"Blackjack" Theron Daggershield

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the Frog

Real Name:

Shawn Daggers

Gimmick Names:
Theron Daggershield (Former)
Blackjack Theron (Current)

Announced as:
"The Natural 21", Blackjack Theron!

6 foot


Stephenville, Texas

Billed From:
Stephenville, Texas


----------------Hair Color/Length: Blonde, medium length spiky (similar to FF7's Cloud)

----------------Eye Color: Hazel

----------------Facial Hair: None

----------------Ring attire: Red cammo pants (similar to what Edge has worn in WWE), red boots that have a triforce image on them

----------------Backstage Attire: Cosplay outfits of Link from The Legend of Zelda (tunics come in Green, Red, Blue, Purple, Yellow, Black, White, and Grey)


----------------Physical Features: His hair spikes without gel

----------------Tattoos: A red dragon on his right shoulder and a blue dragon on his left shoulder (both of these are about the size of a normal human fist), he also has one of the Triforce symbol on his right hand.

Alignment (Heel or Face, not Tweener): Face

Main Gimmick: Dungeons & Dragons player with extensive knowledge on fantasy realm inhabitants

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:
1. Has been on countless quests by playing D&D and video game RPG's but struggles with separating fantasy from reality, therefore always acts like he is playing a game. Has a collection of prop swords he uses as weapons sometimes in matches.

2. He has a many 20 sided D&D dice that he rolls often and a deck of traditional playing cards that has four different colors (Red Hearts, Blue Diamonds, Green Clubs, Black Spades). He might incorporate the dice or cards into promos.

Sample Pic of Wrestler:


Brief History:

Theron Daggershield (real name Shawn Daggers) has been a wrestling fan his whole life, the only thing he loved more than wrestling was RPG's. A D&D player with many years spent in the fantasy realm adventuring with his friends (by playing the game) he has seen it all from slaying fearsome dragons to courting princesses, and the occasional goofing off in a local tavern. The more he played, the more into it he got. Shawn struggles with separating fantasy from reality, thus he stopped answering to his real name and thinks he actually IS his D&D character, Theron Daggershield, an Elven Warblade from the forests of Faerun. Theron sees everything as if they were in the fantasy realm of his gaming campaigns. He has referred to his friends, both in real life and in-game as his "Merry Band Of Misfits" before, a group of which he is the leader. He sees his immediate friends as the D&D characters they play. For example, his girlfriend Tiffany plays a female Paladin of Mystra named "Kirilah". Theron sees Tiffany as "Kirilah". He sees anyone else as having a fantasy realm race (such as elves or dwarves) as well as a fantasy realm character class (such as Fighter, Rogue, Cleric, or Wizard) and calling them by names different than their real names, which have become known as "Theronism's" by Theron's fanbase.

As "The Warblade", Theron fought for the honor of the D&D deity Mystra, the same deity that his girlfriend Tiffany's D&D character "Kirilah" followed. Now as "Blackjack" he is out to see to it that good wins over evil no matter what the cost is, taking the law into his own hands. Opportunistic, but still willing to lend a helping hand. He also enjoys raising animals. While D&D is his personal favorite, Theron has also played many classic video games such as Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, and more. Countless playing of these games over the years has given him an encyclopedic knowledge of said games.... Although when sharing said video game knowledge he'll call the games by their "Theronized" names such as "First Reality" and "Myth Of Esmerelda" instead of their "real" names due to how nothing in the "real" world is seen by Theron the way it is seen by anyone else. He is a gladiator out to stop the forces of evil within the World Gladiatorial Combat Federation, which is what he sees WZCW as.

Entrance Music:

"Mother Of Light" by Epica


Entrance Description:

He walks out with a trenchcoat and sunglasses on. Red, yellow, blue, green, and purple lights flash as the song plays. He has his prop sword in hand and does poses with it on the ramp and does some slashing poses while pyro goes off. He then walks to the ring and rolls his d20 before entering, jumps into the ring, takes off his trenchcoat and sunglasses before striking another pose, he tosses a Jack from his playing card deck to the fans, and is then ready for his match.

Fighting Style:


Previous Injuries/Character Psyche:

He is in it to win, no matter what the cost is. Good must triumph over evil. Period. He will go against the rules if he has to, if it means the villains are vanquished.

Finishing Moves:

1. Critical Hit (RKO)

2. The Ace Of Spades (Sharpshooter)

Signature Moves:

1. Dragoon Jump (Diving Elbow Drop)

2. Prop Sword (he gets a prop sword such as the FF7 Buster Sword or the Zelda series' Master Sword from under the ring and bonks his opponent on the head with it, similar to Jeff Jarrett's guitars. If it breaks he has an unknown amount of extras and thus always has more)

12 Most Used Moves:

Turnbuckle Clothesline
Knee Drop
Diving Moonsault
Missile Dropkick
DX "X" Taunt
Elbow Smash
Atomic Drop
Northern Lights Suplex
Dragon Screw


Eurasian Champion
World Heavyweight Champion
Main Evented Kingdom Come 7


Known Theronism's

WZCW - World Gladiatorial Combat Federation
Meltdown - Burnup
Meltdown Madness - Burnup Badness
Ascension - Elevation
Ascension Anarchy - Elevation Excitement
Aftershock - Tremor
Kingdom Come - Empire Rally
Redemption - Resurrection
Gold Rush - Treasure Hunt
All Or Nothing - Everybody Or Nobody
Unscripted - Uncalled For
Lethal Lottery - Risky Raffle
Apocalypse - Day Of Lavos

WZCW World - World Gladiatorial Heavyweight Championship
Eurasian - Global Championship
Elite X - Expert F Championship
Elite Openweight - Expert Prestige Championship
WZCW Tag - Gladiatorial Tag Team Championship
Mayhem - Chaos Championship
King For A Day - King's Contendership

Abel Hunnicutt - Kain Nectarslice
Action Saxton - Monk Of Brass Tuba
Alhazred - Alakablue
Amber Warren - Duchess of Dragons
Anthony Mancini - Antonio Manoosko
Aubrey Sloan - Annaleesa of Moonsea
Austin Reynolds - Augustus Redlands
Barrett Stratton - Britanicus Strattonus
Batti Otaku - Valvalicia "The Bat" Octomamm
The Beard - Beardacus
Black Dragon - The Dark Dragon Shaman
Blade - The Cutting Tool
Bruce Irwin - Bret "The Lizardman" Ivyson
Cassanova - Cecil Flarebook
Celeste Crimson - Cecilia Rose
Chris K.O. - Clovis The Stunning Fist
Constantine - Kaiser
Daddy Mack - Father Apple
Darren Bull - Darius the Taurus
Derek Jacobs - Decius Jabari
Diabolos - Dybbuk
Dorian Slaughter - Deangelo Genocide
Dr. Zeus - Davkas Diamonddeath
Drake Callahan - Drago Cromwell
El Califa Dragón - Czar of Dragons
elegANT - humbleBEE
El Swago - La Charisma
Eve Taylor - Ella Teague
Everest - Summit
Fallout - Marrmell
Flex Mussél - Frank Physique
Frank Mortlock - Felix the Purple Dragon Knight
Garth Black - Garr Fahl
Gino Galucci - Mallow the Pizza Merchant
Grizzly Bob - Babba Dingo
Haven - Harbor
Isabel Stone - Thorra Boulder
James Howard - Jonas House
John Doe - The Character Sheet
Johnny Scumm - Julius Slime
Jonathan Hyada - Ken Moth
Justin Cooper - Justinian Imp
Kagura Ohzora - Kaitlyn Onyx
Lexi Hayes - Lauren the Paladin of Torm
Logan McAllister - Lokarion Kemultt
Luke Manson - Lucien Montesanto
M - N
Mark Keaton - Wallace Lancaster ("Not Bad" Wallace Lancaster = "Remarkable" Mark Keaton)
Matt Tastic - Leonaros Moonshadow
Mikey Stormrage - Michelangelo Tempest
Noah Ryder - Neil Ranger
Phoenix - Quezacotl
Prince - The Monarch
Ramparte - Graven Darksbane
Red Mask - Crimson Visor
Ricky Runn - Steven Sprint
S.H.I.T. - CRAP (Construct Returning All Pain)
"Showtime" Cougar - Daniel "The Main Event" Jaguar
Steamboat Ricky - Swashbuckler Ricardo
Steven Holmes - Sealamin Glimmergaunt
Titus - Tidarthian
Triple X - Triple S
Ty Burna - Tiberius Scorch
Tyrone Blades - Tiberius Cutlass
Vega - Vire Silverclaw
Vee ADZ - Zee Alpha Zeta
Veejay - Victaulic the Bard
Xaitlyn Serpiente - Deis Bluesnake
Xander LeBelle - Excalibur Labarbra

Apostles of Chaos - The Acolytes of Crisis
Bearded Ants - Facial Hair Bees
Cerberus - The Garmr Dogs
Children of the Damned - Sons Of Shar
The Elite - The Excellence
Hard Metal Penetration - Soft Golem Infiltration
Live Mas - The Mighty Sweets
Phantoms of Chaos - Draconic Liches
Sacrificial Altar - The Sacriligious Tabernacle
Saxoteur - Tubaphone
Strikeforce - Smashdrive
The Trinity - The Cult Of Shar
Vis Imperium - The Empire Of Bane
Young Justice - The Youths of Righteousness

Mr Banks - Emperor Cash
Becky Serra - Queen of Elevation
Leon Kensworth - Leonardo Dansprice
Stacey Madison - Lacey Patterson
Vance Bateman - King of Burnup

Tiffany Wyatt (Theron's girlfriend in case she's ever needed) - Kirilah Heart
"Wrestler" - Gladiator
"Luchador" - Death Delver
"Interviewer" - Bard
"Referee" - Guard
"Suplex City" - Reverse Throw Village [Yeah I know that came from WWE technically, but still deserves mentioning]
"Last Man Standing" (Match type) - Final Fighter Remaining
"Hell In A Cell" (match type) - Doom In A Dungeon
"Fatal Fourway" (match type) - Four Elements

English - Common
Spanish - Draconic
Swedish - Elven

Christmas - Winter Solstice
New Year's Eve - Nayru's Eve

Sample RP (from Apocalypse 2013 King For A Day Qualifier Match):

Theron's Merry Band of Misfits



Theron can be seen sitting down with a look of deep thought. A week had passed since Theron defeated Graven Darksbane. The following morning the Merry Band of Misfits stormed the water shrine to battle Marrmell, the unholy masked Barbarian who was suspected to have stolen Theron's lucky rubies. They were able to take back the Water Shield of Mystra but never found Marrmell himself. The battle was still on Theron's mind 7 days later.

Kirilah: Theron! Are you listening? Theron!!!!

Scene zooms out, upon Kirilah yelling Theron's name. The whole party is seated at a booth in the breakfast room of the Wyvern's Inn at Waterward. A platinum haired male elf server brings the Merry Band of Misfits servings of gryphon eggs and boar bacon.

Davivel: Ah, the food's here. Dig in, everyone!

Kayrentia: I can't eat this. It came from a poor gryphon and boar who should have been allowed to live.

Kirilah: Theron, make her eat it.

Theron picks at his food some with his fork, with his head facing the plate, but he clearly has his mind in deep thought and is not paying attention.

Keifasar: He's elsewhere. Are you hungry, Neep?

Neep the floating skull gets hyper, flies circles around the table, and floats above Keifasar waiting to be fed.

Neep: Neep!

Keifasar gives an egg and a slice of bacon to the skull. Neep chews on his food while tilting himself sideways, still floating above Keifasar. Everyone but Theron laughs. They begin eating, including Kayrentia who changes her mind about not wanting her meal. Theron is still only picking at his boar bacon, Sheshmish steals Theron's gryphon eggs without him noticing and eats them.

Davivel: Aren't you hungry, buddy?

Theron: No, I'm not. Why can't we find this elusive enemy? Or my rubies for that matter?

Sheshmish: He runs the local thieves guild, Captain. They be difficult to locate. Elf! Bring me some rum, yarr!

The elf server hears Sheshmish's request and can be seen going into the drink cellar.

Theron: I refuse to give up. He took something of mine. We are NOT leaving until I get them back, is that understood? We remain in Waterward until I get my revenge on Marshmellow!

Kayrentia: Marshmellow? The guy who took the rubies? I thought his name was Mango.

Keifasar: Don't you mean Marmalade?

Davivel: Nope, it's Marzipan.

Sheshmish: His name be Muffin.

Kirilah: It's MARRMELL!!!! How hard is that to pronounce!? Mystra, spare me from their idiocy!

Kirilah slams her fist down onto her plate in frustration, it is at the same exact moment that the elf server returns with Sheshmish's rum.

Elf Server: Our finest rum, for you sir. Is everyone's food alright?

Sheshmish takes the bottle and begins drinking. No one answers the elf's question, he nods his head and leaves.

Sheshmish: It's been a week, captain. When will ye set a course for the next artifact?

Theron: I already told you. We're not leaving without my rubies. We never found Marshmellow, he has to be in this town somewhere.

Kirilah rolls her eyes.

Kirilah: His name is Marrmell.

Theron: Yeah, Marshmellow.

Kirilah opens her mouth to try to correct her fearless leader, but she stops herself knowing she won't win this argument.

Theron: You know what I need, guys?

Davivel: What?

Theron: A match. I defeated that rookie Graven Darksbane, but the rush of winning a gladiatorial match right now would make me feel a lot better.

Suddenly, obnoxious bardic music can be heard from the town square. It resembles the music that plays during the introductory scenes in "King of Dragons". The music continues to play and repeat itself for a while.


Kirilah: What in Mystra's name is that noise?

Keifasar: I like it! it's awesome!

Kayrentia: You would.

Theron: It sounds like it's coming from the town square. Let's go take a look. Did everyone finish their food?

Sheshmish: Everyone but you, captain. Are you going to finish your boar bacon?

Theron notices that four slices of boar bacon remain on his plate. He scarfs each of them down, having gotten his appetite back, then leaves 9 gold coins by the empty plates to pay for the meal. Neep is trying to lick the plates clean.

Keifasar: Neep! That's enough!

Neep immediately floats over to Keifasar with a look of shame on his face for having gotten in trouble.

Theron: Shall we?

Scene fades out to black and then fades back in at the town square. Dozens of dwarves, elves, orcs, fairies, humans, and a few drow are within a crowd gathered at the square listening to the bards who keep playing the obnoxious music. The Merry Band of Misfits arrive and thanks to Sheshmish who intimidates some of the crowd, they are able to find places toward the middle of the crowd. The bards keep playing and none other than Sealamin Glimmergaunt comes up to give a speech.

Theron: Hey, that's Sealamin Glimmergaunt! The retired former World Gladiatorial Combat Federation World Champion! It appears he has recovered from our battle.... I wonder if this has to do with the federation's upcoming event.

Sealamin: You can stop the music now.

The bards stop mid-note.

Sealamin: Citizens of Waterward.... I am sure you all know a spectacular event is soon to come from your local World Gladiatorial Combat Federation Arena. This event will see the crowning of a new contender for the current World Champion! Four combatants are all officially announced, a fifth has been decided upon but will soon be announced.... There will also be a sixth entrant in this match! The winner of a special contest at our next event moves on to be the sixth entrant in the contendership match to crown a new challenger for the World Champion!

The crowd begins speaking amongst themselves. Sealamin is silent for a minute to allow the crowd a moment to speculate before he speaks again.

Sealamin: I have a challenge for any current member of the World Gladiatorial Combat Federation roster. There is a contendership contest open to ANY gladiator from any region that works in an arena from our federation. I urge you to enter, it might very well win you a world title shot. This is not just any title shot though. You can cash this title shot in ANY TIME YOU WISH! The World Champion is a tough one though, let me tell you. Nothing like my younger self, of course, but he is tough so only someone equally tough could stand a chance. If you want to participate, go to the arena and sign up tonight. That is all.

Sealamin leaves and the bards begin playing the song again. It repeats itself for a while and the crowd begins to dissipate.

Theron: Alright guys, new plan. I want in on this match. It's perfect stress relief for me at this time. What I want the rest of you to do in the meantime is continue looking for Marshmellow's hideout. It HAS to be in town somewhere. I'll get my lucky rubies back even if it KILLS me!

Kirilah: We cannot all look for Marrmell. Someone also needs to protect the two artifacts of Mystra we took. The Shield of Water from last week and the Helmet of Wind you guys had before I rejoined. I would like to watch over the two relics.

Theron: That is fine. Davivel, you help her. Keifasar, do you still have the sapphire we found at the altar as well as the emerald from the last cultist altar? I need you to get those appraised. That leaves Sheshmish and Kayrentia to search for Marshmellow. I'll be at the arena. Does everyone understand their tasks?

The Merry Band of Misfits all nod in unison.

Theron: Alright, I'm off to the arena.

Theron leaves for the arena. Davivel and Kirilah return to the party's room at the inn to research and guard the artifacts. Sheshmish and Kayrentia leave for the tavern to gather clues. Keifasar leaves for the merchant bazaar. Scene shifts to Theron as he walks to the arena. His thoughts can be heard out loud. The bardic music is no longer heard.

Theron: (thinking to himself) The true irony would be if Marshmellow also signed up for this match. I'd personally see to it that he does not live to tell the tale. Although first I'd make him tell me where my lucky rubies are. That rookie Graven Darksbane from last week will probably enter the match too. Speaking of last week....

Scene shifts to a battle between Theron's Merry Band of Misfits and 5 cultists from the New Church of Shar's Water temple. Theron's thoughts can still be heard out loud.

Theron: (thinking to himself) Something bothers me about that encounter. Why was Marshmellow himself not there?

Davivel is seen casting a protective barrier around the party.

Theron: I went into that battle fully expecting to regain what was stolen from me. I won't leave this region without my rubies. I just WON'T!

Kayrentia is seen casting Call Lightning on the Cultists, causing lightning bolts to strike them.

Theron: The battle at the Wind Shrine was infinitely tougher. Granted the legendary Sealamin Glimmergaunt was there. I doubt Marshmellow would be as tough of a foe.

Kirilah is seen using Smite Evil, leaving the cultists gasping for life..

Theron: Something seemed.... off.... about the encounter. I have had very few battles end as quickly as that one did. It was far too easy. We defeated the cultists, grabbed the shield, and that was it.

Theron is seen using a Whirlwind attack on the weakened cultists which kills each of them.

Theron: We searched every single corner of that temple. No rubies and no sign of Marshmellow himself.

Keifasar is seen finding a sapphire from the altar similar to the emerald he found at the wind shrine's altar. Scene fades back to the present, Theron is walking up to the arena.

Theron: This match is exactly what I need. When I win, the World Champion better count his days as champion as they will be numbered. I would make it my intention to challenge him at the biggest gladiatorial combat event of the year. That's when I'd steal the show AND his belt.

Theron walks inside the arena and his thoughts are heard as the gate shuts.

Theron: If Marshmellow IS going to be participating in this match.... I'll make him regret it. I'll save him for the final target and then unleash my most ferocious abilities. Retrieving my lucky rubies AND becoming the number one contender for the World Gladiatorial Combat Federation's World Champion? I like the sound of that.

Fade to black.
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