Biggest Pieces of Crap Wrestlers?

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Brilliance In Supremacy

Getting Noticed By Management
There's two types of heat: genuine heel heat and X-Pac heat. Genuine heat is what some like Edge, Christian, and Ken Kennedy are so good at getting. We enjoy their presence...then there are guys who just have to be present to not like. It's called "X-Pac heat".

Which wrestlers, active and inactive, are just brilliant at naturally being disliked?

I think:
Teddy Hart - Such a talented performer...he's also very good at making you want to punch him in the face
Scott Steiner - It's difficult to tell whether it's a gimmick or whether he's just ridiculously conceited
John Cena - I know he's a face...but still. I don't genuinely dislike Cena, I just don't enjoy seeing him on TV and him being in a match almost automatically shuts it out from any rating above four stars
Hulk Hogan - Yes, as many of us would kill for this man as would stick him in the face. I'm in the latter category

That's all I can think of for now but I might post more later
There's two types of heat: genuine heel heat and X-Pac heat. Genuine heat is what some like Edge, Christian, and Ken Kennedy are so good at getting. We enjoy their presence...then there are guys who just have to be present to not like. It's called "X-Pac heat".

Which wrestlers, active and inactive, are just brilliant at naturally being disliked?

I think:
Teddy Hart - Such a talented performer...he's also very good at making you want to punch him in the face
Scott Steiner - It's difficult to tell whether it's a gimmick or whether he's just ridiculously conceited
John Cena - I know he's a face...but still. I don't genuinely dislike Cena, I just don't enjoy seeing him on TV and him being in a match almost automatically shuts it out from any rating above four stars
Hulk Hogan - Yes, as many of us would kill for this man as we would stick him in the face. I'm in the latter category

That's all I can think of for now but I might post more later

Chavo Guerrero seems to get a lot of X-Pac heat. He is the biggest Eddie Guerrero tailrider in the business, because his speaking skills and limited in-ring repertoire prevent him from getting over on his own. He even stole the frog splash as a finisher, probably because the Gory Bomb is likely one of the moves on Vince McMahon's ever-growing "too dangerous" list. The whole angle behind him and Vickie turning on Rey Mysterio just didn't play out well, because Chavo doesn't have the speaking skills to work well in this capacity. Therefore, he gets plenty of X-Pac heat.
Chavo Guerrero seems to get a lot of X-Pac heat. He is the biggest Eddie Guerrero tailrider in the business, because his speaking skills and limited in-ring repertoire prevent him from getting over on his own. He even stole the frog splash as a finisher, probably because the Gory Bomb is likely one of the moves on Vince McMahon's ever-growing "too dangerous" list. The whole angle behind him and Vickie turning on Rey Mysterio just didn't play out well, because Chavo doesn't have the speaking skills to work well in this capacity. Therefore, he gets plenty of X-Pac heat.

wait, the gory bomb is on vinces "to dangerous" but Victorias Widows peak is ok WTF? they both use the same set-up and if you ask me the widows peak looks a hell of alot more dangerous than the Gorybomb wich could be used to set-up the frog splash

anyway back to the topic I think Triple H is the best when it comes geniune heat, as for "X-pac heat" I'd have to say Umaga and in a big way Miz, esecially Miz, everytime I see that dumb bastard I just want to smash his face in with a hammer, I hated the little bitch before I ever even seen him wrestle
What makes it somewhat hard to decipher X-Pac heat from heel heat is determining who's simply doing their job well and who's gimmick/attitude simply seems like an extension of their character.

So here's the equation that I made: If you were to see a wrestler in public, having the desire to punch them in the face is an example of X-Pac heat. Honestly, if I were to see Matt Striker on the street, I'd probably stick him in the face. Well...I'm have to restrain myself because I'd like to maintain my voting privileges and not get charged with assault. On the other hand, if I ran into Gregory Helms - I'd shake his hand. That's my theory
I think the only heat Stephanie McMahon get's is go away heat.

I agree that Teddy Hart is a complete waste of space, he has so much talent and yet he act's like a complete tit. Vince would hire him purley for name value just so he could have Bret Hart's nephew on his roster. He should look at what Harry Smith has done and think of where he'll be in 5 year's time ie. probably an established main eventer.
i know this may be a little off topic but why is 'xpac heat' called xpac heat? Hogan Heat sounds better to me.

back to subject . i think hogan has got to be the biggest piece of crap wrestler ever. The bad totally outweights anything good he might have ever done for pro-wrestling.When the nWo storyline dragged on for eons i have to think Hogan didnt get heal heat it was 'xpac heat'.He never wanted to put anyone over and pretty much free run of what he could do thanks to that creative control clause in his contract.I m not saying Hogan is the one to point all blame to for the demise of wcw but he should get his fair share of the blame and for that i think he is the biggest pice of crap wrestler ever.
It's called X-Pac heat because it's not the type of heat they want. During a match between him and Kidman at Invasion (where all the WCW and ECW talent were meant to be the heel's) X-Pac was the only WWE talent to be booed. Hulk Hogan get's genuine heat, for some reason the crowd love him. For example he was meant to be the heel at W.M. X8 and yet it was The Rock who got booed.
yup and I was one of those people in the crowd booing rock and cheering hogan
to me, Scott Steiner is just ridiculously conceited, but that means he does his job well... from what i've been told, he's down to earth out of character... kinda the Steiner was before the abusive muscle lifting regumen... or maybe he's just f'n bi-polar? LOL

I think certain people get "X-Pac heat" because they let their ego get the better of them... Chavo G is a great example but I don't think I'd ever attack him... I think the only wrestler I'd have to hit and run would be Umaga... waste... huge fat waste...
Examples of great heat getters would be...

Real heat:
Christian - Great at pulling heat
Triple h - Same
Teddy hart - just so cocky you wanna hit him, he can back it up as well.
Scott steiner - he just loves acting like a wanker and we eat it up.
Jeff jarret - because he is great at playing a tool, although some of his heat is xpac heat i am sure.

X-pac heat

Great Khali
Hulk hogan
Kip james...(thats a personal one)
Also so for me any one of bag of shit wrestlers WWE has pushed over the past 2 years (Spirit squad, Snitsky, The highlanders, boogeyman, Miz, MVP, chris masters, rene dupree, lance cade, Trevor murdoch, Shad)
Also every time scotty too hotty did the worm i used to die a little inside...

And.....ironicly....i dont mind watching xpac in the ring....
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