

fan of a WZ Wellness Programme
For those of u who do not know there is a Christian Super Hero "Bibleman". Who if im not mistaken fights the forces of evil (e.g. young kids who may be having second thoughts about religion)

I have to respectfully say that this is possible the worst series I have ever seen in my life. the hero is dressed in possible the worst costume Ever! and he uses a lightsaber...... think about that for a second.

now the main reason I dont like this show is because its brain washing young kids. In one clip Bibleman says to a young kid that if he has any doubts he should talk to the priest or the parents or just knuckle through.
Ya know? It's so cool lately to take shots at organized religion, especially Christianity. It's getting old.

Say what you want about religion, but it's done a lot of good things for a lot of people. My parents, for example, were estranged and on the verge of divorce until religion brought them back together. Now they lead the church youth group and I've never seen them happier. Whether or not there's anything of substance to their religion, anything that can do things like that for people can't possibly be ALL bad.

As for "brain washing young kids", let me say this... I grew up in church for my first 18 years, and I turned out just fine. I don't still attend church, so there was no permanent damage there or anything, and the socialization with other church attending kids and the positive influence kept me out of a lot of the trouble that other kids go through. So despite the fact that I can still name all the books of the New Testament in order (the old testament gets tricky with all those weird Jewish names toward the end), and despite the fact that I can sit and debate the finer points of Predestination vs. Free Will and the concept of Eternal Security with the most devout and educated believers, I still ended up a perfectly normal, well-adjusted member of society.

So please, can we have some freakin tolerance here and stop with the incessant ridicule just because we don't agree with something? It's just ignorant.
Ya know? It's so cool lately to take shots at organized religion, especially Christianity. It's getting old.

Say what you want about religion, but it's done a lot of good things for a lot of people. My parents, for example, were estranged and on the verge of divorce until religion brought them back together. Now they lead the church youth group and I've never seen them happier. Whether or not there's anything of substance to their religion, anything that can do things like that for people can't possibly be ALL bad.

As for "brain washing young kids", let me say this... I grew up in church for my first 18 years, and I turned out just fine. I don't still attend church, so there was no permanent damage there or anything, and the socialization with other church attending kids and the positive influence kept me out of a lot of the trouble that other kids go through. So despite the fact that I can still name all the books of the New Testament in order (the old testament gets tricky with all those weird Jewish names toward the end), and despite the fact that I can sit and debate the finer points of Predestination vs. Free Will and the concept of Eternal Security with the most devout and educated believers, I still ended up a perfectly normal, well-adjusted member of society.

So please, can we have some freakin tolerance here and stop with the incessant ridicule just because we don't agree with something? It's just ignorant.

bible basher ;)
sorry if i did offend u dude i was just saying is rather a bad show and something i dont like ....... but come on it is a pretty weird show

Yeah, no... you clearly were just trying to laugh at the show and weren't at all making some thinly veiled, asinine point about religion. :disappointed:
Yeah, no... you clearly were just trying to laugh at the show and weren't at all making some thinly veiled, asinine point about religion. :disappointed:

I was laughing at the show (ok maybe i was leaving a comment about religion as well to a point) but this is a show is just terrible as its basically Batman on a porno budget.

now as it has been discussed many times before and will do again their are good and bad parts to religion (Bibleman being one of them). As I have also said before I am an atheist I just dont believe in a higher power. but as you said it brought your family together and has made you into the person you are today and a thing like religion is apart of the lives of alot of people and they need it to survive. but a show like Bibleman is their to draw people in from a young age to religios activites when they only talk from one angle.

well now all I'm gunna say now is since I am an atheist and not the best technique wrestler of the bunch (e.g. I make silly comments before think) I will most likely continue making "thinly veiled, asinine" comments about religion.
Clearly this was not a shot at the quality of the program. Admittedly, yes, it is poorly made.

But you used the term "brain washing" because, clearly, that is what Christians are all about. Lord knows that talking to a parent, a pastor or someone you trust is a horrible way to deal with tough times in your life. We wouldn't want that message to seep into our kid's heads.

I don't mean to be rude but this was said in poor taste. I am a Christian and I have not said one derogatory thing about anyone who has differing views on religion, politics, sexuality or ethics then me. I will gladly discuss my views with people and listen attentively to theirs. But making light of someone's way of life is simply discourteous.

Again, sorry for getting all wound up.

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