Bischoff on Sting's Future, Not Being Happy with Immortal & More

It's Damn Real!

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In another MondayNightMayhem interview, Eric Bischoff had quite a few things to say about Sting, TNA's Future, the Immortal storyline and more.

His most realistic goal that he would like to achieve personally with TNA in the new year: "On a personal level, I would love to be part of TNA's strategic growth. I think that's one of the biggest challenges right now that TNA has. I would love to see more programming out of TNA across different channels, as well as potentially on Spike TV. Different types of programming. I think all of those things, just like we're seeing in WWE (the fact they're bringing back Tough Enough), that is an perfect example, I think, of what TNA needs to do to grow their brand. You can't keep preaching to the same choir over and over and over again and expect to grow the congregation, so to speak."

Why he is not satisfied with the Immortal storyline to this point thus far, the impact that Hulk Hogan's back injury had in the changing of TNA's initial plans for it, and why he is excited to see where things go in the very near future on TNA programming (with a "much more effervescent Hulk Hogan"): "No I'm not. Clearly there was a pretty big setback with Hulk Hogan, which forced us to kind of shift on the fly, in terms of that storyline. At this point, the story is not where we wanted it to, be but as frustrated or disappointed I may be about that, it's part of life. But I'm equally as excited about where it's going to go in the very near future. I talk to Hulk almost every other day, if not every day, and he's getting better. I think the prognosis for him and his ability to become active and a part of the story in a much better way: You're going to see a much more effervescent Hulk Hogan than we've probably seen in a couple years, and I think the story's going to evolve very nicely."

Whether Sting will be returning to TNA in 2011 or if we will see him sign with the WWE, especially with the speculation of a WCW-themed Hall of Fame class as part of WrestleMania XXVII weekend in Atlanta: "If I had to guess, and if he is going to sign another agreement, which I'm not sure he is going to do at this stage of his career, my bet would be that he is going to sign with TNA. I'm not sure what Sting's motivations are at this point. I know physically he's told me on more than one occasion that it's getting harder and harder to deliver the type of performances that he wants to deliver in the ring for his fans. That's got to be a big part of his consideration. I think realistically, if he would go to the WWE, there would be some additional pressure, much more than in TNA, to perform in the ring, and that would be a hard thing for him to do at this point in his career."

Thoughts on Bischoff's comments? Concerns?
He makes a good point with Sting; but like I said before- WWE has honored those in the Hall of Fame who never even wrestled for the company. So if Sting is in the WWE Hall of Fame I wouldn't see that big of a deal.
About what I'd expect from any Bischoff interview. He either speaks honestly about things that are good for his camp or spins the unknown in a way that also sounds good for him. Not saying that's wrong because his job is to be pro-TNA and not objective or even entirely honest.

One point I find interesting is about Hogan. Personally, I think Hogan's absence has been a good thing for TNA. Not saying he should never have come or anything like that, but this period of absence has probably given Hardy more of a spotlight and a better chance at being a solid champion than if he'd had Hogan involved in all of the promos and segments. I think it helped to cut down on some of the long-winded segments and given a little more energetic flow to the program. I do want Hogan to come back, but I think the company may have more momentum right now than if he'd been around this entire time.

Also, about Sting... I really don't care anymore. I love the guy, but even if he returns to TNA he probably won't want a rigorous enough schedule to really make much of an impact. Whatever story he and Nash could've had after their walk-out following Immortal's formation would seem after-the-fact and out of place now. There are only two roles for him that make sense to me now; either he comes back as a mentor/support to AJ Styles after Fortune kicks Styles out (like the Horsemen kicked out Sting) and they could feud with Fortune, or he shows up in support of Angle if Kurt becomes the figurehead of the resistance against Immortal's domination.

Neither role is really all that crucial, so I'm fairly indifferent about what Sting does at this point. I've always liked the way Sting seems to have stuck to the idea that WCW died the minute he and Flair finished their match on the last Nitro, and whatever Vince did after the fact using the WCW name/logo was not genuine. I'd kinda' like to see him stand his ground against McMahon and the WWE and never show up or act like the WWE Hall of Fame means anything to him, but I'm not going to kill the guy if he does do it. He made his legacy, so he can do what he wants with it.
I think Sting would have an easier time in WWE, to a certain expect. Depending on how long his run would be, he'd be allowed to get over just based upon the overall spectacle of the ordeal.

Also, he's not the worst mover and with the right dance partner, so to speak, he could at least give the fans a few matches that represent his body of work fairly well. His matches wouldn't be his best, but they'd have enough to show his glimmer and flash of Sting from the passed. Just has to be properly used.

As far as Immortal, I see what he's saying. I don't know where they plan on going with the angle, but at this point, it does seem to have capped out. Hopefully, something can be worked out that keeps the idea fresh and different. Hogan returning, however, isn't going to do anything for me.

I pretty much agree with everything he said in terms of TNA's growth.
Has anyone considered the possibility that Sting could sign with the WWE for a short contract to be inducted into this years WCW hall of fame class, and while he's there, perhaps, maybe, just possibly face the undertaker at wrestlemania? Can anyone really say that they wouldn't want to see that match on the card?
Has anyone considered the possibility that Sting could sign with the WWE for a short contract to be inducted into this years WCW hall of fame class, and while he's there, perhaps, maybe, just possibly face the undertaker at wrestlemania? Can anyone really say that they wouldn't want to see that match on the card?

I'd wanna see it. You'd wanna see it. But will the "WWE Universe" want to see it, at least the majority of 'em?

It made me sick when Piper's music hit at the Old School RAW and I heard no pop, nothing louder than what they'd pop for Santino or Kozlov. I HIGHLY doubt most of 'em would even know who sting is, considering he never worked for the WWE.
Undertaker vs. Sting at Wrestlemania? It could possibly happen, but since their age is at a all time high and will only get higher I figure why not..Have Sting inducted into the HOF and have a match with Undertaker...Sting has a kickass background and deserves it..I guess just have Nash roll Sting down to the ring in a wheelchair and the Undertaker will have a walker and a oxygen bottle..Dont get me wrong I love these guys but come on..
Everyone is talking about it being a possible WCW-Theme Hall of Fame which i wouldn't mind seeing that but to he point. Undertaker having so many injuries its reported it will be his last Wrestlemania so this is what i recon they do both men legends of this buisness and everyone will agry when i say to of the best ever. You can do all the perfect promo's get all the hype and they can do all there classic mid game tricks and you could set sting up with some of wwe' stop superstars so you give so the wrestlers some exposure and sting gets some last spot light before you have the clash of the Titans at Wrestlemania and the only way to make it bigger is to inducted both men into the WWE Hall Of Fame
(On Sting in the ring) I know physically he's told me on more than one occasion that it's getting harder and harder to deliver the type of performances that he wants to deliver in the ring for his fans. That's got to be a big part of his consideration. I think realistically, if he would go to the WWE, there would be some additional pressure, much more than in TNA, to perform in the ring, and that would be a hard thing for him to do at this point in his career."

Sounds like a perfect matchup against 'taker to be honest, he must be feeling exactly the same, and probably ahs for a while by by now. Certainly after that botched suicide dive against HBK.

My point being, 2+2=4... taker/sting at mania! :D *prays*
Being Inducted to HOF is different, without getting involved to anything, i think that would be the best that Sting can do. If he signs a contract with WWE, after all these years, even for a short term, even with a light schedule, he will just get buried. Big time... Then a smart wwe fanboy will come out and say what were we expecting, he had injuries, past his prime etc. DDP Volume 2
Forgive my ignorance, but have we actually confirmed that there's going to be a WCW-Theme HOF this year? I've heard all the talk and whatnot, but don't you think we're all just jumping the gun a little bit?

I really, really doubt Sting would appear with WWE. Even if he was inducted into the HoF. Having said that, I doubt they would induct him if he did not agree to show up. What's more, I highly, highly doubt he would face 'Taker even in just one match.

As somebody said, the new WWE kids probably wont know who Sting is, and for a match of that caliber, where would the build-up be? I can't see Sting wanting to do a whole mini-programme with the Undertaker before WrestleMania anyway and they're fast running out of time for such a thing.

It's a great idea though and I'd love to see him in the HoF and I'd love to see the match. It just seems very unlikely and illogical to me.
The Immortal storyline isn't what he expected it to be? Really? Hulk Hogan would have made that much of a difference? Don't they realize that Hulk Hogan contributes ZERO star power anymore? Sure he might get some non wrestling fans in Orlando to mark out just because he's one of the few names they know, but that's it.

Honestly, what was he expecting from a storyline that revolved around Jeff Jarrett pretending to be an MMA specialist, Abyss as one of the top stars, and a coke addict as the face of the group? Did anyone besides TNA marks REALLY expect that to work? What a joke.
Eric Bischoff said:
Why he is not satisfied with the Immortal storyline to this point thus far, the impact that Hulk Hogan's back injury had in the changing of TNA's initial plans for it, and why he is excited to see where things go in the very near future on TNA programming (with a "much more effervescent Hulk Hogan"): "No I'm not. Clearly there was a pretty big setback with Hulk Hogan, which forced us to kind of shift on the fly, in terms of that storyline. At this point, the story is not where we wanted it to, be but as frustrated or disappointed I may be about that, it's part of life. But I'm equally as excited about where it's going to go in the very near future. I talk to Hulk almost every other day, if not every day, and he's getting better. I think the prognosis for him and his ability to become active and a part of the story in a much better way: You're going to see a much more effervescent Hulk Hogan than we've probably seen in a couple years, and I think the story's going to evolve very nicely."
What frightens me most about this statement, and its implications for how I hope TNA would entertain me in the future, is the idea that the Immortal storyline would have been a success if it was only for Hulk Hogan. It is precisely that kind of attitude that is keeping new people from becoming interested in TNA; the idea that two men in their 50's, one of whom's last major television exposure was five years ago, and the other ten, are so fundamental to TNA that the program cannot be as successful without them. I hope no one is lost as to why I refer to the current incarnation of TNA as "The Hulk + Eric Show".

In one year, TNA has gone from an organization centered around its wrestling talent to one centered around its microphone talent, and if you've heard one Hogan interview, you're heard them all.

As far as "strategic growth" goes... you just got your concept show canceled and you're off the air in the market you were doing best in. But how would I know? Everyone knows the adage, "If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, you can't be sure it's a duck unless you've got a PhD in Biology and cut it open for yourself to carefully examine each organ."
I could see Sting arriving in the WWE for a short one-off-feud with someone, probably Undertaker but who knows if this will happen?

The Stinger is getting on in age, and fair play to him that he is concerned about not being able to perform at the level he used to on a regular basis. I would have far more respect for him retiring before turning to shit in the ring, rather than these other legends who keep on going until they cant walk any more, embarassing themselves and their legacies.

I really wanna see Sting in a WWE ring just one time, before accepting his rightful place in the Hall of Fame. He is a true legend of the business and I think an appearance at a WM, this year preferably or next year at a push, is a perfect end to his career. It is sad to me that a performer of Sting's calibre has never performed at the grandest stage of the them all, albeit by choice and loyalty to WCW.

WWE would use Sting right. They would give him a part time role, where he wouldnt have to get in the ring very often, and maybe just even the 1 match at WM. I think this would be perfect for The Stinger right about now.

Do it Sting, sign for Uncle Vince and give us what we want to see...the Crow at Wrestlemania!
I have a few things to say about his comments in the interview...

Regarding the Immortal storyline. I can see what he means by it hasn't panned out the way they envisioned because Hulk got hurt. They probably assumed he would have a key role in the storyline and he clearly did. Having to change things on the fly like this is gonna hurt any storyline and keep them from getting the most out of what it could have been. However they should have known with Hogan's injury history and age it was a possibility and had a contingency plan in place in case that happened. That would have been the wisest decision. I don't know who is actually running TNA so I can't lay the blame on anyone specific person. I guess its who ever is in charge of writings fault which I believe is Vince Russo and I assume Eric Bischoff. I don't know if Hogan actually has any power or that's just a tv character. But if he does have control I can see a situation where he nixed any back up plan involving him not being around because he believes in himself and that he wouldn't get hurt and any storyline that big couldn't survive without him. That's just the ego that has been portrayed by a good number of his peers about him since WCW.

Regarding Sting, it's his career. He has earned his rep. If he wants to go into the WWE Hall of Fame by all means he should. It's all we really have for a Hall of Fame. Actually I think theres a NWA Hall of Fame too and he may be in that. If there is and he doesn't wanna associate himself with WWE at all then he can just be happy with the NWA Hall of Fame. But if he wants to go to the WWE and be in their Hall I have no problem with that either. He earned it either way but the WWE Hall of Fame seems to be the bigger deal. As far as a continued in-ring career I could see one more match for Sting and it would probably be in TNA more than likely over WWE. Who would he face though? Maybe Jeff Hardy or Mr.Anderson if he is gonna put someone over on the way out. Or if he wants to win his last match I guess they could use him against Jarrett.
What frightens me most about this statement, and its implications for how I hope TNA would entertain me in the future, is the idea that the Immortal storyline would have been a success if it was only for Hulk Hogan. It is precisely that kind of attitude that is keeping new people from becoming interested in TNA; the idea that two men in their 50's, one of whom's last major television exposure was five years ago, and the other ten, are so fundamental to TNA that the program cannot be as successful without them. I hope no one is lost as to why I refer to the current incarnation of TNA as "The Hulk + Eric Show".

In one year, TNA has gone from an organization centered around its wrestling talent to one centered around its microphone talent, and if you've heard one Hogan interview, you're heard them all.

As far as "strategic growth" goes... you just got your concept show canceled and you're off the air in the market you were doing best in. But how would I know? Everyone knows the adage, "If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, you can't be sure it's a duck unless you've got a PhD in Biology and cut it open for yourself to carefully examine each organ."

I think you jumped the gun there. Bischoff didn't imply even for a moment that the storyline is worse now that Hogan's out of the picture in a way. He said it was a set-back and that it's not where it should've been. They lost key member of the storyline, a guy that's involved in its development. He would've felt the same way if Hardy, himself or any other of the people important for the storyline disappeared.

He never said Hogan was crucial for its success. I guess Hogan played a part in its development and it ruined some plans for the future.

I do agree that giving the key roles to Hogan, Flair and Bischoff could be a turn off for some people, but do you honestly see AJ Styles leading Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair? They're not wrestling, they're just talking. They're The Emperor and Fourtune/Immortal is Darth Vader.

Personally, I'm fine with Hogan, Bischoff and Flair having the roles that they do. What pisses me off is when they go on and on and on and on and on about the same fucking thing every week. Bischoff takes the mic and time freezes. I'm okay with their roles, I'm not OK with how they play the roles when they're behind the mic. There are times when AJ or Hardy could say the shit Bischoff says. Bischoff's way better as the guy behind the desk with Flair by his side, barking orders.
Zeven_Zion said:
Personally, I'm fine with Hogan, Bischoff and Flair having the roles that they do. What pisses me off is when they go on and on and on and on and on about the same fucking thing every week. Bischoff takes the mic and time freezes. I'm okay with their roles, I'm not OK with how they play the roles when they're behind the mic. There are times when AJ or Hardy could say the shit Bischoff says. Bischoff's way better as the guy behind the desk with Flair by his side, barking orders.
I couldn't agree with you more here. Hamlet is one of the greatest parts ever written (and the last action hero who was allowed to be smart, it seems), but if you see him portrayed by crap actors, it ruins the whole experience. For instance, I'd take a pass on seeing David Arquette in the role; sure, he had his time where he was seemingly all over the movies, but he is a washed up has been former shell of himself. (Hi, Vince!)

The "part" of evil controlling overlord is a fine one which hits more often then it misses; everyone can relate to the evil boss who makes things difficult for the hero. (How many kids pretended they were Vince McMahon growing up, sending out his varied cronies to beat up Steve Austin?) But when the actors are repetitive and uninspiring, even the best scripts will suck. No one makes threads about what Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan have plotted next. Their characters do not generate the emotional response required of the "evil controlling overlord" role.
I couldn't agree with you more here. Hamlet is one of the greatest parts ever written (and the last action hero who was allowed to be smart, it seems), but if you see him portrayed by crap actors, it ruins the whole experience. For instance, I'd take a pass on seeing David Arquette in the role; sure, he had his time where he was seemingly all over the movies, but he is a washed up has been former shell of himself. (Hi, Vince!)

The "part" of evil controlling overlord is a fine one which hits more often then it misses; everyone can relate to the evil boss who makes things difficult for the hero. (How many kids pretended they were Vince McMahon growing up, sending out his varied cronies to beat up Steve Austin?) But when the actors are repetitive and uninspiring, even the best scripts will suck. No one makes threads about what Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan have plotted next. Their characters do not generate the emotional response required of the "evil controlling overlord" role.

Hey, don't forget about Lex Luthor.

See, Bischoff is heelish. You can believe he's a fuckin' douche and is very good at that role. My problem with him is that he seems to have one segment too many on every show. That's my beef with Bischoff. You didn't accomplish anything with that segment, it didn't lead to anything of even remote importance, you just ran your gums about SOMETHING and then dropped the mic. That's what Bischoff does sometimes.

Flair, on the other hand, is THE bad guy. I don't mind Flair having one segment too many on any show, because Ric Flair is Ric Flair, he's pure freaking GOLD on the mic. He's a kook, he's not all there, you know he's a douche (dirtiest player in the game, hello?). Flair should've had Bischoff's role behind the mic.

Hogan? Hogan is completely idle at this point. He can just stand there, agonize and basically be Hulk Hogan. The sad thing about The Hulkster is that, unlike Flair, if this guy can't wrestle he's just a guy that was HUGE back in the day, and is HUGE now, but noone seems to give a damn anymore because he's older, he's in pain, he can't wrestle and he's never been much of a maestro behind the mic. Popping a vessel ain't an art unless you're Flair.

What do we learn from this? The characters the writers created for them are evil, they're a bunch of pricks, they're GREAT. It's been a while since I've seen a real bad guy who disgusts me. Russo did a good job (what the fuck, it's so weird to have "good" and "Russo" in one sentence). They do them well, but Bischoff talks too much and that craps on everything. I've never heard villains cut a 3 hour long tirade about what they'll do. They swoop in, say something cheesy and then the good guy opposes through actions and words.
Maybe, I need to go back and reread the quote, but the Immortal Storyline has had more issues than just Hogan getting hurt. Who knows what Anderson getting hurt did to the storyline. Morgan probably wasn't going to be getting the push that he currently is without Hardy screwing up. Hogan definitely would probably be carrying some of the mic time that one of the posters mentioned. I believe he said Bish seems to be on 1 to many segments. Hogan probably breaks that up somewhat by taking at least one of them.

I am not a fan of the Faction. I like my factions to have a connection/similarity. What do Jarrett, Hardy, Abyss, and Fortune have in common. Maybe Hardy and Abyss would go together. Jeff as the AntiChrist of Wrestling and Abyss as his demonic monster or something. But, A drugged out hippy with face paint just doesn't go with Money Hungry Talent like Fortune is supposed to be. I don't buy that those guys would be running in the same circle.

I think the storyline would be interesting if somehow Fortune manages to steal the power away from Bischoff. Or Had Bischoff used Hogan for his power and name and then booted him out of the group. Leaving Hogan looking for Help after he pissed on everyone. Either of those options would be interesting if booked correctly.

I just looked at the Impact last night....and the opposition that Immortal had in the ring just didn't quite measure up. Williams, MCMG, and Lethal looked small and foolish in the ring with them. The opposition needed some star power.
Maybe, I need to go back and reread the quote, but the Immortal Storyline has had more issues than just Hogan getting hurt. Who knows what Anderson getting hurt did to the storyline. Morgan probably wasn't going to be getting the push that he currently is without Hardy screwing up. Hogan definitely would probably be carrying some of the mic time that one of the posters mentioned. I believe he said Bish seems to be on 1 to many segments. Hogan probably breaks that up somewhat by taking at least one of them.

I am not a fan of the Faction. I like my factions to have a connection/similarity. What do Jarrett, Hardy, Abyss, and Fortune have in common. Maybe Hardy and Abyss would go together. Jeff as the AntiChrist of Wrestling and Abyss as his demonic monster or something. But, A drugged out hippy with face paint just doesn't go with Money Hungry Talent like Fortune is supposed to be. I don't buy that those guys would be running in the same circle.

I think the storyline would be interesting if somehow Fortune manages to steal the power away from Bischoff. Or Had Bischoff used Hogan for his power and name and then booted him out of the group. Leaving Hogan looking for Help after he pissed on everyone. Either of those options would be interesting if booked correctly.

I just looked at the Impact last night....and the opposition that Immortal had in the ring just didn't quite measure up. Williams, MCMG, and Lethal looked small and foolish in the ring with them. The opposition needed some star power.

I agree that these guys having nothing in common is pretty weird. Won't make me hate the faction but it feels sloppy. They did explain WHY they're together, but it seems rushed.

Hogan, Bischoff, Flair - they want the power.

Abyss - blind follower of Immortal.

Hardy - gets respect from Immortal, they realize what he goes through, the fans don't - he turns his back on them.

Double J - Dixie took his company from him, now he's technically doing the same thing by helping Immortal.

Fourtune - they're with Immortal because of the Money, the fame, the glory blah blah blah.

So they have their reasons, but there's not this ONE thing that glues them all together.

As far as the oposition goes, they don't look like much but TNA has done a fine job at putting them over and making them a believable threat.

Jay Lethal defeated Ric Flair and I THINK Abyss, I might be wrong.

The Guns beat Beer Money time and time again.

Doug Williams beat AJ, had a tie with him and I remember him beating Kazarian too but that's before the whole Immortal thing started.

Matt Morgan almost beat Hardy and so far Hardy never had a clean sweep win over him, TNA booked him and Hardy in a cowardly, back-stabbing heel - big, strong guy who'll go through anything type of way.

Mr.Anderson had little build up thanks to his injury but he had a strong year so he's believable.

So their build up is pretty great. They don't look dominant, but they have enough momentum. The odds seem to be stacked against them which is exactly the position you want the face to be at.

As far as the opposition needing star power, they've got Anderson, RVD and Angle, what more do you need? I don't consider Morgan to be a star, he's pretty darn lucky though.
Sting goes to WWE and loses to the Undertaker at WM in his last match in Atlanta, home of the company he helped built, WCW. Doesnt sound like a great way to go out forever to me especially with how he felt about WWF/E after WCW was bought out. Theres nothing wrong with losing to go out but to lose to WWEs biggest star... to me, as a Sting fan, that doesnt sound like something Id want to see. The WWE HOF isnt as special as the WWE tries to make it out to be anyway.
Sting goes to WWE and loses to the Undertaker at WM in his last match in Atlanta, home of the company he helped built, WCW. Doesnt sound like a great way to go out forever to me especially with how he felt about WWF/E after WCW was bought out. Theres nothing wrong with losing to go out but to lose to WWEs biggest star... to me, as a Sting fan, that doesnt sound like something Id want to see. The WWE HOF isnt as special as the WWE tries to make it out to be anyway.

I agree. I don't think doing anything for Vince McMahon is on Sting's list. If he wanted to take part in anything WWE he would've done it already.

Personally, EVEN if Sting did have a match with 'Taker I wouldn't give two shits about it. What's going to be the agenda? Sting is NOTHING like The Undertaker. Yes, one of them looks like a member of "Kiss" and the other one looks like Ozzy Osbourne on steroids. What else? There can be no argument between the two, they have no history, there's no link, there's nothing. This match will be a flop if it ever happens.

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