Big Show VS Cesaro


Mid-Card Championship Winner
How about Big Show vs. Antonio Cesaro for WrestleMania?? Cesaro doing the swing on Big Show would be HUGE, especially after he puts him down for the 3. Cesaro would be a bonafide superstar after that. What do you guys think?
Why not? It's not like the two of them will be doing anything bigger than that come WrestleMania XXX.
While the idea is sound, I doubt it will happen. WrestleMania XXX is looking to be the biggest of all time, and while Antonio Cesaro swinging Big Show would be a huge WrestleMania moment, it isn't big enough. Or it shouldn't be. Having said all this, WWE could decide for it if nothing else can work out.

Regardless, I'd like to see it. The big swing on the Big Show? Yes please. Antonio Cesaro deserves a break. Get the WWE Tag Team Championships on the Real Americans, push Cesaro, and build your next big star. All he needs is this moment you have suggested.
They could do a lot worse than have The Real Americans vs The Big Show and X. The big swing at Wrestlemania would be a pretty great WM moment.

Even if it was a battle royal and Cesaro just picked out The Big Show. I'm sure it will happen at somepoint and WM30 is a pretty good stage for it.
They could do a lot worse than have The Real Americans vs The Big Show and X. The big swing at Wrestlemania would be a pretty great WM moment.

Even if it was a battle royal and Cesaro just picked out The Big Show. I'm sure it will happen at somepoint and WM30 is a pretty good stage for it.

Both ideas are good, but I'd definitely prefer a singles bout. Cesaro swinging Big Show around and putting him down in a 1-on-1 setting is the best way to build him as a star. If he does that in a tag match, he's just a really cool dude in a tag team. If he does this in a singles match, he's the next top contender.

While the idea is sound, I doubt it will happen. WrestleMania XXX is looking to be the biggest of all time, and while Antonio Cesaro swinging Big Show would be a huge WrestleMania moment, it isn't big enough. Or it shouldn't be. Having said all this, WWE could decide for it if nothing else can work out.

Regardless, I'd like to see it. The big swing on the Big Show? Yes please. Antonio Cesaro deserves a break. Get the WWE Tag Team Championships on the Real Americans, push Cesaro, and build your next big star. All he needs is this moment you have suggested.

Big Show needs something to do. What else do you think he might be up to? Another one of his signature multi-man tag team matches?
Eh, I absolutely love the Cesaro and the RA, but unless they win the tag titles between now and WM I don't see them making the show, and even then that's a maybe. They just don't seem very big on Cesaro sadly enough, so the chances of him getting a solo match at WM is really slim

The only other chance of Cesaro being at WM is either facing or teamed up with. a returning old star. Like can you imagine RA coming out with Hogan and his Real American theme? Yes I know they're heels but they have more then enough time to make that work.
Sounds good to me. Assuming he can pull it off, we're going to see it eventually so why not at Wrestlemania? It would certainly be a cool Wrestlemania moment for Antonio. And for Big Show for that matter. Then again, there's always a chance there will be a big swing spot in the Rumble, so maybe this idea won't hold out til Wrestlemania. But I can't imagine these two will be doing anything better come Wrestlemania, so why not?
Are you kidding me the WWE is absolutely huge on Cesaro that guy is a future champion IMO. I will always say this about him,he is the strongest pound for pound guy they have on their roster. The RA are destined to be Tag Team Champions,i would love to Cesaro to give the big show the giant swing that in itself would be a WM Moment! That probably would win the Holy Bleep moment of the year if this were to happen
I like the idea but.. I think a better one could be the Real Americans of Swagger and Cesaro against either Big Show & Henry, or Henry & Big E, least if it was the Americans against Show & Henry it puts both guys over in what would be a match of power with the Americans, and size with Henry & Show, really something of a modern day Legion of Doom vs the Natural Disasters. Or even Mega Powers vs Twin Towers kind of match, of course no wheres near that scale of talent and popularity between the current wrestlers mentioned but the kind of match of power vs size.
Are you kidding me the WWE is absolutely huge on Cesaro that guy is a future champion IMO. I will always say this about him,he is the strongest pound for pound guy they have on their roster. The RA are destined to be Tag Team Champions,i would love to Cesaro to give the big show the giant swing that in itself would be a WM Moment! That probably would win the Holy Bleep moment of the year if this were to happen

Really? I'm not sure how you can tell. He gets no mic/promo time(that's all Zeb, who I also love but still it doesn't help that the crowd never gets hear Cesaro say anything besides "We The People") he loses clean in the vast majority of his matches vs non-jobbers, and atm it doesn't even look like he'll be at TLC, much less for the titles.

Like I said I love the guy, I wish WWE was huge on him, but if they are they have a really funny way of showing it.
Are you kidding me the WWE is absolutely huge on Cesaro that guy is a future champion IMO. I will always say this about him,he is the strongest pound for pound guy they have on their roster. The RA are destined to be Tag Team Champions,i would love to Cesaro to give the big show the giant swing that in itself would be a WM Moment! That probably would win the Holy Bleep moment of the year if this were to happen

The Giant Swing would impressive if it were done on Big Show,
A bodyslam at Mania would also go over huge!!
I could see this happening, Big Show & Rey(?) vs The Real Americans for the tag team titles at Mania and Cesaro gets the spot of the match by giving the Giant the Big-swing, it would certainly be a crowd pleaser and a great visual.

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