Big Zeke And Big Show


Lord And Master
Staff member
Since The Corre formed on Smackdown, The Big Show has been their designated butt monkey of punishment. But as of late, the highlight of those attacks has been Ezekiel Jackson using Big Show to display his strength. Slamming him, Suplexing him, tackling him. Anything to dominate. This week on Smackdown Big Show arrived and saved the WWE Tag Team Champs from a Corre assault. During which he had a confrontation with Big Zeke until the rest of The Corre called him back. On commentary, Michael Cole mentioned "Big Zeke will confront Big Show on his own terms". They don't seem to have a match scheduled for Elimination Chamber. The next guess would be Wrestlemania.

So I ask. With the given build up, would you like to see the match? With Khali vs Kane looming in the past, this one doesn't sound good on paper. If anything, the build up would be this match's only redeeming factor. But Zeke's been absolute so far and his displays of strength have been a sight to behold. But is that enough for them to have a good match?
I would much rather see some sort of Team Big Show vs. Team Corre. You hit the nail on the head with the Kane-Khali reference, although I think both Show and Zeke are better than Kane and Khali respectively. Still, the match has snoozefest written all over it. Some people get a kick out of seeing two men test their strength on each other, but it could really kill the crowd and the momentum of the PPV.

Furthermore, a Corre-Team Big Show match would be a much better draw. Stick a few of the guys who wouldn't be doing anything anyway and have them in an 8-man tag match (I'm thinking Chris Masters, Chavo, and JTG) and have them put Corre over. It'll be productive and entertaining, exactly what the WWE needs out of this feud.
I would much rather see some sort of Team Big Show vs. Team Corre. You hit the nail on the head with the Kane-Khali reference, although I think both Show and Zeke are better than Kane and Khali respectively. Still, the match has snoozefest written all over it. Some people get a kick out of seeing two men test their strength on each other, but it could really kill the crowd and the momentum of the PPV.

Furthermore, a Corre-Team Big Show match would be a much better draw. Stick a few of the guys who wouldn't be doing anything anyway and have them in an 8-man tag match (I'm thinking Chris Masters, Chavo, and JTG) and have them put Corre over. It'll be productive and entertaining, exactly what the WWE needs out of this feud.

I like that idea. If by chance there's no MITB match, this would be a great way to have some mid-carders from Smackdown in WM and will even have a story to it. Hell, it could be done MITB or not.
I think it probably will be Team Big Show taking on The Corre in an Eight Man Tag Match or something along those lines like has been suggested, just because I don't know what else Barrett can do on the card. They could easily do both that and a Money In The Bank Ladder Match, there's more than enough midcarders that they'll want to get on the card.
The 8 Man tag match seems the most likely to me. Booker seems to have an issue with the Corre and I wouldn't be surprised to see him as part of Team Show, with the team padded out by Koztino.
Make it an 8 man match vs. Corre and you'll have a decent match. Just Zeke against the Big Show will be too slow to enjoy even how awesome Zeke is. Would be too slow paced.

Great way to put over the Corre like they should be.

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