Biggest Ego In Wrestling

Biggest Ego

  • Hogan

  • Nash

  • Hart

  • HBK

  • Foley

  • Warrior

  • Other

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The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
Let's face it, professional wrestling takes a massive ego. At least, that's the way it seems. If you look at every single great wrestler who's drawn, you'll find that wrestler has an ego to rival even the prissiest of rock stars. And quite frankly, who can fault them? These are men who work and draw millions of dollars for their companies, and themselves. Of course, some of these egos become so large, to the point in which special... Well, concessions are made for that wrestler. Some refuse to do jobs. Some act like prima donnas backstage. Some go out for night binges on their drug of choice, only to come out the next night, and forget how the match goes. Every promotion you look, there's going to be a case of a guy who thinks he's better than the rest of the roster, and acts that way. It just so happens that person usually does draw in the most money. Oh, and if the person's a good worker, usually the huge ego gets ignored by the masses, and the IWC.

But it's time to call certain wrestlers out to the carpet! Which wrestler, do you feel, has the biggest ego?

I'll offer some choices of my own, of course, but feel free to offer someone you feel is a pretentious prick.

Hulk Hogan- Yes, every list does seem to start with him. Now, I'll admit, if someone has earned the right to have an ego, it's Hogan. There's no doubting the man has sold out plenty of buildings, and is the main reason for the so called "Golden Era" in wrestling. But that doesn't excuse him from acting like a prick. It's said that this guy wanted to have a legitimate fight with Mike Tyson. That, my friends, is an ego that can't be denied. And that ego, indeed, wouldn't be denied; when he did have Creative Control, he used it, and used it well. He always did it to protect his character, and when I say protect his character, I mean bury others, especially in WCW. And speaking of WCW...

Kevin Nash- The man that booked himself over Goldberg. Granted, Nash didn't always start with an ego, but he damn sure grew one. When he got the book, we all saw just how big his ego got. Booking Nitro as his own comedy variety hour was one thing; taking the mask of Rey Mysterio, and overall causing Hell for his supposed "Vanilla Midgets" is another. And it takes quite an ego to believe people still care about Scott Hall, long after he's been suspended for the Drunken Behavior that soured many shows. Big, Tall, and Grouchy. No, that is his ego, not Kevin Nash himself.

Bret Hart- How could this list be complete without him? This was the man that cared so much for his character that he didn't want to lose in Canada. Why? Silly, because he's a national fucking hero, of course. How could you doubt that. Of all the names on this list, no one bought into his own shit more than Bret Hart, and it was evident. Montreal is just an example; everyone that knows and has read his book knows this guy has a massive ego. this is the same man that said, in 1988, he was on a similar scale to Hogan in terms of "ability". Simple fact, Bret; while you were in the tag team division, Hulk Hogan was busy drawing your paycheck. But I'll be fair and indiscriminate here...

Shawn Michaels- Because while Bret deserves a spot, who deserves to be right next to him than HBK himself? Of course, there's that whole "Born Again" thing, but before that, this guy was a D-I-C-K, dick. It was Michaels who claimed he'd never do another job again in 1997, and it was also Michaels who made Chris Candido, Shane Douglas, and countless others living wrecks in the WWE. God knows he deserves a spot on here for what did to Candido by himself. But Shawn's on here for plenty more reasons than that; knowing he always had Vince's ear, and using it for yourseld never hurts. And that's exactly what Shawn did, Born Again or not.

Mick Foley- Didn't think you'd see him here, huh? Look, Mick might seem like a cuddly muppet, but deep down, he's really nothing more than a mark for himself. There's no other way to note that other than reading his books, in which he buries plenty of the people that made him a star, Vince included. To Mick, it was him and only himself that made Mankind a star, which isn't true. But to hear it from Mick's account, that's totally the case. Also, the incessant burying of Al Snow and Test really just gets annoying. Hell, this was the guy who took his self important ass home when Bret Hart was "screwed", saying he wanted to make a statement. Oh, he made a statement; that's he out for him, and only him, and just wadn't the company guy we thought him to be. Still, that matches nothing compared to...

The Ultimate Warrior- My pick. He was only hot for three years, but to hear it from him, he was Hulk Hogan. As a matter of fact, he still believes that, to the point that in his fantasy world, he will always be The Warrior. And guess what? Now, he can be, because he fucking changed his last name to Warrior. Whether from Rick Rude, Andre, Brain, you name it, everyone hated working with Warrior, and for good reason. He was a no name body builder before Vince, and treated everyone like absolute shit in all of his runs with the WWE. You know it's bad when on three separate times, your unprofessional actions get you canned. And that's what happened to this man. From fucking with people's career with Creative Power, to missing dates because he didn't feel like it, Warrior's ego is almost as big as the muscles he used to have. Perhaps Jericho was right; the tassels did cut off the circulation to his head.

So, for me, I'm going with Warrior. How about you?

Oh, Jesus Christ.... How could I forget Big Nose himself? JMT, thank you man. Triple H gets an honorary spot at the head of the Table of Douchebaggery. Gonna try and copyright that, I am
Tenta, I am disappoint.

Where the FUCK is HHH in the options?

Seriously, here's a guy who, by all means, is a very good wrestler, but he thinks he's Ric Flair and Harley Race combined. He had one superb year through his entire career, and the rest ranged from bad to mediocre to fairly okay. Yet, this is the guy who believes he was deserving to be a 13-time World Champion. And before anybody says he didn't book himself... that's bullshit. Since 2002 I'd say, HHH has had a big say in his character's direction, and his opinion is one that Vince respects, and let's face facts there... Vince wouldn't respect it as much if HHH wasn't his son-in-law.

But what really irks me about HHH's ego is that he feels he's good enough to bury others, both on and behind the scenes. Really, who the fuck is he to trash and bury wrestlers like RVD, Kane, Chris Jericho, Londrick, Booker T, Billy Gunn, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera?

Look, HHH is a good wrestler, and there was one point where I would down right call the man great (the year 2000 to be exact), but since his first quad injury, there is just no way anyone could ever justify why HHH remained to be the main focus on the A-Show on WWE for all these years. No way, and the fact that HHH believes it's justified that he was champ and could bury all those wrestlers he has... to me, that gives him the biggest ego in wrestling history.

HHH is definitely an intelligent motherfucker who's done a great job at getting to the top and keeping himself there, but with the high intelligence he contains come an extremely large ego, just like most extremely intelligent people have. So, HHH fans... don't take my post as one completely bashing HHH. I respect him and I do think he's earned everything he's gotten with his intelligence (definitely not his ability, though), but regardless of all that... it's an indisputable fact that the guy is full of himself. Does he have a right to be? Sure, but there's no denying that there's an ego within him that's nearly the same size of that gigantic nose of his.
Tenta, I am disappoint.

Where the FUCK is HHH in the options?

Fuck me..... You're absolutely fucking right! God, I even included two of his fucking Klique buddies, and forgot Trips. Jesus Christ, can I change my vote of Shawn to the Klique? Or I can probably just change the poll. Which I'll do, because Trips deserves it.

The two wrestlers I should have to say are RVD and Kane. And actually probably Booker T, because no one got fucked over in their time periods with the WWE than these three at the height of Triple H's Evolution shit. Then, to make it seem like he was such a "generous" champ, he gave Benoit a run, or more likely, Paul Heyman convinced him to give Benoit a run, before letting his hand selected pet at the time, Randy Orton, job right out to him. This is really an egregious error on my part, something I totally fucking forgot til now.

I can't do it the justice you did; 2000 was a pretty good year for Trips, and he's still living on that. That, and fucking the boss' daughter, that is. I can only hope when he retires, he'll return to actually doing good business for once.
yeah I instantly hit "other" before reading any posts because I gotta go with HHH for sure. His ego is about as big as his nose...he is cocky beyond words, and IMO one of the rudest, classless guys to ever grace WWE. I know everyone likes to say he is the consummate professional, and a company man, and all that BS. This guy has made a career of burying guys, and riding the bandwagon (watch the Self Destruction of Ultimate Warrior DVD, he talks a years worth of shit about a guy he had one 12 second match with), Even as of recent though, in particular the night he was talking about how Lillian Garcia was "horsing around" shows what a piece of shit this guy really is. Add to that, Vince actually listens to this guys crap, and I'd say he has done far more bad for the biz than good. He aligned himself with someone who has clout (HBK) right out of the gate, and once he picked it up himself, and then cemented it by marrying Steph, he has pushed his agenda through time and time again. At his age, he should be on the downside of his career, not dominating the company everytime he comes back from his yearly injury. Also you think it's any coincidence his workout partner is currently keeping the belt warm for his return? I'll never deny he has an in-ring talent, but as stated already no where near the level of talent that would be needed to deserve half the career accolades he possesses.

Side note: why is Foley on the list? I don't really associate him with ego, he worked his ass off for his position, never badmouthed anyone that didn't deserve it, and always did the job putting over young talent. Not to mention he is a class act, even standing up against the mighty HHH, for his comments about Lillian.
With all due respect, there is no way in bloody hell that Mick Foley belongs on this list. You use his books as your benchmark for saying he has a big ego. Well, you must have read someone else's books, because I've read all three of his autobiographies and reached a completely different conclusion than you. Did he criticize a few things that McMahon did? Of course...everybody has. He also repeatedly referred to McMahon as a "genius" and gave McMahon and the WWE credit for making him a bigger name than he had ever been. Did he criticize Flair's booking in WCW? Yes. He also said he would always be proud that it was Flair who hired him to be in WCW, and in his last book he said he outright refused to even think about losing to Flair simply because "He's Ric Flair." You mention how he walked out on WWE after the Montreal Screwjob, only to return a day later. Well, Rick Rude did quit WWE after that. Why is he not on the list? A lot of wrestlers were pissed off by the screwjob and almost quit WWE, not just Foley. And the jokes about Snow and Test were just that...jokes. And he's among the best ever at getting others over while still being able to get himself over in the ring. They certainly didn't detract from the books, in my eyes. Foley has an ego? I'm sure he does...all wrestlers do to a degree. But "biggest ego?" No.

However, Tenta, I will agree with you on your personal pick for biggest ego...The Ultimate Warrior. You pretty much laid out the reasons, and I'd just be wasting space in repeating it all. In the history of pro wrestling, he's basically a blip on the radar screen, but I'm sure he sees himself as having a bigger impact that Hogan himself.
I would really have to include Roddy Piper on this list. He retired a million different times and still comes back periodically. He thought he was hotshit in hollywood when he never really was. Although I do like they live, I just watcched it recently. It is an interesting watch if nothing else and he is a better actor than Hogan. Here is the one thing I remember that makes me say Piper. It was a Scott Hall shoot interview, I know quoting Scott Hall is no way to begin a valid point, bbut anyway if anyway remembers Hogan jobbed clean to Piper a few times in WCW, to the sleeper none the less. Hall said he was drunk and got into it with Piper because Roddy refused to do the job to Savage unless he got beat because Savage used the tapewrap brass knuckles shot. I just think roddy should be included, he thought it was to paint himself half black at a Wrestlemania.

Tenta I love your threads I read all of the terrible gimmicks recently, but I have to disagree with you on one point. I think Bret Hart does have some valid argument because the time period he speaks of him and Neidhart were headlining shows all over with the Bulldogs, they woudl have hogan at one arena the tag teams at another. So he was a tag team wrestler but they drew more with the Bulldogs than many other teams in history.
Bret Hart had shrines all over his house of him wrestling and wrestling gear. Scott Hall said he was surprised at how much ego shit was going on at Bret's house. He said in every room of Bret's house there were pictures of him wrestling, posing, memorabilia, and other wrestling-related stuff. From that and what I've read in Bret's book, he's really high on himself.
This is a fun thread; something you don't see that often in here...

But on the biggest ego, you CANNOT look past Vinnie Mac himself for having the biggest ego. I mean, this is a guy who takes his dominance in the wrestling business way past his head.

Get rid of Benoit? Vince: "Because I can"

Select WWE Hall Of Famers? Vince: "Nope, can't have Macho Man in there"

Win ECW Title? Vince: "Fuck ECW"

Start XFL? Vince: "If I made wrestling, I can make football!"

On fans who don't like watching WWE? Vince: "Then don't watch it..."

On his money? Vince: "I'm a self-made billionaire!"

And there's alot more as well. I understand that being as powerful as Vince can let you be arrogant every now and then, but you gotta imagine that arrogance actually has to rub off with who he is in person. There can't be any denying about it...
Not to say that Bret didn't have an ego, it was big. His refusal to job to Shawn was bullshit. At least he was able to move on from it and let it go unlike a guy like Bruno Sammartino who is another man who could be included. Along with Jerry Lawler and Jeff Jarrett and Vern Gagne or pretty much anyone who owned their company or was head of a territory.
This is a fun thread; something you don't see that often in here...

But on the biggest ego, you CANNOT look past Vinnie Mac himself for having the biggest ego. I mean, this is a guy who takes his dominance in the wrestling business way past his head.

Get rid of Benoit? Vince: "Because I can"

Select WWE Hall Of Famers? Vince: "Nope, can't have Macho Man in there"

Win ECW Title? Vince: "Fuck ECW"

Start XFL? Vince: "If I made wrestling, I can make football!"

On fans who don't like watching WWE? Vince: "Then don't watch it..."

On his money? Vince: "I'm a self-made billionaire!"

And there's alot more as well. I understand that being as powerful as Vince can let you be arrogant every now and then, but you gotta imagine that arrogance actually has to rub off with who he is in person. There can't be any denying about it...

I think there should be something said for how all promoters have huge egos. Now, let's be realistic, folks; Eric had a massive one, so did Paul Heyman. and don't even get me started on Vince Russo.... My sig says exactly how I feel about Vince Russo. Anyway, I feel as though to be a promoter, you have to have an ego. You ave to look at yourself, and say you present the best television in the world. You also have to treat the boys similarly, because you do run the company.

Well, this is great; 13 voted for Hogan, and no one has the balls to say why they picked Hulk? really, guys? I know some of you that voted for Hulk are better than that; you don't just blindly vote, do you? Give me some facts; Hogan's a great choice, but don't just blindly pick him, fucking give a reason
Ultimate Warrior, if only because everyone else on the list had actual wrestling talent. Warrior was always a shit wrestler. He couldn't sell moves, he could barely perform any moves. This is a guy who was hated by Andre the Giant, a guy who, by all accounts, was very difficult to piss off. He was handed everything he could've ever wanted on a silver platter, he proved he wasn't up to it, then he quit. And when he needed money & tried to come back, he demanded the money of someone who had delivered at a level he could never attain. He legally changed his name to Warrior for God's sake! I understand what you say about HHH & Nash, but at least they had talent. The Ultimate Warrior did not, & he is my pick by a mile.
In addition to Vince, I think another honorable mention may be the Rock. Personally, I really like him, but the guy basically just used the business he was born in to so he could start a movie career and then dump on WWE and distance himself from them. This is definitely a great thread idea.
In addition to Vince, I think another honorable mention may be the Rock. Personally, I really like him, but the guy basically just used the business he was born in to so he could start a movie career and then dump on WWE and distance himself from them. This is definitely a great thread idea.

Right... Because you wouldn't do that either? He wouldn't take a comfortable life in which he'll be relatively healthy and happy for the rest of his life, to be on the road, away from his family for three hundred and twenty days a year, and in excruciating pain for every moment of his life? yeah, The Rock has such a big ego. :rolleyes:

Big Fact; The Rock owed nothing to the fans. Read; nothing. Why should we be upset at the guy who decided to make more money, and be healthy with his family? Because he popped out of a wrestling wife's vag? Bullshit. The Rock gave us the best years of his life, and there's no reason to believe he intended to leave wrestling for movies, as you claim.

Think... Would you really turn down a golden ticket like The Rock was offered?

Thought so. The Rock stays off the list.
Tenta, you forgot to include Ric Flair in here as well, how could you not put him in here, he's a guy who DIFFIDENTLY needs to retire, but yet, he's still on the TNA brand trying to live those glory days, heck, word has it he walks around like he's god, wanting Referees to hold the ropes for him while he enters the ring, like he built it, and other than that, since you did forget to include that prick HHH, I had to vote others, as for Hogan, yeah he had a huge ego, but you got to admit, he was pretty cool as the NWO heel! HHH is the one guy I can't stand, he sleeps with the bosses daughter (probably somehow convince Steph to bang him while she was was Andrew "Test" Martin, talk about a home wrecker) Jericho was the first UNDISPUTED and rightfully deserve champ and what did HHH do, he had to get it too! Him presently not on RAW is like heaven, because as soon as he gets back, who ever has the title, it'll be around HHH's waist! Such a shame!
Every ego list has Hogan usually near or at the top but his ego while huge is at least earned.

HHH to me is still a major wanna be. He so wanted to be on par with SCSA and The Rock during their tenure but he was always a distant 5th at best. And he sooooo wants to be Ric Flair it hurts.

But the ego with the biggest ego BY FAR is Jim Hellwig now legally known as Warrior. The man thought he was the greatest thing in wrestling and tried to use his disillusions of his grandeur to threaten promotions of him quitting. The man had 3 good years wrestling and then legally changed his name to his wrestling gimmick! I bet Vince wishes he chose the other BladeRunner (Sting) now!
I've gotta agree with Chicago1989 on this one. Vince McMahon has to be the biggest ego in pro wrestling. If you ask him, he IS pro wrestling. Because his company made enough to push some competitors out of business, and buy the tape libraries of others after the fact, he figures he can rewrite history to his own vision. He doesn't just decide who IS a success in the business. Since he now owns their old matches & names, etc, he decides who WAS a success.
I have to say personally Hulk Hogan. A man who personally himself made wrestling cool, yes he did but he didnt do it by himself. His heel run in the NWO was great for the first year or 2 and then it go old and he just kept using his creative control to get his way. He then when WCW folded and the dust was clear came back to wwe and what won the undisputed title of cause, and then went away for awhile returned for the hall of fame and hanged around for awhile, went on to fued woth HBK amd used this creative control to make the storyline how he wanted it, HBK HAD!!! to be heel and he didnt wamt to job to him at all.

Hogan then went on did his thing came back burried ortan at summerslam naturally.

Then after being in money problems he created his own wrestling tour and came down under to Austraila for the first time ever after he couldmt be fucked coming down when wwe did. On a tour the had him flair and his boys (beefcake nasty boys) amd ex wwe guys he thoughy he could sell out 20000 seat statums, he was the main person that was promoted not much of flair and being that ir was his first match after WM 24. Hogan burried flair at all 4 shows qnd the promoter went bankrupt.

And then to give his ego another boost he signed to TNA. And tryed to act loke it was the 80's 90's when he was the biggest thing im pro wrestling.

Thats my personall opion sorry for mistakes i typed this on my iphone
Get rid of Benoit? Vince: "Because I can"
That is not ego. What else could you have done. They made the right decision.

Onto my vote, Ultimate Warrior.
Tenta you hit the nail on the head with choosing him. He believed he was the shiz and blackmailing vince, no showing, demanding rediculous amounts from wCw, being reckless in the ring, and countless other things.
The only others (imo) that rival Warrior is Nash and Hogan.

ps To the guy who said HHH stole Steph from Test. Steph and Test were not really dating.
I would say Rey Mysterio has a big ego. The guy is always complaining about something and think that being the underdog should get him everything. For a little gut he sure has a big ego.
I don't know about anyone else, but so far reading this I wouldn't agree with probably 90% of what has been said in regards to a number of the wrestlers mentioned. That's pretty much all I need to say about that.

I'm just going to put it blunt and direct, Vince McMahon. That is the biggest ego in wrestling. If you get it than I need not explain. If you don't, that's all I need to know. I wouldn't say it's any of the wrestlers. Vince is the puppeteer of it all, he's the spider in the center of the web. He has more dirt on him and more skeletons in his closet, and the most blood on his hands.
after my nice Hogan Bashing post above. i remembered something i got told in history (ironically i was in that class when i posted the Hogan Bashing) but all great leaders and men with power go corrupt and let it all go to their head. now im not saying that Vince is corrupt but all of the power he has, Owner of The WWE, the mainstream leader in Sports Entertainment. And all of the power that has come from that has gone to his head. The same could be said for some of the guys above like Hogan he had huge star power bakc in the 80's-90's and that all just went to his head and he is still trying to hang on to that, The same with Ultimate Warrior and same with HHH but he still has his power and he is still going to abuse it (the multi runs as champ) for along time to come.
I voted for Hart, but I wish I could take it back and vote for Warrior instead. Warrior has all the same issues Bret has (he's a huge mark for himself, self-importance far outweighs reality, etc.) except it was far less warranted then Hart. At least Hart was a top of the line performer for a decent period of time.
I am so sick and tired of the HHH haters grow up and quit being such haters. HHH hasn't held anybody down he has put over more people than anybody I can remember in wrestling. Lets look at the facts he was one of the first to put over several stars Jericho, Benoit Guerrero Jeff Hardy Batista, Orton, Cena, Cody Rhodes, Dibiase, Edge, and sheamus when HHH jobs to someone they become a star. They may not be who the internet comunity thinks should be pushed but he does more than any star. HHH hasn't held the belt in years and you can hate all you want when he comes back he will still get the biggest pop. As for being like Ric Flair and Harley Race they have both made the comparisons themselves publically. Tripple HHH has been in the main event for so long beacuse that is what the fans want it may not be what the internet community wants but we are not the majority and all this hate for him is just jealousy he was several time champ before he maried Stephanie. If you wan't to blame any one for his long run blame the Rock for abandoning wretling fans blame Stone Cold for being a wife beating little girl and blame Jeff Hardy for not being able to put down the pills. Some of you are just rediculous with this HHH hate he is the best of this generation period and denying it makes you look rediculous.
I think there should be something said for how all promoters have huge egos. Now, let's be realistic, folks; Eric had a massive one, so did Paul Heyman. and don't even get me started on Vince Russo.... My sig says exactly how I feel about Vince Russo. Anyway, I feel as though to be a promoter, you have to have an ego. You ave to look at yourself, and say you present the best television in the world. You also have to treat the boys similarly, because you do run the company.

Well, this is great; 13 voted for Hogan, and no one has the balls to say why they picked Hulk? really, guys? I know some of you that voted for Hulk are better than that; you don't just blindly vote, do you? Give me some facts; Hogan's a great choice, but don't just blindly pick him, fucking give a reason

I can respect your opinion. Like I said, sometimes having an ego when you're the world's biggest promoter every now and then is ok, but with choosing who he wants in the HOF, trying to compete with the NFL, and showing himself off in Muscle & Fitness Magazine speaks volumes as far as egos go.
Sorry boys I had to pick Bret Hart. Bret is LEGENDARY for being a mark for himself and his own biggest fan. And after seeing the shoot interviews and reading his book I'm a firm believer that The Hitman is an absolute egomaniac. Every other page in the book tells you how great he was and how brilliant his matches were.. How he was always right and everyone else was wrong. By the end your wondering if he's trying to convince you or himself. Also of course I'm going to bring up that when the time came he chose to do what was right for him and his ego rather than the company that made him who he was.

I even remember hearing Scott Hall say he went to Brets house once and he said in EVERY SINGLE ROOM was a picture of Bret in his gear.. and even in Bret and Julies bedroom above the bed was a giant framed picture of Bret posing in his "Srgt Peppers Black Leather Jacket".. just creepy.

As far as the others I don't see how Foley made it on that list at all.
Hogan is right up there under Bret
HBK.. Had an big ego but was actually more like a chip on his shoulder for a couple years. And when push came to shove he went out with a broken back to put over Austin so he gets a pass.

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