Best wrestler of 2007?

Best of 2007

  • Undertaker

  • HBK

  • Matt Hardy

  • Cena

  • Kane

  • Ric Flair

  • Jeff Hardy

  • Johnny Nitro

  • Lashley

  • Ken Kennedy

Results are only viewable after voting.


Dark Match Jobber
I just had to ask who do you think will have the best year?

So far I think Undertaker. Yeah he has a limited schedule but thus far it's going pretty good. Your thoughts?

now i just had to ask on here. who do you think will have the best year if they're still around or ECW for that matter? i think cm punk once vince gets the stick out of his ass that has been there for so long. cm punk will get the title, he just has to. what do you think?
I think Kane kicked of 07 the best. I believe his jump to smackdown! was a really good choice both for the brand and himself. He can be used beter on SD, instead of having a few matches a month on raw, now on SD he's a huge pop and is involved somehow almost everyweek. And if all goes well this feud with Booker will help lift him to the main event status and get a nice feud going somewhere soon, even if it doesnt involve him being rewarded with the title.
Mr. Kennedy--No doubt about it. This guy will be A world Champ by June and shouldn't lose it for a year!
I think Kane kicked of 07 the best. I believe his jump to smackdown! was a really good choice both for the brand and himself. He can be used beter on SD, instead of having a few matches a month on raw, now on SD he's a huge pop and is involved somehow almost everyweek. And if all goes well this feud with Booker will help lift him to the main event status and get a nice feud going somewhere soon, even if it doesnt involve him being rewarded with the title.

agreed. just having him main event ppv's would be great to see.
first of all how could u put lashley on the list seriously unless they let him use like 15 new moves in his matches he has no chance and i give this year to kennedy if his cards are played right then he could become a huge star/the best heel since trips isnt heel no more
Undertaker- Undertaker is my choice. He won the Royal Rumble. He is the person everyone is looking at right now. Everyone want's to know what title he is going to after. He is a big draw at the moment. Not like he wasn't before winning.

HBK- He had a rusty start. Loosing at New Years Revolution. His partner getting injured and having to do this DX angle himself. He got beaten and battered by RKO. The best thing that occured for HBK is he is now in the WWE Title picture and is one half the the WWE Tag Team Title.

Matt Hardy- He has had the worst year imo in this whole list. He has been the punching bag for MNM while Jeff is on RAW hitting his usual spots and having a very good push with a lengthy IC title reign. It's not fair that Jeff get's a push because he just returned to the company but Matt is on SD! jobbing to guys like Miz when he has more talent then his brother and the Miz combined. Also he is a low card feud with Mercury. He just beat Helms. He should of been in the Mid Card division getting a push.

Cena- He has had too good of a push so far for this year. He ends Umaga's winning streak cleanly. That basically killed his character. Cena survived the last man standing match which made Umaga look weak. They had Armando cheat and etc. but Umaga still lost. They still credibility from Umaga that way. Then the next night on RAW he is facing Val Venis? How do you go from battling for the WWE Title to Val Venis? Explain that to me. He has had a good year and I'm not liking it.

Those are four that I felt like commenting on because I felt like it had to be done. My choice in the long run is Undertaker.
I think wrestler of the year for 2007 will either be HBK or Undertaker i think the WWE wants these two to have one last tittle run and i think it will be about a 6, 7 or 8 month tittle reign. If HBK wins a major WWE tittle i would like to see him defend it against Jeff Hardy i think this would be a teriffic fued
Kennedy is undoubtedly the one who will have the biggest year. A title reign is almost certain (hopefully a lenghty one at that). I am a little bit baffled at some of the names you chose to put on the list and some you chose to keep off. Matt and Jeff Hardy... you really think either of those guys are going to go any further than what they already have? They might win the tag titles on either Raw or Smackdown but that's where they'll stay. The other one that probably bothers me the most is your inclusion of Ric Flair... the guy is a joke these days. All he is good for is jobbing out to the young up and comers.... and even if he does win a match every now and then it's completely unbelievable.... I will never be convinced that a 60 year old man in Flair's shape can physically handle a 20-something who is in top physical condition... give me a break. Names that were left off that probably should have been included are Edge, Orton, Booker... guys who actually have a chance to be big in '07.
I am acctually going to have to go with Johnny Nitro. Once he improves on his mic skills...a lot...and gets over this MNM/Hardy Boyz hump, then he has the potential to be in the main event. He also needs a finisher, the closest thing he has is the enzeguri, which doesn't even end matches.
My choices aren't even on the poll. Edge and Orton. Two of the WWE's most qualified heels that I think will have a larger impact once this Rated RKO crap blows over and they're put in a meaningful angle (one can hope). As for the rest on the poll list? I'd maybe go with The Undertaker, but if he jobs to Batista, then he might as well stay home forever.
It's a bit early to decide i.m.o. Yeah Orton and Edge have been good. But WWE's so shit at the moment it's hard to distinguish who's really great. If Orton & Edge face each other at W.M. in a Heel vs. Heel match that would be a step in the right direction. By December it will have been Kennedy's year though.
Kinda off Topic but:

Every is hating on Batista and the fact that he is rumored to beat taker at WM, well I was just thinking if Taker does demolish Batista at WM he can have his last title run for X number of months and then who else to take the title from him and get a major push.....Kenedy.........Kenedy!
Kinda off Topic but:

Every is hating on Batista and the fact that he is rumored to beat taker at WM, well I was just thinking if Taker does demolish Batista at WM he can have his last title run for X number of months and then who else to take the title from him and get a major push.....Kenedy.........Kenedy!

Well, as for your Batista/Taker opinion. Batista sucks and is already over. Undertakers wrestlemania winning streak is more prestigous then the Cruiserweight Title at the moment. Batista doesn't deserve the honor to take that away from him.

As for who would take it from him. I doubt Kennedy. We saw a long program with the two. I wouldn't want to see it again. It ran his course. IMO, they should turn Benoit heel and have those two feud. It would be awesome. Benoit is not shy when it comes to being a heel.

Now as for Y 2 Jake that this year may go to Kennedy. I wouldn't doubt that one bit. He was being strongly pushed since returning in mid 2006. No doubt they wouldn't continue pushing him through '07. I mean he has mic skills and in ring ability. This guy reminds me of a boxing announcer when he announces his name. He is that good.
it has to be the big red machine kane. l just hope kane will be back in the main events soon. and get out of bad fueds
I voted for Kennedy but i think Johnny Nitro could get hughe by the end of 2007, I see him being WWE champ in the middle of the 2008 year. Kennedy should become world champion sometimes this year and he should beat Taker to get it like at survivor Series Or Armaggedon, Undertaker might have a good year too. He should win the title and Wrestlemania and keep it until he looses it to Kennedy in mid 2007 and then get in a feud with somebody at the rumble and win at wrestlemania 24 and then retire. Another Superstra that might become big by the end of the year is Kenny Dykstra, I see him winning the Intercontinental tilte soon and keep it for a long time.
I think Kane kicked of 07 the best. I believe his jump to smackdown! was a really good choice both for the brand and himself. He can be used beter on SD, instead of having a few matches a month on raw, now on SD he's a huge pop and is involved somehow almost everyweek. And if all goes well this feud with Booker will help lift him to the main event status and get a nice feud going somewhere soon, even if it doesnt involve him being rewarded with the title.

Agreed fully. Kane wasn't used much on Raw before his jump to Smackdown. Hopefully that feud with Booker goes somewhere.. And I truly think he can be a decent champion, if WWE gives him a fair opportunity.

And we all know how pathetic his first "title run" was... -_-

Great start for Kane, and I hope he elevates to the next level sometime down the road.
Yeah, I'd like to see Kane have a really great year as well. Hopefully his move to Smackdown and this upcoming feud with Booker T. will be just what the doctor ordered for Kane. I really would like to see Kane have a good title run before he retires whenever that occurs.

Amongst the choices on the poll I think this will be the year of Taker and Kennedy. I think that Taker is going to beat Batista at Wrestlemania (I seriously hope so as I don't want Batista to be the guy to end his streak) and have a great title run on Smackdown.

I also loved the suggestion of having Benoit turn heel and having him feud with Taker. That would be tremendous. I'd like to see some Finlay/Taker matches and/or a feud between the two as well.

Of course in addition to Taker, we have Kennedy who will pretty much be the huge breakout star of 2007. It's kind of a given.

The person I want to have a great year in 2007 the most would be Shelton Benjamin. It sucks that the main reason they won't push him is lack of mic skills, yet they don't give him any opportunities at all to work on his mic skills. They start to build up a storyline for him, and then they abandon it a week after they start it (the Momma storyline, the being held down because he's black storyline, etc.). So he doesn't get a chance really to do something with what he's given. How is he supposed to improve his mic skills if they don't give him any opportunities to do so?

Carlito is another guy that could so easily be a top star, but that they're just not doing much with.

But anyways I think 2007 will be the year of Taker and Kennedy......Kennedy

Misterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Kennedy...


Seriously, I haven't seen anyone in the ring that can't work a microphone like he can. Solid promos, tight matches, amazing heat. I love heels, and you can get any better then a loud mouthed @$$hole, who refuses to shut up. Even when he loses matches he can go out there and just tear the guy up with words. So he has my vote. But, I would like to make a few other side votes as well.

Shelton Benjamin - The dude has a way in the ring that is unmatched, amazing athletic ability and if I could have a dream match it would be after HBK wins the title at WM, he has a match like he did with Shelton at a PPV. If you don't believe me, just watch the match they had on Raw. It was jaw dropping.

Cena - If he would just drop the damn Marine thing and rap again!!!! (I said that for the 90th time now.)

Umaga - Believe it or not, but I do believe the man can work a match if he didn't have the stupid Head-shrinker gimmick.

Matt and Jeff Hardy - More so Matt then Jeff though, cause Jeff always seems to get either hurt or getting hurt which carries onto his next matches. But Matt gets a huge pop and a huge following.

Joey Mercury - Why they even kept him as a heel is beyond me, they gave him a standing ovation when he showed up on Smackdown after that shot he took. He should have turned on Nitro for not watching his back! Not blame the Hardyz.

and finally Randy Orton - If he would go face. I think he is better as the knock off Ric Flair, cause the only way I can get my girlfriend to watch wrestling is if his (as she says) "sexy-ass" is on the TV. Total playboy status as a face.
Unfortunately I can't pick twice or Thrice if we include WWECW. But my pick for whose year it will be is going to be will be split between the three Brands.
First RAW: Johnny NitroHis feud with Jeff Hardy over the IC belt was good and showed off that he can hang with the highflyer but he needs to have a series with a brawler (Like Cena once he loses the Title to HBK at WM23) and a submission Technition (Spelt Wrong I know).
Second ECW:CM PunkIf he gets out of the Doghouse with Arn Andersen and Finlay then he should be competing for the title at Summerslam at the Earliest. I say Summerslam because the winner at WM(not going to be Lashley, he does't deserve to be in the same category as guys like EG and others that retain at WM yet. I say yet because he may improve as his time on a Show increases.) will be pushed for a few months and have a match at ONS III with an origianal. CM Punk has the skills to carry ECW for years to come if he is given the right push.
Thirdly SmackDown!:MISTER KENNEDY...........KEN-NE-DYHe probably be pushed to the moon this year i see KOTR winner this year against Matt Hardy in the Final. Then challenging Taker for the Title in Triple Threat match with Kane for the Title. The Last Ride match was good and the feud raised his game by a huge amount in terms of Credibility. I also think that Kennedy is also th best Heel that they have on Smackdown. In the short term for WM I see him in the MITB match if they have one along with Rey Mysterio for Smackdown.

I used this order based on when during the week that the shows are on. I also think that Randy Orten, Edge, Joey Mercury, Matt Hardy and Elijah Burke are also in for huge years this year.
I would also add CM Punk to my list as well, for the same reason. I do believe even CM Punk has trouble believing how over he is with the fans. Sometimes he just sits there and just stares into the crowd like, wow... is this really happening.

Actually two more, Snitsky (omg, he looks dumb clean shaved though.) and Kevin Thorn, I think both are quite able to compete in good matches, the only difference is that Kevin Thorn hasn't wrestled anyone to match his size, I think the two together might make a really good Tag Team if they decide to bring in Tag Titles to ECW, but don't hold your breath.

P.S. I'm not really digging Ariel.
you have matt hardy on there but you dont have edge WTF, well i say edge but out of the people on there i say undertaker.
kennedy and shelton benjamin...once he escapes his sucky tag team partner charlie hass again and can actually compete for cena as the heel (even tho every1 hates cena and wishes hed turn heel) Benjamin and Kennedy are all vince has right now for young talent on the good brands besides a few guys who arent there yet.....i think itd be ******ed to let Batista bash Kennedy and make Kennedy look like an idiot on Smackdown every week....give it to him and send Batistas sterioded up as to TNA with the rest of the rejects...all tho i do like TNA
Tie between Undertaker and HBK... both don't have much left in the tank, and it could be their last big year.

I could see them both winning their respective title match at wrestlemania and going on a title run for a while before they finally hang up the boots.
I say both HBK and Cena. They have fought very good matches this year. I expect their wrestlemania match to be a great one as well.
Greatest wrassler of far has to be Mr. Kennedy

First off he kicked Batista's ass bad on the 2/06/07 edition of Friday Night Smackdown.

Simply put Kennedy is the total package with great promos that sometimes raise goosebumps, some decent flying skills, an awesome persona and overall Kennedy is one of the best heels and most original heels I have seen in some time. The next HHH he just might become.

Death be to Vinny Mac if he lets Kennedy's push go ignored after Wrestlemania

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