Best/Worst Draft Move of the night.


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I'm kind of surprised no one has done this thread already, and it is my first attempt at starting a thread so be gentle LOL. Anyway what do you think was the best or worst move of the draft? Could be for a variety of reasons. Whose career will benefit most or least, which move made the biggest or least impact, or simply which move made the respective show better or worse.

Personally I think the best move for a guy's career could be CM Punk to Smackdown. This guy was starting to get lost in the shuffle on RAW and while they had win MITB again he would always be buried especially since HHH is back on RAW. HHH moving to RAW leaves room for new main event level faces. Right now Smackdown's top faces are an Undertaker who disappears for weeks at a time and Jeff Hardy. Punk could benefit HUGE from a program with Edge. So best move for a guy's career I got to give to CM Punk.

The worst move for a guy's career I'll say Kozlov to ECW just because they started this guy out fueding with HHH and Jeff Hardy, then put him in the mix with the Shawn Michaels/Undertaker program even had him win clean over Taker, and now this guy is on ECW? From fueding with Taker to squashing Tommy Dreamer within a month's time. Ouch.

One last thought is my WTH? move of the night. Kane to Smackdown. They clearly have no clue what to do with this guy and keep moving him from face to heel, heel to face, and he's been on moved around from all three shows just within the last year and a half. Kane needs to be repackaged or released.

Ok there are my thoughts what are yours?
The best, in my opinion, was MVP to RAW. I wanted this to happen before, and mentioned it in the Draft thread. It's exactly what he needed. He's been on SmackDown! since he entered the WWE, and a change onto RAW could help elevate him and even motivate him to push himself. He'll be live, so he can't cock anything up. He'll have to push himself, and eventually he could move onto the WWE Title.
Yeah I loved the MVP move I guess if I had to just do an over all "Top moves" and "worst moves" based on all the reasons I mentioned above for posting I'd have to say:

Best 3
1. MVP to Raw-He can shine and maybe switching the mid card title might freshen them up a bit.
2. CM Punk to Smackdown-for the reason I listed in my first post.
3. Chris Jericho to Smackdown- This benefits Smackdown more than Chris. Opportunity to have another top heel on that show and freshen up some fueds.

Worst 3
1. Kane to Smackdown-Pointless just a move for moving sake
2. Kozlov to ECW- For the reasons listed in my first post.
3. Big Show to Raw- This seems to be another guy they can't seem to make up their mind on. Of course that what happens when you thrust a mid card talent to main even programs time after time.
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Im probably gonna hold my final opinions out until the supplemental draft on Wednesday, but as far as for right now, I agree with the discussion.

Best Move - MVP to Raw - gives him a chance to repackage, get a fresh start.

Worst Move - Kozlov to ECW - Clearly the sespool of the WWE. Just proves every week why ECW should be granted it's release.

......More to follow
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Ah yeah there's the worst move of the draft. That's easy. Matt Hardy to RAW. Sorry, but he's just plain horrible. I don't rate him that highly at all, never have. I know it's good for him to have a change, new people to fued with ect which is all nice. But I watch RAW more than SD! & ECW, and I don't want to watch him wrestle. Ugh, let's hope he can prove me wrong.
first o all i think the worst move of the night was rey mysterio going to smackdown for reason he is my favorite wrestler and i did not want to see him go to the B brand.

I was also really disappointed that Evan Bourne did not get drafted to a different brand. i and many others thought that he was gonna get a push but i guess not anymore.

For the best move has to be the Miz going to Raw because he is obviously going to get a push now and i was hoping for the miz or morrison to switch brands knowing that person was getting a push. I think the miz has great talent and great mic skills aswell.
for me the Rey move to smackdown proved a point. Rey has apparently requested a lighter schedule and Smackdown! is a good way to do it in. Really though, why have both world heavyweight titles on the same show unless they're 1: switching one ugly belt for the flashier one or 2: having Punk cash in the Money in the Bank before or during Backlash.
Well think about this...Raw wins two picks and drafts MVP and Big Show to start the night out. Smackdown's answer....Melina. <Crickets> Granted the Melina move isn't the worst of the night at all. I think the best move was Rey Mysterio going to Smackdown. He was a much bigger star on that show and seemed to have a bigger following. By far the worst move was Triple H to Raw! AGAIN! How can WWE keep running this angle into the ground? So we are probably going to get another 4-5 months of the McMahon-Orton feud. ZZZZZZZZZZ BTW, how screwed did Smackdown get in this draft? Cena, Orton, HHH, Batista, HBK....all on RAW. But at least we can decipher who the next Champ on Smackdown will be...Edge or Punk. I actually think that this will work out for Smackdown, it seems that Smackdown is now going to become the breeding ground for new young main event talent. Throw in Kofi in the supplemental draft on top of Punk, Jeff Hardy, Morrison, Edge and you have a whole new title program.

Moves that should've happened:
Edge to doesn't make sense not to move the guy when his heel run is really running out of gas. And his current angle (Vickie) is now on Raw???

Jack Swagger to Smackdown... Swagger reminds me a lot of Brock Lesnar but he's a better wrestler and entertainer. He's ready for a big push on a major show.

Christian to Raw/Smackdown... Unless they give Christian a monster ECW push and the title, its clear that the only reason WWE wanted him was for TNA not too have him.

Morrison to RAW... I think Morrison is ready for the Main Event right now and an opportunity to do it on WWE's flagship show. I think they really missed the boat with the Miz pick.

Batista to Smackdown... Batista is a good Raw talent but a great Smackdown talent. He could've gone there and won another title and put over some young talent. The Orton feud is the only thing keeping him on Raw.
What's with all of the MVP love? Am I the only one who is truly ambivalent to the guy? He's good - but he's yet to show me something mind-blowing.

The best move of the draft was a toss up between Matt Hardy to Raw and Chris Jericho to SD.

With Matt Hardy, you've got a guy coming over with decent momentum having just beaten former WWE Champ Jeff Hardy at Wrestlemania. This move gets him away from the "shadow" of his infamous brother and thrusts him into new feuds with a chance to truly get over with the fans as a heel.

With JBL "quitting," RAW is in need of a strong mid-card heel. Matt Hardy will fill that role. There are a lot of mid-card faces on Raw - now they have a balance. I look forward to seeing what Matt can do with Kofi.

With Jericho, he's run his course of top feuds on RAW. If he stuck there, he'd eventually get lost in the HHH / Orton / Batista saga. On SD, he has a potential tag team alliance with Edge, and a future feud there as well. A lot of overall potential with Jericho on SD.
I'm going to take a different approach and say the worst move was keeping christian on ecw (at least on raw/smackdown the opporunity is there to elevate himself, something that will never be done on ecw.

In terms of the actual draft:

Best Move: Chris Jericho to smackdown, he should actually be given the chance to shine there and excel, the guy has been top notch for the last year (despite a the badly booked legends match, he did about as a good as anyone could with that crap). If on Raw he'd be nothing but upper mid card heel who would never have the chance to excel with both HHH and Cena as the top faces (Jericho was all ready booked to job multiple times to cena at the end of the year). Point is on Smackdown there is no one to really hold him back and the potential for an absolutely amazing feud with Taker if they give him the free rein to do his promos hisself.

Worst Move: all though I'll take a lot of flake for this based on other posts but i'm going to say the WORST MOVE IS MVP to raw. I love his character and think he has the most potential to elevate to the next level of anyone on the roster. However, with both HHH and Cena (not to mention Batista and HBK) all on raw MVP will never be anything more than he is right now no matter what he does. When you look at it from this point of view the move severely limits how high he can climb because no matter how great he is in the ring and on the mike he will never be booked above any of those 4 wrestlers mentioned above. Quite simply raw is too crowded for him to reach higher goals.

I also agree with all the posts that wwe has no idea what to do with Big Show or Kane and both have been horribly misused for a couple years now (in show's case a year now), other thoughts. also I dont think they have no idea what to do with Matt hardy as he's been on all 3 brands in the span of about 3-4 months.

Rey belongs on smackdown, it's a better fit for him and the company

CM Punk: could benefit as much as Jericho as there are no faces to get in his way on smackdown (jeff hardy and undertaker but otherwise none)

Kozlov: not as bad a move as everyone thinks, preceding mania he jobbed to both taker and hbk, moving to ecw allows him to continue to get better as a wrestler (remember finlay is an agent) and allows him to rebuild the monster image the wwe wants him for (which i dont like but is clearly the role they want him in)
Best move was Jericho to Smack Down. Leaves room for the first Jericho-Taker feud and other possibilities like Y2J vs. Jeff.

Worst: Matt and Big Show to Raw. How possibly could they benefit from this?
I can't think of many good things to say so far..Hopefully the supplemental draft will be better

Punk/Jericho/Mysterio to Smackdown (Addition by Subtraction..They were just wasting space on Raw and didn't deserve to be on the A show.)
2. Kane to Smackdown (He can get a fresh start on Smackdown)
3. Big Show to Raw (Like Kane, he can get a fresh start)

1.Triple H to Raw (Do I even need to explain this one? Shitty matches,boring promos,backstage get the picture)
2.The Miz to Raw-Morrison should have been moved to Raw instead. Now Morrison's only chance is the supplemental draft, but that will just make him look like another midcarder. The Miz should have been in the supplemental draft instead if they really wanted to move him, but I don't see the point. He probably won't be around long anyway.
3. Not moving Christian or Benjamin to Raw-Again, if they get drafted in the supplemental draft (like Benjamin last year) then they just look like midcarders. They should have drafted at least 15 people last night, which would have been easy to do if Kofi/Miz and Cena/Swagger had shorter matches. Or, the battle royal could have been for 3 or 4 picks instead of just 2.
Worst move Vicki Guerrero to Raw. She could really make me stop watching Raw. Yeah I know she wasn't drafted, but it's still worse than any wrestler going over there.

The best move was CM Punk to Smackdown. He can now actually have a feud in the main event light and showcase his talents. The top face there is Taker who doesn't wrestle much and Jeff Hardy. That leaves PLENTY of room for Punk to get air time.
I think the whole draft did what it needed to do. moved the 'big' guys to Raw for the most part and made Smackdown the breeding ground with a few vets like Taker and Jericho to help them develop. I like how both titles are on Raw. I hope they unify those two and create a title for Smackdown that is exclusive. I hope that they can bring prestige back to the IC and US titles. WWE can do a lot with what they have...and I think Cena's match with Swagger helped to legitimize Swagger as a champ. ECW needs that if it is going to stick around as a breeding ground. i think that eventually that ECW will be grafted into Smackdown along with that belt.

Best move: Triple H to Raw/Y2J to Smackdown.
Worst: Matt Hardy to Raw. he will not be able to break out of mid-card now. Jeff should have been the one to change if either of them were going to be.

I think this is the best way to do things of the spilt is going to continue. Having your top talent on two seperae shows with no one big enought to compete was where WWE went wrong
The draft wasn't bad, but no where near as good as last. Looking forward to the supplemental draft.

MVP to Raw was good because he's been on SmackDown! since his debut. New faces and some new feuds.

Jericho to SmackDown! is incredible since now he won't be lost in the shuffle on Raw. He and Edge could team up and would even make a great feud.

CM Punk should do great on SmackDown! and hopefully will get a decent push and shine without the bad booking...hopefully.

Kozlov to ECW and Henry is still there....snore...REALLY hope something is made of him there and he can come back to the bigger brands stronger than ever.

Matt to Raw and Big Show to could've been worse, but I'll live. We'll see how that goes. Really can't wait for the supplemental draft Wednesday!
Originally I was upset, but I think what they did was good. Obviously they decided to stack Raw with the majority of main eventers which should give some guys on Smackdown a chance.

Things I liked-
Jericho to Smackdown - After repeatedly jobbing to Cena last year, this will give him an actual title shot, not too mention, the fued with Taker everyone is talking about.
CM Punk to Smackdown - I think with Smackdown clearly now being a B show, this will make him look more credible as champ when he cashes in the MITB.
Matt Hardy to Raw - I'm hoping he gets lost in the shuffle, he's a fat ass with mediocre talent.
Miz and Morrison splitting - While most of you are mad that Morrison didn't get moved to another show, I think Morrison not moving gives ECW another credible singles wrestler, and Morrison could benefit from a fued with Christian since Christian is already over with most every one(except Vince). Also Miz will easily get lost in the shuffle on Raw, its terrible for him which I don't mind, he just looks like a douche.

Things I didn't like -
Christian not moving - He should be on Smackdown.
Best move was definitely Jericho by far, he's feuded with everyone there on his first and second run and Smackdown is a fresh go for him, I've always wanted to see Jericho vs. Undertaker, with his recent legends run and the move, it looks it could be happening!

I think Rey going to Smackdown was good because it gives Smackdown abit more credibility, plus the hispanic audience will return, which is why they put him there. MVP, great move and long overdue, the thing that brings it down is that the two likely people he will feud with, he already has done - Big Show & Matt Hardy, there's nothing new for him when he's midcard atm, just means we'll see him and Cena, Orton, etc face off at random times on Raw.

Matt Hardy's move came at an awful time, they could have still continued a feud with Jeff, and he's only just moved to Smackdown from ECW just over 2 months ago, this was just purely an excuse to take the focus off the mess they did with the Hardy feud.

Triple H's move to Smackdown I was annoyed about because he's barely been on it for a year and feuded with only Khali, Jeff, & Koslov, I excluded Edge because he's only what like 2 matches with him since moving. He's been through Raw, he's done and buried everyone possible, what else is there to do? I don't like Triple H, but he needs some freshness which Smackdown provided him.

Kane, well he's been on all 3 brands in less than a year, nuff said. Little for him to go now and I don't see a re-package or the mask coming any time soon.

Moves/No Moves which people didn't like but I prefered how they didn't happen:
Christian off ECW - Why? Because he's very over and they need to cap it off with an ECW Title win. We need to see Christian prove to us, and Vince that he is capable of being a top champion, I didn't see his run in TNA, but I need to see him prove it, regardless of how over he is

Morrison not moving - While I prefer the Miz going to Smackdown (at least he can go for the US Title), I think Morrison needs ECW to push up and prove himself like Christain, again, yes he's over, but as a Tag Team Champion, he needs another ECW Title run to give me the confidence for him to be a top contender for the World Title, as much as Miz relied on Morrison, Morrison relied on Miz too.

Evan Bourne off ECW - Why? Because he's only just got off the injury list and a big push is too much pressure to be put back on when you just returned. I say give him another year on ECW, put the title on him, appear on Raw, Smackdown, etc. Again it's more the injury being against him and that ECW is a safehouse for Bourne, I look forward to him against Swagger.

Shelton Benjamin off Smackdown - Why? Because all the other guys, except R-Truth have all just moved to Raw, no point putting him in a programme where he's feuded with these guys already. Fresh chance here, if he ever gets one. IC program with Mysterio, haven't seen those two one-on-one, bring it on I say!
best: cm punk and jericho to sd!
cm punk will be a very good world champion in sd! roster, without having too much better competitors like in raw.

jericho means quality both in ring and in storylines, and he can only give great help in other wrestlers career.

worst: matt hardy to raw and kozlov to ecw.

matt hardy: completely useless. worst of "useless chavo" :D
kozlov: he can only cause problems. too strong for ecw athletes. too pushed to lose with them. too difficult to use like champion. only problems.
Jericho to SD- This gives him a fresh start as he has feuded with just about everybody there is on RAW.

CM Punk to SD- This gives him an opportunity to not be outshined on RAW & not be buried by Triple H.

Matt Hardy to RAW- I think this gives him a chance to be a good heel, have some new competition & get away from Jeff but I could also put Matt on the worst list cause RAW is pretty stacked, there are too many people over there that would outshine him, just moved from ECW to SD 2 months ago & the Hardyz feud only had 2 matches & easily could have continued.

Kozlov to ECW- Nobody obviously gives a shit about him. Just can his ass soon so I don't ever have to see him again.

Triple H to RAW- He's practically buried everybody over there & I believe that there were plenty of fresh feuds for him on SD.
Good moves:

Chris Jericho - He's been on Raw for years, it will be good to see him on SD and he has more chance of being a permanent main eventer rather than drifting from mid card to main event like has always done on Raw.
CM Punk - Like Jericho, he will have more opportunities for high profile matches/feuds than he would on Raw.
Rey Mysterio - He just seems to fit better on SD.
Maryse - I'm a huge Maryse mark, so I'm happy to see her on the top show, I think she has the potential to become the most over diva on the roster.

Bad moves:

Triple H - I think he should have stayed on SD for another year, they could easily have continued the feud with Orton without having to draft him.
MVP - I was hoping he would move, but looking at how stacked Raw's main event roster is now, I feel he could get lost in the shuffle, he would have probably been better off in the long run staying on SD for another year.
Melina - I suppose they had to even out the Womens/Divas titles with Marsye moving but I would have moved Mickie James or Kelly instead of her, although a Melina-Gail Kim feud for the title sounds good.
Vladimir Kozlov - He sucked on SD, he'll suck on ECW, then they'll finally see sense and release him.

The rest:

Matt Hardy - I'm not a fan of his, I don't see how he can do any better on Raw than SD, I guess they just wanted him off the same show as Jeff.
The Miz - He's improved but I still don't think he'll have much of a singles career.
Kane & Big Show - I don't really care about either of these moves, they seem to switch shows every year.

Moves I hope to see tomorrow:

Christian & Evan Bourne to Raw
John Morrison & Kofi Kingston to SD
Shelton Benjamin, R-Truth & Brian Kendrick to ECW
The worst move for a guy's career I'll say Kozlov to ECW just because they started this guy out fueding with HHH and Jeff Hardy, then put him in the mix with the Shawn Michaels/Undertaker program even had him win clean over Taker, and now this guy is on ECW? From fueding with Taker to squashing Tommy Dreamer within a month's time. Ouch.

The Issue I have with this move is that there is not enough Main eventers on smackdown now that most have been moved to raw, Kozlov could of been the Great Khali of the brand and be the transitional champion if Edge gets hurt like last time, but he will probably dominate ECW and get the gold sooner then later, the issue now is till then is what to do with the guy? pit him against christian, dreamer or Finlay or put him in the situation that Big Daddy V was in and get him to the title match at Backlash by squashing the winner, I hope WWE plays smart and waits for the title situation to clear up before even considering on giving Kozlov an ECW title match, Swagger is developing but I want to see Dreamer get the gold but that story is for another thread

Kozlov will get the push he wanted in smackdown on ECW so this IMO is a good move not a bad one for the russian

Personally I think the best move for a guy's career could be CM Punk to Smackdown
. This guy was starting to get lost in the shuffle on RAW and while they had win MITB again he would always be buried especially since HHH is back on RAW. HHH moving to RAW leaves room for new main event level faces. Right now Smackdown's top faces are an Undertaker who disappears for weeks at a time and Jeff Hardy. Punk could benefit HUGE from a program with Edge. So best move for a guy's career I got to give to CM Punk.

CM Punk on smackdown will fill the main event level feuds on the brand that the WWE will miss due to drafting alot of the main eventers (and probably more) to Raw, it will increase Smackdowns star power and give Punk a proper place to shine, but lets hope that Michael P.S Hayes does whats right and gives Punk the push he deserves, even as a transitional champion

Now Down to my list, My Worst Move has to be a tie I will start with MVP to Raw, I don't agree with this as I feel he will never get the world title push he deserves, I understand why they had to make this move as they needed a way to get Rey moved to Smackdown and bring back the hispanic audience that the show catered to and increase ratings, I just feel that MVP wont get the push he deserves and may even have him laid back to jobber status which IMO is something that could be wasted on an otherwise credible talent

The second on My worst list is Miz to raw, I dont see the point splitting up MIZMO and seperating the number one rated show on and the best tag team in the WWE, i would rather of had them both drafted in order to gain them some momentum, I just hope he isn't degraded to a glorified jobber, Miz's best tenure in WWE was on ECW, he was nothing but stale on smackdown before moving to the developmental brand, he quickly came out into his own and with Morrison by his side he was unstoppable and borderline midcard, now his push may halt due to an overcrowded upper card, he may get a shot at the US title but at the moment i don't see MVP letting go of the prize, this by far was a terrible draft move

and a special not goes to the womens title switch, why bring over a non credible title to raw and have the well established womens title move to smackdown?, it doesnt make sense and could kill whatever division the wwe was building on raw, lets hope that this is all a ploy to pull the trigger on santina and give he/she a divas championship opportunity

thats my picks be brutal
Best: Jericho & Punk to SD
Worst: Matt Hardy to Raw

Did anyone hear Grisham say that if Dreamer was a legend, than the Brooklyn Brawler would be a legend as well? I found that to be really disrespectful since I've been a huge fan of Dreamer for over 10 years.
I think the best move of the draft was Christian NOT moving. It seems like everyone around here is convinced that he deserves to be pushed to the main event immediately and give a 5 year run with one of the World Titles. Here's the problem with that, Christian has been back on-screen in WWE for 2 months and 4 days today. Just because he used to be in the company and everyone wanted him back does not mean that he deserves to move to the top of the WWE.

He is currently in a program for the ECW Title, the top face on a brand, and in a place where he can succeed. Moving him would have killed any momentum he is carrying right now. Leave him on ECW and let him feud with Swagger for awhile. A good, long program between these two will not only elevate their own statuses, but also give the ECW Title a much needed boost in prestige. Let him move next year, or sometime in the fall/winter, but now he is exactly where he needs to be.
This is so simple. The best moves of the draft were... THE ENTIRE DRAFT!!! As far as the moves and what happened so far were exactly what needed to happen to move all the talent that needs a little more building or new feuds to Smackdown (Punk and Jericho) and the talent that we don't care to see on Raw...also to Smackdown.

Look what happened to Raw. I think this could be the best Raw roster in a long time. They got MVP, Show, Triple H (yawn), Miz, Matt Hardy (another yawn), Maryse. All fresh new faces that really haven't seen much of the Raw scene with the exception of Triple H, Show, and Matt Hardy...sorta. The show just got much fresher and much better. They got rid of every single person I couldn't stand to watch anymore with the exception of Punk (whose move to Smackdown is good for him because they can build him a little better there than Raw). No more Mysterio and Kane excites me more than anything. I couldln't stand the way they were just thrown on screen to have screen time with no real storyline whatsoever. I will miss Jericho too on Raw, but not as much as I thought. He's done everything on Raw already so he needs new feuds and new opps on Smackdown. He and Punk will make Smackdown better. Everything about Raw got better. And Smackdown got rid of Kozlov, who will even fade into obscurity on ECW because his whole character, his booking, was always awful. I've said it before and I'll say it again... Ludvig Borga the 2nd won't be with the company at this time next year. The dominating foreigner NEVER WORKS. Good Riddance Kozlov but you feel kinda bad for him because it's not really his fault.

But if I have to pick a best and worst... it's also obvious.

The Best- Punk going to Smackdown will be amazing. It's the perfect fit for him. He'll feud with Edge, Shelton, and I even see a friendly feud between two faces in Jeff and Punk. Though Jeff has held a title (if you want to say that), so has Punk and these guys are playing on about the same level. It is the PERFECT building block for Punk to really be taken seriously and given a good push on a show not plagued by politics with Triple H, Orton, Batista, and Cena (even though he showed his true colors on Monday by making Swagger look great and not putting his own personal agenda ahead of the show, you can't tell me Vince's pet Cena doesn't get what he wants if he wanted it).

The Worst- Matt Hardy and Miz. I'll keep this short and sweet. Matt Hardy can't perform anymore. He's fat, he's stale, he's stiff, and he's boring. Miz has more potential than Hardy obviously because of his age and I hope Miz shines and is given a chance on Raw as a good mid-card heel that was intended for someone like Lance Cade last year. Miz was a bad move because we all see Morrison as the star worthy of the flagship show over Miz so in that aspect, Miz to Raw was a bad move. But it can also turn out very well for him. I see Miz feuding for the US Title on in the not too distant future. I mean who else is going to feud for the US Title? MVP, Miz, Regal, Kofi, and Fatt Hardy. We've seen MVP and Fatt enough already. Plus I don't exactly see MVP and Kofi going at it hard since MVP just turned face. I think we're going to see some great work between MVP and Regal for the US Title. At least I hope so. Then it gives Miz time to build himself a little bit more and get into the serious contention for the US Title...hopefully before the end of the year.

The draft was predictable... but it was exactly what we needed.

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