Big Show/Kane Again??


Getting Noticed By Management
Given the happening's on Raw, the Wyatt's performing dirty work for the Corporation and then Kane destroying everyone heel and face and then offering his services to Stephanie, make me assume they are laying the groundwork for Big Show vs. Kane program. It's easy to tie back to the past storylines...the Wyatt family beatdowns end up re-awakening "monster-version" of Kane, the version that would be needed if there was to be a serious feud with Show. Also with Kane and the Wyatts being on the same side with Steph/HHH, I assume they are not going to resume the Kane/Wyatt feud from earlier this year.

Thoughts on this and do you think this is a good feud for 2 veteran workers?
This indicates in no way shape for form that Kane and Show are going to fued. I don't know what you've been watching.
I believe Bray said devil not devils so I think they are working with Paul Heyman though I could be wrong. Kane moving to the corp tells me they are going to have Kane go against Daniel Bryan sometime in the near future. All perception though. We have no evidence to say that Triple H would even go after cm punk too, though I have seen crazy non logical stuff from the writer's before.
I think he may be right short term, no one has been able to stop big show kicking ass, so at least till SSeries I think Kane will be the body guard, setting up a 5 man elimination match, Big Show, Bryan, Punk, Miz and ???(maybe Sandow (if they can fit him in next week after losing , something like being another B+ player) vs Kane, Orton, and the Wyatts.

so far these seem to be the matchs there looking at

The Rhodes vs shield vs Real Americans vs Ortons

Ambrose vs Big E

Cena vs Del Rio
This indicates in no way shape for form that Kane and Show are going to fued. I don't know what you've been watching.

Except that it does. Show is a thorn to the McH's. Kane tells Steph to use him as she sees fit. It doesn't take a lot of brain power to draw the line between A and B. now, does it mean a full out feud, not necessarily. You can bank that Kane will wrestle Show sooner rather than later.
As much as I think Kane and Big Show are great big men.I think we have seen enough of them 2 fight.Was hoping UT was gonna bring Kane back to beat the Wyatt Family.Not be Stephanie's lil bitch.
This indicates in no way shape for form that Kane and Show are going to fued. I don't know what you've been watching.

I'm watching wrestling, same as I've done for over 30 years. What do you think the purpose is of siding Kane with the McMahons? To beat up on Miz and Daniel Bryan? That's right, they have the Wyatts doing that already. The storyline is not going to have Kane doing what is best for business just standing with the Corporation looking menacing. He is going to be sent to deal with the one person that is the obvious pain in their side, who based on reaction we're to get from the review of the "lawsuit", is probably going to officially get his job back soon.
I really hope not. The same thing crossed my mind last night. We have seen enough of these two wrestling each other that we don't need to see it anymore.
Matter of fact if these two go the rest of their careers never being on the same screen together again it wouldn't bother me in the least.

Last night showed the Shield isn't enough to protect the authority and Orton. Now they have Kane at their disposal and the rational thinking would be that they use the re-energized monster to protect them from Show. We'll probably see Kane's mean streak return.

If it leads to a match between them I'll probably skip it or use it as background noise until it's over.
Kane is now Steph's to use as she sees fit, I don't think it's a huge leap to suggest that protecting her husband from a Giant is top of the list of things she will want Kane to do.

I'm guessing we are going to get Show vs Orton at Survivor Series and then Show vs Kane at TLC and maybe the Rumble. I just get this horrible feeling that Show vs Triple H may be stretched out all the way to Mania. In truth none of the above appeals to me at all but that is how I can see it panning out.
I don't see where they would put a Kane vs Big Show feud if Triple H fights him at TLC it makes no sense for Kane to come after that because Trips fighting him should be seen as the last resort. I don't see a feud coming out of it maybe a match on RAW or something at the command of the Billion Dollar Princess
This is my guess, I think kane is still on the Wyatts side, hes just using steph to believe He is in their side of this.

I remember when Wyatts debuted they said the were going to take down the machine, witch at that time many tought was Kane, but i think he may ment the corprative machine.

We probaly gonna se kane vs bigshow, but then i think Wyatts and Kane gonna turn on them to try to take over the corpate machine or atleast take away the belts from them, That would be a real good storyline

Im not saying Kane and Wyatts are going to be faces, they just gonna show why they are a dominant stable, atleast i hope
I think is a possibility. To be honest, I was waiting for Kane to come out at the end of Raw when Big Show/HHH were having their stand off - that would have been an effective way to end the show.

I am not keen on Kane facing The Big Show one-on-one. We have seen them wrestle before and it is uninspiring. If, however, it was just beat-downs and tag-team matches then I am ok with it.
I don't think that we'll actually get a Show vs. Kane feud. They're definitely going to meet because Stephanie is going to order Kane to attack the Big Show and to protect Orton and Trips from the Big Show, however, I don't think that they're going to an actual all out feud.

Show is still going to be feuding with the Authority and as of right now, it looks like he's going to go into a feud with Orton and the Authority.

So we're going to see Kane and Show meet but I don't think it's going to be a feud. At least, I hope not.

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