Bo Dallas as Bo Wyatt


We all saw Bo make his debut at this years Royal Rumble, eliminating the IC champ, Wade Barrett and not a single person cared.

They tried to give him a program with Wade and still, no one cared so back to NXT he went.

I know a lot of people don't like him for a number a reasons but I think he could be made interesting by joining his brother one more time.

With Shield vs Wyatts on everyone's mind and Wyatts being the heels of this feud it would seem likely that a fourth member joins the Wyatts to make the Shield look down and out.

If a fourth member were to join The Wyatts, I really don't see a better candidate than Bo.

Bray talks about having brothers and sisters in the name of cause, so why not his actual brother show up.

This would bring Bo to the main roster while also Bray could teach his mannerisms to Bo, hell just give Bo a beard and he's a skinny Bray Wyatt

Ideas? Comments? Questions?
I don't see him joining the Wyatt family, but if he does get called up to the main roster again, I could see him as a cocky heel. I don't watch NXT much but apparently he turned heel there and got a lot of heat so maybe it's best. I however couldn't care less if he didn't get called up to the main roster again. I just don't see anything in him yet although i hope i'm proved wrong
We all saw Bo make his debut at this years Royal Rumble, eliminating the IC champ, Wade Barrett and not a single person cared.

They tried to give him a program with Wade and still, no one cared so back to NXT he went.

I know a lot of people don't like him for a number a reasons but I think he could be made interesting by joining his brother one more time.

With Shield vs Wyatts on everyone's mind and Wyatts being the heels of this feud it would seem likely that a fourth member joins the Wyatts to make the Shield look down and out.

If a fourth member were to join The Wyatts, I really don't see a better candidate than Bo.

Bray talks about having brothers and sisters in the name of cause, so why not his actual brother show up.

This would bring Bo to the main roster while also Bray could teach his mannerisms to Bo, hell just give Bo a beard and he's a skinny Bray Wyatt

Ideas? Comments? Questions?

I like it. It gives Bo an opportunity to finally be on the roster; he seems like he could fit in well with that group.

Although, why do I get the feeling that if Vince Russo was writing WWE, he would bring Bo and make him "Sister Abigail" of the Wyatt Family?:blush::shrug:;)
Having seen Bo in NXT and FCW many times, i can see him being built up as the next Randy Orton, however, i don't think he needs to be on the main roster yet, he is still only 23 and has a lot to learn. i think a feud between Bo and Bray needs to happen first before they can team together. Also, even though its an obvious choice, i would like to see AJ Lee be revealed as Sister Abigail.
Having seen Bo in NXT and FCW many times, i can see him being built up as the next Randy Orton, however, i don't think he needs to be on the main roster yet, he is still only 23 and has a lot to learn. i think a feud between Bo and Bray needs to happen first before they can team together. Also, even though its an obvious choice, i would like to see AJ Lee be revealed as Sister Abigail.

your sentence about AJ being revealed as Sister Abigail could almost work. her first name begins with an A obviously. might take a little creative writing but if done properly would fit right in with her masocistic character she has been playing for awhile now.

as for Bo if he is to be brought back up to the main roster I think this could work out best for him to join his brother
i would have no idea if it would work or not, i just think they have had 2 totally different careers so far and cant begin to think where he could be a fourth member, also, it would take even more focus off Luka Harper and Erik Rowan, and for me, they need to be pushed more than Bray cause it will be harder for them to get over, where as i think Bray will be over no matter what.
^it's very easy for them to say she isn't really dead it happens all the time in WWE land. As far as Bo Dallas in the Wyatts I don't like the idea. I think the only member they need is a higher power or AJ Lee.
^it's very easy for them to say she isn't really dead it happens all the time in WWE land. As far as Bo Dallas in the Wyatts I don't like the idea. I think the only member they need is a higher power or AJ Lee.

I can only think of one time in WWE when someone supposedly died and came back. That's Vince McMahon and he only came back because of the Chris Benoit stuff.

Also, Bray would be the higher power considering he is the founder of the Wyatt family and the only person with the name Wyatt
I can only think of one time in WWE when someone supposedly died and came back. That's Vince McMahon and he only came back because of the Chris Benoit stuff.

Also, Bray would be the higher power considering he is the founder of the Wyatt family and the only person with the name Wyatt

Kane was supposed to have been killed in the fire that killed both Undertaker's parents, but then Paul Bearer revealed that Kane had in fact survived the fire (although he was horribly burned), so it has been done before.

But I really don't think WWE would go down the route of AJ Lee being 'Sister Abigail' or anything like that. I would like to see another member of the Wyatt family though, I was hoping that Kane would return brainwashed after he was abducted, but that didn't happen. Bo Dallas joining could work.
I've thought about Bo joining his bro, as well. I think it could work--even without a beard, he certainly has a creepy enough smile to be a convincing lunatic. The thing is... his gimmick in NXT right now is so gosh-darn entertaining, I don't think it would be worth it for him to switch personas (if you haven't seen this week's NXT, please go immediately to hulu and watch the opening segment, in which Bo shows slides of his most recent vacation). Many people have the characteristics to be a Wyatt Brother, but I think there can be only one true Bo Dallas. Thus Bo Dallas he should remain.

It is a very good idea, OP, but I don't think it's the best way to go with Bo.
I can only think of one time in WWE when someone supposedly died and came back. That's Vince McMahon and he only came back because of the Chris Benoit stuff.

Also, Bray would be the higher power considering he is the founder of the Wyatt family and the only person with the name Wyatt

- Yes, Vince McMahon kayfabe died but came back
- Big Boss Man was hanged at WrestleMania XV and came back
- Someone already mentioned Kane was thought to be dead
- Kane's entire body was burnt, couldn't speak, etc, etc,... all of that slowly disappeared

The WWE has leaped logic before. And in way bigger ways. Sister Abigail isn't a character that was killed off. It's a backstory that could easily be changed, manipulated, or some other explanation. It will take 30 seconds in a promo to be explained and then we accept it. That's the WWE for you. AJ for sure could be, but she doesn't need it right now. She's over on her own. If suddenly they have nothing for her and she needs a push, sure, they can do it, but it should go to someone who needs it.

As for Bo Dallas... I don't know him, I don't watch NXT. But I like the idea of there being more Wyatt Family members that slowly debut one by one later on. This will put Bray over huge. And others can get a good rub too.
I can care less about Bo Dallas & I personally hope he is never brought up to the main roster ever again but that aside why does The Wyatt Family need to add anyone?

There has been a few tweets from other NXT Superstars about joining The Wyatt Family & I even read something else with fans & columnists discussing the possible WWE Superstars that could be added to The Wyatt Family. But why add anybody at all??? The Wyatt's are fantastic on their own & they're doing great right now, they don't need anything but some decent material to work with & time. I think it is the same scenario that many, including myself, have talked about with The Shield for the past year. Adding more members just dilutes the creative direction for the team & ruins the original allure of the group. It's the main reason why the nWo eventually folded.
Do you watch NXT? It would be like putting Santino in the Shield. There are vast differences in terms of size, in ring ability, appearance, and character in regards to Bo and the Wyatt Family. Bo will most likely be released after a couple more months in NXT from the nuclear hatred the WWE Universe has for him.
Do you watch NXT? It would be like putting Santino in the Shield. There are vast differences in terms of size, in ring ability, appearance, and character in regards to Bo and the Wyatt Family. Bo will most likely be released after a couple more months in NXT from the nuclear hatred the WWE Universe has for him.

The question should be do you watch NXT?

Bo Dallas gets a ton of heat oh man how could we ever want a wrestler to have a reaction. The guy is the NXT Champion and unless he drops the NXT Title at a live event I'd imagine he is going to be champ until next year.

Furthermore I agree AJ should be revealed as Sister Abagail because someone her size clearly fits in with the Wyatt Family. If they were going to reveal someone they had already said had died they wouldn't use someone that's been on TV for nearly 2 years longer than the Wyatts.
The problem is, I don't think Bo Dallas is talented enough to pull of a Wyatt character. Bo is better in the ring, but Bray is far more charismatic and comfortable on the mic. I enjoy Bo's unaware face gimmick cause it's funny, but I don't think he could pull off anything as serious as being a member of the Wyatt family.

As for whoever suggested AJ Lee joining the Family; no. Just no. They just don't need each other and it wouldn't make AJ or the family any better.
I've always been a fan of adding to stables. I wanted Punks SES to continue to grow, but it never did. The Shield never really made sense to grow. However- The Wyatt Family growing only seems inevitable, no?

Bo Dallas tho? No thanks. Let him do his own thing.

If the Wyatt Family is to grow in members, it should be with people that haven't been seen on WWE TV ever before. Must be someone new. That's why AJ Lee doesn't make sense either. If you want to add a female to the group (which I have since the start) ...then you add Paige from NXT. It's the perfect way to debut her. Then if & when you decide she needs to turn face, you just break her away from her "brothers". Shouldn't take too much work.

Other suggestions to becoming Wyatt Family members:
-Ohno would have made sense. He's already got the beard & looked devilish in his own way. But obviously that's not going to happen anymore. Other than him- what about someone like Corey Graves or Leo Kruger? Keep in mind- I don't watch NXT. So I have no clue what their characters do on NXT.

Bottom line- I say No to Bo as part of the Wyatts.
I just don't see Bo Dallas fitting in with The Wyatt Family. He doesn't have the look or the intimidation factor going for him. Bray Wyatt is a great, charismatic character who seems to straddle the line between charismatic backwoods preacher and deranged cult leader. Harper & Rowan are these two burly, hairy 300 pound physical embodiments of the scary hillbilly stereotype that enforce Bray Wyatt's will. They don't say much but, then again, they don't have to. Harper is especially good at using the bizarre mannerisms of his character to tell a story, like he was in his match against Daniel Bryan last night on SmackDown!.

As far as Bo Dallas is concerned, the guy gets monster heat in NXT. His character in NXT is just far too different for me to see him fit in as one of The Family. Dallas is the better in-ring guy than Bray, but Bray is far more interesting & charismatic. It'd be easier for Bo to get over with the heel character he has as it's more suited to him. Bo is clean cut, smooth skinned and slim. He's probably about 6'0" and right around 200 pounds. He'd be far more believable as something of a cocky, slimy and/or cowardly heel. Trying to have him fill a role similar to Harper & Rowan just wouldn't be at all believable and he doesn't have nearly the sort of charisma needed to carry out a role like a "cult leader" like Wyatt.

If they ever add someone to the Family at any point in the next 6 months or so, I think they'd be better off with a Diva but not AJ Lee. AJ has already been established too well over the past couple of years on her own, so shuffling her in with The Wyatt Family doesn't really serve any purpose in my eyes.
I see nothing on Bo Dallas other then some competent ring work, he is a weed, he'd fit in perfectly with the likes of Santino Morella and his band of merry jobbers if he ever made it to the main roster.

Possibly a run against his real life brother to try and get him over but it wouldn't work other then maybe with the kids, Bo is goofy looking, has a worse voice then Swagger and downright has the aura of a stunned mullet

Then again maybe he could work, he could be The Gimp lol
Since this thread is kind of expanding to who else could join the Wyatts, I think it's appropriate to ask this question: why didn't Kane join the Wyatts? After that very plodding Inferno match at Summerslam, remember how the Wyatts dragged him to the back? Did they just drag him to the back and hand him over to the medical staff or something? How in the world did that lead to the creation of Korporate Kane?

Kane would have been cool in the Wyatts, I think. He's maybe not the perfect fit, since he's got his own unique history, but it could potentially have led to some interesting storylines, feuds, etc. At the very least it would make the Wyatts an even more threatening stable than they already are.
Since this thread is kind of expanding to who else could join the Wyatts, I think it's appropriate to ask this question: why didn't Kane join the Wyatts? After that very plodding Inferno match at Summerslam, remember how the Wyatts dragged him to the back? Did they just drag him to the back and hand him over to the medical staff or something? How in the world did that lead to the creation of Korporate Kane?

Kane would have been cool in the Wyatts, I think. He's maybe not the perfect fit, since he's got his own unique history, but it could potentially have led to some interesting storylines, feuds, etc. At the very least it would make the Wyatts an even more threatening stable than they already are.

Who says he isn't. Doncha think it's kinda a funny coincidence he gets abducted by Bray Wyatt, and comes back and all of a sudden is "evolving". I think he's a Double Agent for Wyatt, and is being positioned for something. he does have Authority now.

I would like to see Bray wrestle! I love the shit out of his mic work and his presence is brilliant and he is totally over with everyone BUT he seems like he still is uncomfortable in the ring. I would like to see more than a clothesline a splash in the corner and sister abigail in his arsenal. Maybe i'm wrong (and if i am please feel free to set me straight) But more and more Bray is starting to come across as a better manager than a wrestler. On the topic though I do really love the idea of the family expanding since they showed several people in the promo videos so bringing in more people makes sense and Bo can only benefit from the experience.
I think this is a great idea!
You always see skinny scrawny trailer trash/hermits around so he would fit in perfectly.
You could have him dressed in jeans or something similar to Luke Harper. I don't think he should grow a huge beard, maybe just a few whiskers here and there.
Bo Dallas is more than ready for the main roster. He just needs a good storyline to get himself in there and here it is.
There've been reports of someone POSSIBLY being brought up from NXT soon as a new member of The Wyatt Family. I'd forgotten about this, but I remember reading that the candidate to debut is Judas Devlin.

I don't know much about Devlin aside from some basic info. He's 28 years old, been wrestling since 2009, he stands about 6'4" and weighs around 235 pounds. He has long, dark hair and a full beard though it's not long & shaggy like The Wyatt Family, but he has a lot of tattoos.,r:10,s:0,i:111

As far as the look goes, I could see this guy as a "white trash" hillbilly cult member. He's a pretty good sized guy. He sort of puts me in mind of a cross between CM Punk & Jack Swagger. His overall build sort of reminds me of Punk, though Devlin is more cut, as do the tats while Swagger comes in because Devlin has this tall, rangy type of build and doesn't look bulky.

IF this guy ultimately winds up being the new member, I'd say he'll debut at some point during the Family's feud with Punk & Bryan.
AJ being Abigail could be explained as Wyatts seeing her as dead once she left them behind to move up north.

I would have Bray Wyatt cut a promo begging Abigail to come home, saying "Have you not seen my tribute to you?" , "Abigail, come home". Lights cut out, come back on with AJ screaming in fear only to stop cock her head to the right just as Bray Wyatt does the same. WELCOME HOME ABIGAIL JEAN WYATT.

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