Better main event idea?


The Next One
Instead of having a 6 man tag with the winner giving the the title to their respective "captain", why not have a captain fall tornado 6 man tag.

I remember playing something like this on SD v Raw or something, so the rules are that we have two captains (Triple H, Randy Orton) and whoever pins the opposing captain would be come WWE champion. This means, that Dibase, Rhodes can pin triple h to become champ or batista/shane pinnining Randy to become Champion..This would be more interesting in my opinion cause right now, whoever pins the opposing side grants triple h or orton a win, without doing anything!

Just my two cents lol, discuss!
i think that good be a good idea, but does anybody have a feeling shane is going to turn on HHH. He is second or third generation star, and have him team up with Legacy.
I got the same idea on the turn! Plus its an easy way to get the belt off of hhh without him having to lose the match.
i think that good be a good idea, but does anybody have a feeling shane is going to turn on HHH. He is second or third generation star, and have him team up with Legacy.

It wouldnt make much sense for any McMahon to turn heel..why join the team where the leader punts u in the head?

If this event happened, it'd be a great way to bring back Batista/HHH..prolly give Trips his final heel run or make Batista a heel out of it..or heck a potential triple threat HIAC lol (ok thas going to far)
It wouldnt make much sense for any McMahon to turn heel..why join the team where the leader punts u in the head?

it doesn't make sense why you would join a team who's leader punted you in the head. You'd have to have brain damage to do that. Brain damage that a punt to the head would cause..........
They wouldn't do that, because this is a way for HHH to drop the belt without being at fault (how pathetic). So I can see a Shane heel turn here, or just more evidence towards it, and I can see Orton walking out champ without Trips "losing" it.
actually if you recall one member of legacy has already been punted in the head by the "leader" so it would make total sence for SHANE omac too turn on triple h and hand the title over too the deserving man RKO
and if you can recall i believe it was Triple H's wife who slapped Shane across the face... a good way for some payback
I like the idea, but I'm not sure if WWE is willing to allow Ted DiBiase or Cody Rhodes or Shane McMahon to become WWE Champion. I would like it better, though, but knwoing WWE... it wouldn't work.
At backlash, Batista is going to turn on Triple H and allow orton to pin him and becoming champion. Batista's joining legacy and triple H doesn't look weak. He'll eventually get it back so he can become a 14 time champion and look even stronger by beating the two guys he 'brought' in.
DiBiase got punted in the head by Orton at some point after he joined Legacy, in reality, it was so DiBiase could do a movie or something like that, but nevertheless he's still with Orton today.

And does anybody remember when Randy Orton targeted Dusty Rhodes with the whole "Legend Killer" thing? Not only did he beat Rhodes at GAB, but eventually wound up punting him in the head and beating Cody up a few times as well, and Cody is still with Orton.

All i'm trying to say is that it is still within the realm of plausibility that Shane could turn on HHH. Im pretty sure all the McMahons have turned on eachother at one point or another. Vince has fought both of his kids at one point for gods sake lol
to the whole batista turnin heel n joining legacy...hes not a second generation superstar tho is he? like everyone else is....Randy/Cowboy Bob Tedjr/TedSr Cody/Dusty i was also kinda hopin to see a cody rhodes and golddust fued they use goldust wrong back when he first debuted as a heel he was awesome....but thats a diff sicussion lol
At backlash, Batista is going to turn on Triple H and allow orton to pin him and becoming champion. Batista's joining legacy and triple H doesn't look weak. He'll eventually get it back so he can become a 14 time champion and look even stronger by beating the two guys he 'brought' in.

Confident as always, although it makes 0 sense. The fact that Batista is even involved in this storyline is blowing my mind, and the fact that Batista would join a stable based upon legacies makes less sense. But you're probably right because you said it so surely!

I like the 6-man captain tag idea, although it would make a ton more sense now. By having 3 on 3, winning team gives the title to HHH or Orton, it shows a cohesiveness in the group. With Batista replacing Vince, there's no reason Batista would want to help HHH, at least not family-wise. I don't see this setting up a HHH vs Batista feud, since that would make the McMahon vs Legacy storyline irrelevant, so I'm not sure at all what the point is of Batista. This storyline wasn't about the title, for either of them, it was completely personal, and the title was just a means for Orton to get back at HHH, while becoming champion obviously. This isn't personal for Batista. He has nothing invested in this. Sure Orton punted him in December, but he was out with a hamstring injury, so it wasn't like Orton put him out of action. To me, adding Batista hurt the storyline's potential.
I don't see shane turning on HHH unless he was to become leader of Legacy. When Randy and Shane got together a couple months ago, Orton hinted that they had something in common, being a third generation superstar - and shane replied: "No, i'm a fourth generation superstar". Because I don't see shane being a leader and orton being a follower that makes me think the heel turn wont happen. About the original question - I really like the captains fall idea but they are going to have to really explain it more than 10 times for the entire audience to understand the special stipulation
This match is clearly a way for either HHH and Batista to look dominant or for HHH to lose the title without putting Orton over.
Well imagine this, what if a non captian pins another non captian. The captian that loses will be able to complain that he wasn't actually beaten. Or if Batista does the pin and decides that he did all the work and diserves a shot at the title. Then that could lead to Batista wrestling for the WWE Championship at Judgment Day.
P.S. They got a Judgement Day poster on wikipedia. Edge is on it.
Batista is obviously involved because his last match before he had a break cuz of injury was with orton. And he wants some payback. But having to help triple h defend his title will piss batista off just like back in the day evolution times Batista will turn on HHH:flair:
Well imagine this, what if a non captian pins another non captian. The captian that loses will be able to complain that he wasn't actually beaten. Or if Batista does the pin and decides that he did all the work and diserves a shot at the title. Then that could lead to Batista wrestling for the WWE Championship at Judgment Day.
P.S. They got a Judgement Day poster on wikipedia. Edge is on it.

In that case, the person would be eliminated and will head to the back..I honestly dont remember how that match worked completely to be honest..

The more that I think about was a great idea, until Batista showed up lol..honestly I really think they should scrap the whole crap with Orton, move him to SD next week and have him start fresh..Wrestlemania ruined everything..I was really looking foward to that match this sunday with the incredible im lost and disappointed to what its become!
Everyone is playing off this idea as being good. Uhm, I'm sorry to rain on the parade that's going on right now.. but it's a HORRIBLE idea.

First, your logic of assuming that Shane McMahon, Ted DiBiase Jr, and Cody Rhodes are even options in which to believe they could win and thus become Heavyweight Champion.. is a pure pipe dream. Especially on the understanding they'd have to defeat Triple H., or Randy Orton in order to accomplish this feat. The only logical outcome that would make any sense would be one of two options.

1. Triple H. retains. This is a current idea and theory that could still happen with the way everything is set-up right now. So we wouldn't possibly miss out on this.

Which leaves the only true benefit of this possible alternative storyline..

2. Batista pins Orton, and inadvertently wins the Championship. Hello W.C.W, anyone remember Savage/Sid v. Nash/Sting? Whoever got the pin, got the title. It's fair and I suppose "edgy" but doesn't really do much as far as passing the torch from one Champion to the next. And once again, pulls Triple H. out of having to job himself out, to drop the strap.

So, in the end.. I'm sorry, your idea is horrible.
NO variation of this idea is good. Having Cody, Ted, or Shane stand a chance of being a champion doesn't bode well for the WWE. And if this were the case, most of the fans would know that either Batista, Orton, or HHH would win the match. NOBODY has faith that Cody, Ted, or Shane would win the belt, hence, the rules of the original match being that if Cody or Ted pin anyone on that team, Orton wins the belt.

And what made no sense to me was Vince said Orton wasn't getting his rematch for what he did to the McMahon family, yet Vickie comes out, completely ignores that, and makes the match a title shot. It was intentional, but stupid. If Vince would have just said, the only way you get a title match is to go through ALL the McMahons.

The main event idea is HHH/Orton/Batista in a three-way-match, No DQ, No countout. And the rules would be that whomever gets the pinfall, wins the title. If Orton pins Batista, he wins the belt. If Batista pins Orton, he's champ. Same rules apply, but three less people are needed. But I can see why they have this idea. It's original, apparently.
I already said i think Shane is turning in Hunter.No he wont win the belt and neither should Rodes or Ted Jr.What i see happening is Shane hitting Hunter with the hammer or a chair after taking it from Orton then allowing Orton to win.Anyone who thinks this is unlikely just look at history.There is always something going on with a McMahon or The McMahon family.If they aren't feuding with each other they are trying to screw someone over(Austin,HHH,whoever they are against at the time).

On Batista turning heel....maybe.On him joining Legacy...Why? Unless i just am not aware Bastista isnt a multi-generation superstar which is pretty much the theme of Legacy.Shane is a 4th or 5th Generation star of the wrestling business.I watched the Monday Night War DVD and it said Vince was in fact 4th generation which would make Shane 5th and seeing how Legacy is younger talent Shane would fit more then another Mcmahon.Besides we already seen Steph vs Hunter and while it was entertaining i think it would be stupid to start it again at this point.

I could see Shane turning on HHH causing these two to possibly feud for a short while freeing up Orton for a feud with Batista.Just what i think could happen but if we've learned anything from WWE its they are capable of doing anything and one can never know what they are up to until we see it on t.v with our own eye's.
I already said i think Shane is turning in Hunter.No he wont win the belt and neither should Rodes or Ted Jr.What i see happening is Shane hitting Hunter with the hammer or a chair after taking it from Orton then allowing Orton to win.Anyone who thinks this is unlikely just look at history.There is always something going on with a McMahon or The McMahon family.If they aren't feuding with each other they are trying to screw someone over(Austin,HHH,whoever they are against at the time).

On Batista turning heel....maybe.On him joining Legacy...Why? Unless i just am not aware Bastista isnt a multi-generation superstar which is pretty much the theme of Legacy.Shane is a 4th or 5th Generation star of the wrestling business.I watched the Monday Night War DVD and it said Vince was in fact 4th generation which would make Shane 5th and seeing how Legacy is younger talent Shane would fit more then another Mcmahon.Besides we already seen Steph vs Hunter and while it was entertaining i think it would be stupid to start it again at this point.

I could see Shane turning on HHH causing these two to possibly feud for a short while freeing up Orton for a feud with Batista.Just what i think could happen but if we've learned anything from WWE its they are capable of doing anything and one can never know what they are up to until we see it on t.v with our own eye's.

True, but then again, what role does Batista play here really..this was Orton v McMahon, but now its Orton vs McMahon/Batista? I can understand if this straight Batista/Orton beef but fighting alongside McMahons?

And its true hes on good terms with Triple H, but this is Triple H..the guy who kicked people out of Evolution cause of fear in losing the title or his members holding the world title..i dont kno about u but if I was Batista, I'd still keep my eyes open
in my opinion it seems with all the wrestlers wwe has the main events could be a hell of a lot better! it's always the same people.
Instead of having a 6 man tag with the winner giving the the title to their respective "captain", why not have a captain fall tornado 6 man tag.

I remember playing something like this on SD v Raw or something, so the rules are that we have two captains (Triple H, Randy Orton) and whoever pins the opposing captain would be come WWE champion. This means, that Dibase, Rhodes can pin triple h to become champ or batista/shane pinnining Randy to become Champion..This would be more interesting in my opinion cause right now, whoever pins the opposing side grants triple h or orton a win, without doing anything!

Just my two cents lol, discuss!

I like the Idea if you wanted to create some animosity between the Legacy members, but I like the way the WWE is going with this one because anybody can get pinned to result in a title switch and each team doesn't have to focus on only one superstar for the title to switch hands. And let's say Shane pins Orton, I'm not sure if everyone would want to see Shane-O as the WWE Champion.

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