Best TNA PPVs According to KB

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
So I'm taking over the Wrestlezone Top 10 weekly editorials, which I'm psyched about, because I love doing top 10 lists, but never get to because it (was) Josh's job. Anyways, the first one I'm doing is "Top 10 TNA PPVs" in preparation for Bound for Glory in two weeks.

I think...I've seen all the TNA PPVs, except for the One Night Stands, the weeklies from before their TV deal, and a few random shows from 2005-2007. But I don't keep track of all of them like KB does, and I needed to figure out a quick way to separate all the crap PPVs (and there's a LOT of them) from the ones worth checking out again to make this list. So thanks to KB and his website for letting me sift through the muck to take out about 20 shows to consider.

Thought some of you might be interested in seeing what the best shows according to KB's reviews are.

A) Slammiversary 2012
A-) Destination X 2012
A-) Sacrifice 2007
B+) Slammiversary 2013
B+) Turning Point 2009
B+) Bound for Glory 2005
B+) Sacrifice 2005
B+) Bound for Glory 2011
B+) Lockdown 2010

Then there's about 14 other shows that got a "B" rating. I think to round out the list at 10, I'm going to bump up UNBREAKABLE, because it really is a quality show. The main event being the greatest match in TNA history, and the rest of the card being pretty solid. The later part of 2005, where TNA was trying to secure their Spike TV deal (and keep it) really made for some great shows. Three fantastic events in a row, from Sacrifice to BFG.

So there's that. Thanks KB, for making life more manageable. If I had to make a top 10 list from memory, it would have been awful.
TNA has some excelllent PPV cards. Shame all of them are so similar in look and how talent are rotated that it's hard to differentiate between them.
Unbreakable was a great PPV but its pretty much a one match show. There was no build outside the main event.
I marked SO hard when Hardy won the World Title in 2012 after all the shit he's been through (and put other people through).
The RVD/Roode ladder match was great and all, but there really wasn't anything else special about that event.
Sacrifice had

Aries best match in his career
RVD's best match in like ages
Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles (I'm a big fan of both)

The undercard was bad though and that's what takes it down a notch but it still had Andersson vs Hardy which if I remember this correctly was a fairly good.
Sacrifice had

Aries best match in his career
RVD's best match in like ages
Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles (I'm a big fan of both)

The undercard was bad though and that's what takes it down a notch but it still had Andersson vs Hardy which if I remember this correctly was a fairly good.

Anderson vs Hardy had a bullshit finish though
In TNA alone I can name two, World title match with Roode and X-Division title match with Samoa Joe and those are straight off the top of my head, add Ring of Honor, PWG, Dragon Gate and I can name roughly fifteen better matches than Aries versus Bully Ray. While the match was good the promos were the best element of that feud.
In TNA alone I can name two, World title match with Roode and X-Division title match with Samoa Joe and those are straight off the top of my head, add Ring of Honor, PWG, Dragon Gate and I can name roughly fifteen better matches than Aries versus Bully Ray.

That is ridiculous. This is subjective btw. I disagree.
That is ridiculous. This is subjective btw. I disagree.

Watch the 3 way with Sabin and Manik.
* vs Hardy at BFG and Turning Point
* vs Samoa Joe at Slammiversary X
* vs Roode Destination X '12 & '13

All better than either match with Ray.
Sacrifice had

Aries best match in his career
RVD's best match in like ages
Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles (I'm a big fan of both)

The undercard was bad though and that's what takes it down a notch but it still had Andersson vs Hardy which if I remember this correctly was a fairly good.

Aries vs Bully was fantastic but it's not Aries best match in TNA though I think you could make a case for it being Bully's. It's a great match indeed and I just loved the feud as a whole. But Aries' Destination X match Roode I consider to be his best.

RVD vs Roode was good, better than expected and I liked the finish to it.

Angle vs Styles was good, how can it not be, but had a BS finish.

It was not a spectacular show but in my mind it's an important one as it was the start of a great string of PPV's from TNA.
If you're such a CM Punk wannabe why don't you go get a stupid pepsi tattoo all over your arm

If I wanted to be CM Punk I would be a straight edge, Chicago-born professional wrestler who enjoyed hockey. I am none of those things. I am a borderline alcoholic, Irish-born barman and journalism student who thinks hockey sucks. Nothing like CM Punk.

I just know a lot more about wrestling than you is all. Which isn't saying much.
That one I will re-watch since I don't even remember watching it in the first place.

Manik is taken out early leaving Sabin and Aries alone for about 15 minutes.

If you're such a CM Punk wannabe why don't you go get a stupid pepsi tattoo all over your arm
That's enough. He's objectively responding to you.

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