Biggest pop you've ever heard


Getting Noticed By Management
Mine is for sure when John Cena returned at Royal Rumble 2008. I was watching it live and I literaly jumped out of my seat and was jumping around like a fool. I swear I believe that every single person in MSG marked out that night for Cena. Some of the peoples reactions where priceless. They were cheering like hell, then they realized that they "hated" Cena so they started booing. Best pop ever.
Biggest pop I've heard. Tough one.

Probably for a big return of someone like Austin or Rock in the attitude era.
Yeah that Cena pop was awesome. The smarks in the audience were out of character for a few minutes ;)
The Undertaker, WWE SmackDown!/ECW house show in Sydney, last year. That shit was loud.
The best pop I've seen was probably Triple H's return in 2002 in Madison Square Garden. When the music hits the crowd went mad... when Triple H came out the crowd went absolutely insane! The roar he got from the crowd is (probably) still to this day, unbeaten. A close second in my opinion was probably when The British Bulldog won the Intercontiental Championship from Bret Hart at Summerslam 1992 at Wembley Stadium. The reaction he got was simular to England scoring a goal at Wembley. And third would probably be when Shawn turned heel in 2005 before he faced Hogan at Summerslam and he was mocking the Canadian's about Bret Hart, then Hart's music hit. The reaction was awesome.
Sydney crowds have been good when I've been. Less than 2 months until RAW's here!. And Rusty, the talk with my mum went very well, will be moving shortly.
Surely there would be a crunch if a small child fell under your car? What kind of fucking child goes pop if you run them over?
Biggest pop for me was the night that Mick Foley won his first WWE title. First, out comes the Rock with members of the Corporation in tow. Then, DX came out to nullify the corporate members. Once they all started brawling, the crowd made a nice pop...

But then, while all of them were brawling outside the ring and the Rock was busy with Foley in the ring, all of a sudden... *CRASH* You hear Stone Cold's music hit and the place went absolutely ballistic. He clocks the Rock with a chair and drapes Foley on top to get the three count... then the crowd popped again. It was like a TRIPLE-POP.

I still get chills everytime I think about that night.
WM 2001 in Houston the crowd went baserk for Rock and Austin this match will go down as more then likely the greatest WM match of all time.
I'd say the same as D-Man. The crowd seemed to be confused as the whole thing started breaking down into a smozz, and then all of a sudden the glass shatters and literally, as D-Man said, everyone shot up out of their seats and went psycho/groupie/cocaine crazy. That was 10 years ago, and it still sticks out in my mind, whereas when i think of things like HHH returning, the crowd's reaction isn't the first thing that comes to mind.
Foley winning the WWF Title was huge.
Cena returning at the Rumble.
Triple H returning at MSG.
Trips return in 2002 I think was the year. Can't even hear the entrance music there. Another is Austin in the invasion angle, the crowd went absolutely fucking nuts when he came out. Or when Rocky returned to help Eugene. That was unbelievable.

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