Best Wrestlemania Ever...


Dark Match Winner
Whats up wrestling fans, I would like to know everyones opinion on there favorite Wrestlemania of all time and Why. Now I know most of yous prob havn't seen every Wrestlemania either because you are too young or you haven't weatched wrestling for that long.. I'm 23 yrs old and I'v seen every Wrestlemania live since Wrestlemania 6... But I'v seen 1-5 on DVD plenty of times since I'v had the Wrestlemania collection for yrs now...

My fav. Wrestlemania of all time is Wrestlemania 9! Reason why is because i am a huge Hulk Hogan fan and Wrestlemania 9 was a start of a new era in wrestling. Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart were just starting there main success at that time, and I loved the Undertaker too back then. I remember i couldn't wait for Hulk Hogan to return that night when the Mega Powers fought Money INC. I was really upset that They didn't end up winning the tag titles. But later on Hogan came out after Yokozuna beat Bret for the title then challenged Hogan right there.. Hulk Hogan beat yoko in about 10 sec and Won the world title that night! I was so happy, it was something no one expected to happen. That was prob the best day of my life involving a wrestling event... Undertaker vs Giant Gonzolez was a match i couldn't wait to see, I thought it was awesome when Undertaker came back out after being brought to the back on a strecher. Shawn Michaels of course put on a great opening match against Tatanka for the IC title.. You had the 2 Doinks wen he fought Crush, you had Mr Perfect against Lex Luger. That mania had was the only Wrestlemania mixed with the old school and the new school, it was also the 1st Wrestlemania that was out doors, i thought the arena looked great, it was Jim Ross debut in the WWE and him and Heenan on the mic are too classic commentators, the best ever and we had both of them at that Mania. Of course the ending was my fav. Hogans last Mania until Wrestlemania 18! And he came out the World Champion!

Mania 6,7,and 8 were also classics! and Wrestlemania 22 was great! Those 5 Manias are def my top 5. But 9 was my Fav.

What do you guys think???
Those are some good choices. My favorite Wrestlemanias would have to be from Wrestlemania 14-17. For me those had some amazing matches. Like when Mike Tyson screwed HBK and Austin won and started the attitude era. Or when Jeff Hardy Swanton bombed Bubba Ray off the huge ladder through the table. Or when Austin and McMahon joined forces and screwed the Rock.
My favorite would be 18 and its actually an easy choice for me.

1. You had Hogan making his return to fight the Rock, in what was an amazing match.

2. Triple H defeated Y2J for the Undisputed Title in a classic match.

3. I really liked Taker Flair match, mostly because I've always been a fan of the deadman.

4. Finally, my favorite match of the night was between two of my favorite wrestlers in this era. DDP defeated Christian to retain his European championship. This match, though early in the card, had the best in ring performances in my opinion.
Pretty much all Wrestlemanias are awesome. I like all your answers, I liked 18 a lot, but I think 21 has my vote. It had an amazing build-up with the movie parody promos, Michaels vs Angle is a classic match that had really good ring work. It launched the carriers of Cena and Batista. First Money in the Back Ladder Match. Undertaker vs Orton. Man, all of those matches were phenomenal.
No contest. Easily the best PPV to ever have been was Wrestlemania X-7. Just look the matches.

You have Jericho winning the IC title over Regal.

You have one of the best hardcore matches ever in Big Show v Kane v Raven. This match is insane, going backstage, throwing their opponents through walls, windows etc. Great match that really keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Kurt Angle defeating Chris Beniot - these guys always show one hell of a match of technical skills, no exception here.

McMahon vs McMahon with Foley as special referee! Like seriously! What a match. Shane O' Mac going coast to coast, Trish being and ring side bitch slapping Stephanie, Linda even played her part. Vince got his ass whooped. What a match!

TLC II. The most entertaining match I've ever seen. Bubba Ray and (was it ?) Matt Hardy falling off a 20foot ladder in the ring to go through 4 tables! Swantons off ladders through tables, a massive spear from hanging from the belt. Omg this had it all! 3 of the best tag teams of all times going at it in one of the best matches ever. Not to mention guest appearances from Lita, Rhyno and Spike. Whoa I'm getting excited just thinking about it.

A gimmick battle royal. Good for a laugh.

The Undertake vs Triple H. No one knew how this would end. Had such intensity, such build up, such explosion. One of the best matches on the card.

And of course, Austin v The Rock. This was the big Austin heel turn, teaming up with Vince. Who saw that coming? Awesome match to cap it off!

What a PPV! How can you dispute that?!
hmm there are some tough choices, 18 was ok, but it really only had a few big matches and some unnecessary ones, (as have some Mania's but this one had more then usual), though i agree Hogan vs Rock, Taker vs Flair, Christian vs DDP, and HHH vs Jericho were the best matches on the card.

17 was easily the best, all the matches were great, one of the best Wrestlemania Cards ever thus far.

19 was also another great Wrestlemania, great card again, some classic matches.

20 was decent, some matches had the hype (Goldberg vs Lesnar) but didn't deliver, but i liked the Rock n' Sock vs Evolution, the Championship matches, Undertaker vs Kane.

24 again was another good line up- some great matches, especially Ric Flair vs HBK, Big Show vs Flloyd Maithwether (or however you spell it), the championship matches.

i haven't seen all the classics yet, i do plan too, so far only seen from 13 onwards, but i have been really impressed with the past couple of years Wrestlemania's, some of the highlights of all in the past few years are the MITB Matches, any match with HBK, TAKER, and Edge. They really should do a Best of Wrestlemania DVD with the absolute best matches as voted by fans, similar to the WWE Championship DVD.

Can't wait for this year's, especially Taker vs HBK, going to be Match of the Night, and Year, (i hope so anyway).
My best is, as i have said many times before,
1WrestleMania 20 I loved the matches the tag titles were defended, the us title was it was cena big break, Benoit won the the title and, as stated by a few days ago, Chris and Edddie hugging is the best ever WM moment.

2. Wrestlemania 21 This was a WRESTLEMANIA the Undertaker-RKO match was takers best WM match, the Main events where awesome, fan fav cena won the title and batista won the title as the underdog also the debut of the MITB one of the best match types in WM history, not that have been many but, Kurt vs HBK was soooo awesome (match of the year) so yea it was a 5 star wrestlemania

2. Wrestlemania 24
what can i say? it was great the MITB was the best one since WM21 the belfest brawl was... decent the Batista vs Umaga was horrible floyd vs show was great and the 2 main events kicked ass.

so yea thats My Opinion WM 20 kicked ass
wm 17 easily in my view. you have some absolutely classic matches. kurt angle v chris benoit and HHH v undertaker were phenomenal matches, but the main reason wm 17 takes the title for best wm, is simply because of the main event. austin v the rock, best main event in wm history, great build up, awesome back and forth match with lots of near falls, and finally the heel turn at the end for austin, caps off a brilliant WM.

honourable mentions - WM3, this was big; andre v hogan, steamboat v savage both classics.

wm 24 - really enjoyed this one. the flair v michaels retirment match was unbelievable as michaels got a great match out of an old flair. the triple threat was great aswell, and with orton winning it just made it even better. the money in the bank was also awesome.
For me it would either be WrestleMania V or WrestleMania VIII, both had good matches and both had great title bouts, also I was a big fan of WM17 and WM6, but WrestleMania V would have to take the vote for me.
Did everyone forget how good Wrestlemania 12 was? That easily was my favorite.

The night started with a huge 6-man tage match. The heat was built up quite nicely for the match with Owen, Bulldog, and Vader taking on Yoko, Jake the Snake, and Ahmed. Sure it was mainly a feud for Yoko with the other 2 thrown in, but it was a solid match, even tho it was when Yoko was around 9000 lbs

Then you had the Hollywood Backlot Brawl between Piper, then commissioner, and Goldust. This cemented Goldust as the top mid-carder for quite some time, also exposed his character a lot more. Nice use of OJ footage as well

You have the Wrestlemania debut of The Ringmaster, later to be known as some guy named Stone Cold Steve Austin. His feud with Savio Vega was a good one leading up to and beyond Wrestlemania

Ultimate Warrior's return to the ring was also highlighted at this 'Mania. Sure, it was a squash of the then "Blue Blood" Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Not only was it the return of the Warrior, but it was the debut of Sable as a valet, and the introduction of the Wildman Marc Mero

The WCW sendoff basically for Kevin Nash was done perfectly. Diesel taking on the Undertaker was the first time a feud felt real to me. Diesel was your role model guy, and all of a sudden he's flipping the bird to Taker and basically becoming a fed up with things heel for this match. The build up was amazing and the match solidified Diesel as a main eventer for life, and it made the Undertakers legacy even better. Diesel was the first person to win the Triple Crown in less than a year, and it took him 3 jacknifes and still couldnt keep Taker down. The match was one of Taker's best at a Mania

And who can forget the main event. HBK decends the rafters on a zipline, goes a full hour in a great back and forth Iron Man match. Classic face-vs-face match that had the crowd on its toes. Many near falls, and it took overtime, 2 sweet chin musics, and a huge pin to take HBK to the next level of his career by fulfilling "The Boyhood Dream" by winning the WWF title. It was a huge Wrestlemania moment, and is still remembered by everyone who watched it.

And to the guy who posted how WM 9 was the best wrestlemania, WTF MAN. Hogan winning just proved that the guy can do what he wants when he wants. Its funny when he thinks this is greatest wrestlemania of all time when critics, just about all of them actually, say that 9 was the worst one of them all. Personally I didnt think it was bad, but I wouldnt even put it in my top 15
i had a 3way tie first off wrestlemania 10 bret vs owen then you had the savage vs crush like no holds barred savage finially getting his revenge. then you had 2 world title defenses with yoko vs lugar then dropping the belt to bret. shawn and razon finially making it just 1 ic belt instead of the real and fake. the intergender match kinda blew but other then that it was a great mania

next up is 2000 aka 16 im bias as it was my first live mania but with the line up as it was it was great. mcmahon in each corner 15minute hardcore title match. cops vs pimps, 3way with beniot jericho and angle tlc tag title the main event was foleys return.great night great event.

lastly 23 also because i was there but the 3 title matches had good build up and good people in them. even the sloppy comedy of lashly and umaga hair vs hair.kane and khali which didnt actually go as good as it should have.but you had all the og ecw vs new blood good night
For me WM 6, 8, 12, 17 and 22 are my top 5 best WM's. Below is my favorite memories of why I chose them.

WM 6- Hogan vs Warrior. This was an incredible match that kept me at the edge of my seat and I can say that both men worked their butts off that match. The atomsphere with the ring carts taking the wrestlers to and from the ring was classic and reminded me of WM 3.

WM 8- Had a classic matches: Savage vs Flair, Bret vs Piper, HBK vs Santana. I didn't care much for the Hogan vs Sid match but when the Warrior came out at the end that was exciting for me to watch.

WM 12- Bret vs HBK Ironman match was a great match. HBK 's entrance fron the roof was cool. Both wrestlers showed they can go for over an hour and displayed both men's techincal ability and stamina. Goldust vs Piper in the Hollywood Backlot Brawl was also very memorable with Piper actually giving Goldust real punches that you could hear the Smack of, and Goldust running over Piper with his car. Then the OJ Simpson footage chase was funny as hell.

WM 17- Great overall card the quality of matches make this my overall favotite WM. The Gimmick Battle Royal was fun to watch seeing all the old timers like Earthquake, Tugboat, Repo Man and One Man Gang was worth the price of the PPV alone. The TLC match with the Hardyz, Dudleyz and E/C was awesome. Same can be said for Vince vs Shane. Austin vs Rock in Austin's hometown lived up to the hype as it was a tremendous match with a finish that most didn't expect Ausin siding with Vince.

WM 22- Hold a special place in me because I was there. Seeing the banners of all the Superstars hanging inside the Allstate Arena was something I've never seen before. The crowd was very much much into the whole show especially the Cena/HHH match. Both Cena and HHH's ring entrances were pretty cool as HHH came out as Conan the Barbarian and Cena was a mobster/gangster. Seeing CM Punk as one of Cena's gangters tottaly caught me off guard but he is from Chicago so I guess it makes sense being that WM was in Chicago. If you watch that match you can hear the crowd booing Cena big time and cheering HHH big time. HBK vs Vince was also a great match that I enjoyed. Seeing Mickie James botch a finish in her match with Trish was funny I still find her kinda hot though. Seeing Rey wiining the title in honor of Eddie was a great moment for me that I'll never forget.

I can say these WM Matches are also great:

Savage vs Steamboat WM 3
Bret vs Owen WM 10
Bret vs Austin WM 13
HBK vs Austin WM 14
Angle vs Eddie WM 20
Angle vs HBK WM 21
I do have to say 12 is great and underestimated. The Iron Man match, and one of Taker's bests, IMO, vs Diesal. I also really like 9 too.

But I have to say 14 is the best. Everything great about the late 90s in WWE seemed to either start there, or reach its peak. The Kane/Taker war was simply awe inspiring, and Austin/HBK was fantastic. You really had this event setting the stage for what WWE would become.
There have been so many great manias it seems a shame to mention only one. Since this discussion is about the best I'll go with mania 19.

The main event between Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle was my most anticipated match of all time behind the mania 12 iron man match. I couldn't wait to see two great amature wrestlers go at it on the grandest WWE stage.

I'm usually not a fan of mania rematches, but the third mania match between Austin and the Rock was an appropriate way to close Austin's career. The Rock put Austin over so many times it was nice to see Austin return the favor in his last match.

Hulk Hogan vs. Vince McMahon was a unique match. Anytime you can mix some real life feelings with a tv storyline you've got potential for a special match. What more could you ask for than twenty year history culminating at WrestleMania? The surprise appearance by Roddy Piper made it even better.

I wasn't sure what to think when Booker T won a battle royal to earn a title shot against Triple H. Turns out they put together a real good storyline and a real good match.

The best part of all was seeing Shawn Michales return to WrestleMania. HBK and Y2J put on what could be considered match of the decade. A true classic.

Never underestimate the locations impact on mania. Safeco Field was a great venue for mania and made WWE seem larger than life. Think about it. Would WrestleMania 3 be so fondly remembered if it was in the Philadelphia Spectrum? I don't think so.

The real life stories behind the scenes also added a lot of drama to this mania. Remember in the weeks leading up to mania we didn't even know if Kurt Angle was going to be able to wrestle. He had a serious neck injury that required surgery. He decided to go through with the match we and nervously watched hoping he would not be permanatley injured. Ironically it was Lesnar who injured his neck when he missed the shooting star press.
Some may not know, but Steve Austin almost missed mania too. He was rushed to the hospital the night before and didn't make it to the arena until late afternoon. Only he and JR knew that many would be his last match and there was nothing that was going to make him miss it.
I could go into more detail, but I've gone on too long already. For more info behind the scenes of mania 19 check out the Mania of Mania which can be found on the third disc of the WrestleMania XX dvd.

I've been a WWE fan for 23 years and have seen each mania several times. They're all special in their own way, but for me 19 is the total package.
Wrestlemania X-7 was hands down the best Wrestlemania for me. It had my favorite TLC match of all time, it had a pretty damn good street fight between Shane and Vince, Taker vs. HHH which was one of Taker's best Mania matches, then it had the incredible main event between The Rock and Austin which I think was in the top 3 for best main event match at Wrestlemania. Then you throw in a solid undercard of Benoit vs. Angle and Jericho vs. Regal for the IC title, hell even the gimmick battle royal was great for comedy and nostaligia purposes. Overall just a great PPV.
WRESTLEMANIA 9 you kidding me. I'm actually watching wrestlemania 12 right now(hart/Michaels) iron man match. Defently a top 10 WM match. But really 9 come on 9 is one of the worst wm if not they worst. Straight up grabbage. HBK Tatanka was the best match on the card and it ended in a DQ. Giant Gonalez taker just horriable. HOGAN, okay dont get me wrong im a hogan fan but come on. Gross he should of lead up to his promise to put hart over at SS that year to pass the tourch. Instead hes a glory Hog. ANyways im not gonna go on with that.

With out a dought Wm 17 was the best WM. ABSOLUTLY everytihing about it. Angle/Beniot techincal genious. Hardcore, IC and European title matches were very solid under cards matches. TLC 2 was bad ass the best ladder match, better than WM16's. Vince/SHane kinda lame with the linda thing haha but still entertaining with the style they did, Best they could of. HHH-Taker was back and fourth solid solid match. AND now to in my opinion a very very high on the list of top wrestlemania match. ROck Austin 2 It was announced as a NO DQ Match before it started. Made everyone curious. Great brawled turned into a submission style turned into a stealing finishers. MCmahon comes out and nnone knows why. Then the unthinkable austin tell vince to get the chair. Stunner on the Rock kick out, Another stunner kick out. Then Austin Destroys The rock with Mcmahons Chair. 1,2,3 new champ. Vince and Austin Hand shake and drink beer... GReat endnig to the Best WM to date... ENd of the Attitude Era in my opinion..
For me being from Ontario and because it was one of my very first shows I remember watching live at home WM 6 will always have a special place in my heart. Hogan vs Warrior was so huge, no one knew who was gonna win, and everyone was shocked when Warrior actually did it, beating Hogan clean 1... 2... 3...

17 in Texas was one of the most well booked PPV WWE has ever done. Everything was built perfectly, and it was the best, the most well built up, and biggest matches of the Austin VS Rock feud / era. not to even mention the other great matches.

they are all the 24 best shows in Wrestling History and its hard to really chose the best one. They all had their historical moments, and I think it is whichever one has the best memories for you, when you first saw it,

for me I'll always remember everyone in the house , even the people who hate wrestling , being glued to the screen and all of us, each and everyone marking out like F*CKING crazy for Hogan vs The Rock. it was a moment, if not The Moment that should define everything that is great about this industry .

....... hell even if that one guy really loves 9 who are we to judge lol . there might even be someone out there that loves 11 the absolute worst one ever
I have two candidates:

WrestleMania 12

The main reason being is because Shawn and Bret had probably the best match in the history of wrestling together and, as a massive fan of Shawn's, I love looking back on that match. Also Diesel v.s Undertaker was a good match, very intense. But I think this WrestleMania was all about Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart... and thats the way it should always be remembered.

WrestleMania 22

Personally I adore this WrestleMania. The card was great, the highlight being Trips v.s Cena in the main event... which was just such an incredible match. The crowd were probably the reason the match ever got off the ground but once it started rolling, it was just breathtaking. I also never get bored of watching Shawn jump off that 20ft ladder onto Vince. The backstory to that is class... "This is a little higher than I thought it was!" :lmao:
WrestleMania X-7 was easily the best

Like someone already said, the hardcore match was awesome, angle v beniot was amazing. Mcmahon v Mcmahon was awesome, TLC II stole the show, well, almost. Undertaker v HHH was badass, and Austin vs. Rock had it all (show stealer). How can you find a better WM???

Cant wait to be at WM25!!! Was there for 17, and I'll be there for 25 :)
The Brain and I are at a common ground choosing wrestlemania 19 as our favorite of all time.

I still say arguably the greatest match in Wrestlemania history, Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle. Those two put on one hell of a show and each mans superior ability made that happen. Angle is the best technical wrestler in the business hands down whether you like it or not, and Lesnar was as good of a technical wrestler with the power of 10 oxen. Each man did amazing things and they gave everything which you could see at the end of the night. This is one of my top 3 matches of all time.

Triple H vs Booker T, perfect match for the time. Booker T performed excellently, Triple H was that damn good, it went back and fourth and in that match it was like you wanted both guys to win. It was like, ok I like Booker T a lot and it would be cool to see him with another title, but I am such a huge Triple H fan I don't want him to loose. Great build up, great match, great outcome.

Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho Y2J. Another candidate for greatest match of all time. The storyline that went with this was amazing, well thought out, and a bit of reality with the cartoon world of wrestling. I was like the super creepy obsessed fan that goes crazy on their idol, and HBK proving once again that he is the Showstopper. It was like watching 2 HBK's wrestle each other. Both men's moves were identical and you could tell they worked hard ot get it all together. The ending was great, and one of the best moments in wrestlemania history when Jericho cheap shots HBK after the match. It was spectacular in it's entirety.

Hogan vs McMahon. Dream match. Hulk Hogan, and the man who created hulkamania one on one, street fight. This was one of the better matches McMahon wrestled and one of Hogans biggest Wrestlemania victories in my view. Once again the storyline was great and the match did not displease at all. Both guys gave a great effort, kept the show exciting and interesting, and Hulkamania ran wild again.

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs The Rock. What ore could you ask for than these two on the card against each other. They brought back the magic in the ring between the two and had an amazing match as well. This was also Stone Cold's last Wrestlemania match which gives it added value and The Rock was not around for much longer either so each guy kind of had their last hooray at this Wrestlemania. Rock n Sock at XX doesn't count, that was a joke. We got to see the best of each guy one more time and it was a classic that added perfectly to a night of off the chart matches.

honorable mention should also go to Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy for opening the night with a very good Cruiserweight match that saw Matt Hardy V.1 retain his title. Don't forget about the Triple tag match for the titles, and also The Undertaker and Nathan Jones against Big Show and A-Train. This match was pretty good because of the handicap scenario that came up spontaneously at the ppv and the late appearance of the greatly hyped Nathan Jones to help Undertaker remain undefeated at Wrestlemania.

There was also a pillow fight, a womens triple threat with Trish Stratus, Victoria, and Jazz that didn't disappoint either. All in all this was the best Wrestlemania ever. The best matches, storylines, historic value, and anything else you could care to name ever. The most stacked card ever as well. Take another good look at the people who participated. Matt Hardy, Rey Mysterio, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Chavo Guerrero, Eddie Guerrero, Trish Stratus, Victoria, Jazz, Chris Benoit, Rhyno, Chris Jericho, HBK, Hulk Hogan, Vince McMahon, Booker T, Triple H, Kurt Angle, The Undertaker, Big Show, A-train, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and The Next Big Thing: Brock Lesnar. Top that. in all seriousness, how can you?
Wow really?? Im the ONLY person who is going to say Wrestlemania 24?? I guess its not "kewl" becuase it just happened last year, and doesnt help me display my vast old school "knowledge" but lets be real here. Top to bottom, match quality, very few WMs can even touch 24. There wasnt ONE bad match on the show, and many that exceeded expectations. The production value on everything was absolutely through the roof, and it was afantastic night of memories. The burtality of the Belfast brawl, Morrison doing a moonsault with a ladder in his hands, the ultra mega uber Batista BIZOMB on Umaga....The blubbering cry fest with Flair, the lights going out on the girls, Ortons shock victory, and a classic between Edge and Taker.

Wrestlemania 24 for me.
Wow really?? Im the ONLY person who is going to say Wrestlemania 24?? I guess its not "kewl" becuase it just happened last year, and doesnt help me display my vast old school "knowledge" but lets be real here. Top to bottom, match quality, very few WMs can even touch 24. There wasnt ONE bad match on the show, and many that exceeded expectations. The production value on everything was absolutely through the roof, and it was afantastic night of memories. The burtality of the Belfast brawl, Morrison doing a moonsault with a ladder in his hands, the ultra mega uber Batista BIZOMB on Umaga....The blubbering cry fest with Flair, the lights going out on the girls, Ortons shock victory, and a classic between Edge and Taker.

Wrestlemania 24 for me.

The Belfast Brawl wasn't brutal. WM X-7 had 5 brutal matches (TLC, Hardcore title, Mcmahons match, Taker/HHH, Austin/Rock) The Batista bomb wasn't amazing, that match was ok... I will agree with the Flair, Orton, and Taker/Edge part, but WM X-7 just passes it up with how many 4+ star matches there were.
I have to disagree NorCal. Of course it is your right to say what you think as it is mine, I just happen to disagree. I am not saying that I am right about WM19, that was just the one I liked best, but I think WM24 falls short of the number one spot. Why would I think that? Well, there were a few really good moments and matches as there always is, but it didn't feel like anything historic was actually happening. At WM19 with Hogan and McMahon, you knew you were witnessing history, and when Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho faced off you could definitely feel something special going on there as well. While watching Lesnar/Angle you knew you were seeing one of the greatest matches of all time, and watching The Rock/Stone Cold there was a bit of nostalgia I guess you could say, but it also felt right, like the ending of a story, it was special. I don't think outside of the whole Ric Flair thing there was too much special about WM24. Was it a good show, undoubtedly, I couldn't agree more, but the best...eeeeh I dunno. Let's take a look at the match card.

JBL/Finlay - did anyone even really care about that match? Sure, they might have performed well, you should expect no less, but what was so great about that match? It amounted to filler.

MITB - Now this was probably the best part of the show, and if you want to argue one of the best wrestlemania matches ever, I will back you on it, it was an amazing match. I saw things I had never seen before, and watched the competitors give everything. In my opinion they stole the whole show when you really look at it.

Kane/Chavo - Another match where I gotta ask, who cared about that one? I went to a theater to watch this thing with a few hundred other people, no one was waiting to see that match, or really cared when it happened, once again there was nothing special about it, and it was filler.

Flair/Michaels - This is the match that probably did steal the show, and who other than Flair and the Showstopper should have considering the magnitude of that moment in wrestling history? You have arguably the greatest of all time, against arguably the greatest of all time. Two of the sports greatest performers in history,one in their last match. The emotion, the drama, the storytelling in ring, out of the ring, everything leading up to it and after made it one of the most special moments in wrestling history. Old Yeller got shot, and everyone cried, Flair had his goodbye, and another one, HBK continued to prove that he is the headliner, the main event, the showstopper, and all of that and I think those guys in the MITB got a little robbed. They put on a better match because they had more to work with and more guys and so on, but none the less when people should have been talking about John Morrison's suicidal ladder dive or Jericho's effort, or C.M. Punk's victory, it was all about Flair, as always.

Phoenix and Melina/Maria and Ashley - Do I actually have to go over this one??? No Diva's match or womens title match has ever been a big deal or added anything special to a WM or any other event. Their either there for some T&A or filler, which this match was undoubtedly.

Batista/Umaga - Another match that no one really cared about and everyone knew the outcome of. There was nothing really significant about their match, and it wasn't particularly great or horrible, they worked a solid match together and Batista won, as expected. It was like they needed a reason to have Batista on the card so they put him against Umaga for the hell of it. Filler once again.

Mayweather/Big Show - Gimmick match, they did what they could, but ultimately it made them both look bad, and it was completely unbelievable. Celebrity doesn't equal match quality, and these two definitely weren't worried about it. I realize they did the best they could, but I am not out of line to say it was the worst match on the card. Gimmick matches just suck most of the time, and this one was a dismal failure. As I said I thought it made both men look horrible. Once again, nothing special about it.

Orton/Cena/HHH - A decent match with the appropriate tide turns, up's and down's, close falls, dirty tactics, triumph and failure. The match had just about everything you could ask for except as I said, something special. The outcome was a surprise since John Cena didn't win as always in big match scenarios, but i felt a little ripped off the way Orton won. I didn't have a problem with him winning, just the fashion in which it happened, but, I guess that's a shocker for ya.

Edge/Undertaker - What can I say about this match? It was only the second time I thought it was all over for the dead man. I thought Batista might have beat him last time around and I was grateful he didn't but I thought this was going to be it up to the last seconds. The countless reversal after reversal was crazy. Edge seemed like he had the match and The Undertakers number most of the time. It seemed at every pass edge was one step ahead and anytime The Undertaker got some momentum going edge shot it down. I didn't think that the title was actually going to change hands which was why I thought Batista would win last year, I didn't think they would allow The Undertaker two world titles at two Wrestlemanias back to back. Apparently I was wrong and I am glad I was but this one did keep you on the edge of your seat(no pun intended) The shot with the camera, the spears, everything Edge did made the appearance of a streak broken, this was a great great match, and lived up to expectations and them some. In the end it seems they all Rest In Peace.

So overall you've got a couple good matches in the event, but the event itself could have been much better. Was it good? yes. Were there some great matches? yes. But best Wrestlemania ever??? less than likely. I respect your opinion on the matter mine just happens to differ. Old School or New doesn't matter to me. Hell, Wrestlemania 3 could be called the greatest ever because of the Andre/Hogan match and what that represented, WM 6 could have a top ballot for it's main event, so could many others. But an event as a whole and a show as one few of them were as great as some of the matches that were within, 24 happens to be one of them in my book.
Id put WM 19 at number 2, for sure. a Possible number 1. Im just trying to argue, really.

and I say 24 is better becuase whilist the best matches on 19 may have been better than the best matches of 24, the worst matches of 24 were certainley better than the worst matches of 19.

A-Train and Show Vs Taker??? Jazz Vs Trish?? the snooze fest that was triple H vs Booker T???

WM19 didnt have even close to the production value that 24 did either, but then again, no WM has. and a smuch as anyone might want to deny it, the production value and atmosphere of a WM is just as important as anything. In this feild, 24 blows 19 out of the water.
Granted I never saw all of WM 17. But WM 19 is the best Ive seen. Every match was worth watching at least once. I know Brock had his botched shooting-star press and HBK/Jericho stole the show, but Booker T had one of his better matches that night. The video preview where Ric Flair states "Booker T doesn't stand a chance at WrestleMania" and a bloodied Triple H responded "Apparently no one told Booker T that." And then Booker T's Houston/Harlem Hangover was great but I think he botched it as his leg/butt looked like it landed squarely on Triple H's head. But from Mysterio/Hardy to Angle/Lesnar, great card and Hogan/McMahon suprised me.

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