Big Show & Mark Henry


Tonight on SmackDown!, Big Show & Mark Henry teamed up against Sheamus & Randy Orton. The match was solid overall with the heels getting the clean win with Show chokeslamming Orton. When I heard this match advertised on Raw this past Monday, I started to wonder if Show & Henry could work as a team.

Show & Henry aren't technical marvels inside the ring, but they're two big & legitimately strong guys. It's been quite a while since WWE had a serious powerhouse tag team in the ranks and, personally, I think it'd be good use of the two. I don't see Big Show going after the World Heavyweight Championship anytime soon. I suppose Mark Henry could be in the WWE Championship picture right now but, let's face it, I don't think anybody is really going to buy into Henry taking the title from Cena. It would give Henry a big high profile feud of course but, frankly, I just don't really see such a feud being all that interesting after a month.

If WWE was to put Orton & Sheamus as a team, they're kind of unofficially referred to as The Celtic Vipers on commentary, they, along with Henry & Show could add some major depth to the tag team division once THN drops the tag titles to The Shield, at least that's who I'm predicting they'll drop them to.
I think they could make a great industructable powerhouse team, and like you said we haven't seen one of those in a long time. I like Orton and Sheamus as a team to mostly due to the fact that I personally think they have both grown stale as singles. Henry and Show could easily add some depth to the tag division that almost seems to have been forgotten about again. If The Shield does win the belts they are going to need some better teams to feud with and I think Show and Henry fit the bill.
No they aren't going to form a stable of sorts. Henry likes to be alone and he knows how Show operates. He can turn on you with the blink of an eye. And why can't Sheamus ever take the fall, Orton has been losing to much lately.
I think they could make a great industructable powerhouse team, and like you said we haven't seen one of those in a long time. I like Orton and Sheamus as a team to mostly due to the fact that I personally think they have both grown stale as singles. Henry and Show could easily add some depth to the tag division that almost seems to have been forgotten about again. If The Shield does win the belts they are going to need some better teams to feud with and I think Show and Henry fit the bill.

definitely agree here. there are some pretty decent tag teams in the WWE right now, or at least i think so.

Tag Team Titles are obviously on Kane and Daniel Bryan as Team Hell No. then you have the Uso's, Primo & Epico, Rhodes Scholars and Prime Time Players. the problem with all of those teams that aren't holding the Tag Team Titles is that we've seen them constantly lose for months now.

if and when The Shield wins the Tag Team Titles, no one will ever believe that the Uso's would be credible contenders. or anyone else not named Team Hell No for that matter. but if you add the teams of Sheamus/Orton and Big Show/Mark Henry, then you have two major tag teams with some legit star power that could challenge for the titles.

plus, three of those four guys have history with The Shield, and all four of them are former World Champions. so i think making it official and pairing these guys up adds not only some depth but some credibility to the Tag Team Division.

all i ask of any tag team is that they have a team name, entrance music and matching outfits.
Not really a fan of big powerhouse teams. I always find them incredibly dull. But that is really a personal opinion, and these two could have some good spots trying to outpower one another.

Couldn't hurt the tag division to have two former world champions in the mix, shows that the titles are worth something. Although I am against slaptogether teams. Hmmm... I am a little conflicted here. But I suppose it really couldn't make the division any worse...

Just My Opinion
Couldn't hurt the tag division to have two former world champions in the mix, shows that the titles are worth something. Although I am against slaptogether teams. Hmmm... I am a little conflicted here. But I suppose it really couldn't make the division any worse...

Just My Opinion

All in all, that's kind of how I see it. I don't see how they could hurt things and, as you pointed out, having a couple of former World Champions in the mix, who seem to have nothing more urgent going on in their singles career right now, could only heighten the worth of the tag titles. They do add some degree of star power to things.

As far as teams that are slapped together, meh, most teams are kinda just slapped together. The Road Warriors were just a couple of big powerlifting bikers from Chicago. Big Show & Henry are just a couple of big, powerful guys that nobody else can really match up with in terms of pure size & brute strength.
Sort of a modern-day version of The Natural Disasters, huh? For immense men, Earthquake and Typhoon moved around the ring fairly well and looked menacing. Since the pro wrestling of 50-60 years ago, the idea of big, fat men lumbering around the ring has been a fixture, so why not Big Show and Mark Henry? In a shoot fight, I think we'd be shocked at how ineffective guys like this would be. It's only when an opponent stands within easy reach of the mammoth and allows himself to get caught and pounded does it seem that the big man concept works.....but then, that's exactly what the little guys are instructed to do in matches with Show or Henry, right?

I think their pairing is fine. Big Show periodically gets a world title run. He's had one fairly recently and it's over; he's gone back to being a menace to anyone in his path, without being a threat to take the title.

With Mark Henry, it's harder to say; he had an unexpectedly effective title run in 2011 at a time many thought he would have been retired. But while his recent return keeps him as a fearsome competitor, I don't think he's scheduled for another title run. The unexpected victory over Ryback at WM29 made me wonder, yet his actions these past weeks seem to indicate that victory to be an anomaly, not a trend. I don't think there's a chance Mark is winning the title from John Cena.

So, sure, keep Big Show and Mark Henry as a tag team for awhile. Their pairing reduces the amount of work Show & Mark have to do in the ring, saving wear and tear on those massive bodies. Maybe they can even win the tag team titles, even though the damn belts won't fit around either man's ample waist.
I think this sets up a very interesting match for Extreme Rules. A physical bout between the four will be terrific.

The problem thereafter is, single or tag team, who do Henry and Show feud with? Besides Team Hell No there is no feud or match I can actually see happening or wanting to watch. The same problem exists with them as single wrestlers. The Shield are heels so it could be difficult to pair them off and we have see Sheamus/Orton/The Shield for half a year.

Henry and especially the Big Show are struggling for feuds as single superstars. Put them as a tag-team and the same problem remains. That is where the problem lies. I honestly feel that the Big Show should retire and they need to find the right match for Henry.
Sounds very interesting to me as I have not yet watched Smackdown! Big Show along with Henry can be a team of dominance that we have not seen in a long time. Pure power, along with raw aggression will make for some good tag team wrestling.

The limited teams added in with The Shield's dominance in the ring, this team might be the only ones to stop them. Let's just hope they keep them heels. These two as faces just does not work. Just keep the Hall of Pain open for business!

The only other thing I would like to see is the attacks from Henry. I enjoy when he screams “that's what I do". Plus, make sure they have solid mic time - more Henry than Show and I don't think anyone including myself would have a problem with these two pairing together.
While I personally do not fancy the idea of a big men tag team, i think this could work. Right now, if you look at the tag division, the only main eventers are Team Hell No, and even that is arguable currently. Plus, they are running out of competition, having beaten Rhodes Scholars thousands of times and with no other real threats.

I feel this new team would be a HUGE threat and would definitely add excitement to the division. Looking at their first match, Henry and Show could have a good match if given the right opponents, and good ring workers like Kane and Bryan would be great for them to have a nice match.

I could see this team feuding with the Celtic Vipers for a while, then have a match after a while where the Celtic Vipers lose. This could lead to an Orton heel turn, setting up a feud with Sheamus, while Henry and Show could feud with Team Hell No.

I hope Team Sexual Fisting does form.
The team itself would work, but I don't think either man needs it. The only common bond they have (besides being very large men) is that they're loners. Show really doesn't need it as he's been doing some of his best heel work lately. At best this would just protect Mark Henry. I could see it temporarily, as some short filler feud to fill up a PPV card, but nothing long term.


One thing I will add to this is that if this does happen for awhile, one good thing it does do is it keeps Big Show and Mark Henry away from the WHC picture for the time being. That's a good thing while DZ has the title. I do still think it would kill any and all momentum Big Show currently has though.

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