Bo Dallas: future or failure?


Must See: Roode Vs Cena.
As I watch WWE NXT I see a lot of great young talents who are absolutely amazing in their performance in the ring and on the mic. These men and women are highly trained and NXT is a sort of training ground for young wrestlers. I think the concept is amazing because not only will these guys and girls be able to grow with their character and improve their skills. But it also saves us from seeing horrible green wrestlers on the main roster (well.. 95% of the time..). There are however some names who catch my eye every week. These names include, Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn, The BFF's, Aiden English, and Leo Kruger. However above all these names there is a particular wrestler who stands out as being the best. Of course I'm talking about Bo Dallas.

Bo Dallas has the IT factor. His gimmick is of a heel that is a delusional babyface who thinks that he is loved by the NXT universe. However if you happen to watch the show you'll notice he gets the best heat out of all the heels. The heat he receives varies from funny to strange. So far I've heard

- No More Bo
- Ole Ole Ole Oleeeee
- Pocahontas
- We want *insert wrestler name*
- Go back home
- He's a wanker
- You can't wrestle!

Some may think that this type of heat is X-PAC go away heat but I don't know about that. He clearly is hated by the crowd who consists of mainly smart marks and is a type of babyface John Cena but being a heel. He's only 23 years old and puts on great matches with Neville and Zayn. Before you marks out there say that it was all Neville and Zayn, remember that it takes two to tango. And if you watch closely to the moves Bo does it's smooth and perfectly executed. I'm not saying he's Orton or anything but people can't claim he can't wrestle.

He's perfect in how he controls the crowd with his character and everytime they throw a chant at him he manages to use it in his promos. People seem to dislike this guy for some reason and hate on him. But he is one the main reasons I tune in to NXT because he is entertaining. And I think that the WWE also believes in him because as of now he is the longest reigning NXT champion. I think Bo can achieve major success in the WWE and I'm expecting him to show more entertaining matches.

I would like to ask you what you think of Bo Dallas. Do you think he sucks or he's awesome? Do you think he's belongs in the future of the WWE or do you want him to be released?
Anyone who gets a reaction remotely close to X-Pac's deserves to stay. Even though Bo will probably never ascend to the same sublime heights of skill, it is still a flattering comparison. Bo will do just fine, and hopefully he can remain playing his clueless pariah character. Eventually he will need something else to stand out on the main roster.
Bo plays an entertaining character, but the problem is that his character hinges heavily on the idea that he legit sucks and that other wrestlers are better and more deserving of pushes and opportunities than him. The only way for the gimmick to work on the main roster is if they deliberately overpush him beyond his abilities, and they likely won't do that. Thus the gimmick falls apart.
I think the way they took Bo's squeaky clean face character and turned it on its head as the oblivious moron was a stroke of genius, even if they might have been forced into it somewhat by the crowd.

I think he could do well in the big leagues, midcard champion at least. I don't know if he's world champion material, but he's so young that he has years to improve.

The only issue I see with this is that he's kinda locked himself into being that kind of heel forever. I mean, judging by the NXT crowd, they will never cheer for him. So unless the reaction from the expanded WWE Universe is different, he may be stuck with being a heel for his entire career. Plus, turning him face would defy the whole point of his gimmick.
My gut wants me to say that I think he is a failure and I hope he's not around much longer, but that's not sensible or realistic.

My real answer is that only time will tell. The NXT crowd definitely gives him go away heat, (especially considering he was pushed as a face at the very start of his title reign. It was hilarious watching the crowd turn their backs or cheering for Leo Krueger like crazy.) most of that crowd has been around since FCW and have had to watch Bo get pushed to the moon there too.

BUT... he's young. If he can hold onto his job, he'll have a ton of time to improve. I personally think the only reason he's been NXT champ for so long is because his predecessors got called up shortly after they won. I honestly feel that the only reason Bo has held it for as long as he has because they don't want to move him to the main roster, (again,) while not knowing what to do with him if he were to lose the title and NOT get moved up.

One thing is for sure though. Like TempestH said, his current gimmick won't work at all on the main roster considering it's pretty tounge in cheek.
In my opinion, the only reason he (or his brother) got a shot in WWE was because of the last name. If I'm not mistaken, isn't their father (Mike Rotunda, I.R.S.) still working in WWE as a backstage agent? Anyways, I saw nothing special out of him when he made his WWE roster debut, although he did score an upset victory over Wade Barrett (which I could do nowadays), nor do I see anything entertaining about this guy now. Nevertheless, he will probably get 1 more crack at the WWE roster to see if his gimmick can get over w/the Universe.
He dosent have it. If wwe is looking for look and sales. Hes gonna fail big time. I dont see any potential to be honest. Thats just me
"X-Pac heat" is some of the best heat you can have. I feel Bo definitely has it. The fans don't want to see him anymore. They genuinely dislike him. It's the type of heat every heel should strive to have. If Bo has this type of heat in NXT, imagine what it's going to be like when he reaches the main roster. The reaction he gets in Full Sail will be exponentially bigger when he gains more star power. He definitely has a future.

The other types of heat you get are Vickie Guerrero heat and Sgt. Slaughter/Muhammad Hassan heat. Vickie Guerrereo heat is the kind where fans won't even let you speak without completely over powering you with how much they don't want you to be there. The Sgt. Slaughter/Muhammad Hassan heat is the kind that gets you death threats and networks wanting you to be removed from TV. If Bo ever reaches this kind of heat, I think he's a lock for a main event spot. You have to be so good at playing your character that fans just have such a strong and REAL feeling to the point where they can't draw the line between the actor and character. It's a gray area few performers get to. If Bo can get here, it'll be interesting.
I wasn't impressed with his first-run as an underdog face character. I don't have hulu so I don't watch NXT, but I don't think the kid is going to transform himself like his brother Husky Harris did to become Bray Wyatt. Bray Wyatt is going to be a big star. He's got the look, the character, and the charisma. He just needs more ring time. For Bray it's only a matter of time. For Bo unless they bring back the Cruiserweight Division I haven't seen anything in him that screams solid mid-carder.
Have him grow some facial hair and be a part of the Wyatts as a lowcarder/jobber. That's his only chance at being in the actual WWE on WWE programming.

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