Bischoff to turn on Hogan, and manage the extreme team coming to TNA?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I think in all likely hood Bischoff will turn on Hogan and be the one that is setting up the whole ecw. hardcore angle. IMO we have seen alot of hint's that Bischoff has a secret agenda. With Sting feeling a vibe of some wrong doing going on, it will come out that he was half right (Bischoff is the traitor), and he will apologize to Hogan, and they will work together to battle the ECW hardcore invasion.

It's not a far stretch IMO that Bischoff is turning heel. I think he was the one that kidnapped Samoa Joe, and all the crap he put Jeff Jerrett (the face of TNA) through hell. He keep's telling Hogan that Abyss can't be controlled, and that Hogan just made a mistake in putting Abyss on a pedestal. Bischoff is the one that went behind Hogan's back, and turned Abyss.

Like Bischoff alway's say's, CONTRAVERSY CREATES CASH. What better way to do it than turn on his business partner (Hogan), because they have different views of how to make a great show with higher ratings.

Does anyone else feel that this scenerio could be what's going to happen with the ECW angle?
Hell No! bischoff and hogan are the problem sting is referring to, this storyline has something to do with new leadership in tna. Hogan and Bishoff are together and are the true cancers that's running the company, sting is having a hard time convincing Dixie of this. The whole 'ECW' thing is probably the take over Abyss is talking about. Could this mean Heyman, or could it mean foley getting his power back!
I hope that Bischoff's character gets some direction and soon. I love the heelish things he was doing to Abyss, Jarrett et all. But then it just seemed to stop at Lockdown thanks to the swerve finish.

If anything they have failed to build on that. Just because Bisch helped them win Lethal Lockdown, it didn't have to mean he was on their side. It could have been another swerve. But again, it was just felt a little empty and the ending was a let down.

And let's face it. Bischoff is a natural heel.
i thought it was weird that when bischoff called abyss an ungrateful piece of ***, instead of abyss going after bischoff, he roughed up a security guard instead. all things seem to be pointing to bischoff going back to a heel role, which i do think he is best at.
Foley and heymen should be "they" did'nt foley get ran out by hogan and bishoff? I dont think this ecw thing will work. ecw is dead
I personally think TNA doesn't have a clue what they are going to do with the ECW faction as of now. I imagine they have thrown out 100 possible scenarios on how to debut them, hints the 3-4 story lines that were never finished. I'm sure they were putting all their eggs in one basket and praying Paul E would come and lead it...

Russo has said it himself.. he's burnt out on booking (like it doesn't show :shrug: ) Ferarra apparently got the door and who does that leave? Eazy E and Russo.. wow that is scary.

Don't get your hopes up on any possible scenarios. I've said it in numerous threads already today.. I don't think they will tie in ECW to Hogan.

I think They are banking on a Hogan vs Sting loser leaves TNA match at BFG this year. I And I feel they are still trying to find a story line with ECW.

How ever, I'm hoping they somehow tie everything together, I just refuse to get my hopes up anymore with them continuing a story line.
I agree, when Easy E slapped Abyss, I thought something was strange... Also, when Abyss targeted Taz... Eric must've been real confident in those two little security guards or he has some kind of power over Abyss...

Personally, I hope that the ECW angle leads to Heyman coming in and them taking over Abyss and maybe Joe... If anyone can get those two guys over as monster heels, it's Heyman...

I think if this angle doesn't involve Heyman, I think it will be a let down...
As much I have this love/hate thing of Eric being a heel (love knowing he is, hate having to see his mug on the camera every 5 minutes---either interrupting a match or interfering in it, or having someone do it), I think either scenario is plausible. I don't think overall TNA has a problem finishing MOST storylines....but's like waiting til Christmas to see what happens, and our attention spans are not that long (please take the hint TNA creative). At the very least, WWE wraps things up in about a 3 month span....with most stories. ANYWAY....I think Sting is going to turn face---and it'll be his reasons (finally) that will make him that. He never was a good heel---during the last six months of WCW Russo turned him heel, he attacked Mean Gene in the ring during an interview to get over, etc., and it just wasn't believable to me. I think the ECW will be a separate issue and story.
Sorry, but i don't want Eric Bischoff as part of the Extreme team. He doesnt fit that mold, here's what i think would be better. Have Bischoff and Hogan and Dixie Carter as the faces right and have Foley be the leader of this extreme team and maybe even get his job as executive shareholder back and have basically, Hogan, Bischoff and Foley run the show, but have Foley be the heel boss and have him blame Hogan for what happened to him, saying he did nothing when Foley got fired.
As much I have this love/hate thing of Eric being a heel (love knowing he is, hate having to see his mug on the camera every 5 minutes---either interrupting a match or interfering in it, or having someone do it), I think either scenario is plausible. I don't think overall TNA has a problem finishing MOST storylines....but's like waiting til Christmas to see what happens, and our attention spans are not that long (please take the hint TNA creative). At the very least, WWE wraps things up in about a 3 month span....with most stories. ANYWAY....I think Sting is going to turn face---and it'll be his reasons (finally) that will make him that. He never was a good heel---during the last six months of WCW Russo turned him heel, he attacked Mean Gene in the ring during an interview to get over, etc., and it just wasn't believable to me. I think the ECW will be a separate issue and story.

Yeah and WWE is dealing with a audience that is made up of mostly kids. TNA is trying to cater to an mostly adult audience that are supposed to be more intelligent and have a longer attention spans, but what I'm finding out by being in the ''IWC'' is that this might be a mistake because everytime ''TNA'' does any kind of complicated storylines most of the people just don't get it. Vince Mcmahon tells most wrestling fans what they want and calls them sheep and children and they accept it , but ''TNA'' tries to treat you like an and adult by giving you a voice (like Dixie doing the youshoot video)and some you people shit on it. are we children or sheep, or are we adults with intelligent well developed minds and attention spans longer than a minute or are we kids that have to be told what want, I know what I am, what are you?
I would literally bet you one of my body parts (one of the less important ones like a toe or something obviously) that not only will this not be happening, but that it's actually humorous to even suggest it. Eric the leader of an ECW invasion group? Are you new to wrestling or something? Might as well propose that Hulk Hogan is going to lead a new group of wrestlers all about technical skill and putting other people over, or that Scott Hall is going to be leading a new group of straight-edge wrestlers, because that's how outlandish of an idea that is. Eric Bischoff was literally Public Enemy Number One to the entire ECW locker room through out that promotion's entire existence. They'd actually joke about murdering the man on national television, just for shits and giggles. Bischoff stole every talent out of ECW he could, stole their ideas, and then did nothing but talk shit about them for the next decade or so. And he's going to be leading the ECW group? Are you high, and if so, where can I find this clearly outrageously potent strain of crystal meth you're freebasing?

TNA is trying as hard as possible to sign Paul Heyman to head their creative team and headline this entire "ECW" invasion. Do you think for one solitary second that Paul Heyman would have Eric Bischoff headlining that group? No, not for even one millisecond.

Sorry man, but no, your proposal here is simply not even the slightest bit likely to happen. Might as well be proposing that Hitler should headline a Jewish Appreciation Festival.
No! One Night Stand 2005 doesn't mean anything? The way I see it, Foley will lead the charge and have non other than Sting to back him up. Sting has been suspended and has failed to capture the TNA title. He has no way of getting to Bischoff and Hogan right now. It seems pretty clear that he can aid "They" as he tries to show the world that Hogan and Bischoff are using TNA.
Bischoff is about as far from ECW as Michael Cole albeit for different reasons. In every way ECW was anti establishment, Bischoff is establishment. If he was to be part of them it would be illogical. As for him turning on Hogan, yet another power struggle storyline? In the words of the Miz - REALLY? I think Bischoff doesnt really need to be on camera. I think generally the GM thing is kind of dated and their roles need to minimised.
ECW! ECW! ECW! not lead by Bischoff! I don't even think it's a good idea to mention anything about ECW on TNA. On top of that, I think Heyman is making more money doing the Brock Lesnar thing. SO for TNA and the ECW angle, I'm going to watch that fall straight on it's face.

Why ECW now? Are they trying to copy the NXT angle off of RAW, and just hope it makes history in TNA. If you wanna make history for TNA, like professional wrestling history? Do something besides having ECW guys stand and watch women wrestling. This company, could hire a decent name like... Scott Hall, or have Scott Hall appear drunk with the fans, and have security take him out. That would cause a stir. Ex employee comes to work drunk, it's real, and makes people feel bad for the guy, and brings in cash.

I don't really like stables in TNA. They get to big and powerful, and they over-used. Right now, you have 4 guys in the ECW crew, and it's a matter of time before it becomes 5 or 6. A 6 man stable just beat the crap out of two guys after 4 months ruins the show. Unless your beating the crap out of Hall of Famers and the boss :O)

It would of been a lot better to watch Ric Flair and his team of cronies go to a Pay-per-view match. Then boom, the surprise is the old ECW crew. You would of had the ECW chants, and then it would of created some buzz on the internet. Instead, TNA fucked things up... :O(
Sting vs Hogan would be horrible as Sting is the Only guy besides the rock and i beleave Brock to have a never lost to hogan. as most of the matches with sting were DQ's or anything else they can think of..i think if this happens hogan will demand that he wins and cry like a little bit** tell it happens...
Bischoff is turning heel on Hogan, but not with ECW, I don't think. You saw it this week when Sting was about to explain exactly what he was talking about regarding Hogan/Bischoff, and then Bischoff conveniently interrupted Sting and cut him off. Hogan will stay a face because at this point, the nostalgia is strong and people don't want to boo Hogan right now, even though he plays a great heel.
All I know is Dixie Carter should have gotten Paul Heyman a LONG time ago and saved the millions she spent getting hogan, bischoff, and Flair. Yeah, Hogan's gotten them a lot of publicity, but the ratings got worse. At first I thought it would be awesome to see Hogan back in the ring, but seeing him in the ring that night he fought flair/styles, ehh, never should have happened.
I could see somehow Eric and Mick Foley coming together to run the ECW group. Strange bedfellows would create controversy, which sort of goes along with Eric's motto. To have Eric stay a face would insult alot of the smarter TNA fans because who really believes this guys act as a face?

So, Im 95% in favor the of this post, but I think it will play out a little bit differently.

It will be interesting to see where they go with RVD on this too......Extreme or TNA??
I could see somehow Eric and Mick Foley coming together to run the ECW group. Strange bedfellows would create controversy, which sort of goes along with Eric's motto. To have Eric stay a face would insult alot of the smarter TNA fans because who really believes this guys act as a face?

So, Im 95% in favor the of this post, but I think it will play out a little bit differently.

It will be interesting to see where they go with RVD on this too......Extreme or TNA??
Well, considering that
its been rumored that abyss wins the title and will face hogan(which i think is a horrible idea)
, id say extreme.

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