Best WWE Brand Theme


Do A Barrel Roll
Out of NXT, Smackdown or Raw what has the best theme song in your opinion. For me its an easy answer Raw. Nickelback sings the Raw theme and as i've said before they are my favorite band. The theme of Raw is "Burn It To The Ground" which happens to be my favorite song at the moment. I think this theme is perfect for Raw and i love hearing it every Monday night.

As for Smackdown it is a very close second. "Let it Role" is also a great theme and yes does fit Smackdown very well. Let it Role is good but to me isn't as good as Burn It To The Ground. NXT theme isn't my personal favorite and comes in last for WWE show themes. What Do You Guys Think?
Raw-it fits the show
NXT-again it fits the show but isn't by a mainstream artist so likely no cd's for it unless in a wwe theme's cd
Smackdown-Since they ditched the one in early 2009 I haven't been impressed

note* If you were to include past, hands down Don't question my Heart, ECW
I am quite the big fan of "Let It Roll" as the SmackDown theme. I just think it's a perfect fit for Friday nights, and it's a great listen. RAW's theme is overplayed, whether it be on the radio, or when you're watching RAW. "Burn It To The Ground" is very much an over played rock song and I guess the WWE capitalized on it's popularity because they ended up using it as the theme song for their "flagship" show.

SmackDown's theme is a fresh song, the only time I ever here it is when Friday night's show is playing in my household. I don't know what special magic spell this song has on me but I just really enjoy listening to it. It's a hell of a lot better than that crappy "If You Rock Like Me" song that they used last year for SmackDown, that was simply atrocious. And don't even bring up NXT's theme that sounds like it's sung by a bunch of Kings of Leon rejects.
I would have to say that my favorite theme song is NXT's theme wild and young by American Bang. This song fits NXT well as these guys are "rookies". A close 2nd would be Superstars theme Invincible by Adelitas Way (if that is still the song, I havn't watched in a while). Out of all time theme songs I would have to saw that Smackdowns theme Rise Up by Drowning Pool or Raws theme across the nation by the Union Underground were their best.
I love the NXT theme song it makes me excited to watch the show, it fits the show so well and the intro video is great. Raw's theme song is a close second for me though
I like the NXT song they use, not the one on the main credits but the "If I can get through this" one I dunno what it is called but I think its a really good song.
I like the Smackdown song, "Let It Roll", the best. It's got a great beat and the lyrics are good too. I'm not a big fan of Nickelback, all they're songs sound the same. Hence why I don't care for the Raw theme.

Interesting side note... Get Through This was actually the theme song to last year's Survivor Series before becoming the NXT theme.
the best themes will allways be still standin here the wwe version of ecw, burn it to the ground by nickelback for raw and smackdowns first theme song
Well if past themes count, Don't Question my Heart by Saliva (ECW's final theme) wins hands down for me, It suited the opening video perfectly.

But if you're going current themes, Then it's Get Through This by Art Of Dying, Which is NXT's 2nd theme (Why it has 2 has me confused) It's got Wild and Young for the video package at the start. Then Get Through This for the rest of the show?

An hounorable mention to "To Be Loved" by Papa Roach, It was better than Burn it to the Ground and the guitar at the start was epic.
It's gotta be NXT. It just fits the theme of the show perfectly. Second to that would be Smackdown, then Raw, but only by how they actually fit the theme of the show. I still think that they're all kickass songs!
None of the current brand themes are anywhere near as good as the classic RAW IS WAR theme from the attitude era in the late 90s.

I do prefer the Nickelback RAW theme to any of the others currently being used, although Invincible for Superstars is pretty good too.

ECW using Salivas "Dont Question My Heart" was good, as was Union Underground "Across The Nation" which fitted Raw well
I LOVE nxt's theme, really fits the show, as does "let it roll". Both songs always get me excited for the show.

To me, where the question get interesting is on RAW. As a fan of independent rock and roll music, i often credit bands like nickleback in particular for killing mainstream rock. That said, I am like pavlov's dog whenever i hear the song play.. on the radio or wherever.. just hear the first couple bars and bam! I'm like super excited and ready to go.. like ok, its time for raw, ITS ON BITCH (kind of like the vuvuzelas at the world cup).

In general though, I will say that NXT has the best theme song at the moment.
ECW's Don't question my heart was probably the best. I have to say that my favorite current theme for a show is NXT's Wild & Young by American Bang. It fits the show perfectly and overall, it's just a great song (It would be bad if you didn't like it since they play it for every NXTers entrance).

I do think that the RAW theme fits it pretty well but I like Wild & Young better.
IMO, it's "Burn It To The Ground" - By Nickleback. I love Nickleback and the theme fits perfectly with the brand.
Nickelback is much too overplayed, and I think it was a mistake to pick a song for the theme that was already a mainstream hit. I think that the show themes should be less well known, but that's me. My personal favorite BRAND theme, is Smackdowns. It's easy to get into and just a good song. I left out "Invincible" by Adelitas Way because the show it is for, isn't technically a brand, otherwise I would've picked it.
I think I am going to have to go with Divide The Day and “Let It Roll!. Although I am a huge Nickelback fan, I have always had a soft spot for this song. “Burn It To The Ground” is an absolutely brilliant song and fits Raw fantastically. However, I hva ejust heard it to many times as Dark Horse was probably my most listened to album of 2009.

With that being said, the WWE has managed to always please me with the songs they pick for their televised shows. “Let It Roll” is actually brilliant and works so well with the intro to Smackdown. For me, it is the best song they have as a theme for a show.
Nickelback is much too overplayed

That's true. Like I said above I love Nickelback and the song "Burn It To The Ground" is amazing, but it's over played waaay to much.

"Let it Roll" is catchy too. But it's not on my iPod, and I guess I'm being biased because I like Nickelback. :shrug:
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and The original version of Rise Up, That's not available anywhere, Only used once on the July,4,2002 episode of Smackdown!

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