Blayze or Chyna?

Who better revolutionized women's wrestling?

  • Chyna

  • Madusa/Alundra Blayze

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Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
Two of Pro-Wrestlings top female wrestlers in the 90s. Alundra Blayze, a once jacked up women's wrestler who dominated the WWF Women's division for years before leaving to WCW and becoming known as Madusa after a momentous night when she trashed the women's title she held...

Ironically, like today's women's division, the Women's title meant jack shit back then as it does today but I digress...

After spending years in the WCW, Alundra Blayze captured the WCW Cruiserweight championship in December of 99 becoming the first female to do so.

After WWE lost Alundra to the likes of the WCW, the next jacked up woman to hit the ring would be DX valet and powerhouse herself, the ninth wonder of the world, Chyna. The legacy of Chyna is known to everybody who watches wrestling. You'd have to be a moron to know that she was the first and only female to hold the IC title...


Now I've heard a lot of people say (around here anyway) that Chyna would've been absolutely nothing if it wasn't for the grounds that Madusa laid down, and I can kind of see the argument, but in terms of who was better for revolutionizing women's wrestling, who would you pick?
I have always been a Madusa/Alundra Blayze fan. so I have to go with her plus she knew how to wrestle.

Now I know Chyna was in the rumble and won the IC title but that's because she was huge and she came in under HHH coattails as they were dating from what I understand.

So ofcourse Chyna may be remembered more by fans of the attitude era but real wrestling fans will appreciate Madusa more. She threw the WWF women's title in the trash on Nitro and won the Cruiserwieght title. She has been around a lot more and made a better career for herself. And look now she says in the spotlight with monster trucks and not pornos like Chyna has.
I think Chyna.

I know Alundra is remembered from the shocking moment of dropping a WWF title belt into the trash on a WCW show, but I believe that Chyna had the bigger impact.

She became a genuine star during wrestling's biggest boom period, and was accepted as a genuine challenger to the male wrestlers, becoming a hero to the females in the WWF audience.

She was the first woman to hold a major championship in US wrestling, which is a symbol of the impact she had on the company. I don't understand how Chyna gets criticised gor her wrestling ability, she is certainly one of the best female wrestlers I have seen in her prime, certainly better than almost all the WWE Divas now.

She wrestled men almost exclusively, and after going through a bit of plastic surgery was invited to pose of playboy, which was significant considering how butch she used to look when she debuted. Chyna competed in the Royal Rumble, had memorable feuds with some of the biggest WWE stars including Jeff Jarrett, Chris Jericho and Eddie Guerrero. She was an important part of the Attitude Era, and would almost certainly have been going into the HOF at some point, had she not turned back to porn and become an mess over the last few years.
I would say that both of them have done a lot but it really was Sable who brought women's wrestling back into the mainstream. It was because of her popularity that they hired more females and brought the women's championship back. It wasn't Chyna or Madusa. Madusa basically killed whatever women's division was left in wwf with her title stunt. Chyna really didn't do anything in the women's division until 2001 after it was already established by Sable and the women before Chyna to bring it to the forefront.

It was because of Sable that WCW started training more girls and hiring more after seeing what the WWF did with her and others and the popularity female wrestling was gaining again. I may be rambling but you get my point. It has nothing to do with Chyna or Madusa.

Also I wouldn't put Chyna in "women's wrestling" from what I remember , Chyna really wanted nothing to do with wrestling females and didn't even care about the Women's Championship.
Sable was there mainly as eye-candy. She was not really a serious least not at the level of Chyna or Madusa. I agree that she gave the division ALOT more popularity, but the women who brought the WWF Women's division up to a good standard were the likes of Ivory, Tori and Jackie. Sable was above average as a wrestler, but it was all about her tits...not her ability that made her a star. The other women I mentioned were the ones who made the division mean something, before the likes of Trish, Lita, Molly and Jazz came in.

You are right about Chyna not caring about the Women's division. I am pretty sure the only time she held the title was right at the end of her WWF career when she faced Ivory at WM (17?) when she was in the purple outfit and pressed Ivory above her head. I remember thinking she looked gorgeous in that purple top and tiny shorts.

I would say that both of them have done a lot but it really was Sable who brought women's wrestling back into the mainstream. It was because of her popularity that they hired more females and brought the women's championship back. It wasn't Chyna or Madusa. Madusa basically killed whatever women's division was left in wwf with her title stunt. Chyna really didn't do anything in the women's division until 2001 after it was already established by Sable and the women before Chyna to bring it to the forefront.

It was because of Sable that WCW started training more girls and hiring more after seeing what the WWF did with her and others and the popularity female wrestling was gaining again. I may be rambling but you get my point. It has nothing to do with Chyna or Madusa.

Also I wouldn't put Chyna in "women's wrestling" from what I remember , Chyna really wanted nothing to do with wrestling females and didn't even care about the Women's Championship.
Sable was there mainly as eye-candy. She was not really a serious least not at the level of Chyna or Madusa. I agree that she gave the division ALOT more popularity, but the women who brought the WWF Women's division up to a good standard were the likes of Ivory, Tori and Jackie. Sable was above average as a wrestler, but it was all about her tits...not her ability that made her a star. The other women I mentioned were the ones who made the division mean something, before the likes of Trish, Lita, Molly and Jazz came in.

You are right about Chyna not caring about the Women's division. I am pretty sure the only time she held the title was right at the end of her WWF career when she faced Ivory at WM (17?) when she was in the purple outfit and pressed Ivory above her head. I remember thinking she looked gorgeous in that purple top and tiny shorts.

I am not putting Sable above anybody , I know her wrestling was shit and she depended on everybody else to look good. Her success is what brought women's wrestling back. If it wasn't for her stint back in 98-99 , I doubt there would even be a division. They used her as a tool to set a bench mark. This next part isn't directly quoted to you but in general. Madusa's Cruiserweight reign was garbage. It was yet again WCW trying to copy WWF by having her hold a title , because Chyna just won the IC title 2 months before.
Madusa's Cruiserweight reign was garbage. It was yet again WCW trying to copy WWF by having her hold a title , because Chyna just won the IC title 2 months before.

Yeah, sounds about right to me, the usual WCW crap. Same as when they made the hardcore division, but not quite as bad as when they brought in their own female bodybuilder-type woman called Asya (Asia) which was clearly just a rip off of the name Chyna.

That company was so low on good ideas in its early days it was untrue. I am shocked they didn't end up making stupid characters based on WWF announcers...or inviting non-wrestling celebrities to wrestle in title matches! :lmao:....oh wait a second.......:disappointed:
for me it was alundra/blaze. Alundra actually knew how to wrestle could definitley tell a story in the ring!!! I think of of the most gifted women performers of her time!! I thought it was funny she threw the womens title on a nitro show in the trash can. Chyna was at the right place right time kind of thing and the only reason she accomplished as much as she did was cuz of trips!! They were dating for a bit back then so having said bf sure as hell helps her career!!
It has to be Chyna over Alundra Blayze only because WWE made a very talented wrestler with a pretty good ability as a heel into a generic babyface. They gave her an early push but it was very generic. Putting her in the red white and blue tights was just a sign that they had no idea what to do with her.

Chyna meanwhile was used perfectly in terms of building a character. The silent but deadly feel to her early actually increased her presence. HHH and HBK got to run around like maniacs and it left you wondering more and more about her. After DX took off even more they did the slow build to where you could believe Chyna could beat some of the guys, and then she did. If she came in now I think they would put the belt on her immediately and make her irrelevant in six months.

By the way, why did this thread turn into a Bash Sable-fest?
I hope that those of you who posted so far already realise that Madusa was competing in WCW years before she turned up in WWE as Alunda Blayze, right? Because the first post claimed she was in WWE first before jumping ship and trashing the title, or at least that's how it was worded.

I'd go with Madusa anyway because while Chyna broke down barriers by wrestling against the men, Madusa struggled to work and entertain fans in both WCW and later WWE at a time when fans didn't care much for females in the ring and managed to start the revolution that overturned that apathy, first by competing against Japanese women in WCW and then doing the same in WWE with the likes of Aja Kong and Bull Nakano.

She was also the female equivalent of HBK at one time, that's how popular she was. Anyone remember the advice column the two of them had in the magazines?

Going off topic, I also take issue at an above comment that implied WCW stole WWE if Vince McMahon hadn't used other people's ideas before.....
No Question, Chyna...She was without a doubt the bigger star, she was much more impressive, more entertaining to watch, and known by people that didnt even watch wrestling
Now Ima have to say this. Madusa revolutionized Women's Wrestling back in the 90's. And when she went to WCW she took their Women's Division to another level. So she was the forrunner for 2 promotions, and like few people done said, she can wrestle. But although Chyna was well known and led the Ladies into the attitude era, outside the women's division. If Madusa and Chyna went one on one, Chyna will win hands down. But to answer your question, Madusa was more of a Trendsetter for Women's Wrestling for Chyna, simply because she headlined 2 promotions. WWF and WCW.
Really tough call. I think it would be fair to say in terms of name recognition in the US, Chyna has Madusa beat by miles. However, Madusa was a huge star in Japan and revived women's wrestling after Sherri had left the AWA and dropped the belt to Rockin' Robyn in the WWF. The only problem Madusa had in the US was that she never had enough female wrestlers to feud with in the US. By the time she became "the Lady" in the AWA the leauge was near death and no one cared. Plus as I had mentioned earlier she is hurt by the fact that the WWF essentially abandoned the women's division in early 89 and well the Crockett/Turner NWA never really had a good women's division to begin with. Madusa's first run in the WCW was essentially a manager, so we never really ever got to see her do anything. Plus could you imagine if they had her wrestle in WCW at the time? Who would she wrestle Missy Hyatt? Madusa had a good little run in the WWF, but had the same issue she had in the AWA. She had only two opponents really to work with and it was Bull Nakano and Bertha Faye. Chyna had the luxury of being able to feud with Torri, Ivory, Lita, and even guys Mark Henry Jeff Jarrett etc etc. Madusa never had that. She was sandwich between a terrible time in US Women's wrestling. Due to this Chyna is the answer she had the better career. She revolutionized the women's division in the US mainly because she had the partners too. Madusa was good, but I will remember her mainly for being Ravishing Rick Rude's manager, wrestling Bull Nakano a million times in the US both of the WWF and WCW, and dumping the WWF Women's Title in a trash can. Chyna will be remembered for so much more.
The difference between the two is that Blayze actually did revolutionize womens wrestling, while Chyna did not. So she won the IC title. Big deal. That angle was an embarassment, not something she should be proud of. I can't stand her and there was nothing to like whatsoever. Blayze did far more than her famous moment with trashing the title. She was the more revolutionary of the two because she played a large role in moving the role of females in WWE from managers into regular wrestlers. She dominated the division and proved that they could do more than be valets. Chyna on the other hand just sucked and anything she did that could be considered impressive has already been done again by someone else, such as Beth Phoenix, in better form. It was Blayze that blazed the trail Chyna traveled, no pun intended. How Chyna got any votes in the poll is beyond me.
Are we talking the entire run of Madusa - Alundra Blaze from the AWA to WCW? Or just Alundra Blaze (WWF?) If it's the latter, then Chyna wins. But if it's the former, Madusa wins.

I never really cared for Chyna AFTER she became a "wrestler." I thought her gimmick as Hunter's bodyguard was a good one. Where she shut her trap, looked intimidating, and beat the shit out of everyone.................But then they let her open her mouth and treated her like a regular wrestler. That was a bunch of shit.

I never bought the fact that she could be IC Champ. I can understand her being in the Rumble. That one I can take. But her as IC Champ was bullshit. Then she started to bring out that canon, and that was it for me.

As for Madusa, she was NEVER good on the mic. I never really liked women wrestling, except for the Japanese Bomb Angels, Magnificent Mimi, and Trish Stratus, but Madusa could hold her own, and was mutch more enjoyable to watch than the Divas they have now.

I thought she was great in WCW with Rude and the Dangerous Alliance. The problem with Madusa was that after she left the AWA, she never really had competition in the WWF and WCW other than Bull Nakano.

I barley remember that WCW Hardcore Title win, but you gotta remember that was in the late stages of WCW when EVERYONE was holding a belt.
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