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Best Video Game Prank You Ever Pulled


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1 Back in the nes and snes days I always went to my friends house to play games. He was hooked on rpgs such as dragon warrior and final fantasy. He would be really far in the game with all the really rare weapons. He would go to the bathroom and I would sell or drop all the weapons he couldn't get again. It was funny as crap. He would have to start the game all over again.

2 My friend was a big halo fan and was super pumped about halo 3. I went with him to pick up his pre order and on the way home I rolled down my window and threw the game out the window. You should have saw his face. He wanted me to pay him for the game but I just laughed instead. I didn't care that he never talked to me again.
On my last day of elementary school I told my best friend at the time I forgot my Pokemon Gold game in my desk back in the classroom. He ran back to get it, but I had it with me and started running home. I was supposed to trade the game for his deck of Yu-gi-oh! cards which he allowed me to hold for him while he fetched the game.
On WWF Attitude for the PS One, my mate and I were engaged in a near hour long battle between Stone Cold and The Rock. We didn't really know how to pull off half the moves at the time, certainly not the finishers and trademark manouvres. He had to pop out the room and I paused the game along with a gentleman's agreement that I would not continue whilst he was out of the room. Whilst he was out of the room, I saw an option in the pause menu that showed you how to do the moves. I loosened his controller from the port and when he came back in I restarted the game. One quick up, down, up, circle from me unleashed a Stone Cold Stunner. No amount of button bashing from him could kick out of the subsequent cover...1, 2, 3...I recall his response to this very day; "That's bullsh*t! That would never happen like that! The Rock is so much cooler than Austin! It's a sh*t game anyway!"
my friend was playing super smash bros on wii and he almost beat the game but he was so into the game that he kept ignoring everybody (it was during a party) and we all got pissed so i grabbed the other remote and turned off the wii...he was beyond pissed he had a look on his face like he wanted to kill me!

another time i was playing madden with my buddy and it was a pretty close game and he had to leave the room for something so i paused the game when he went in the bathroom i unpaused the game and let the time on the playclock go from 30 to 1 then repuased it he came back and got a delay of game which caused him to lose the ball sense it was 4th down and i ended up winning 5 minutes later he was yelling THATS BULLSHIT YOU CHEATED! and i just grinned and walked away
I can only remember one. Me and my friends were big on Smackdown vs Raw 2006 and we all played the awesome online mode. We decided that we would get on everyweekend and have various tag matches and other matches with other players in the lobbies. We then found a site that held its own seasons. You would cut your promos on the site then have a scheduled match on the game to determine the winner of the match and what not.

Anyway so my friend was the WWE Champion and I was his old tag team partner in the story and we on the site had set up a triple thread match between me, my friend and some guy who was #1 contender. At the time the GM of RAW was in our pocket so it was set up that my friend would retain with my help and we even all talked about it saying that the only way my buddy wouldnt leave the PPV as champ would be if the other guy somehow beat us both. It was pretty much dead locked that my buddy would retain and during the match we were on the phone talking about how we wanted to completely destroy this guy since we were dominating the season thus far. My friend and i were hammering this guy with team moves and just as my buddy was about to deliver his cyclone finisher(what they called F-5 in the game) I ran and did a running sweet chin music to him putting him on the ground and the other player hit a sharp shooter to win the championship. After getting sweared at for like 20 mins straight on the phone he laughed about it and said "this means we feud, and you know i'm better than you at this game, im going to fucking bury you".

fun times.
I've got two really good stories for this topic.

I had a friend from school over and we were playing Mortal Kombat Trilogy on the Nintendo 64. I knew a sequence of buttons you could press on the controller to turn you into Motaro on a certain stage. He let me pick the stage, so of course I picked the stage where you could turn into Motaro and he got so mad. My friend made me promise to not do that again and I said I will NOT turn into Motaro in the next round, let's do Shao Khan's stage instead. So we did, and I used the other button sequence that I knew of and turned into Shao Khan! He threw the controller across the room in frustration and ran out. I never said anything about not turning into Shao Khan! ;) It was hilarious!

The second came from Pokemon Blue. For those who may not know, if you ever captured the infamous glitch Missing Number and used a Rare Candy on him to level him up, he evolved into a Kangaskhan. Not just any Kangaskhan though.... One that knew Water Gun and Sky Attack. So one day I had a friend over, the same guy who I had played the Motaro prank on. We had a Pokemon battle and he sent out a Golem. I used Racecar, my Kangaskhan who had evolved from Missing Number. My friend had no idea that Racecar knew Water Gun, so there went his Golem. He tried to outsmart me by sending out a Machamp. Little did he know that Racecar knew Sky Attack which took out his Machamp in one hit. Just like in the previous story, he threw the game across the room and stormed out in frustration, saying he was done playing against me forever due to my pranks.

To this day he still refuses to play video games against me. :p
1 Back in the nes and snes days I always went to my friends house to play games. He was hooked on rpgs such as dragon warrior and final fantasy. He would be really far in the game with all the really rare weapons. He would go to the bathroom and I would sell or drop all the weapons he couldn't get again. It was funny as crap. He would have to start the game all over again.

2 My friend was a big halo fan and was super pumped about halo 3. I went with him to pick up his pre order and on the way home I rolled down my window and threw the game out the window. You should have saw his face. He wanted me to pay him for the game but I just laughed instead. I didn't care that he never talked to me again.

If that's actually true you are a fucking horrible human being.

I have never really bothered doing "pranks" on computer games. One of the only one's I can think of is just copying my friends CAW on one of the Smackdown games, and then renaming the copy (so he wouldn't know I had done a copy so he could get it back).

Then I changed the appearance so that the guy was really fat, wearing a dress with lipstick and other stupid clothes, so when there was a group of us round at mine, my buddy would be telling everyone "check out my awesome CAW of myself!", and then this fat guy in a dress would come out, roll down to the ring in a shopping trolley and then fall out after hitting the ring apron.

Everyone laughed, my friend was pissed off thinking he had wasted all this time on a CAW only to have it deleted, but then I showed him I had saved a copy of the orginal, so he saw the funny side of it.

I then proceeded to whoop his ass with my CAW, as usual!
I had a friend from school over and we were playing Mortal Kombat Trilogy on the Nintendo 64. I knew a sequence of buttons you could press on the controller to turn you into Motaro on a certain stage. He let me pick the stage, so of course I picked the stage where you could turn into Motaro and he got so mad. My friend made me promise to not do that again and I said I will NOT turn into Motaro in the next round, let's do Shao Khan's stage instead. So we did, and I used the other button sequence that I knew of and turned into Shao Khan! He threw the controller across the room in frustration and ran out. I never said anything about not turning into Shao Khan! ;) It was hilarious!

I do something like that to my friends in the new UMK3 that was re-released on 360 Arcade. Only I play as Shang Tsung and transform into Ermac.

But the one prank that I love the most is one I used to play on my friend in DBZ Raging Blast 2. To set the stage, let me start by saying that my friend had banned me from playing as Piccolo because I was "too good" with him... since he was, afterall, my go to character in the game. Of course I was confident and said cool, but wanted to do a team game. He said okay, and we agreed.

His team was made up of Majin Vegeta, Super Saiyan Future Trunks, Teen Gohan and Gotenks SS3. My team was merely Ultimate Gohan and Kid Buu. Now, for those of you who don't know, Kid Buu and Ultimate Gohan are the ultimate Spamming characters in the game. But he didn't know this, and that's what made this prank hilarious.

So we begin the game and my friend gets off to an okay start with Majin Vegeta, bringing my first bar down. I gain just a tiny bit of space from him and charge up full power. Finally I sit there and tell him "Let's fight hand to hand." He says okay that's fine... So we get to the ground, and of course I get the upper hand. But instead of me getting just a few good hits in, I spam the XXXY combination over and over as his life bar quickly goes from a bright green to a solid red color. He's getting pissed and starts flipping out saying I was cheating. So being the nice guy I was, I did a Super Kamehameha and killed his Majin Vegeta.

His trunks comes in and I'm laughing my ass off at him because at this point, he's pissed that I spammed the XXXY combo. So he starts to power up, and my guy is still max out. As he's powering up I say "Guess what" and he goes "What?"... I teleport my character to behind his guy and knock him to the sky. From that point, it was just like the show with me using Ultimate Gohan to smack his trunks around like a bad habit. Of course, he's getting mad because again, Gohan has the highest endurance in the game and doesn't tire out as fast. So his life gets depleted and he's left with two characters against my still somewhat okay Gohan (only in Yellow) and a fully healed Kid Buu waiting in the lurks (with a hidden sensu bean attached, but he doesn't know that either).

So then his teen Gohan hits the ground, and he begins to get happy. He gets past my gohan, but not without suffering a Masinko to the face a couple of times. His guy's tired, in SS2, and then my Kid Buu hits the scene. Instantly, I charge up my Kid Buu and the first move I use is the Volleyball move where Buu folds up to a ball and beats the shit out of the opponent. Because it's a basic move, and takes up so little, I'm able to charge up and use it faster each time. My friend gets pissed, again, because I'm spamming the move. Of course, I kill his teen gohan and he says "If you spam again, I win!"

Being that I had a sensu bean still, I agreed. So his Gotenks hits the ground and we get into a close quarter fight scenario. His guy takes some damage, but in the end, I'm left with half of a red bar. Cocky as all hell, my friend goes for his super ghost kamikaze attack, and hits my character. My red bar goes down and he's like "Yes!" when all of a sudden, my Buu grabs a sensu bean and eats it. His yes quickly vanishes and I spam him with the super kamehameha followed by another volleyball move to end the battle and he ends up pissed.

To this day, he refuses to play against me in any DBZ or fighting game...

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