Big show should retire after reigns beat him or am I being rash


Sir Darth Maul
I have not liked big show for a number of years now.
He is shite in the ring, he is just boring now.
He hasn't done anything interesting since he made his return imo
A lot of people talk about John cena being shoved down our troats and he has but is the same thing being done with big show
His character and promos recently just irritate me even as a face
I think he needs to retire now
His only interesting thing recently was the feud with orton that was over a year ago
Does anyone else feel the same way
I don't think so. I like Show and when he tries, he can deliver a good match. I thought his program with Rusev was shockingly good and his match with Reigns at "Extreme Rules" defied all expectations.

With that said, I prefer Big Show in the upper midcard, like how he was during the first half of 2014. He didn't really start hogging the limelight again until after Survivor Series.
Big Show, during his peak and lows of his career has always been on or near the top of the card. He should not be jobbed out on his way out but be beaten by an up and comer bad guy at WM. Then retire.
To be honest, I thought that the last match standing match would be the last time we ever see him competing in the WWE ring. I knew he's a loyal employee and been around for years but he isn't needed anymore.

He's not bad or sloppy in the ring as much as Kane though. But he should quit his in ring career and become a production or road agent. He is old, he should know where he belongs and should let the young ones grab the spotlight. He isn't anymore the Giant who won his debut match against Hulk Hogan for the World Championship.

I'll be honest here. I think they should have just killed him off using Brock Lesnar at the 2014 Royal Rumble, since they had that match that would have gone longer had Big Show not injured his arm (Hell, if they were gonna take him off TV for a while, which they did, why didn't they just do the Kimura arm break spot then, they did it with Mark Henry and that's basically what started the whole Big Show-Brock Lesnar mini feud.) Not that they should, but if they want to spend another Lesnar match on the Big Show, that's where the Big Show's last match should be, not Roman. The only way to convince people that the Big Show was beaten to the point that he had to retire is Brock Lesnar
I think when they decide to turn Wyatt face, they should incorporate into his persona to retire big show. Play it out like he is boring the fans and its time to take care of business and start a feud with the machine. He could then "retire" corporate kane to bring back the demon kane. Eventually have them feud and retire the demon kane also. This would open new blood for the authority and even give wyatt a good face turn. If they wanted to give him the big rub he could face HHH in a match where if he wins HHH in ring work is done n if HHH wins he does the authoritys bidding. Now with the authority dismantled by mania time he could take the title from rollins... either at mania or the next summerslam and finish of the authority. It could even start a huge feud where we get a reformed face wyatt family vs a reformed heel shield. It could set up months if not years of fresh new faces main eventing and the long awaited Cena heel turn could take place with triple H beggin him to take out wyatt as he is the only one who has stopped him. It could spawn Wyatt and lesnar vs heel Cena and Rollins. The outcome would be infinite with possibilities... so no i think big show should come back to be taken out by wyatt.
I remember last year, or 2 years ago or whenever it was that show sat out a few months and was making his big comeback I wanted him to come back as this destroyer running wild through everybody and grasping the title and holding on...BUT he just needed to retire then. He is sloppy, lazy, and boring now. He is when I take my bathroom breaks. Every time I watch a match of his honestly the first thing that goes through my mind is his old nickname before he lost some was "The Big Slow"...

Ive had him on my retire list for a few years. Along with Kane.. and I loved the demon..
I didn't mind Big Show until he joined the Authority and became involved in almost every main event match on TV and PPV's. Then for me he just became a huge pain in the ass. Didn't mind Kane either until he started the bullshit as well.

He is a very unique wrestler due to his size, and from what I've seen of him in TV interviews, seems like a genuinely nice and funny guy. His in ring character is now stale and predictable, he's had more face/heel turns than I've had hot dinners.

For me personally he wore out his welcome, and quite honestly don't care if I ever see him again. He doesn't generate heel heat, it's more like get off my TV heat. When you come out to chants of "Please retire now", it's not a good thing. Fans are just fed up with him. Most probably don't care how he retires, they just want him gone.
Well, his contract runs until 2018 so he's going to be on our TV screens for a solid couple of years. I don't think Show NEEDS to retire... but he needs to get the hell out of The Authority and far away from the main event scene. Add him as a piece to the mid-card. He could actually be useful there against the likes of Neville and Sheamus.

I don't mind Show. He can still cut a very solid promo, but I don't want to see him every 3 segments... A short 5 minute promo followed by a 10 minute match once or twice a week is just fine for The Big Show at this point in his career, in my opinion.
Well, his contract runs until 2018 so he's going to be on our TV screens for a solid couple of years. I don't think Show NEEDS to retire... but he needs to get the hell out of The Authority and far away from the main event scene. Add him as a piece to the mid-card. He could actually be useful there against the likes of Neville and Sheamus.

I don't mind Show. He can still cut a very solid promo, but I don't want to see him every 3 segments... A short 5 minute promo followed by a 10 minute match once or twice a week is just fine for The Big Show at this point in his career, in my opinion.

Now you know what if that happened I might come around again. But you're right the way you decribed what he's doing right now. I would love to see him in a feud with Sheamus. Sheamus wants to target the smaller guys, typical heel, let him take on the biggest first.
I'm going to be one of the few defending Big Show, but I will not defend his booking. 90% of his WWE career has featured him booked anywhere from embarrassingly to breathtakingly awful. Bright spots like Jerishow or his 2002 to 2003 heel run vs Lesnar (sometimes Angle) are overshadowed by decades of him literally and figuratively being shat on.

He should not be booked so aggressively into the main event. The 2015 Rumble was an embarrassment, but did that reflect on Paul Wight the man or the booking of Big Show the character? Personally, I liked it when Show turned heel at Survivor Series, even though it was turn #370 whatever (seriously, who would ever kayfabe trust him?). It took Cena out of the match and I was excited for him to become a stooge. Then he went to the top of the card, and stayed there, for months. Yawn.

Big Show and Kane should be in those suits accompanying Rollins to the ring, not those retired midgets. Show should return as a stooge to Rollins, but this is the mid-card era no one is allowed to rise to the main event.

Nothing changes the fact that Show is marketable and casuals will always see him as a threat based on his extraordinary size, which allows him to easily slip into main event roles. He was never going to put on five star matches, but giants sell tickets. There's a lot of fan favourites on the roster that can put on those matches, but the public will say, who?

Big Show's booking has straight up stunk. His time in the sun is over, but saying he should just retire when he has a little gas left in the tank is just nonsense. There are so many roles he can be filling, none of them should be main event. Put the giant in a suit and have him align with Rollins, at least then there could be some pay off for a Rollins split with his stooges (the same can't be said for J&J).

There's a whole crop of future guys that need to become stars, and slaying a giant is a great way to do it. Show should be working with the younger guys or serving as a flunky. Demanding his retirement is a symptom of him being in every major angle and him being in the top of the card when he's stale as all hell and in the golden years of his ring career.
What Big Show needs is a prolonged stay on one side of the fence. Too many turns in quick succession have damaged his character, but there's still mileage to be had with him on the roster. I imagine that, if and when Baron Corbin gets called up, for example, one of his first challenges will likely be the Big Show.

I don't feel he needs to retire, but he can be used effectively as a special attraction type, not as rare as Lesnar but not on tv neccesarilly every week. But, as it stands, if his Last Man Standing loss to Roman Reigns was to be his final Supercard hurrah, if only for a while, then that's a good way to go, having the match of the night at Extreme Rules and helping to cement the future of the company (Reigns).
What Big Show needs is a prolonged stay on one side of the fence.

I can appreciate the logic, yet one of the most desirable aspects of Big Show is his ability to make the switches believable, even if they don't always make strict sense.

Despite the number of folks on this forum that want him to retire, I think he should have a job as long as he wants one. His personality lends itself well to those frequent face/heel turns, he's no threat to contend for titles (not even minor ones), he'll job when asked to, he'll play the fool when the company needs him to......and most of all, he still moves around the ring pretty well for a guy in his 40's.

A giant is always going to present as a threat. Look at Andre, who stepped in the ring when he could barely walk, yet was still perceived as a dangerous opponent. Only in pro wrestling could he have "competed".....and fortunately, pro wrestling is where he was asked to stick his big body in combat against people who would ordinarily just keep out of reach until the giant wears down.

Big Show is better than that and in Vince McMahon's Fantasy World, there's a spot for a guy his size.

Yes, if you insist WWE performers be able to perform dropkicks and deliver 619s, you're never going to be happy with Big Show. But he has a place.
I think Big Show won't be going anywhere until the end of this contract which has another three years or something on it.

Big Show is still one of the most recognised guys on the roster, his days as World Champ are probably over unless they need a quick few weeks reign out of someone.

I think the likes of Big Show and Goldust have shown that age is no barrier, I think both guys are more entertaining in their latest runs that in previous ones and if they can keep themselves going for another couple of years, good for them. They'll be a long time retired.
I have not liked big show for a number of years now.
He is shite in the ring, he is just boring now.
He hasn't done anything interesting since he made his return imo
A lot of people talk about John cena being shoved down our troats and he has but is the same thing being done with big show
His character and promos recently just irritate me even as a face
I think he needs to retire now
His only interesting thing recently was the feud with orton that was over a year ago
Does anyone else feel the same way

Show has clearly lost a step but he's still one of the best big men in the company.

WWE just need to get more creative on how they use Show. Maybe get an authority role on the show like Kane while they find a new muscle of The Authority like Sheamus or Kevin Owens.

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