Big League Potential

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Out of the hundreds, thousands, millions of indy wrestlers there are out there, who has big league potential? Feel free to take into account the wrestling style of a certain wrestler. But bare in mind that most indy wrestlers who go to WWE don't come out the same as they went in. So does their current wrestling talent make any difference? Maybe it's just based on size and look. It can be somebody from ROH, PWG, or even from a local federation.

I would say somebody like Claudio Castagnoli, but he was hired, then fired for no reason. From what I know anyway.

With WWE not as size orientated as it used to be, I would possibly suggest somebody like Austin Aries. Problem being is the same that's effecting Brian Kendrick, and has effected Rey Mysterio. Can you really take somebody seriously who's at least 8 inches shorter than most of the main event wrestlers? It's not a problem against somebody who's of a slimmer build, or somebody the size of Jericho. But it's against the big, stereotypical muscle head wrestlers when it becomes a slight problem.
I am a bit of an ROH mark but I'm thinking ROH is as good as any source of talent. They have some amazing cruisers, but i think your point about Aries is correct and valid. He is quite decent size for a lightweight.

I think Chris Hero and Nigel McGuiness may have "it", McGuiness is certainly better than Burchill IMO. I am a big fan of both as they are charismatic and pretty solid in ring.

Maybe the best out the lot in the US is Danielson. I am also a huge fan of his and thinks while he is small, he is so techincally sound and versatile (as face and heel and in terms of wrestling style as well.) I am certain he will end there at some point. However i believe he should head to TNA and fued with Angle or even Joe.

I saw a thread about Mistico in TNA, i heard that he was talking to WWE a few months back. I was surpised that WWE werent interested in Judas Mesias at the time that he went to TNA as he seems to be the right build for the company.

Knowing Vince's reputation I can't be surprised he has not raided Japan, even if they have superior in ring talent.
I would say Chris Hero. The guy is fucking awesome. Here's a dude who has the athletic ability of Evan Borne, but is the same height, if not a couple of inches taller, as HHH. Not to mention, he has the charisma and mic skills equivalent of Kurt Angle. He has it all, basically, and it's mind-blowing that WWE has yet to sign him. I really believe he would do tremendous in that company.

Another guy I think would do well is Larry Sweeney. I really believe he would make a great manager in WWE, or even GM if the case called upon it. I'm shocked WWE hasn't ever considered signing him, either.
Nigel McGuinness kicks ass. He's great in the ring, pretty good on the mic and has a good look. I don't know if WWE'd use or push him correctly, but I'd like to see him in the "big league" someday. He's a pretty big guy, shouldn't Vince be having him on speed dial or something?

Larry Sweeney is a goddamn God manager/talker. Could be one of my biggest favourite managers alongside Bobby "The Brain", Paul Bearer and...well, that's all the managers I can remember at the moment. At the very least he could help the entertainment value of TNA. WWE would have to let him retain his character upon entrance, which I doubt they'd do.
I'm going to go off of the grid here and suggest an actual organization of wrestlers who I thought had the potential to make it big. And these wrestlers are from NWA Anarchy, formerly known as NWA Wildside. I remember watching the weekly NWA Wildside broadcast and seeing star after star who could easily be slid into one of the big two to take their game up to the next levels. And certainly while AJ Styles, Ray Gordy(Jesse of Jesse and Festus), David Young, Matt Sydal(Evan Bourne), Justice(Abyss), and a few others did make it, there was a wealthy untapped roster that was left behind as undiscovered nuggets of gold. Here are just a few.

1. The Real Slim J-
Now Slim J's "wigga" gimmick was quite laughable as this youngster took so much punishment that he made Funaki look like Brock Lesnar, he also was one of the most fearless and talented high flyers in the whole federation. Why I can still see his endless tilt a whirl where he rotated around his opponents head and body at lightening speed that boggled the mind and dazzled the crowds. Unfortunately for Slim, it's is fearless daredevil arsenal that keeps him down as he has suffered several concussions in the ring over the years. And yes, he's still wrestling in NWA.

2. Onyxx- I thought when I saw this big beefy, but short, mound of muscle as one of Jeff Jarrett's body guards a that he was finally on his way to stardom. Alas, he was only a super human entity in Wildside as his chance at bigger things never came to fruition. I mean can you imagine if Bobby Lashley were even more muscular and stood at 5'9"? That would be former Wildside champion, Onyxx.

3. Mikal Adrian(Mikal Judas)- This man stood at 6'9" and dubbed himself "The One Man Mafia". To be honest, with his size, I'm surprised that he didn't get a look from either TNA or WWE. He was young, big, and even held the Wildside title. He was a forsure lock for the big times. Sigh.

4. Jason Cross- Does anybody remember this exciting young superstar? No? Well I do. He captured the imaginations and the attention of all who viewed him as he had a brief stink in TNA during it's first year. And after the TNA crowd saw Jason Cross perform the Crossfire (shooting star legdrop), then had him penciled in as being a future X-Division mainstay if not champion. Unfortunately, he broke his leg at a house show performing the Crossfire and was never heard from again.

5. Sal Rinauro- Now I can't believe that this young man has been so grossly overlooked. He was one of the men responsible for training now referee Mike Posey and was the main mouthpiece of the clique known as "Five Guys Who Totally Rule" alongside Fast Eddie, Zero X, Cool Seth Delay, and Jimmy Rave. He was thin but enough of a confident mouthpiece and born leader that he could have made a perfect cocky manager for a big man in one of the big two promotions. I mean the guy was so cocky that he dubbed himself as "The Only 2-Time Pro-Wrestling Illustrated Rookie of The Year". You just gotta love that.
I watch OVW on a weekly basis, and there are two guys that I go out of my way to watch down there. JD Michaels and Scott Cardinal. Both play arrogant cocky heels to perfection. Michaels looks like a young Shawn Michaels, which is where he got the ring name. He has the moveset and movements down pat. He's rarely sloppy and cuts a hell of a heel promo.

Cardinal is the same way. He plays his role of the young natural talent to a T. His gimmick is a lot like that of Team Priceless. So good they don't have to pay dues kind of thing. Those two I could very easily see doing much bigger things one day.
I have to say Silas Young. Granted many of you have probably not heard of him, but he is a great wrestler. He appeared on ECW tv earlier this year, and a few days later he was signed. He then went to OVW but was released because he could not afford to move to Florida once OVW shut down. But seeing him live and in person, he has "big league" potential even though he isnt the biggest wrestler out there. He also works with ROH when they are in the midwest. You can check out some of his stuff on youtube, espcially his ROH match vs. Austin Aries, it is short but good.
Speaking of Austin Aries, I would love to see him in WWE and get the CM Punk treatment (not changing his name or gimmick), because that would fuck him up like they did in TNA, such a loss to TNA, he is a tremendous worker.

Sorry but I kinda had to put over a few Milwaukee guys, those two are just so great at what they do.
the lack of Quackenbush love seriously saddens me. As much as AmDrag gets the indy pub, Quack is just as good, if not BETTER on the mat and, IMO, cuts a better promo.
I would say Chris Hero. The guy is fucking awesome. Here's a dude who has the athletic ability of Evan Borne, but is the same height, if not a couple of inches taller, as HHH. Not to mention, he has the charisma and mic skills equivalent of Kurt Angle. He has it all, basically, and it's mind-blowing that WWE has yet to sign him. I really believe he would do tremendous in that company.

My first thought as well. Chris Hero is a guy that Vince McMahon would love. I am sincerely shocked that his name has not cropped up more often when talking about Indy guys going to the WWE. Hero has everything to be successful at the next level, with the exception of his build. He has the height but not the muscular stature that McMahon likes. Of course, that can easily be fixed with a rigorous workout routine.
Thiers this small indy promotioin called Front Row Wrestling and there's a couple of wrestlers that may make it in TNA and WWE a few are Shayne shrp he's like a bald RVD he's pretty o.k. but the best there is probably Maverick Wild he has a good look and he's a decent wrestler.
I'm gonna change it up and say Sarah Stock. The women pretty(just like the other Divas)and can wrestle just as good as the other divas. She also seems very marketable, and has a pretty good reputation despite never being on WWE or TNA. I think Stock could be a fixture of the women's division while still being marketable.

Another one would be Austin Aries. Like Jake said his size would be a huge disadvantage but with the way the WWE has been pushing Sydal, I think Aries could get that too. He has good charisma, can talk, and is very exciting in the ring. I think he could make a great mid card champ and if the WWE were invested they could make him a big league star since he has all the requirements(minus the size).
I like Aries a whole lot. The guy has loads of potential, and I can see having great feuds with Evan, Rey, Chavo, and many more little people. Thats would be the problem. You can't really push someone little like that to take on the likes of Big Show, Kane, and Batista, and have them win decisively, which if he was going to be champion, he'd have to win easily sometimes, not just pull a trick out of his ass. So I think Aries could be a good fit in WWE, but I really don't see him getting a big push.
I am a big fan of OVW and if you are looking for a future world champion OVW has it in Igotta Brewski this guy has the charisma the look and the size to do it all. Bravado also is pretty good OVW has future WWE champion ROH has good cruisers but none of them IMO can make it big in the WWE.

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