Big Show & Kane - Team Up or Turmoil?

Will The Big Show & Kane Form A Team To Take On The Corre?

  • Yes, they will and attempt to break The Corre

  • No, they will continue to feud.

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Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Well, last weeks match up between Kane and Big Show on Smackdown may not have been highly interesting as a Match, but it's follow through was interesting to say the least. Before the match had begun, in a Backstage Segment, The Corre approached Kane, telling him that they wanted to help him win his match against Big Show. So, when the match came, The Corre came down to the Ring and passed Kane a chair. He cracked Big Show with it, giving him the win by Disqualification.

However, in a then strange continuation of this segment, Kane turned it around on The Corre by smashing Justin Gabriel with the Chair. What was left to wonder from this is; Was Kane helping Big Show, or was he just proving a point that he can fight for himself? If Kane was helping Big Show, does that mean we're going to see the two of them team up to take out The Corre and break them up? Or are we not?

Let me know what you think.
Is there an option for neither? I'd vote for that. I've had enough of Kane and Big Show to last me a lifetime.
I think neither genuinely is the answer. I don't see them teaming up to break up the Corre, they've done the whole Kane/Big Show team thing already and extensively. I also don't think they will feud either. The thing with Kane on Smackdown this past week was just down-right confusing. It came out of the blue yonder and god only knows where it's leading, God in this case being McMahon not Ric Flair.

There is absolutely no string binding the two men at this point, and Kane attacking both parties throws him straight into the mix unfortunately. At least attacking just one party could have been put down to his heel/face tendencies (it's impossible to tell these days which he is), this way his motives are going to be called into question. That is if WWE doesn't want to pull a TNA and leave Kane out the rest of the story leaving a big question mark.

For me he is going to come into play somehow, I can think he would be face already though after his huge heel run which ended almost instantly.
I see them and 2 other guys teaming up to battle The Corre at Wrestlemania. 2 other SmackDown guys that aren't doing anything. Like Christian and Kingston or somebody else. Since it looks like we might not have a MITB, teaming a few guys up, just to get em on Mania sounds logical.
I am almost certain this is going to happen nat Mania. We will have Show and Kane face the Corre in what will be a total squash tag match. I think it will be a one night thing for Kane and Show and then they stop tagging. I think that this is clearly setting up for some problems within Corre. I think this is the right way to go and adding more superstars is silly because it takes away the chance of a Corre win.

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