Bo Dallas

Magic Mark

Former WCW TV Champion
Poor Bo, a man trying to succeed in a cut-throat business but simply can't due to the fact that he just isn't over. Like, holy shit, I've never seen this much hatred for a wrestler since John Cena back in 2006-2008. Or maybe Garrett Bischoff in 2012. I don't know, but the fact is that smarks just don't like Bo Dallas.

Personally, i'm not a fan of Bo. He's generic, limited in the ring, and he wears that stupid single biker glove that really just erks me. But at least he actually LOOKS like a pro wrestler, something that half of the NXT roster can't claim (if you saw my rant on the NXT roster names you'll get my point).

So, what do you think of Bo Dallas?
We hate him.

Good Night.

Crock will be with you shortly to fight tooth and nail.

What? Too short for Non-Spam this? Ughhh. Bo Dallas is small and smiley. He may have a future in the company but whatever the fuck is gimmick is right now, needs to be torched.

Wait, the fuck is his gimmick?

EDIT: On 2 strikes and scared.

Ok Bo Dallas is one of those guys that is nauseating as a face. He is loud and has no tools to back it up as such. He is probably the most boring part of NXT, and is their champion also YAY! The fact that he is related to Bray Husky Wyatt, makes me feel strange inside.
He's a bad generic face with no character. He's so smiley and boring that it's almost sickening.

I get he's paying tribute to his family with the single glove, but he just looks fucking stupid.

His ring work is mediocre and I think he does an awful spear as well.
I for one absolutely hate the guy. Don't really know why, though. Could be his face and how it looks like it needs a solid punch.

Now it seems that he's the butt of everyone's jokes... Well according to new memes with his face popping up everywhere. It's pretty hilarious and also creepy once you see them.

He's okay wrestling wise, though really needs a solid finisher. He kinda sucks with his mic skills, as I find his face promos generic and corny. I don't really know how he works as a heel, since I haven't watched his earlier stuff in FCW and the fact that I don't think he played one. I could be wrong though.

Trying not to be too critical due to my feelings, I'll try to make this post end optimistically for a change and say he's still 23. Young enough to improve over the years if he still has a job in the WWE. I personally don't think he'd be successful, but the guys at the WWE seem to think highly of him (or so I've heard years ago), so he can possibly go do great things if he improves and at least get reaction from the audience.
he sucks as a face but seems too small to go heel and make it any better

his matches are borefests

i dont know WHY he keeps getting a push when even Tensai has more potential

i know he is young and has a long way tomature but i would send him back to

wrestling school and change EVERY thing about him
Poor Bo, a man trying to succeed in a cut-throat business but simply can't due to the fact that he just isn't over. Like, holy shit, I've never seen this much hatred for a wrestler since John Cena back in 2006-2008.

Unlike John Cena, Bo Dallas is someone that really isn't all that good of a wrestler. He can't talk, he has no personality, his character is as blandly generic as it gets and his matches just don't seem to be all that interesting. With Cena, a lot of smarks hate him because he doesn't do all the flippy flops while bouncing all over the ring like a squirrel on PCP. Cena can talk on the mic, his matches are almost always entertaining to watch, he's loaded with charisma, knows how to tell a story and fans are CONSTANTLY interested in what he's involved in whether they say they hate his guts or not. Bo Dallas hasn't displayed any of those traits.

Dallas is only 23 years old and has spent his entire career in FCW, now NXT. It was clear from the very beginning that Dallas wasn't even close to being ready for the main roster when WWE brought him up, very briefly, from NXT earlier this year. WWE thought so as well because they sent him back down to NXT. When you compare him to his brother Windham Rotunda, AKA Bray Wyatt, he's so far behind him that it's too pitiful to be funny. Bray is only 26 but Bo has been in wrestling for about a year or so longer. Bo might be the better looking of the brothers, but all the wrestling talent looks to have gone to his brother.

If WWE is able to secure a television deal for NXT here un the US, then Bo Dallas should NOT be NXT Champion when it happens. If there are some who like the guy, then great, but I'm just not seeing anything remotely special about him.
I too am struggling to see what WWE officials see in him. He is bland in the ring, has a stupid smile, zero charisma and has no chance of getting over.

Interestingly when he won the NXT Title off Big E Langston the fans were booing Dallas. That says it all if he can't even get over in NXT.

On the plus side, he is only 23 and he has an impeccable pro wrestling lineage. Maybe he could become an ironic heel, smiling all the time and pandering to the fans whilst drawing heat because of it.
I have to agree with everybody else and say there is nothing at all to like about the guy. Dallas would make a far better Heel as he just has one of those face's you want to see somebody slap and with half the NXT roster being far more tallented WWE should really consider having Bo drop the title before People stop watching.
They have trodden this path so many times since Rocky Maivia, they know he is getting hate and being booed and they want it cos it gets it out the way... He has a certain look and presence that is never going to be popular with a certain section of fans, just as some still hate Cena with venom... but by him riding it out now and improving as he does so, he has a platform for the future.

He has a certain charisma about him but one that will over time evolve. Comparing him to his brother is a little unfair as Windham/Bray went through the NXT process and Nexus for his initiation - he too was considered a weak link and was seen as a failure but he took what he needed from it, learned all he could and now that is showing. Dallas has improved a heck of a lot since that aborted run on RAW, so now he has the NXT title he has a chance to improve further, as he'll be facing big names on NXT.

The name sucks, that's one thing against him - WWE doesn't want him using his real name and that is a shame as he is someone who would benefit from it but the important thing is that right now he is in a little bit of a false positon. If Richie Steamboat was fit he would likely be NXT champ or already on the main roster, Bo is very much plan B and that in itself isn't a bad thing but it means that if/when Richie recovers that spot is going to be hotly contested...and that heel turn might just happen.
I'm not the biggest fan of him but I don't hate him. Right now he's not the best at anything he's just half decent at everything. In ring and on the mic he needs to improve before he comes up to the main roster properly and the WWE saw this as he got sent back down to NXT straight away. I think it's harsh to criticise him because of his character as he has absolutely nothing to work with, all he can do is be some happy go lucky guy who smiles to the crowd.

He has time to improve until he comes up to the roster as he's very young. He should probably do something about his ring gear as he doesn't look like a top performer right now. If the WWE change his character we might see a different side to him.
He's awful. I do not understand how anyone in the company thought he was worthy of a push. He's a little guy who tries to wrestle like a big guy and it just looks silly. I have to assume that his bloodline is the only reason he's risen above jobber status, but why he was pushed to be NXT Champion is beyond me.
Unlike John Cena, Bo Dallas is someone that really isn't all that good of a wrestler. He can't talk, he has no personality, his character is as blandly generic as it gets and his matches just don't seem to be all that interesting. With Cena, a lot of smarks hate him because he doesn't do all the flippy flops while bouncing all over the ring like a squirrel on PCP. Cena can talk on the mic, his matches are almost always entertaining to watch, he's loaded with charisma, knows how to tell a story and fans are CONSTANTLY interested in what he's involved in whether they say they hate his guts or not. Bo Dallas hasn't displayed any of those traits.

Dallas is only 23 years old and has spent his entire career in FCW, now NXT. It was clear from the very beginning that Dallas wasn't even close to being ready for the main roster when WWE brought him up, very briefly, from NXT earlier this year. WWE thought so as well because they sent him back down to NXT. When you compare him to his brother Windham Rotunda, AKA Bray Wyatt, he's so far behind him that it's too pitiful to be funny. Bray is only 26 but Bo has been in wrestling for about a year or so longer. Bo might be the better looking of the brothers, but all the wrestling talent looks to have gone to his brother.

If WWE is able to secure a television deal for NXT here un the US, then Bo Dallas should NOT be NXT Champion when it happens. If there are some who like the guy, then great, but I'm just not seeing anything remotely special about him.

Bo seems to have gotten his charisma from his Uncle Kendall, while Bray spent more time with his Uncle Barry.

He's got potential. There's only been one guy in that family tree that wasn't a huge success, that being Kendall, who just never really cared that much about the family business... but he's gotta work on his character. Physically he seems to take more after his dad's side of the family than his mom's, but his dad was still a great wrestler who was also able to get over some great characters (Varsity Club Mike Rotunda was my personal favorite).

I don't think his future is as a babyface though. Like his dad, he's just too generic in that role, but unlike his dad, he's living in a time where a generic babyface doesn't work. Come up with something for him that has a bit of menace and arrogance behind it (like his dad as a heel) and I think the kid could be something good.

Then again, maybe like Uncle Kendall, he just doesn't really care much for the business, and is just doing it because he feels that's what he should be doing, or that it's the best way for him to make a living. As much as they were all extremely talented, the one thing that Blackjack Mulligan, Barry Windham and Mike Rotunda all had in common was a desire to be the best at what they did. I see that same trait in Bray Wyatt, but so far not in Bo Dallas.
If you're a goody-goody and and make all the girls scream chances are most of the male audience is not going to like you. I guess no one at any work place likes someone getting a spot at the company just because they're father was someone very special (or in this case many members of the his family.) I personally became a fan of Bo when he eliminated Wade Barrett in the Royal Rumble. I buy that he's this kid that is tough as nails and just likes to fight. Regal often speaks of how Bo toughed out and came back from a kidney operation on NXT. I think Dallas will win eventually win over a lot of the hardcore fans once he gets his first high profile physical match. When he takes the bad bumps and get his face busted open and keeps coming, more people will get behind him. Bray Wyatt is on another level from a lot of wrestlers on the main roster in the WWE right now. His promos are so good they could pull in the most casual fan because he just seems like a great character from a movie. Bo Dallas does have charisma and most of all like Wyatt he has passion, and that's what's going to bring both of those real life brothers in super stardom when the time comes.
I just think he's a victim of poor booking. That failed program with Wade Barrett has to be the end. I can't see him on the main roster again after that.
He's Rocky Maivia without the good looks or charisma. The audience didn't hate Rocky Maivia because he lacked charisma, they hated him because he was playing an outdated role as the clean-cut, "All-American" white-meat baby-face during a time when people started gravitating toward guys like Stone Cold Steve Austin and the New World Order. It's the same situation now. People want to cheer guys they perceive as "cool" or "realistic" and as such don't buy into the smiley, "Just happy to be here!", generic good guy role. Bo Dallas is essentially filling the same role as Rocky. A wrestler with a lineage in the sport who's playing the clean-cut good guy in a time where people would rather get behind guys such as CM Punk and the Shield instead of the generic white-meat baby-face. But, a big difference between Bo and Rocky is Bo doesn't have anything going for him to be able turn things around as Rock did. Sure, Rock was portrayed as a generic, "Just happy to be here!" type of guy, but he also had the good looks and charisma to go beyond that and win over his detractors. Bo doesn't have any of that, so he's stuck in the role of the generic, smiley good guy because that's all he's capable of being.
He sucks. But there could be potential down the line to introduce him into WWE as a babyface and have him interract with his brother. Bo realises his prother is a cunt (I'm sorry, I'm tired and I can't be bothered to think up more appropriate words) but loves him which createst all kind sof conflict and stuff. Eventually Bo joins the Wyatt Family which should help to get him over as a heel.

However he'll always look terrible, so that could be an issue. Get that man some steroids, tattoos, a broken nose and a haircut.
I think he's overemphasizing the cheesiness as part of the push, he'll slowly evolve into a heel with a chip on his shoulder and a dislike for the fans and their "jealousy"...of course this wont make him a better wrestler but he's young enough to develop as he's a good athlete.

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