smile.

Bo Dallas is annoying yet funny at the same time. I believe if the fans took to him there would be no problem switching his condescending persona to a legit baby face caring individual. Honestly I could go without any Bo time at all. JBL certainly puts him way over every single minute he gets which I believe absolutely puts him in a good position for a minor title push but before a heavy weight run I feel like he needs to switch gimmicks. I say that because I don't see him running a victory lap after drop kicking say someone like Cena and getting away with it. I don't know guys, I just don't see the "I'm just happy to be here" Bo Dallas gimmick sticking around for long.
The "call me, mr. butterfingers " line caught me off guard last night on Raw and I have to admit I laughed. Key thing--so did the crowd. There is such a genuine commitment to the character and such a talent on the mic (apparently it runs in the family), that this character has legs that he'll be able to play heel and face. I've read comparisons to WCW Jericho, but he kind of reminds me character wise of when Angle came to WWF. Rather than being the humble Olympic gold medal winner that we might've seen in the past--he was holier than thou annoying. Bo Dallas will be worth watching.
I'm not a fan. I have no problem with his matches, but the whole "Bo-lieve" thing is so incredibly annoying that I find it borderline torture to listen to his promos. And, no, he's not getting heel heat from me. I don't want to pay money to see John Cena, Daniel Bryan, or Roman Reigns defeat him. I want him off my screen. I'd give him a second chance in a different gimmick, but I will not be a "Bo-liever" anytime soon. It's stupid. I'd have him join his brother in the Wyatt Family instead, his smile is so creepy that he would fit right in despite not having a beard.
I'm not a fan. I have no problem with his matches, but the whole "Bo-lieve" thing is so incredibly annoying that I find it borderline torture to listen to his promos. And, no, he's not getting heel heat from me. I don't want to pay money to see John Cena, Daniel Bryan, or Roman Reigns defeat him. I want him off my screen. I'd give him a second chance in a different gimmick, but I will not be a "Bo-liever" anytime soon. It's stupid. I'd have him join his brother in the Wyatt Family instead, his smile is so creepy that he would fit right in despite not having a beard.

Bo Dallas is already FAR superior to his brother in terms of in-ring ability. Putting him in a faction would be a waste of the Rotunda son who can actually make it on his own.
Wait a minute, you mean to tell me there are people who hate this gimmick!? Personally I think anyone who hates this gimmick is probably a little slow on the uptake. It's one of the better actual gimmicks to come around in a while, the only downside is that it might be a little too subtle for some people to wrap their head around. Still, it's nothing that you would need to read a philosophy text in order to understand.

Bo Dallas using this gimmick as a heel in many ways reminds me of some of the people I had on my facebook friends list when I still used facebook. I'm sure you all know the type: the naive, constant motivational quote poster. They probably think that they're giving everyone inspiration and motivation when in reality, most people find them highly annoying and/or stupid. It has touches of a motivational speaker that a school brings in for a mandatory assembly, spouting off about hanging in there and not giving up while an auditorium full of bored teenagers roll their eyes. "Oh no, not this guy again!"

Add to that the fact that Bo Dallas has come a loooooong way performance-wise since he was last on WWE TV. His timing is impeccable, especially. After his match with Titus when Titus slapped the mic out of Bo's hands, he retrieved it and continued like a BOSS. "Silly me, Mr. Butterfingers!" I don't care what anyone says, there might be five guys on the WWE roster who could ad-lib something so simple, yet so perfect for their character. There was no hesitation, there was no fumbling with the words, it was organic and well-delivered.

I thought Bo Dallas was lame and boring when he was Mr. "Fire And Desire" but I gotta say, he's made a Bo-Liever out of me. Those Rotunda boys know what they're doing.
I have to chime in and agree with the majority here that seem to at least be partial "Bo-lievers". He has taken a little while to grow on me, but the turning point was a last week (I think) on Smackdown when he wrestled R-Truth. Seeing Bo in the ring, dancing along to Truth's music (badly), and even yelling "What's Up!" was honestly one of the funnier things I have seen in a while. Just like his brother, he seems to be able to fully invest in his character.

My only complaint would be his finisher. I just don't think it looks that impressive and often looks awkward in execution. Other than that, I will keep on Bo-lieving!
In NXT, when the crowd were giving him merciless abuse, and he kept smiling and bolieving, I knew there was something special in that gimmick. With the help of a few people, Triple H included I'm betting, he's cultivated a great character.

He's not bad at all in the ring. He gets genuine belly laughs from the older audience members. And he's not a one-note character like Adam Rose. For example, it'll be very interesting to see what happens when Bo finally loses, or to see how obnoxious he becomes when he's holding the IC or US title.
Bo Dallas is the funniest character professional wrestling has had for a long time. The Mr. NXT segment, from the reveal to Bo screaming about how a security guard touched his bum, was absolutely hilarious. It was like when Chris Jericho was still, you know, good.

Bo Dallas is already FAR superior to his brother in terms of in-ring ability.

Not to take anything away from Bo Dallas, who gets (or has got) undue flack for his supposed lack of in-ring prowess, but he's never offered up a match near Bray Wyatt's best. Bray's hat-trick of matches against Bryan, The Shield and Cena - at the Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber and WrestleMania respectively - were incredible. In comparison, Bo's best matches were in NXT - against Sami Zayn or Cesaro - and were very entertaining but definitely not on the level of the Wyatt trilogy.
Seeing Bo in the ring, dancing along to Truth's music (badly), and even yelling "What's Up!" was honestly one of the funnier things I have seen in a while.

And he didn't say "Whats Up?!", it was "Whats going on?!" which was priceless. I've been hard on a lot of the NXT people they've called up recently (Emma & Adam Rose specifically), but I'm onBOard with this guy.
Not to take anything away from Bo Dallas, who gets (or has got) undue flack for his supposed lack of in-ring prowess, but he's never offered up a match near Bray Wyatt's best. Bray's hat-trick of matches against Bryan, The Shield and Cena - at the Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber and WrestleMania respectively - were incredible. In comparison, Bo's best matches were in NXT - against Sami Zayn or Cesaro - and were very entertaining but definitely not on the level of the Wyatt trilogy.

Bray Wyatt's only great singles match was with Daniel Bryan. Wyatt has to be carried by superior talent. His in-ring abilities are mediocre on his best night. Bo Dallas is more entertaining and has a much better sense of timing in the ring.
If Bray Wyatt's only great singles match was against Daniel Bryan then I'd argue that's one more great singles match than Bo's had.

I've seen the "has to be carried by superior talent" claim leveled at a whole lot of wrestlers over the years - including Randy Orton, John Cena and even Triple H of all people - but I'm not sure I can say I've ever seen it substantiated. Ultimately it seems to amount to as much as: one good wrestler and one bad wrestler aren't going to have a great match, two good wrestlers are.

I'm interested to know why you think Bray's in-ring abilities are mediocre and in what way Bo has a better sense of timing.
Did you see him as Mr NXT? I was enamored with laughter. I am extremely impressed with Bo. I agree, He does have a long road ahead of him. However, he is ahead of the game as far as his gimmick goes. His fits of rage/cry baby moments are stellar. His mic work is definately strong if not spot on. His in-ring work is at a solid level. My only advice. CUT YOUR DAMN HAIR HIPPY!

I hope to see him in the mid-card title picture soon.
I find Bo Dallas' gimmick to be funny and entertaining too. At first I didn't know what to think, but the more I watch him, the more his gimmick is reminding me of Matt Striker's pre-WWE gimmick on the indies. It's hilarious stuff. It's also pretty refreshing considering how most gimmicks are just not that interesting. I hope Bo Dallas sticks around this time and not return to NXT for an overhaul or something.
If Bray Wyatt's only great singles match was against Daniel Bryan then I'd argue that's one more great singles match than Bo's had.

I've seen the "has to be carried by superior talent" claim leveled at a whole lot of wrestlers over the years - including Randy Orton, John Cena and even Triple H of all people - but I'm not sure I can say I've ever seen it substantiated. Ultimately it seems to amount to as much as: one good wrestler and one bad wrestler aren't going to have a great match, two good wrestlers are.

I'm interested to know why you think Bray's in-ring abilities are mediocre and in what way Bo has a better sense of timing.

To give one example of a wrestler who had to be carried by superior talent, Ultimate Warrior. He had ONE great match throughout his career, and that was with Randy Savage at WrestleMania 7. Even Rick Rude couldn't get better than "okay" matches out of him, only Savage was able to get that one truly great match out of him.

As for Wyatt, I don't understand how people can say his in-ring abilities are anything BUT mediocre. I'm starting to think he really is somehow brainwashing people, because the IWC worships this guy and he's getting solid crowd reactions in the majority of the cities recently. I've seen everything he's done since coming to the main roster and I have NEVER been impressed by him, not once. His ring work is sloppy, his character is supposed to be creepy but he just comes across as goofy, and his mic work is terrible. What is it people see in this guy? I've seen guys give their first promos at indy shows who are more charismatic than Bray Wyatt. And his ring timing is just poor. He has no understanding of ring psychology, of when to do a certain move at a certain time to generate the best possible moment. Bo Dallas seems to grasp instinctively what his brother only gets once in a while.

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