Bischoff shoots on TNA

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
Eric said on the World Wrestling Insanity radio show that he gets many questions on his website about TNA. Many fans want to know if they're the next WCW or if he'll ever go to work for them. Here is what he had to say:

"They have not done anything yet and I don’t even know any of those people except maybe Jeff Jarrett and a handful of talent working there. I don't know anyone behind the (scenes). I don't know Dixie Carter. If she showed up in my driveway, I wouldn't recognize her. I don't know anyone over there. I don't know who's doing what. I really don't care. So it's nothing personal here. I'd like to see them succeed…But the truth is, from what I've seen of their product, no one there really gets it. They're a small independent company that's been getting a 1.0 rating for the last five years. ..They keep trying to pull rabbits out of their hat with talent. 'Oh we're gonna bring in Sting and that's gonna turn the business around! ' Well, they brought in Sting, who's obviously a great talent, and guess what? Nothing happened. And then 'We're gonna bring in Christian Cage. It's a big surprise. He's hot in WWE and we got him and it's gonna turn things around.' Guess what? Nothing happened. Then 'We're gonna bring in Kurt Angle and he's the real deal. Things are gonna turn around!' Guess what? Nothing happened. Nothing's ever gonna happen until they get it."

Is this newsworthy, I'll let you decide I guess.

This is probably no different then Paul Heyman shooting on TNA a year or so ago. It will probably get the same reaction from Jeff Jarrett, saying pretty much he's an ass kisser, yadda yadda.

However, Bischoff is a man that knows how the business works. As much as people shit on Easy E, he is the man that nearly took Vinnie Mac out, and ten years later, the damage Eric did was incredible, so his opinion must be considered.

I think he pretty much just restates what a lot of people are feeling now. They have names and talent, they just don't know what to do with it. I kinda feel Like Bischoff, until they get someone in there that knows how to properly use that talent, they aren't going to go anywhere. They won't go up or down, but just stay at the comfy 1.0's.

Agree or Disagree with Easy E?
Well its is news worthy here in the Internet Wrestling Community Shocky.

What Easy E did was just say what many have felt about TNA and that is they are trying to gain success on stars that either were stars in the past or current stars in another company. The fact is TNA cant do what Easy E did and that "steal" talent from your rivial and become a success. As TNA is getting no real big name talent that they can market and will draw fans over.

Until TNA learns how to promote itself and not live on the names of the past wrestlers or wrestlers who was released/fired from another company they will never move up in ratings or sells. TNA should take a hint from Easy E, but they wont and I like TNA, but there still a long way off frm as Shocky said, " moving up from that comfy 1.0"
I agree, they need a major makeover in TNA. They need to develop their talented guys, Like Alex Shelly, LAX, and Sabin. Better programing,.. I think that they should go and offer a deal to Bischoff to have him come in and be an on air personality and writer.

TNA needs to stop being complacent and do something very inovative to expand their audience
I completely agree with Easy E. A few years ago I was really looking forward to the upstart TNA product. It had great potential. All it really lacked was the TV production and the bank account I guess. Even now with the Sting's, the Kurt Angle's and the Christian Cage's the company after 5 years is still drawing 1.0 cable ratings? Whose to blame? I don't know, but we are coming to a point in the companies history now where something has to start happening or people are just going to lose interest in "that promotion that promised so much and delivered nothing". I'm not saying that the company has delivered nothing in a physical sense, the companies talent put their heart and souls into their matches each and every night but now it just doesn't seem as though there is any progression. Something within TNA is not functioning properly and it needs to be sorted
But then again, is Eric being just a little hypocritical and maybe even Jealous of TNA. I'll play devil's Advocate on this one with TNA being complacent.

Eric Bischoff drills Paul Heyman every chance he gets about expanding too fast. Easy E thinks/thought ECW would never survive, because it was built to be a niche in the business. Expansion was the thing that killed ECW, when they should have stayed the way they were. So that's just paraphrasing obviously.

So...If TNA is filling a niche, then they have reached their target audience in my opinion. I think TNA can be better then just a niche, but they have to start charging people in their own building to come. If their loyal fan base isn't going to pay, then who the hell is going to.

Expansion: If TNA expands to fast, I think they'll go under like ECW. Here we have a company that is doing numbers that ECW did. It took ECW 4 years to get on pay per view, and 6 years to land a network deal, TNA has been on pay per view for 5 years, and on cable after year 3. ECW wasn't able to get a pay per view deal, when the business was white hot, and TNA secured it right away. ECW was out of business in year 8.

TNA needs to expand, but slower is better. If they try to expand as fast as Heyman did, they will have no money to pay their wrestlers, it's as simple as that. TNA just recently started to turn a profit, which is a damn good sign. This is where the second hour of TV comes into play. They need it desperately for ad revenues, then they can think of expanding.

So again, is Bischoff talking out of two sides of his mouth. On one hand, he bashes Paul Heyman for expanding ECW out of its region, but on the other hand, he criticizes TNA for refusing to change.
I sort of agree here with Bischoff, he does know what he is talking about when it comes to the Wrestling Industry, He is also right the big names that they have gotten in haven't increased the ratings from more than around a 1.0-1.3 average. This could be to the lack of promotion from Spike it could be for the failure to actually take the oppourtunity that was This is TNA, they fail to use the talent under ther disposal to its fullest extent. I mean they have had Alex Shelley who is a phenomenal talent in Ring nowhere near the top of the x-division where he should be. The building of names also hasn't been to the greatest extent, they should try and promote guys like AJ Styles, Christian Cage and others that have a certain look that is accessible to everyone. As Shocky said they have to start charging for the iMPACT! tapings, it doesn't have to be much it could be $5 this would get people to decide whether they are going to the tapings because they are free or because they actually want to watch the Wrestling. There are so many things that can be extracted from what Bischoff said that could improve TNAs situation. And I hope Jeff Jarrett and Dixie Carter actually look at this and see that he has a point.
You know what I like Eric Bischoff and respect, but I think he is out of line as far as TNA GOES. You see what Biscoff is forgetting to mention is that WCW recruited alot of former WWE wrestlers before Hall, Nash , and Hogan era. Before then WCW was Ricky Steamboat, Brittish Bulldog, Jake the Snake Roberts and a long list of others and what they were losing more in a year then TNA has lost in its 5 year existence. Furthermore WCW was only making alot of money for about 4 years during the mid to late 90's and then it started losing money. I think people put what Bischoff did on a pedastall way too high. The fact is WCW may have put up a good fight during the Monday Night Wars era, but pretty much before and after that they didnt do a damn thing. WCW spent several years losing millions, spent 4 years making money, went back to losing millions, and then went out of business. Eric Bischoff may have made WCW a success at one time, but his stupid mistakes are also the ones that ran WCW out of business, His bad business decisions set WCW up to fail sooner or later. So you know what I don't mind Bischoff hearing his opinion but the fact is Bischooff had Flair, Sting, Hogan, Savage and still couldn't make a got damn dime until he finally came up with the NWO idea. Eric Bischoff to sum it up is a got damn lier who didn't know how to use Flair, Sting, Hogan, and Savage and that was alot bigger name combination than Angle, Cage, and Sting past his prime. It took him years to figure out how to use them. Also he criticized TNA for not knowing how to use talent then he should mention the fact that he didnt know how to use Austin, Benoit, Guerrero, and even Bret Hart. You know what as far as i am concerned Eric Bischoff can kiss my ass.
The way I see it, TNA is fine where they are. Think about it, Sure, TNA can get better, and people want that. But if it gets TOO good, it will become a threat to WWE, and there is no way that TNA can survive a war with WWE.

Then again, I'd like to see TNA at least get a second hour and use the talent they already have. Whens the last time TNA signed someone the world didn't already know?

As far as what Bischoff said, All I can really say is that I agree with him. Use what you have, stop taking WWEs leftovers. Theres usally a reason they left when they did.
Jeez, hard font to read Mr.Burgess lol

The fact is, I'd take Eric Bischoff over Vince Russo anyday of the week. I hate how people say that 'Russo made the Attitude Era'. That's complete Bull. Vince Russo did close to absolutely nothing. Sure, he was the Head Writer, but when he went to WCW, his storylines were total crap. As many have said, this could be split in whichever way. Bischoff could be jealous that he's not a part of a war anymore, or he's still bitter that he lost, or he could just genuinely believe that TNA needs help.

With these comments, I believe TNA will take it as a shot at them, and they will actually end up signing Bischoff sometime in the future. Try to act like it won't happen. It's hard for Jarrett to both book and wrestle, and Russo needs to be fired. I have no idea how creative the third guy, but since Russo and Bischoff don't work together, I'd take out Russo and bring in Bischoff.

I understand that you can say that Bischoff didn't use his talent correctly, but to be honest, TNA is in WCW's same spot. If Bischoff got a second chance at TNA, I believe he'd make up for what he did. He's stated in some interviews that the only thing TNA has going for them was the X-Division, and if that died out, they'd be stuck with nothing. Well, it appears to me that the way they've been throwing around the X-Division Title, that the X-Division is getting more boring every week. I know TNA has a Main Event scene to focus on, but let's face it:

Sting - The guy is old. No matter how much star power he still might have, he's not exactly the best wrestler they have right now.

Kurt Angle - Sure, he's an absolutely great wrestler. The thing is, they turn him from Face, to heel, to tweener. It's gotten to the point where I don't even know what he is.

Christian Cage - I think we all know that he was a good Champion, but he was pushed past his ability. I don't think Cage was a good wrestler, but needs some more time to face other Main Eventers before his promos are ready to be actual Main Event promos, instead of him yelling into a microphone every week.

The bottomline is, Bischoff speaks the truth whether you like him or hate him. Angle, Sting, and Cage haven't brought in spectacular ratings yet. Sting sort of bumped up the buyrates, and so did Angle, but they need to stay above a 1.0 to be considered as a top promotion IMO.
As much as I dislike TNA, it's product, and most of the things they stand for, I have to say they're pretty good where they stand/sit right now. 1.0 on a nothing network in Spike TV on Thursday nights is fairly acceptable in my books for a promotion that's really still just in it's early stages of existence.

The problem, I think, is that they're trying to make themselves into WWE's main competitor, which is a big mistake. They need to market themselves as more of an independant promotion that has nothing to do with WWE and is completely different from them in every way. They need to drown WWE out. By acknowledging WWE on their programming and basically bringing in all their washed up stars, they're in a sense admitting that WWE is really the superior product and, in my opinion driving people away from their product.

A lot of people see TNA as an alternative programming to WWE, and I think that's a big mistake. It shouldn't be built as a similar program to WWE, it should be built as it's own monster.

And until TNA realizes this, they going to continue going nowhere fast for a long time.

Eric brings up a lot of valuable points. Five years and essentially ZERO growth. It's actually fairly sad, and I blame it entirely on the TNA product being marketed completely wrong (part of that is to be blamed on the talent they hire and the product itself).

As for the argument that Eric is a hypocrite, as Shockey suggested, i think that's B.S. ECW and TNA are two very different monsters. ECW had a niche in the Northeast and it was a product with a cult following that would be very difficult to market to new fans in a completely different area.

On the other hand, TNA is being built as a WWE-like product (the only difference being they have different wrestlers and different matches and a six-sided ring really). I disagree with it being built that way, I think they need to fuse that method with how ECW operated, but if they're going to do it like that they need to jam themselves down our throats and mass market themselves.

ECW from 10 years ago and TNA today are two different monsters, and Eric knows how they need to operate, so I think his comments were well warranted and not hypocritical in the slightest.

But before anyone rags on Easy E again, you have to realize he was probably ASKED what he thought about TNA and didn't go on an Iron Shiek-like tangent. Keep that in mind.

(On a side note I think this is my first post in the TNA forum, lol).
Jeez, hard font to read Mr.Burgess lol

The fact is, I'd take Eric Bischoff over Vince Russo anyday of the week. I hate how people say that 'Russo made the Attitude Era'. That's complete Bull. Vince Russo did close to absolutely nothing. Sure, he was the Head Writer, but when he went to WCW, his storylines were total crap. As many have said, this could be split in whichever way. Bischoff could be jealous that he's not a part of a war anymore, or he's still bitter that he lost, or he could just genuinely believe that TNA needs help.

With these comments, I believe TNA will take it as a shot at them, and they will actually end up signing Bischoff sometime in the future. Try to act like it won't happen. It's hard for Jarrett to both book and wrestle, and Russo needs to be fired. I have no idea how creative the third guy, but since Russo and Bischoff don't work together, I'd take out Russo and bring in Bischoff.

I understand that you can say that Bischoff didn't use his talent correctly, but to be honest, TNA is in WCW's same spot. If Bischoff got a second chance at TNA, I believe he'd make up for what he did. He's stated in some interviews that the only thing TNA has going for them was the X-Division, and if that died out, they'd be stuck with nothing. Well, it appears to me that the way they've been throwing around the X-Division Title, that the X-Division is getting more boring every week. I know TNA has a Main Event scene to focus on, but let's face it:

Sting - The guy is old. No matter how much star power he still might have, he's not exactly the best wrestler they have right now.

Kurt Angle - Sure, he's an absolutely great wrestler. The thing is, they turn him from Face, to heel, to tweener. It's gotten to the point where I don't even know what he is.

Christian Cage - I think we all know that he was a good Champion, but he was pushed past his ability. I don't think Cage was a good wrestler, but needs some more time to face other Main Eventers before his promos are ready to be actual Main Event promos, instead of him yelling into a microphone every week.

The bottomline is, Bischoff speaks the truth whether you like him or hate him. Angle, Sting, and Cage haven't brought in spectacular ratings yet. Sting sort of bumped up the buyrates, and so did Angle, but they need to stay above a 1.0 to be considered as a top promotion IMO.

Regardless of whether they were used right or not, whether they increased buyrates or ratings or whatever, I think people miss the underlying concept here in Eric Bischoff's comments, among other things.

Essentially, TNA is proving they're a second rate promotion by signing all these ex-WWE guys who were let go by the company. They're essentially a promotion of has-beens.

Christian Cage - forced out of WWE. They pretty much didn't want him and didn't see him as a champion. He goes to TNA and is a top player. A guy who would be a mid carder in WWE is a top guy in TNA. That doesn't say much about TNA to fans who are only beginning to watch their product? "Hey, look, it's that guy who used to be in WWE. Didn't he OPEN wrestlemania once?"

Kurt Angle - WWE let's him go amicably because they feel like he's more of a liability than an asset to their company in order for him to get cleaned up, and he stabs them in the back and signs with a rival promotion, and doesn't even end up helping them in the long term. WWE wins and Kurt looks like a second rate has-been.

Jeff Jerrett - He wrestled Chyna in a hardcore match at a B-rate PPV match. Do I really need to add any more to this? WWE reject and has-been.

AJ Styles - I was recently informed he was part of WCW when Vince (God rest his soul) bought it and WWE DIDN'T EVEN WANT HIM. So TNA signs him and makes him their top star. If he were in WWE I bet he would be opening ECW every week.

Ex-New Age Outlaws: Over the hill has-beens who have nothing better to do but to make fun of Triple H and call out WWE on the air because they think they look cool when WWE ignores them. Pfft.

Sting: Arguably the best wrestler still active to never wrestle for WWE. I'm not going to lie and say they wouldn't benefit if WWE had him, but cleary him being in TNA has had no adverse affect to WWE, so I'm indifferent.

The list goes on.

WWE takes the high road and normally doesn't say anything good or bad about TNA, but, to me, it's clear as day they are and always will be the superior promotion, and that's due to better management, better wrestling people and an overall better product (yeah I said that... other than one or two matches TNA is a glorified circus).
well i agree w/ Bischoff TNA tried to bring in some of the top stars around but they couldn't do anything w/ them.Sting was brought in around 2005 (i think) but he barely achieved any new accomplishment in Tna.he is one of the most popular guys in the wrestling business but to me,tna has him in a mid-card wrestler.once in a while he has big matches but with some washed out wrestlers like angle.if he was to come to the WWE he would be a much more bigger star then he is already.
Eric had one great idea. nWo. That did revolutionize the sport as we know it. Besides that he could come up with no new storylines. He did nothing but buy the talent and make stupid gymics. He put WCW on the map and also destroyed them. He has in no way any room to talk about TNA. He is a paycheck flunky now.
Bischoff is a man I usually defend. Not this time.

Bischoff seems to be forgetting one massive difference between WCW and TNA in terms of what they did with their stars and whatnot. WCW had the backing of one of the richest men on the planet, Ted Turner, who would do anything to make that product suceed. Spike TV could give a shit about TNA, the only time they even air ads is during TNA or UFC. TNA isn't backed by one of the richest men on the planet. I'd like to see WCW try and suceed with those big names if they hadn't had the backing of billions of dollars. This is really arrogant on Bischoffs part.

TNA has been a phenomenal success for an independent federation. TNA has never had the backing of one of the richest men on the planet, and they don't have access to more then one cable channel and the ability to get whatever slot they want. Bischoff really comes off as an ignorant jerk in this shoot.
i think bishoff is right about TNA at the mo it needs a lot more work and some damn orginalitiy in storylines. the champs of champs match at victory road is a copy of hhh and austin vs taker and kane from backlash 2001. No wonder TNA is a 1.0 show its just the wwe in the past!!!!!!!!!!!
obviosuly you dont watch much wrestling cause there are a lot of "copied" storylines and re-used ideas in wrestling, and with your logic wwe copied the tna champ of champs match on raw last night...
anyway while tna has done some stuff which is similar to what wcw did when it was starting its rise, there are a lot of things different, for example there is ted turners money which was available to wcw, tna doesnt have the same amounts of money, also wcw had major established names in 1992-1994 before its rise, with guys like sting, flair, vader, foley, and then hogan, plus wcw went around the country doing tv tapings and whereas tna only stays in orlando and has just begun to venture elsewhere for ppvs, also when bischoff started to make major money it was because he stumbled on to one great idea....the nwo....
plus tna yeah its not doing the numbers that raw and smackdown are, but it has been slowly increasing in recent months, plus wwe has a ton more exposure than tna, with the trump and k-fed angle, and you cant expect anyone to watch tna if they dont know about it, bischoff said he doesnt know any of the guys there, which is silly as he difinetely worked with sting (for many years) as he was his boss in wcw, angle and christian he worked with in wwe, the dudleys, rhino and tomko he will have worked with in wwe as well, elix skipper, lynn and raven have all been in wcw, he worked with russo for a short time, he worked with the steiner brothers, kevin nash was a booker in wcw at one piont, so i think bischoff needs to keep some consistency instead of saying things which arent true which makes it hard to value his opinion if he doesnt have credibilty with wot he says......
also someone said something about tna needing to be an alternative...well lets see while there are fimiliar faces in the main event to new tna fans, there are plenty of guys who arent so familiar like aj styles, daniels, abyss, samoa joe, storm, harris, lax, the majority of the x division if not all, and all these guys would be unknown to average wwe fans because when i first saw tna i did watch it at first because i noticed guys like sting, jarett etc were involved and i wanted to see whether tna was any good, and then seeing all these new wrestlers that were awesome and especially the x division....
so tbh its the expose and the fact that i know in england, unless you have sky you cant watch tna on tv, and so the only way you could stumble across it would be the internet
sorry i sorta went on a bit then lol :p
i think that wrestling is kinda boring all around right now. i was watching tna for a while, but i started to notice that it was hard to watch the talent of the younger superstars when in the back of my mind i was thinking "where is the guy who just quit WWE gonna end up". WWE has been my consistent favorite, but they just spoil it with these bass-ackwardly ******ed storylines they've been running. Does anyone knows what it takes to be a writer in the WWE? believe it or not, knowledge of the product and imagination are NOT on the qualification list.
WWE takes the high road and normally doesn't say anything good or bad about TNA, but, to me, it's clear as day they are and always will be the superior promotion, and that's due to better management, better wrestling people and an overall better product (yeah I said that... other than one or two matches TNA is a glorified circus).

I agree with this. You know, I had TNA fever when it started... I admit. As time goes on though, I find it harder and harder to believe that what has become a mediocre wrestling show, is going to dethrone WWE. When they had the X-division, at least they provided an alternative... and that has now been buried so that they can bring us mediocre WWE styled wrestling entertainment. So what do they do with the other guys? Put them in circus matches that turn a wrestling contest into a spot-fest. Ultimate X, Elevation X, Last Rites match, and 8 Mile match just to name a few. Jesus christ... they will never dethrone WWE because they dont understand how idiotic these concepts are. Whats worse, is that they want to call it the future of wrestling, which I find midly offensive as someone who has been watching for almost 20 years. Bischoff informing these guys that they are idiots... MAY help, but not that much. They have already gone a long way to turn TNA into a joke...
Prax said TNA should be more like WWE? Why with 3 WWE shows on TV already.
The problem is TNA needs to be a definitive alternative to WWE, because they are too similar right now. The backstage promos on Impact are way too prevalent. They make the marketing look extremely hypocritical by claiming to be Total Nonstop Action and "pro wrestling, not soap opera wrestling."
If that's the case why are there only 2 to 3 rushed through matches on Impact?
Last night there was 3 backstage segments with Kurt Angle, one with Cage, and then the Steiner/3D/VKM segment in the ring. The problem with this is if a casual fan tunes in he's going to say "All's they do is talk here."
TNA is currently bad for the same reasons WCW was horrible from 98 to 01. They constantly try to go for the "sports-entertainment" quick fix. How many years need to go by, before someone realizes "Hey maybe the fans are sick to this, and never really liked it that much in the first place."
If anything they should model themselves after 96 to 98 Nitro. For those years you had a very good balance in WCW. You had basically straight up, diverse, and quality pro wrestling for the undercard, and big name sports entertainment for the main event scene. You also had great ratings.
Regardless of whether they were used right or not, whether they increased buyrates or ratings or whatever, I think people miss the underlying concept here in Eric Bischoff's comments, among other things.

Essentially, TNA is proving they're a second rate promotion by signing all these ex-WWE guys who were let go by the company. They're essentially a promotion of has-beens.

Christian Cage - forced out of WWE. They pretty much didn't want him and didn't see him as a champion. He goes to TNA and is a top player. A guy who would be a mid carder in WWE is a top guy in TNA. That doesn't say much about TNA to fans who are only beginning to watch their product? "Hey, look, it's that guy who used to be in WWE. Didn't he OPEN wrestlemania once?"

Kurt Angle - WWE let's him go amicably because they feel like he's more of a liability than an asset to their company in order for him to get cleaned up, and he stabs them in the back and signs with a rival promotion, and doesn't even end up helping them in the long term. WWE wins and Kurt looks like a second rate has-been.

Jeff Jerrett - He wrestled Chyna in a hardcore match at a B-rate PPV match. Do I really need to add any more to this? WWE reject and has-been.

AJ Styles - I was recently informed he was part of WCW when Vince (God rest his soul) bought it and WWE DIDN'T EVEN WANT HIM. So TNA signs him and makes him their top star. If he were in WWE I bet he would be opening ECW every week.

Ex-New Age Outlaws: Over the hill has-beens who have nothing better to do but to make fun of Triple H and call out WWE on the air because they think they look cool when WWE ignores them. Pfft.

Sting: Arguably the best wrestler still active to never wrestle for WWE. I'm not going to lie and say they wouldn't benefit if WWE had him, but cleary him being in TNA has had no adverse affect to WWE, so I'm indifferent.

The list goes on.

WWE takes the high road and normally doesn't say anything good or bad about TNA, but, to me, it's clear as day they are and always will be the superior promotion, and that's due to better management, better wrestling people and an overall better product (yeah I said that... other than one or two matches TNA is a glorified circus).

Prax, your ignorance and bias are astounding.

On Christian, no, he wasn't "forced out" of WWE. As Vince does with every wrestler who doesn't fit his ideal (6'6"+ roid freaks), he completely ignored Christian for main-event status. The fact that Christian went to TNA and was as popular as he is from the get-go should tell Vince he screwed up letting him get away.

Oh, and I don't really see any fan just getting into wrestling knowing Christian was even IN the WWE, let alone was ever even IN a Wrestlemania...

On Kurt, you DO realize TNA basically stole him right out from under Vince's nose, right? Vince gives him time to heal himself? No, Vince just didn't want to give one of the best talents left on his roster his due, Kurt got pissed, TNA reaped the benefits. I believe Kurt with TNA is a fine fit, and hope they get beyond the Kurt/Joe feud soon...

Jeff Jarrett is a has-been, yes. You do realize his position in the company, right? You do realize he's finally seen how his constant stealing of the limelight was turning fans off, and so has stepped aside for the younger guys, right? Nuff said.

Have you gone completely mental on AJ Styles? You've been lied to, holmes. Vince WANTED AJ, AJ turned Vince down. I for one don't blame him; sometimes self-respect IS more valuable than money.

Never much liked the NAO; don't like Billy Gunn, don't like the Road Dogg, think maybe TNA would be better off without them.

Sting is, much like Jeff Jarrett, a has-been. I was a MAJOR sting fan in his bleached-blond days (UWF?), but hope he realizes his place and continues helping push the younger guys.

WWE has better management? Vince is an assclown. Better wrestling people (do you mean wrestlers?)? They have many fine wrestlers, but you never see them cause they are used as fodder for the John Cenas, because they have enough talent to make the losers Vince puts in the main events look good. Better product? Which one? The ECW, which Vince is apparently using to destroy any fond memory old fans have of the original ECW? Raw or Smackdown, which seem to be more about lingerie pillow fights and poorly-acted and -scripted, pointless, never seeming to lead to anything backstage vignettes? Yeah, I see what you mean. The wrestling matches TNA puts on instead of that stuff is far inferior.
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