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Bigger arenas for other PPVs?

Cena's #1 In My Heart

Getting Noticed By Management
Why couldn't WWE just create another super PPV?

Why wait a year for The Rock/Cena when you could just go to a bigger arena for Extreme Rulez 2011?

If John Cena and The Rock can sell even 40,000 seats to an Extreme Rulez, you know the PPV buys will go up.. so what will it matter? Mania will still sell like Mania does. I'm not saying they should.. I'm just saying... why not try?

Have Undertaker and HHH ever competed in the Hell in a Cell one on one? Don't think so... why not have Undertaker and HHH continue their feud at HIAC? Maybe have HHH beat him, setting up a rubber match at WM28?

I guess what I'm asking is.. do you think Cena/The Rock could turn an ordinary PPV... into a big PPV? Could they take Extreme Rulez and sell out a 60,000 seat arena and bump up the PPV buys big enough to do it?
Because Extreme Rules is not Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania is THE place for this type of match. Yes, you could put it at a smaller ppv, but it wouldn't have the same feeling, atmosphere, electricity, etc. If they did this, Wrestlemania would feel less special, it wouldn't be the grandest stage of them all. That is the reason these types of matches HAVE to be a Wrestlemania. Without them Mania would just be another ppv.
what makes wrestlemania the grandest stage of all is that nothing is quite the same, it has the big event feeling that is brought by the fact that it is only once a year. Too much of something good can be bad.
And about Rock vs. Cena sooner...I don`t think the main issue here is that they want to have it at wrestlemania. Just take a look at the Rock`s imdb page. Yes he is back to wwe, but his main job remains an actor...he won`t break contracts for movies just to make place for a match. Truth is , the only ppv it might have worked would be summerslam but then again he might not be available and also since when is wrestlemania used to merely set up a summerslam main event?
Pretty much what was said above.
Plus regarding the 'taker/trips issue you mentioned? Past the point. They feuded over WrestleMania, not the fact that he has never beaten him or anything, so it still wouldnt work
not to mention, RAW had to be re-written after The Rock agreed to wrestle Cena on Monday. So, now you are saying go ahead and put it in a bigger arena??? How can they do that when WWE has already got an arena for the ppv locked in!! This just wouldn't work!!
Because it's pretty fuckin hard to create nearly 30 years of history and brand recognition in a few months. Do you not understand business, wrestling, the human psyche, or ANYTHING in general? "Cena oversells punches, I want him to be more like TNA and not sell a goddamned thing except for moves and even then don't oversell like Taker and HHH".

You don't understand the feud between HHH and taker. It wasn't "I need to beat you" it's "I NEED to beat you at Wrestlemania". HHH could beat Taker everyday until mania 28 and it wouldn't matter to him. How the hell do you not get that? How do you figure it's the "rubber match"? If you only count manias, Taker is up 2-0, who knows what the hell it is if you count their entire history including tags against each other or even just singles matches.

you can't just change arenas. Pretty sure they're booked several months in advanced for the big shows.

How old are you?
While I don't really agree with your main post, and I agree with most of you saying the HHH Undertaker feud was about Wrestlemania, I still think it would be amazing to see Taker vs HHH in a Hell in a cell at some point. These men are easily the 2 best to ever compete in and basically dominate this match, and I think it would be amazing.
Why have them sell out a 40000 seat arena when they can sell out a 70,000 seat stadium that would get buys from people who wouldn't attend a PPV the rest of the year, but have no trouble with WrestleMania, because it is the Grandaddy of there PPV's, the Be all and End All of there existance. The end of fueds, and the stage where the biggest fueds in history have culminated or matches you would not see the rest of the year have taken place.

WWE blows there budget on WrestleMania every year, that much is obvious. Doesn't mean the overall show is any good but they go all out as far as the spectacle part.
If they did that at every PPV, they'd have been broke a long time ago

WrestleMania like WWF and WWE is a name associated with grandeur and that's the way it should be.

I had more but it's late and i would jsut be ranting :p
needless to say some people obviously don't know history and don't understand fueds.

Triple H has beaten Taker numerous times in the past, and vice versa. It was about the Streak & respect. They didn't even really bring HBK into the equation even though that part woulda written itself. and notice they didn't once mention there previous WrestleMania encounter so not to tarnish the possibilty that Triple H could do it.

HBK was the one that hadn't lost to the Undertaker one on one til WrestleMania 25.
There's also the fact that many fans plan months in advance to go to Wrestlemania. You don't see that with SummerSlam or The Royal Rumble....it's only WrestleMania where you have people from Ireland, Sweden, and all around the globe that save up and travel over to the states (or Canada if it's held there)...spend that weekend (and some have spent the entire WM week) in the host city. Pump money into the local economy and take part in all the events.

You won't get the crowds from around the globe and even around the states to attend just another PPV.
Scrap Summer Slam and bring back the Great American Bash. Outdoor tour about a Month long. Just like the old days, mix it in with RAW and Smackdown like events as part of the tour and have 1 major PPV to end the Bash.
I was thrilled that Rock-Cena is announced for WM28. It is a pleasant throwback to the old days of a YEAR long build to WM Main Events! (Anyone remember MegaPowers Forming in WM 4 and Exploding in WM 5?)

Extreme Rulez is not the place for Dream Matches. Its the place to finish WM storylines before we reset for the new year of WWE programming with the draft and fueds. Even SummerSlam, (while a better alternative that any of the others) is not big enough for this epic match.

Now, they can top a million buys and properly promote a LONG buildup of tension and a possible heel turn for Cena!

I am still mad that they wasted Rock-Goldberg in Backlash 2003!

Kudos to Vince for showing restraint in the age of instant gratification!
I do believe we need bigger arenas for PPVs. I mean, it creates a great sense that this isn't a normal day in the business.

However. Not every Pay Per View will be WrestleMania. That's like saying every football game needs to be the Superbowl. One major pay per view a year like Wrestlemanias is a great thing. It makes things special.

Now, if you want to argue the fact for less pay-per-views. Then I'm on that band wagon. I would rather have 6 weeks of build up between pay-per-views, then just 2-3 weeks. That drives me crazy!

I would rather see a good 4 plus weeks of build for a feud and match then. 'Well your number one contender at Extreme rules is this man!' and they scramble in a short amount of time to create the story.

I love good long build ups to any pay-per-view.
With Vince McMahon supposdly hell bent on re-branding the WWE into an entertainment enterprise it wouldn;t shock me to see him create a 2nd big ppv. My only problem with that is this...What about Summerslam?

In my opinion when i think of the WWE two big ppvs, I think of Mania obviously and Summerslam. After that I would put in the Royal Rumble which could arguably be that second big ppv and the Survivor Series.

So I guess what I'm saying/suggesting is really just hype up Summerslam more and more. I mean I realize Vince is trying to really make this like a celebrity fest for media and marketing purposes. He also needs to realize that there are still "wrestling" fans out there and don't like change too much.

Although one thing I never realized and could be a good idea would be to have a ppv with "wrestling" and celebrities. Although your thinking that is just plain dumb, just think about it. Every year the WWE Superstars could take on celebrities whether that be athletes or actors in a Superstar vs Celebrities All-Star Challenge. With WWE's marketability and the Actors/Athletes following this could undoubtly be something special and unique. Because lets face it, the wrestling part of the WWE is gone and never coming back. So why not go full force with this?

I mean we could have John Cena vs Charlie Sheen. The Miz vs Ryan Secrest. Randy Orton vs Kiefer Sutherland. The Big Show vs Ray Lewis. Rey Mysterio vs Jackie Chan and so much more
You guys aren't thinking outside the box..

People want to see Wrestlemania 28.. okay.. you'll probably sell out a 70,000 seat arena even without The Rock Vs John Cena..

but The Rock Vs John Cena.. this could be the one match that could take an ordinary ppv.. and make it huge... or maybe it couldn't? Maybe the WWE Universe doesn't want to see The Rock Vs John Cena that bad if it isn't at WM? What's it matter where it happens? As long as it happens?

I think of the time WCW had some event that sold out in like 3 days, they just announced a big time match in Atlanta and the event sold out in like 3 days with tons of fans. My point is... it doesnt HAVE to be Wrestlemania.. now your just making it sound like.. the only time you can have sex is in your bed.. no.. you can do it anywhere... and it can be just as enjoyable somewhere else.

HBK and Psycho Sid along with The Royal Rumble sold out 60,000 seats in 1997, Royal Rumble hadn't been even going like 10 years by that time.
Yes it may be enjoyable anywhere but it will never have THE feel of Wrestlemania. Even if the WWE universe (which we all know we do) doesn't want Rock vs Cena, the WWE universe always wants Wrestlemania.

If Hogan slammed Andre anywhere but Mania, it wouldn't have been as big a deal. Mania has a certain feel that other ppvs don't, even if they had Extreme Rules at a 70,000 seat stadium, it still wouldn't feel like Mania. Raw and Smackdown could do the same, it still wouldn't feel special. Mania is special, Mania was created for matches like Rock vs Cena. When Rock vs Austin at WM 17 happened, it felt special because it was at Mania. No other PPV (or really any event) can match the feeling of Wrestlemania, one of the reasons are because of matches like this.
Why couldn't WWE just create another super PPV?

Why wait a year for The Rock/Cena when you could just go to a bigger arena for Extreme Rulez 2011?

If John Cena and The Rock can sell even 40,000 seats to an Extreme Rulez, you know the PPV buys will go up.. so what will it matter? Mania will still sell like Mania does. I'm not saying they should.. I'm just saying... why not try?

Have Undertaker and HHH ever competed in the Hell in a Cell one on one? Don't think so... why not have Undertaker and HHH continue their feud at HIAC? Maybe have HHH beat him, setting up a rubber match at WM28?

I guess what I'm asking is.. do you think Cena/The Rock could turn an ordinary PPV... into a big PPV? Could they take Extreme Rulez and sell out a 60,000 seat arena and bump up the PPV buys big enough to do it?

You've got to be a kid,

1. WWE have already given a dream match featuring The Rock away on a small ppv (Backlash 2003 Vs Goldberg) why give this one away?

2. This match is Generation VS Generation why have it so soon? make the fans wait and the show will sell big time..

3. Undertaker/HHH had wrestled twice @ Mania so if they wrestled at HIAC why would they have a rubber match @ Mania28? realistically HHH/Undertaker III (PPV wise) shouldn't happen at Mania28, SummerSlam 2011 would be fine. AND No they've only wrestled at Armageddon 2000 in the 6 man hell in a cell and that kind of HIAC should be kept for SummerSlam and not some random forgettable PPV, since it's both their specialty match.

4. No, no one match can make a PPV big, WM has taken years to become this special attraction, if that was the case Backlash would be huge, HHH/Hogan 2002, Rock/Goldberg 2003, Orton/Foley Hardcore match 2004, Hogan/Shawn tag teaming up 2005.. it didn't work. Summer Slam is the WWE's 2nd most important PPV but Rock/Cena should happen @ WrestleMania, and WWE won't give away that kind of match when they can have it WrestleMania.
You've got to be a kid,
4. No, no one match can make a PPV big, WM has taken years to become this special attraction, if that was the case Backlash would be huge, HHH/Hogan 2002, Rock/Goldberg 2003, Orton/Foley Hardcore match 2004, Hogan/Shawn tag teaming up 2005.. it didn't work. Summer Slam is the WWE's 2nd most important PPV but Rock/Cena should happen @ WrestleMania, and WWE won't give away that kind of match when they can have it WrestleMania.

Bottom Line is... the one on one match can't make a PPV big.. because they haven't tried... WWE didn't try to sell out a 60,000 seat arena for Hogan/Shawn, if they did.... THEN... they start creating... another type Wrestlemania atmosphere..

you see this is what I'm preaching... drink my kool-aid already.
I am still mad that they wasted Rock-Goldberg in Backlash 2003!

The original plan was to actually have Goldberg and Rock at WMXIX. Problem is that negotiations and talks stalled for abit leading to a rearrangment of the card. I think once Goldberg finally signed the entire WM card was already announced.

I believe the intented card was supposed to be Triple H vs. Austin, Rock vs. Goldberg, Hogan vs. McMahon, and Angle vs. Lesnar

Obviouslly 2 of those four changed.

Justdawg08 said:
I think of the time WCW had some event that sold out in like 3 days, they just announced a big time match in Atlanta and the event sold out in like 3 days with tons of fans. My point is... it doesnt HAVE to be Wrestlemania.. now your just making it sound like.. the only time you can have sex is in your bed.. no.. you can do it anywhere... and it can be just as enjoyable somewhere else.

I think thats a big exaggerated where the reason why the Georgia Dome sold out was because of Goldberg vs. Hogan. WCW Nitro was still pretty hot back in 1998 and since Atlanta was the hotspot for WCW I wouldn't be suprised if it was sold out (or almost sold out) before Hogan/Goldberg was announced.

Also rushing a Hogan vs. Goldberg match was actually bad business for WCW. If they were smart they could have built up Goldberg as the contenter at WWIII and build up the next Nitro episodes on Goldberg and Hogan. This would have brought in PPV buy rates, higher TV Ratings, Merchandise (let's say they made Hogan vs. Goldberg T-Shirts for Starcade), and could have taken viewers off WWE. They didn't and it was a waste of potential revenue.

Also keep in mind WWE venues (much like any other events like concerts or sports) are booked months in advance. Don't believe me? They already have the venue announced for Elimination Chamber 2012.

Regarding Rock/Cena at Extreme Rules: How could they have known The Rock would have signed with the WWE much less agree to have a match with Cena? I'm also pretty sure this decision to have Cena vs. Rock was done Febuary at the earliest (since Rock agreeing to do WM28 was prob a factor why Miani was chosen). It would have been difficult to rebook another venue just to have an attendance of 40,000+. Remember that whole Denver fiasco? It was so bad that the only venue WWE could find was in LA. If the WWE moved Extreme Rules from Tampa to, let's say, Indianapolis Lucas Oild Stadium a lot of Tampa fans would have been pissed.
Why couldn't WWE just create another super PPV?

They are on their way to a 5th "Big PPV" with Night of Champions. You need to build prestige before a PPV is considered "bigger" than the rest.

Why wait a year for The Rock/Cena when you could just go to a bigger arena for Extreme Rulez 2011?

No, you don't understand. Rock VS Cena is the biggest match possible at the moment. This is HUGE. Maybe not Hogan VS Andre huge, but nonetheless it's a monster of a match. Wrestlemania is the only place deserving of hosting it. Extreme Rules is one of the less important PPV's. Even Summerslam, the #2 show of the year, got Cena VS Batista before their epic feud last year and it didn't feel like as big of a deal like their Wrestlemania feud did. Some feuds are so big that they NEED Wrestlemania to host them.

If John Cena and The Rock can sell even 40,000 seats to an Extreme Rulez, you know the PPV buys will go up.. so what will it matter? Mania will still sell like Mania does. I'm not saying they should.. I'm just saying... why not try?

The buyrates would go up, but not to the extent that Wrestlemania would. If they hold off until Wrestlemania for Cena VS The Rock the buyrates will skyrocket past one million, I guarantee it. The arena would likely sell out too. It would probably become the 2nd best selling show after Wrestlemania 3 with its crowd of 90,000+. Would you rather waste the chance for one of the biggest moments in wrestling history to throw it away on a lesser PPV? No, it's not worth it.

Have Undertaker and HHH ever competed in the Hell in a Cell one on one? Don't think so... why not have Undertaker and HHH continue their feud at HIAC? Maybe have HHH beat him, setting up a rubber match at WM28?

That's different. They faced each other this year. Cena VS The Rock has NEVER EVER been done. Plus, it's icon VS icon at the same time. Trips VS Taker can finish at HIAC, that would be cool and fitting for their characters. Completely different from Cena VS The Rock.

I guess what I'm asking is.. do you think Cena/The Rock could turn an ordinary PPV... into a big PPV? Could they take Extreme Rulez and sell out a 60,000 seat arena and bump up the PPV buys big enough to do it?

No because the "Big 4" have something none of the others have, history and prestige. They have been around since the late 80's and the days of less than 5 PPV's per year. Night of Champions has a chance to become a member of a "Big 5" in the future and Elimination Chamber is gathering some history too. The other shows have little to no history to them and it takes WAY more than one wasted opportunity in Cena VS The Rock on a lesser show to make it into an important one because it takes years of history to get one PPV out of 12+ to receive an increase in importance over the rest.

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