Big E lost in the shuffle?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Big e has became lost in the shuffle like i expected few reports of turning him face which may mean we get another dancing big dude just to laugh at.
so whats the point of building someone up just to end it with 1 feud?
big e was a good manager type dude.
but never got my attention to much,
so what will help big e get out of the shuffle should he be a hhh guy?
or maybe a del rio manager? what will help big e?
I think it's unquestionable he's been lost in the shuffle. If this was any other era he'd be killing jobbers on a weekly basis and being quite fun in that role. I really enjoyed his character on the NXT shows and he's actually quite articulate and interesting on the microphone given the opportunity. However he seems to have been tagged with the pre-conception of just another boring meat head with the creative for the main roster which is disappointing.
Big E. Langston's a young guy. He's only 27 year old and hasn't even been on the main roster for a full year. There's potentially plenty of time to do things with Langston later on down the line, barring he suffers injury or garners heat with the powers that be.

I don't see WWE turning the guy into a clown and I wouldn't exactly say that he's been "built" up to any real degree. His role thus far has been the bodyguard of Dolph Ziggler & AJ, then just the bodyguard of AJ while feuding with Ziggler. He's not been a focal point in any sort of major way right now and has been exactly where he belongs at this stage in his career: firmly in the mid-card.

Besides, WWE reportedly had it planned for Langston to feud with Mark Henry over the course of the summer, with the feud culminating at SummerSlam in either on final match or a possible strongman contest. But, Henry's been injured and there's been all sorts of questions & rumor regarding him having heat due to questionable toughness. Quite possibly, WWE took a look at the lay of the land and figured that they wanted everyone else doing what they're currently doing. As for whatever feuds were left, would people honestly care about seeing Langston feud with Zack Ryder? How about Justin Gabriel? Would they wanna see him in some pointless endeavor with The Great Khali and Hornswoggle? I know I certainly wouldn't. So if they wanna keep him off TV for a while until some storylines pop up and the lay of the land to change so he can be put into some sort of remotely relevant program, then I've got no complaints.
I can see that side of the argument, my only grievance with that would be there is enough useless fluff over with the 5 hours of Raw and Smackdown would it really be that hard to fit in a 5 minute segment? Where Big.E could be your classic monster (face or heel it doesn't matter) and he can just run through lower tier guys on a weekly basis until they find a guy at his level to give him a prolonged feud.

This sort of thing would have been perfect over the summer if the plan is to program him with Henry once he returns because you have the brutal young powerhouse against the veteran powerhouse and it also gives time to get Big.E credibility with the audience and not just throw him in a program unjustified in the eyes of the majority of the audience.
Big E is young his time will come. Mark Henry got hurt so there went the Summer Slam plans. Maybe he will step up to the mcmahons also like we saw in raw. As long as he doesn't return a la Brodus clay ill be happy
i would have liked to have seen him in the role the Big Show is currently occupying. It would have been a good start to building him up with the option of going heel or face at the end of the mini story line. He has the enforcer look, so being HHH's pet would work well, even complimenting the shield. if they wanted him to go face, that would also be easy enough. he would have enough of the moral dilemmas and go against HHH. either route would be a good development in his young career
I think they missed a big opportunity. You got the whole RyBack bullying angle right now. I would've liked to see Big E step up to RyBack. Ryback is established enough now to it could've really started to set Big E up as a monster face.
BIG E Langston is someone who has an incredibly bright future ahead of him. He has ungodly power,the look and his mic skills are actually quite impressive. Big E is someone right now,who is just sorta of stuck in the middle. His supposed big feud with Mark Henry,was supposed to happen over the summer but,Henry got injured.

I say just wait and be patient. His future is bright,barring he does not get injured or,piss off the wrong people
There's no need to rush, he's still winning matches on the smaller shows so it's not like he's disappeared. They could be waiting for Henry to return but I could also see him turning face and going after the IC title now Axel will need a feud as Ryback is the Heyman Guy who'll be working with Punk. On NXT a few weeks ago they actually did an angle an a match between Big E and Axel that may have been a test run for a potential main roster program between the two.
Big E has some serious potential. He has put on some very good matches, has the look and he seems to be fairly charismatic and humorous. As it stands, he isn't doing much but that doesn't have to be a bad thing for someone of his age. It is better than putting him in a random feud and him failing miserably. Look at guys like Axel and Wyatt, they made their debut and then went of TV for a while to return with a new gimmick and direction that will ultimately prove successful. The same can happen for Big E.

If they want something for Big E immediately then the corporation is the obvious place for him. He can be another bodygurad type figure and it would allow him to be involved in a high profile feud with the top stars in the company. I suppose he could have been in the place of Ryback and the next Paul Heyman guy but waiting a few months for the perfect feud may benefit Big E.
Yeah, the whole cards been restructured to an extent with the Cena and Sheamus injuries, and with the main focus on the McMahons/Bryan feud and the Heyman/Punk feud, he's kinda just lost at the minute. However, he won on both Superstars and Main Event last week so I think they have faith in him long-term, it's just he's not needed right now.

He could turn and slot into the Corporation story quite nicely too.

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