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Biggest Misuse Of Talent On Raw This Week [SERIES/1]


Brilliant Idiot
This is an idea for a weekly series I have. I'll come out with a new edition every Tuesday from now on. Nonetheless, here is the first installment.

Who was the biggest misuse of talent on Raw this week? Which talent should have won? Who should have potentially lost? Who should have wrestled? What match should have gone on longer? Anyway you want to look at it?

I'll let you guys go first, then I'll give my take.
The obvious, stick out like a sore thumb answer is Sheamus.

There is NO FUCKING WAY that Santino should've won, even if it was to start a Sheamus & JoMo feud. Easy way to sort it out was have a great Sheamus vs John Morrison match. With either man winning as they're both very good. Having Santino win just made Sheamus look weak and stupid.
Santino winning was absolutely terrible. I mean he has never won a clean match against a top dog since coming to the WWE and he suddenly pulls out a win over a 2-time and former WWE champ!! WTH!! This is absolutely terrible.
i can see that next week sheamus will have a rematch with santino and annilate him just to try and regain the embarrassment from this weeks raw. santino is just a comedy act nothing more,
Talent wasted would be big zeke, he's fresh from coming back and ive only seen a little of this guy even from ecw days, not saying a large match or anything just perhaps a small match with one of the hart dynasty or someone.
Henry - resolving family issues
Punk - is injured and got an MRI
Bourne - out for 6 months
Triple H - still absent


So who was wasted .. apart from the divas who i dont care about..

1. Morrison should have had a match instead of Santino. Santino shouldn't have won at ALL that was a complete disgrace to a former 2-time world champion u dont make somebody lose like that.

2. Big Zeke should have had a match. The guy just came back and he wrestled the day before in one of the main bookings and wasn't put on the next day? Please WWE use your talent instead of guest hosts..

3. Hart Dynasty shouldn't have been split up. They weren't on tv at all and it is the stupidest thing to kill off the tag team division and have them separate.

4. Santino may have had a match but what happened to Kozlov? It's like he doesn't exist on the roster at all.

5. Ted Dibiase and Goldust don't appear on RAW at all? Stupidest thing. Please continue the storyline on RAW instead of NXT which nobody watches.


Good to see R-Truth was used properly and that Bryan and Ziggler had another great match though !
No offence but this is a bit of a silly thread if you ask me, it may work but meh...

Why is everyone saying Santino winning was bad? He didn't win by taking out Sheamus and dominating him he literally won by help from Morrison and falling over thus rolling up Sheamus... expect Sheamus to take Santino out next week but oh well it was funny to watch =].

The Goldust-Dibiase fued not having any impact this week was odd and so was Big Zeke not really getting anything at all in RAW?
I have to got with Goldust/ Dibiase. They had a ppv match where the feud obviously didn't end and then have nothing on Raw. I was disappointed in that as I see this being a very interest feud with classic goldust mindgames. I think this feud could make Dibiase if he does it right. Goldust is just a classic superstar who makes interesting storylines.
The obvious, stick out like a sore thumb answer is Sheamus.

There is NO FUCKING WAY that Santino should've won, even if it was to start a Sheamus & JoMo feud. Easy way to sort it out was have a great Sheamus vs John Morrison match. With either man winning as they're both very good. Having Santino win just made Sheamus look weak and stupid.
LOL i realise lately that when a man loses people scream omg! he looks weak! lol the thing is it was shocking and i liked that from the moment the match was made i was like "yup another squash match for sheamus to win but lo n behold santino one i think it was a nice turn around from the usual santino jobbing work which he does excellently by the way and a chance to see a different side of sheamus with a main event fued.
Like many have already said, the biggest misuse by far was Sheamus. A two time WWE Champion having the biggest year of 2010 should never...and I mean NEVER...have to job to a comedy jobber. It's disgusting actually. They never gave Sheamus any credibility as a champion, even after shoving him down our throats at the beginning. And now that people are actually starting to like Sheamus, he's losing to Santino?

The other misuse, and it's a minor one because nobody REALLY cares about the divas anymore, was that Melina and Gail Kim lost so easily to LayCool. They are supposed to be two of the best female wrestlers in the world right now, and WWE has consistently buried them both under LayCool. Melina's return was supposed to be huge, and they didn't even give her the title or another shot at it. Big waste of talent. I think at this point, after they refused to give Natalya the belt as well, they are either holding out for a LayCool break-up, or waiting for Beth Phoenix to come back from injury. Either one is great news for me.
I think the whole Sheamus thing is totally being misused. I mean, I'm by no means a fan. But how can they go from having him absolutely squash Danielson to jobbing to Santino? Danielson is the mid-card champ and Santino is a modern-day Brooklyn Brawler. So any momentum drawn from squashing the champ was squandered by jobbing him out to the enhancement talent.
Sheamus didnt job to Santino why are you all saying that? Jobbing is when you legit lose a match. Yes, Sheamus LOST to Santino - on a roll up because of Morrison. That was not a job by any means and it doesn't make him look weak. Most of you IWC are always on this bandwaggon where if a main eventer loses its the worst thing that happened in the world. This sort of stuff happens all the time, with interference, it's the shock factor. And if I had to guess, I'd say Santino will beat him again next week, again with interference from Morrison.

But I digress:

Biggest misuse of talent Ted not being on the show. look at where he was a year ago, feuding with DX, now he has fallen so far down the card. I really was enjoying the Goldust feud, but I will never watch it on NXT, so why put it there instead of Raw. I would have rather seen that match than the stupid lay down for the tag titles, or the continued domination of laycool. Honestly at this point im sure laycool would beat anyone other than Cena and Orton because of the way they have been booked.

Also, where did Kozlov go?
Argh, the IWC is starting to annoy me more and more now. Sheamus being mis used? What? It was a surprise win for Santino, and surprise creates an interesting element to any show, I personally loved it. Honestly, first we complain that Santino doesn't win any matches, and when he gets one surprise win we say Sheamus is being mis used all of a sudden? This creates a feud between Sheamus-Morrison, putting Morrison over. So I don't see how both Morrison or Sheamus can be mis used when this seems to be good for the long run.

Also +1 Rep for ThePoodle for just being the only one who seems to have their head in place so far in this thread.

I agree that Ted DibIase was the biggest mis use, sure he may be boring but they need to continue the Goldust-Ted feud from what we saw at Bragging Rights. And good mention about Kozlov, no idea.
@ Calderownz: I think this is a good idea of yours for a thread. Sheamus losing to Santino is not really a big thing imo because I don't think that the wwf has made him look like a credible champion in both of his reigns :disappointed:

To me the BIGGEST misuse of talent this week was the team of Melina & Gail Kim. Them two could and maybe would be the ONLY legit threat to Laycool :banghead:
But I guess they are leaving Laycool for the return of Beth Phoenix
Sheamus losing was so funny:lmao:. So Santino beat him with the help of Morrison, it was still really funny. All you guys crying that Sheamus beat down Danielson and now Sheamus loses to the Raw clown, remember Danielson had no friend to help him out. This is building to a PPV match between Sheamus and Morrison we all remember the great match they had on Raw a couple months ago. It is perfect filler till Triple H comes back to feud with Sheamus.
I seem to remember The Brooklyn Brawler "beating" HHH one time...
And where was the outcry when Santino won his spot on team Raw? Granted it was against Zack Ryder, but for having such a complete flip out about the comical way Santino beat Sheamus, you would think people would have really flipped out over Santino representing the "best of Raw". (not that I had a problem with it).

Back to the main topic. I completely agree about Melina and Gail Kim being misused. Actually anyone who has lost to Laycool in the last few months have been misused. I may get my own heat for this, but I haven't seen anything in those few months or longer that have made me think Laycool should be beating people. And Melina and Gail Kim are OBVIOUSLY the top of the women's division.

John Morrison has been misused recently, and for a while I think, but this last monday I don't think so. Yeah he didn't have a match, but he wasn't misused. He came to the rescue of someone, even inadvertently helped him win, and set up a potential big time fued with one of the biggest stars. This should help Morrison go over huge.

However, I've thought, and continue to think, That the Nexus members are constantly misused. Wade Barrett aside (and even him at times) almost NEVER wrestle, or have a match, and they don't do much besides attack a single person in full force. I understand that is the dynamic of the group, I'm not stupid. However I think the WWE would like to showcase some of the talent. Mainly Gabriel, but I would still think that if they had faith in any member besides Barrett, the individual members would do more, more often. Even still in tag team or even handicap matches. Thats just my opinion, but I would love to see then be active more.
I agree with dzone, I dont think Santino was a bad move at all actually. It's a fresh way to start off a Morrison Sheamus fued. What was worse was them putting him on Team Raw. Not that Zack Ryder would have been any better. But a Kozlov or a Hart Foundation member may have been a better fit. But I definetly agree with no Goldust, dudes gotten into shape and has a really "old school" style storyline going. Hot off a solid mid card ppv match, shame. Less political stand up for WWE shit and more solid booking is needed.
I understand everyone's entitled to an opinion, and that many of you are angry that Sheamus lost to Santino but that doesn't mean Sheamus is the biggest mis-use of talent this week.

Think about it. He challenges Santino to a match because he's upset that he was so poor at Bragging Rights and let the team down. Continuation of angles; isn't that what we all want? It wasn't a throw-away match; it had some actual backstory to it.

Then the so-called 'match' consists of Sheamus beating the shit out of Santino. Sure made me think Sheamus was a bad-ass, what with his unrelenting assault on Santino. Sure, it wasn't like he was beating up Orton/Cena or anyone else remotely established as more than a joker but it still made him look strong.

Then we get to the result. Roll-up. Not 'the Cobra', not 'the three-handled. moss-covered, family credenza'; not even 'the fingerpoke of doom'. And when i say he got the roll-up, i mean Santino, not John Morrison who did most of the work to get the pin. He pulled Santino down which allowed him to roll Sheamus up.

The crowd pops but for an important reason; it's an upset. Everyone knows that Sheamus can beat Santino and he can beat him convincingly, but the crowd pop because Santino has achieved something that no-one thought he could. That just shows how highly thought of Sheamus is by the audience and how seriously they view him as a challenger in the world title scene.

And then we get to the whole point of the match; to plant the seeds of a JoMo/Sheamus angle. So instead of just looking at the cold, hard facts that 'Santino Marella defeated Sheamus'; we can see that this match:
a) showed that creative didn't want to just forget about BR (Truth/Miz was another match on the night between Team Raw members)
b) plant the seeds of a potentially good feud to kill time before the Rumble
c) give a feel good movement to the live crowd

Back on topic, the answer is Big Zeke. They way he was booked on RAW/SD!/BR last week was handled really well. He was the captain's pick, signifying that Miz thought very highly of him and thought of him as a secret weapon. Then on SD!, he teams with two of the top heels on RAW (Sheamus/Miz) in a tag match which again, signifies his place on Team Raw as being a top player.

Then we get to BR. He was one of the last 3 guys on Team RAW with Punk and Miz; not exactly bad company, eh? He even outlasted Punk and was eliminated by Mysterio, rather than Kofi or Swagger, which suggests to me that it took a main-eventer to take him out rather than a midcarder.

The most worrying part is that he had such a strong build-up to BR, and then ended up being the only member of Team RAW to not either be featured on RAW or have a match. With Punk/Bryan and Sheamus/JoMo feuds looking like happening, i worry for Zeke's next move. A feud with Truth seems like such a downgrade from competing with and against some of the top talent in the company.
I admit that I wasn't all that thrilled about the idea of Sheamus losing to Santino but you also have to look at the nature of the win. Santino got himself a fluke win, it's hardly the end of the world really. When it comes to talent misuse on Raw, Sheamus was the only real indicator that I saw of that taking place but there was a reason behind it.

At a WWE house show in Montreal this weekend, Sheamus vs. Morrison is on the card so that's a pretty good indicator that a feud between the two on television is beginning. Having Morrison come down to maybe pull Sheamus off of Santino after he'd obliterated him would have worked, but I like the way the WWE has gone about this. Santino is a joke, it's well known and is all but outright admitted on the air via the commentators. Sheamus, a former WWE Champion, loses a match to the biggest joke in the company due to some interference from John Morrison. In a nutshell, Morrison stuck his nose in Sheamus' business and caused him to lose a match against an opponent that wasn't even close to being in his league, so that's always great fuel to use for firing up a feud.

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