Best Wrestling Matches You've Seen Live


Dark Match Winner
If you were there, let's hear which matches were great, where you saw them & why you enjoyed them.

#1. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit - Royal Rumble 2003; Boston, MA: Greatest match I've ever seen. Was on my feet swearing in front of little kids the match was so good.

#2. Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels - Wrestlemania 24; Orlando, FL: On my feet again, almost in tears, an incredible emotional ride.

#3. Edge & Rey vs. Angle & Benoit - Smackdown; Manchester, NH: I believe where Edge & Rey won the belts, possible 2/3 falls, but was one hell of a contest.

#4. Edge vs. The Undertaker - Wrestlemania 24; Orlando, FL: Exceeding my expectations, taking things to the next level, great match.

#5. Chris Jericho vs. Shelton Benjamin - Backlash 2005; Manchester, NH: Opening match and best match of the night. A lot of back and forth.

#6. Jay Lethal, Curry Man, Shark Boy, Johnny Devine, Sonjay Dutt, and Consequences Creed Xscape Match - Lockdown 2008; Lowell, MA: Better than Angle/Joe, a lot going on, one of the better Lockdown matches I've seen.

#7. Los Guerreros vs. World's Greatest Tag Team - Backlash 2003; Worchester, MA: Way better than Rock/Goldberg, these 4 put on a classic that's easily forgettable.

#8. Money In The Bank - Wrestlemania 24; Orlando, FL: What's there to say? Awesome spots, non-stop work, long and enjoyable match.

#9. Edge vs. John Cena - Summerslam 2006; Boston, MA: A little better than Foley/Flair. Had me on the edge (pun intended) of my seat the whole time. Love the brass knucks.

#10. The Undertaker vs. Jeff Hardy Ladder Match - RAW; Manchester, NH: A little over rated but still a great match.

#11. El Generico & Kevin Steen vs. Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black - R.O.H.; Boston, MA: Incredible contest that featured 3 teases of the brain buster and finally a Generico/Steen combo to win the belts. Olè!
Damn you been fortunate to see alot of great matches. I've probably been to about a dozen shows or so between WCW and WWE and honestly I haven't witnessed that many great matches so some of these may not be all that great in many people's eyes but make it by default.

1. The Rock vs. Taker vs. Angle - Vengeance 2002 Joe Louis Arena Detroit Michigan. Best triple threat I ever seen and one of my top 5 favorite matches period. I thought the whole match was exciting but especially the last 2 minutes or so. Plenty of false finishes with each guy hitting their finisher on each other, The Rock finally prevailed for his final WWE championship.

2. Cena vs. HBK Wrestlemania 23 Ford Field Detroit Michigan. These two always seem to put on a good match when they're together and this was no exception. Fantastic match with a great story told. The ending was exciting as well which is something I always look for.

3. Batista vs. Taker Wrestlemania 23 Ford Field. I put this just below the Cena/HBK match but this was a great match also. I remember reading an article in the Detroit Free Press a couple days before the show and Batista said that they were gonna steal the show like Steamboat/Savage did 20 years ago and these two almost did.

4. Lex Luger vs. Hollywood Hogan WCW Nitro 97 Palace of Auburn Hills. Auburn Hills MI. This match wasn't that great but it was the moment that made it great. Lex won the title from Hogan and it produced one of the loudest pops that I ever been a part of. The place went nuts, the whole WCW lockerroom came out and celebrated after the match which was great, just a surreal moment.

5. HBK vs. Shane street fight Saturday Night's Main event. Cobo Arena Detroit Michigan. I just thought this match had some great spots and was an enjoyable match to watch. May not be that highly rated among the IWC but I enjoyed it. I didn't really care for the finish with Vince remaking the Screwjob for like the 100th time but all in all a solid match.

A couple that just missed were the MITB from Mania 23 and Bret Hart vs. Lawler from Summerslam 93. I thought that Hart match was very good and overlooked, even his match he had with Doink right before that wasn't that bad either. The MITB I just thought was exciting to watch live, a few crazy spots particularly Jeff's leg drop off the ladder. Other than those that I listed none really stick out as great matches or moments, I'm sure I'm forgetting about some but nothing really immediately comes to mind. Oh yeah this wasn't a match but probably the coolest moment I saw live and that was when Austin drove the Zamboni to the ring and attacked McMahon. The place went absolutely ballistic, definitely a classic moment.
I, unfortunately, have not been to many wrestling events, but the shows I've been to have featured some pretty good matches.

1. Bret Hart v. Owen Hart - WrestleMania X

There's nothing I can say about this match, that hasn't already been said. Bret and Owen put a ton of effort into this match, and it was nice seeing Owen win a big one at a huge event.

2. Shawn Michaels v. Razor Ramon - WrestleMania X

Another match that we've all senn, and love. Seeing it live was different than the times that I've rewatched it, meaning that at the event, it was huge, and you were completely wrapped up in the event. Seeing it later, you can see the minor faults and details, but it was amazing live.

3. Batista v. some local guy - WXW "house show"

This was well before he had signed with WWE, and even before he looks like he does now. He was still cut, but he was tall and built, not over-sized like he is now. I don't remember who it was he faced, because it was over in about 40 seconds. The guy climbed in the ring, poked Batista in the chest, and he hit him with a powerbomb that shook the ring. He didn't even pin the guy. He walked out of the ring and headed to the back.

4. Jericho, Benoit, and Maven v. Evolution (HHH, Batista, Flair) - RAW house show

This is mostly because it's the only time I had seen any of these guys live. Batista was the only one I had seen before, and the rest (outside of Maven), were legends that I had always wanted to see. Benoit was a beast in this match, and got the biggest pop from the crowd when he nailed Batista with the 3 suplexes. Jericho was a face, which was odd, but it worked for the match. HHH and Flair didn't do much in the match, but they had their spots when they were in the ring. It wasn't a great match per se, but it was fun to see.
Not many of the WWE events I been to have had many great matches that stick out so I might have to use some Indy stuff here.

1. TNA House Show-Jeff Jarrett vs Kurt Angle. This match was awesome probably the best match of the whole event. Alot of back and forth action from both. The crowd was really in to it also with chants for both wrestlers. There were alot of points where I was thinking that's it but it wasn't. I really loved this match and being the main event I went home pumped.

2.RPW(Indy Show)-Jason Cross vs Vordell Walker- This match was great. Both are great talents which I would love to see in WWE or TNA one day. This match had alot of great back and forth action also and great spots. Vordell pulled off the coolest move ever. It was a moonsault but one like I've never seen before. He gets on the middle rope jumps up turns half way in the air land on the top rope does a moonsault he missed cause Cross moved but it still was awesome.

3.Jeff Hardy vs MVP in a Falls Count Anywhere Match(WWE House Show)-Really good match probably best WWE match I seen in person. They went around the arena and had alot of hardcore action. I think it would have been an awesome match for TV.

that is about it and all that comes to mind.
I have been lucky enough to go to Wrestlemania 22, 23 and 24.

Favourite matches live would have to be...

Triple H Vs Cena - Wm22 main event - Great ending, never heard a negative reaction like it for Cena when he made the game tap out.

HBK Vs Vince WM22 - I really thought that this match would suck but it was one of the most memorable... Never forget HBK on top of that ladder...

Kurt Angle v Randy Orton v Rey Mysterio - They did some amasing things in this match which really brough the crowd into it (Double german suplex was brilliant)

Batista Vs Taker WM23 - Great match, everyone really involved and got to watch the phenom win the world heavyweight championship.

HBK Vs Cena WM 23 Main Event - Great match which got everyone involved.

Money in the Bank ladder match WM23 - Jeff hardy taking the long fall onto Edge was amasing.

HBK Vs Flair WM24 - Incredibly emotional moment.

Money in the Bank Ladder match WM24 - slightly dissapointed in CM Punk winning it but the fall that Benjamin took was breath taking!

Rey Mysterio Vs Eddie Guerrero - House Show Manchester England. - Just thankful that i got to see Eddie Lie Cheat and Steal in person.

Triple H Vs HBK - House Show Manchester, England - a week before there Hell in a Cell match and everyone was on there feet. Totally breath taking.

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