Bischoff in TNA?

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Ron Simmons' Script Writer
Personally, I'd like to see Bischoff join TNA.

I believe he could contribute on the air as well as on the booking team.

However, this would require Vince Russo to leave. I've been unimpressed with TNA since Russo joined. It has not improved, and some may say the quality is in decline.

Russo had interesting ideas back in the Attitude days, but like many one-hit-wonder musicians, I don't think he is a good booker for the long term.

On the other hand, Bischoff is a long-term quality booker.

And even though he was entertaining in WWE, Bischoff wasn't allowed to help the creative team, so the product itself still sucked. He was a great actor on the stage, but deserved so much more.

I'd have to disagree, I always thought that Bischoff lacked as a booker. His time in WCW helped to prove that, if he was brought into TNA I can only see him pushing the heavyweight division more than it needs to and completely ignoring the X Divison like he did the young stars that WCW had. Bischoff only seems interested in keeping his top stars in the same role, as opposed to building up new stars to take the lead after the older ones retire.

I think TNA should just find some new writers, and completely forget about guys like Russo and Bischoff. Let the past have those two, it's time for a new era of wrestling.
He's one of those people that WWE will employ just so the competition does'nt get hold of him. He has'nt done any booking for year's so I'd like to see him come in. I bet he's got plenty of great idea's.
It would be very interesting to see what he could bring to the TNA Table, but I agree russo may have to go. WWE should of let him be on the creative team, despite his great in-ring ability.
If Russo left and Bischoff came with the same power as the other bookers, it could be good. It would have to be bizarre though to be under Jeff Jarrett's orders for him. I think Bischoff could truly bring good ideas, but as far as pushing superstars is concerned, it should be left to be a decision between all the bookers.

Plus, add Bischoff as an on-air character, and you've got yourself something big. McMahon will never let Bischoff go though... So don't count on it to happen, even if it would be great.
Russo would definitely have to go. Russo and Cornette don't mix, and the same goes for Russo and Bischoff. Oil and water.
I have mixed feelings about Bischoff in TNA. First, Russo, Cornette and Bischoff in the same promotion just would not work. Obviously someone would have to go. However, I am sure Bischoff is full of some fresh new ideas, so could be an asset to the company. Personally, I wish the WWE would free Paul Heyman so that he could work for TNA.
Bischoff is more of a buissness man than a booker in my opinion, and not as strong as russo. The dream booking team for TNA at the minute would be Heyman and Russo. Although i am not sure if they could function together.
I have mixed feelings about Bischoff in TNA. First, Russo, Cornette and Bischoff in the same promotion just would not work. Obviously someone would have to go. However, I am sure Bischoff is full of some fresh new ideas, so could be an asset to the company. Personally, I wish the WWE would free Paul Heyman so that he could work for TNA.

Paul Heyman will never work with Vince Russo in my opinion. ECW went out of business because of WCW and Russo for the most part. But you know what they say, never say never. Fire Russo and hire Paul Heyman, and then you'll get some good new stuff in TNA.

I love intelligent 14 year old kids that get on the internet and talk crap for no reason at all.

On another, more mature note...
Bischoff would be a great addition to TNA, and Russo needs to be gone, his ideas are old and not helping TNA at all. If TNA signed Bischoff, then we could have Mcmahon vs. Bischoff again, like the good old days of the monday night wars! I also think TNA does need to promote a heavyweight division more than they currently do.
Bischoff is someone I think TNA should sign in a heartbeat because he could really stick it to the WWE with his ideas, just as Paul Heyman could. If those two guys were allowed to actually use their brilliant wrestling minds in TNA, who knows how far TNA could go. Right now, these guys are being wasted by the WWE and I am sure they would like to hurt the WWE in any way possible and this could be an option for both.

Bischoff could have a role backstage or on TV but either way, he would be a great addition to TNA and would rejuvenate a seemingly falling product at the moment. I am sure he would have the sense to say yes or no to Russo's ideas and with his involvement, who knows how good TNA could get? Could you just imagine where Heyman and Bischoff could take this company if they were in it? I am sure TNA would think along the same sort of mentality that I have if the oppurtunity ever arose, and I think signing him or Heyman would be a definite.

Let's hope that he leaves the WWE soon and takes up a role in TNA because Bischoff could do wonders for this product. Look at how much he took it up to the WWE with WCW, and I think he would have the same quality of weapons that he had with WCW to make TNA a household name. His ideas, along with Heyman's, are second to none and really, this would be ideal for TNA. The wrestlers would follow and so would the viewers if Bischoff or Heyman were given a go in a company that will give them power.
Bischoff would be an awesome addition to the TNA roster and more importantly the TNA creative team. People always discount how amazing of a booker Bischoff truly is. Bischoff, despite having stolen a lot of his ideas from Paul E, was at least open minded enough to realise that these ideas were valuable - unlike Mr. Mac. In addition, Bischoff proved in the early days of Nitro and its dying phases that nobody can book a show as coherently and fleuntly as he. Nitro, especially during its early days, was without a doubt the best booked wrestling show I had ever seen. It was like watching a live news broadcast. Everything was executed brilliantly. They brought up the main points beautifully, documented evrything that was happening and inserted some of the best wrestling action I had seen in years in between it all. All whilst maintaining a great coherent flow.

People often talk about how Bischoff's booking was only good for the short-term, but anyone that knows what they're talking about knows that Nitro's quality only began to deteriorate once Kevin Nash got the book. Sure, people were turning to WWF before that, but that was only due to WCW's lack of NEW starpower. But even here, I can't blame Bischoff. The whole thing about never producing new stars, IMO, is not the fault of Ezy E. I truly and honestly believe that Bischoff felt he had no say in the decision. We all know that Hogan, Hall and Nash had great political power. And I believe Eric felt pressured into doing things their way. As we saw in the dying days of WCW, Eric is more than capable of pushing new stars. And unlike Mr. Mac he sees the value in the smaller guys.

However, I'm not so sure that getting entirely rid of Russo is a good idea. He can provide some great ideas and give valuable input. I'm just not sure he should be leading the group in booking for TNA.

Eric Bischoff, Paul Heyman and Gabe Sapolsky would all be invaluable additions to the TNA creative team. Its just too bad that the old heads in charge at TNA (Jarrett, Russo, Taylor and Mantell) are too blind and too behind the times to realise this.
If TNA signed Bischoff, then we could have Mcmahon vs. Bischoff again, like the good old days of the monday night wars!

Imagine the first promo he would cut upon his arrival.

And not only would they have Bischoff, but they have Nash, maybe Hall, very possibly Hogan, Sting, etc to use as the big names to attract new people to the product, but also the newer/less familiar guys (Lethal, Starr, Senshi, etc) to reinforce a quality show.
Somebody tell me what the hell spamming is? I got an infraction for it for my last post in this forum? I really don't get it. I thought it said something about my post being short. Oh I'm sorry I didn't know I couldn't express my opinion if it only consits of a sentence. I thought thats why we are all here, to express our opinions. I don't get it
Bischoff lacked as a booker. His time in WCW helped to prove that, if he was brought into TNA I can only see him pushing the heavyweight division more than it needs to and completely ignoring the X Divison like he did the young stars that WCW had.

I have to disagree a tad with that one. You're right in saying that there were some underutilised wrestlers in WCW (Benoit, Mysterio, Guerrerro etc.) but let's remember that Bischoff signed a lot of those wrestlers to begin with, guys who may not have got the shot in the WWF at the time. He was also largely responsible for the growth/popularity of the Cruiserweight division, which produced (in my opinion) the most consistently good in-ring action of any top promotion. That, along with the nWo angle, was his finest acheivement in my book.

My point being that if he could bring that kind of prominence to the X-division, and by that I mean the wreslters in the division were given the time to wrestle, it could really be something. I do think Impact definitely needs two hours though, too much stuff to pack in to one hour. said:
Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Eric Bischoff, whose contract expires in July, nixed a scripted idea several weeks ago to return to RAW. There aren't too many details out there in regards to what they wanted him to do, but what is known is that it was last minute decision and not scheduled to be a long-term role. Bischoff broke his arm during an arm wrestling contest two months ago, and was still in pain as recently as last month, so that may have played a factor in his decison to not return.

I hope Bischoff is considering contacting TNA for a run. I believe that as long as Bischoff joins as booker AND on-air character, Russo leaves, and TNA gets a two hour slot, TNA has a bright future.
Well, I don't have anything against Bischoff, but if he went to TNA he would most probably ruin that show just like how he ruined RAW and WCW. With RAW, it was mostly action and little talk before he came, then he started doing 5 minute segments of either him or a wrestler, look at that Y2J - Cena rivalry, I counted about 4 - 5 matches in that rivalry, BORING.
Seriously he should stick to ruining other shows, like WWE, i wouldn't mind that whole company going down in an instant, I think that it would benefit the whole world, what with all of the trips they do, the only reason that they are so popular is because all of their superstars want lots of money so they do commercials and movies aswell as wrestle.
Well, I don't have anything against Bischoff, but if he went to TNA he would most probably ruin that show just like how he ruined RAW and WCW. With RAW, it was mostly action and little talk before he came, then he started doing 5 minute segments of either him or a wrestler, look at that Y2J - Cena rivalry, I counted about 4 - 5 matches in that rivalry, BORING.
Seriously he should stick to ruining other shows, like WWE, i wouldn't mind that whole company going down in an instant, I think that it would benefit the whole world, what with all of the trips they do, the only reason that they are so popular is because all of their superstars want lots of money so they do commercials and movies aswell as wrestle.

Eric Bischoff was not part of the Raw creative team while on the show. He was only an on-air character, and I believe he can play a very good heel. They should get him in TNA, only as an on-screen character as well, possibly contributing to the creative team (I mean come on the guy's got good ideas, he beats Russo).

Eric Bischoff could possibly come into TNA bringing in two established ex-WWE main-event quality wrestlers, and could get an Outsider/NwO like storyline going on :). Not saying to do the exact same thing, cause that would be bad for business for sure.
If Bischoff were brought in to help the business and marketing end of the company, then I'd be all for that. He was the one who decided to stop running excessive house shows with WCW because they'd been weeping money at a rate of around -$14 million per year. He was also behind some of the biggest moves they made upward as a company, so I do believe that when he sets hit mind to it, he can definitely do some positive things. He still, however, suffers from something I'd like to call "McMahon Denial Syndrome." He'll continue to act as if Paul Heyman and ECW weren't responsible for the styling of product that WCW and the WWF both ended up being, when everyone who doesn't also suffer from the same ailment can see that ideas for product content, angles, match types, and talent were all transplanted from ECW and just got a little spit-polish production-wise. For this, I have always called bull$hit on Bischoff (especially after reading his book). As far as creatively, if he actually tries he could possibly help the show and act as a counterpoint to Russo and the others. I'd still rather have Heyman, though.
ok hold on Kent Jones he is half right Vince Russo will ruin TNA Bischoffs contract will end by summer he is not renewing! Now get also this there is rumor to believe that when McMoron is bald and loses the match with Donald Trump he will reveal his biggest suprise ever where Eric Bischoff and Donald Trump will buy off WWE and Eric Bischoff is new proud owner of course its a brilliant shoot but also get this he will shock McMoron one way or the other when he shows up in TNA coz Jeff Jarrett wants him there so let the Monday Night Wars restart again ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Bischoff knew who would make WCW recognizable so He will bring in HOgan ,Goldberg and who knows more people like Savage and Big SHow
So Bischoff screwed up in the beginning with Big Show and Syxx and let them go including Raven but Vince Russo sank the titanic ship!
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