Best & Worst Royal Rumble Match?

Wolf Pac

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Like the title says, what is the best Royal Rumble match & worst Royal Rumble match?

Also what is your favourite moment from any Royal Rumble match?
The best was watching Rey Mysterio go over 62 minutes to win the entire Royal Rumble. I've always been a big Rey fan but 62 minutes in that kind of match is just impressive. Ric Flair's victory from the number 3 spot is a close second for me.

The Worst had to be 1995 when Shawn Michaels was the first to go from number 1 to win the whole thing when he knocked out Davey Boy Smith after Davey Boy thought he had won and the music was playing. Davey was also the number two entrant. I was at that Rumble and was disappointed as they not only reduced the time frame of the match to have only 60 seconds between which makes Michaels accomplishment seem less but look at the names of the participants. It's an awful lineup.
Worst ROYAL RUMBLE ever would have to be the one where Rey came in 2nd not first get it right... and where he won... absolutely suck because he dedicated his royal rumble match to Eddie G. I mean Eddie sucked it was a favor for us that he died.
The best Royal Rumble would have to be 1993 where Ric won it.. he won that shit w/o amy help from Hulk Hogan
I agree with the 1995 Rumble being the worst. A poor ending to what could have been an awesome finish.
Best goes to 2001. Steve Austin's 3rd win which set up the match for WM X-seven and Big Show's return.
Worst ROYAL RUMBLE ever would have to be the one where Rey came in 2nd not first get it right... and where he won... absolutely suck because he dedicated his royal rumble match to Eddie G. I mean Eddie sucked it was a favor for us that he died.
The best Royal Rumble would have to be 1993 where Ric won it.. he won that shit w/o amy help from Hulk Hogan

I hope you're taking the piss. Even if you don't like Eddie as a wrestler show some respect to a guy who's died and left behind a family and friends or just fuck off alright?

Haven't seen a lot of the older Rumble matches, I think the Rumble is always a great event though and it's always fun at the very least but I don't really know what my favourite and least favorites are. It does say a lot though that despite coming in and winning from number 1 HBK isn't on the top ten list of the longest time spent in the Rumble. Suggests it wasn't a great year.

My favourite Rumble moment though is a lot more recent and I really can't think of much better in terms of a single moment of brilliance than JoMos spiderman impression this year. Just an incredible athletic feat that took perfect timing etc to pull off and he managed it perfectly.
Worst ROYAL RUMBLE ever would have to be the one where Rey came in 2nd not first get it right... and where he won... absolutely suck because he dedicated his royal rumble match to Eddie G. I mean Eddie sucked it was a favor for us that he died.
The best Royal Rumble would have to be 1993 where Ric won it.. he won that shit w/o amy help from Hulk Hogan

You are taking the absolute piss aren't you? You just crapped on Eddie Guerrero's grave. How can you say at 5ft 6, 175ibs, and entering from Number 2 isn't impressive. It made me choke a bit to see Rey win and even more when he was crying out Eddie's name at WrestleMania 22 after winning the World Heavyweight Championship.
First off muffin man Flair won in '92 and yeah hogan did help him win. you cant deny it. for me my favorite rumble was 2007, taker finally got his rumble win and him and hbk had a helluva fight in the closing moments. i got 3 picks for worst rumble '95 for the fact that they try to makw it look like such a big accomplishment that hbk came out at number 1 yet thge rumble match wasnt even 40 minutes, and the entries were shortened. '99 that rumble was just a mess. and '06 because i thought it was bullshit that rey won. as soon as he dedicated it to eddie everyone knew he was gonna win, which kinda killed it for me, was it a great performance yes it was but too obvious. i also thought the '04 rumble was good but we cant talk about that one
Haven't seen any Rumbles before 98 so I am going to be excluding a number of them but here goes:
Favourite rumble match: 2001/2002 tie between the two as with 01 there wasn't really much of an idea of who would win, and Kane's performance completely stole it for me.
With the 02 rumble it was fairly obvious HHH would win but the match was great, and had a great finish with Angle. Also worth noting it was Mr Perfect's return.

Kudos to this years rumble which was one of my favourites in a long time.

Worst rumble match
Has to be the 99 rumble, the story for it was great with Austin being screwed by McMahon, but it was semi predictable and too focused on Austin so the rest just seem pointless.

Favourite Rumble Moment
Non Rumble moment would Taker being set on fire in the casket by kane in 98.
Favourite rumble moment would be Maven eliminating Taker then getting the crap beaten out of him.
Not sure what the worst was but the best was most definitely 1992 with Ric Flair's victory. And it wasn't so much the match itself, although it was probably good, it was Bobby Heenan's perfect color commentary of the match that stands out for me.
What are you on about? Why can't we talk about the '04 Rumble?

It's a joke dude, Benoit's title run is a huge part of why the WWE have essentially blurred out that entire year.

Now, I haven't seen every Rumble; I've seen most but I have a hazy memory of the first 10 years or so. From what I remember of the '95 Rumble was pretty bad and I'd say that the 2001 Royal Rumble was the best bell-to-bell Rumble Match.

But I'll go over the past decade.
BEST: To me, that goes to the 2007 Royal Rumble. It was A LOT of fun to watch. It was a really well stacked Rumble, from first-timers like the ECW guys to veterans and the top dogs like HBK, Flair and Taker. The reason I picked this one was the final 4, it was amazing. Randy Orton, Edge, Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker. 2007 was also the first rumble where the winner was the 30th entrant. And the final moment with Shawn and Taker kipping and sitting up was pure magic and a fantastic end to a fantastic Rumble.

WORST: Without question, the worst Rumble over the past 10 years has been Royal Rumble 2010. A huge part of why I didn't this was so disappointing to me was that, like most other things in 2010; it had the potential to be unbelievable yet it was poorly paced and boring. The 2010 Rumble was tremendously underwhelming. A big part of what made the other rumbles entertaining was just ignored in this Rumble, the ring never filled up. There was pretty much never any more than 6 people in the ring, a lot of people didn't last long at all and we didn't get the classic match-ups we don't get to see throughout the year. Punk's bit on the mic was alright but it lasted way too long. And we never got the classic rumble moment of the clearing of the ring; a few huge guys come out and suddenly the ring empties and we're left with a big showdown.

Since 2001, there really hasn't been a bad Rumble. '01 was fantastic, as was '02 with HHH's win and Maven's beatdown and '03 was really great. '04 had so many great moments like Benoit and Orton surviving so long, Undertaker's omen to Kane, Foley attacking Orton, Benoit's elimination of Big Show. '05 was awesome, plenty of memorable and entertaining moments, '06 was a great bell-to-bell match, '07 was awesome, '08 was action packed, HBK and Taker starting out, Piper and Snuka's showdown, Cena's return. '09 was also a great bell-to-bell match. '10 was awful. And 2011 was a huge amount of fun.
Im going to go with Rumble '04. I loved Benoit for years as a wrestler and honestly this win felt HUGELY like a big "Boyhood dream" moment. It was HUGE and him and Orton going SO far worked SO well. This was the start of Orton starting to make his rise up in the WWE while Benoit was being pushed to the moon for his obvious technical ability.
I loved Roya Rumble 1997. It was awesome when Austin had eliminated all commers and was doing press ups in the ring. Then Bret Harts music played, someone he was heavily involved with. The pop was amazing. I also enjoyed the finish. Austin cheating his way to victory and Hart going ballistic with McMahon.

Is it fair to say this is where some seeds were planted for the upcoming 'Attitude Era'???
Favorite: 1998, the three faces of Foley. Stone Cold wins eliminating Rock, But the final 4 were Dude Love, Austin, Rock and Ron Simmons as Farrooq.

worst: Had to be the Davey Boy/Smith Michaels Finale one. Wasn't that one in England? (Not good with RR locations)

Best: RR 1993, the hype with Flair being a non WWE guy and winning was epic.
THE WORST: 1993. Yokozuna won, which was fine, but look at the lineup of competition he had in that Rumble. Carlos Colon, Damien Demento, Max Moon, Tenyru, Virgil, Backlund, etc, etc. Worst Rumble Roster ever. Only 95 comes close, but at least that had Shawn, Davey, and Owen.

In fact, 1993 was the worst year ever in terms of PPV's. Worst Wrestlemania (9), Worst Summerslam, Worst Survivor Series ( the 4 doinks, or should I say Bushwackers and M.O.M) and yes, The Worst Royal Rumble.

THE BEST: TIE Between 1990 and 1992. I'll give 92 the edge because it had a better finish with Flair winning after entering at #3, but look at the Roster for 1990: Warrior, Hogan, Rude, Bret, Shawn, Savage, Andre, Demolition, Perfect, Jake, Dibiase, it goes on and on. The 1990 Rumble had the best lineup in the history of the Royal Rumble. All killer. No filler.

BEST NON-RUMBLE MATCH AT A RUMBLE: I'm going off the board and saying The Rockers vs Orient Express' Kato and Tanaka from 1991. Might sound odd, but it was the tag match of the year. Another one is the Orient Express vs New Foundation (owen and anvil) the following year in 1992. If you've never seen these 2 tag matches, check them out as they are truly forgotten gems.

FAVORITE RUMBLE MOMENT: Ax and Smash starting the 1989 Rumble as Numbers 1 and 2. They were my favorites as a kid and watching them go at it was, as the Miz would say, Awesome!

(a lot of people are writing that 1993 was when Flair won. That was 1992)
My fav was def Rey going from #2 to winning it.

My least fav was 2011. I hate Del Rio, and for it to come down to Del Rio or Santino was just Lame.

And in terms of the whole Chris Benoit incident. I understand what he did to himself and his family is a very sad, stupid thing, but you shouldn't just start taking off all the pages that had anything to do with him, yeah so he won the Royal Rumble in 04 from the #1 spot, and had a long title run, but it's still a part of WWE History. What's next, WWE will stop selling Wrestlemania 20 where Benoit and Eddie won the titles... and both are now deceased?

I mean when you say the coveted #30 spot has produced the same # of wins as the #1 spot, if someone goes on to to see who won it from the #1 spot, the only one they'll find is HBK, they wont find the 04 Rumble with Chris Benoit.

While I dont agree with what Benoit did, they need to keep the pages of the Royal Rumble and matches he was in. If it wasn't for him, History between now and back then could be different
The fact that WWE refuses to acknowledge Chris Benoit's existence is proof the wrestling business is partially responsible for what happened. The NFL doesn't hide the fact that O.J. Simpson played their sport, because no one associates the NFL with the crimes O.J. (allegedly) commited. One has nothing to do with the other, therefore the NFL doesn't need to pretend like the guy never existed.

But Vince knows the role undiagnosed concussions, steroids, and chair shots to the head played in Benoit's dementia which ultimately let to him killing his family and taking his own life. I don't expect, nor do I want, Benoit in a hall of fame or seen on highlight reels, but the only reason they'd go so far as to completely write him out of WWE's history books is so people forget what happened and stop asking questions as to why it happened, it's not because of some moral stance. If you're not guilty, then you've got nothing to hide.
Best -- Royal Rumble 1992
Ric Flair put on the most entertaining performance in Royal Rumble history. Also, this thing was absolutely stacked with big-name talent (Flair, Sid Vicious, Hogan, Savage, Piper, Jake Roberts, Shawn Michaels, Ted DiBiase, etc.). This Rumble actually told a story, with the title being on the line. The commentary also added a lot to this match, with Heenan marking out for Flair the entire time.

Worst -- Royal Rumble 1999
This one is tough for me, but it was awful. Vince vs. Austin, and that's it. Nothing else mattered. Most thought Austin would win, and what's sad is that most knew if Austin didn't pull it off, McMahon probably would. Austin going in at #1 was great, but with it centering around nothing outside of McMahon/Austin, it carried no weight. No one else stood a chance at winning, and we knew it. I love me some Austin vs. McMahon, but this was overkill.
Sorry, didn't get time to make my picks yesterday...

FAVOURITE: Royal Rumble 98. The feel around it was epic with Mike Tyson being there, Austin being the marked man in the Rumble. The 3 faces of Foley in the Rumble was funny & awesome, I also remember Owen Hart chasing after HHH during Ahmed Johnson's entrance lol and the ending was great with Austin stunning Rock following it up by throwing him over it. It also contained my favourite Rumble moment which I will say later.

BEST: Royal Rumble 2001. I think the thing that makes Rumble matches great is that there are so many potential favourites to win the match and the potential favourites were not any wrestlers, they were the elite, Austin, Taker, Kane & Rock although Rikishi was a favourite in this but he's the last person people expected to win. The Rumble went hardcore for a little while which was good to see, we had 2 epic returns from Show & Haku and even Honky Tonk Man's return was awesome. I loved seeing Kane blast him with his Guitar and obviously this is well remembered for Kane's performance, his record for most eliminations should never be broken and I'm glad he was the last person eliminated although I wouldn't have minded Austin & Rock as the last two also which everyone expected. Hell even Drew Carey's involvement in the match was good at the time but I don't think he should've been inducted into the HOF just for that. This Rumble had a lot of substance to it.

WORST: Stuck between 2009 & 1993 but I'll go with 93. All the superstars in that match were meh with the exception of Perfect, Ric Flair, Backlund, Savage, Taker & Yokozuna, the rest brought nothing but dull & boring action to the table. There was only one potential favourite going into it, Yokozuna and I think the way Yoko eliminated Savage was a load of crap.

FAVOURITE MOMENT: 98 Royal Rumble when Austin's music hits and everybody stops fighting with each other and wait on him to come out and then Austin comes out from the crowd into the ring. That was epic & hilarious.
Thank you MMK, some people with common sense on this post.

Yes it was 1992, NOT 1993, When Flair won it all, and that was the best Rumble match ever, there shouldn't even be a discussion here.

Best Rumble: 1992

Why 92?

1. Legendary line up. Flair, Dibiase, Davey Boy, Haku, Savage, Slaughter, Hogan, HBK, Sid, Tito, Kerry Von Erich, Valentine, Bossman, Piper, Jake, Undertaker, etc, etc.......

2. Greatest announce team ever. Monsoon and Heenan performing the best commentary in the history of wrestling for that match.

3. It was the ONLY Rumble for the WWF Title.

Nothing will ever compare to that one, or even come close.

Best Rumble moment: 1990. The 1990 Warrior vs Hogan showdown. This one was huge then, it's huge now. The first time we all saw Hogan and the Warrior in the ring one on one.

Best non-Rumble event: 1989. Warrior vs Rude posedown. This one was just non-stop jokes. It wasn't an actual match, but it was definitely the most amusing of all time.
Royal Rumble 2000-Best
The entire event was insane from start to finish. The Rumble was incredible with alot of great spots, Rikishi and Viscera was brillant, Boss man staying in for over 35minutes. Kientai invading the rumble 4 times only for Taka to break his face. X-Pac getting eliminated only to come back in because the Ref never saw it. Bob Backlunds elimination by Chris Jericho. It was a terrible move that made him go over the top. The Rock in his prime fued with Big Show, the sick chokeslam to the Rock. Big Shows elimination, I could go on. Incredible.

Royal Rumble 2003-worst.
We all knew Brock Lesnar would win. Since he beat Big Show to earn the 29 spot. The only good bit was Tommy Dreamer coming in with toys and Chris Jericho whacking him in the face with a kendo stick. Apart from that terrible rumble. Lesnars F-5 too Matt Hardy. That is all
The best actual Rumble match was 2001 I think. It had everything really. Kane dominating was fun, there was weapons in it which was different, Drew Carey added some novelty to the thing and then Austin won. Tazz getting eliminated so quickly was a personal high point as well. Also, Honky Tonk Man getting fucked up was fine with me.

Worst Rumble match would be 1999. It was literally all pointless pretty much. The Austin/Vince story was really good, but there was fuck all else there to keep you going. The Corporate Rumble was better than that bobbins.

The best actual Royal Rumble event was 2000. The matches on the card were really good (tables match and Cactus/HHH were particularly exciting at the time) and the Rumble match itself was solid. Taka landing on his face was possibly my favourite Rumble moment ever.

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