"Best Two" ...

Steamboat Ricky

WZCW's Living Legend
Is likely my favorite group of wrestling threads of all times in my lengthy tenure at WZForums. That being said...it isn't getting the attention that it deserves. It started off kind of hot, but then it fizzled out a bit. I want to encourage everyone to go post in there, as it has the ability to get some interesting conversation going. Deadman started a great thread yesterday about the two best WWE Championship matches of all time. Everyone should go check it out.

For instance, I think one of Sting's best matches was when he won the belt off of DDP for about 2 hrs on Nitro in April 99. I'm sure some people disagree with that. Go "own" me.

And Deadman really did pull out a gem with the thread he started yesterday. I about pooed my pants.
The trouble with them, if there is one, is everyone picks the same matches. After about 20 posts, you'll find the same 2 or 3 matches used on at least 8-12 different guys posts. I've posted on some, but like I said, when I get to others, I see about 5 guys already use and describe the matches I was going to, so I end up not bothering
Yeah, but like I said, you shouldn't just have to post your best two...discuss as well. If you disagree with one, point it out and why.

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