Big Forum Announcement - Special Member Forum

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Excellence of Execution
In a move which I'm sure will leave many people butthurt over their exclusion, I have created a special forum in which only the best and most elite posters are allowed to post. I have called this forum the All-Star forum, and inclusion is by invite only.

Some of the rules of this All-Star forum are as follows:

1) You must be a great poster. Being a well-liked poster or a moderator has nothing to do with it.

2) You must not cause drama on the forums.

3) You will not tell of anything which is said in the All-Star forum.

4) Due to the inclusion of borderline racy/pornographic materials, a poster must be at least 18 years of age.

This forum has existed for a while and already has a few members. We have finally decided that today is the best day to take our private forum public. I've invited some of the All-Stars to post in this thread and answer questions.

The hope is this will inspire posters to improve their posting quality. If you're interested in joining, there is no application process, just engage in a long and high quality posting spree.

Best of luck to those interested in joining.
I was the first person invited to join. Why do you think I stopped doing Raw LDs with you commoners years ago?
I believe I was the first non-staff inductee, though I never bothered to confirm this and could well be wrong.
Now I know how Coco has lasted all these years as a non-mod. He's secretly the mod of this elite sub forum, and can't have his name bolded without blowing his cover.
Now I know how Coco has lasted all these years as a non-mod. He's secretly the mod of this elite sub forum, and can't have his name bolded without blowing his cover.

Aside from Coco doesn't have access to the section.
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