Best TNA PPV of 2010

Dum Dum Dudley

Alberto Del Rio's English Announcer
I just saw a thread titled 'Best PPV of 2010' and spent a good 20mins formulating an arguement as to why Genesis was the best PPV of 2010, only to see it was in the WWE-PPV section! So to remedy this situation, i thought i'ld ask for your opinions on TNA PPV's.

As i stated, i vote for Genesis. I think this PPV was the best of a bad bunch as i wouldn't say we've seen this year's Summerslam 2002 or WM X7 where nearly every match has been incredible, but i do feel it was a good PPV. For starters, it had that one match that steals the show and i feel that match was Angle v Styles for the world title. I think these two guys are genetically programmed to not have a shit match against each other and the fact that they went at it for nearly 30mins really made it seem as if you got your moneys worth. And as far as storyline purposes, this match really helped cement the AJ Style heel turn that he has been using all year.

Further down the card, there was a solid match between Desmond Wolfe and The Pope which again, was given time to let the two showcase their skills and really highlighted why these two guys are being groomed for big things in the future. A fast-paced, high-intensity X-Division match featuring Amazing Red v Brian Kendrick really kicked off the show with a bang and really set the tone for a solid, entertaining PPV.

I'm more of a WWE fan than a TNA fan mainly because of how easy it is to access WWE programming in the UK as opposed to TNA programming but nothing really impressed me on WWE PPV's whereas when i accidently stumbled across this PPV on the TV, i was more than impressed and really helped me get into TNA this year.
I recently saw the Genesis PPV, and I have to be honest: after all the "Genesis was the most horrible PPV ever. I'm melting. What a world, what a world!" reviews I read on the internet, it really wasn't that bad of a show. It personally doesn't rank on my best PPVs of the year, but if I had bought it on PPV, I wouldn't have thrown a Christian-esque temper tantrum over it.

For me, I thought that the TNA Lockdown PPV was the best TNA PPV of the year from what I've seen. It was the first TNA PPV that I actually bought live on PPV, and I wasn't disappointed. The wrestling was very entertaining from top to bottom. The only match I was disappointed with was the Young-Nash match, but it made sense given the fact TNA needed Nash to take Waltman's place in the tag match against Team 3D. In actuality, it helped that match since it effectively made the match The Outsiders vs. Team 3D. The PPV also featured a solid opening contest between James Storm and Rob Van Dam and a solid, if unspectacular, Lethal Lockdown match. Plus, the Pope/A.J. match was very entertaining, and the crowd was really into it to the point where it felt like a big match. Another plus for the event was that it was outside of the Impact Zone which made the event come across better onscreen than it does usually in the same building they shoot the weekly TV shows.

Am I forgetting something? Oh yeah...

Plus, this event had what I would argue to be the best steel cage match in the last several years at least: Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson. At first, I thought that the escape through the door stipulation would hurt, but it actually helped the psychology of the match. Anderson stepped up his game big time in this match and proved himself to be worthy of being in the main event of any PPV. Anderson played the heel card for all it was worth, mocking Kurt Angle while choking him on the ropes, running away from Angle at one point, flipping the bird at Angle just to keep him in the cage, and several other cheap shot tactics. Angle was his typical great self, performing at a good work rate, and giving us a couple holy **** moments in the match. The finale was great too as the end of the feud as it touched on various spots of the feud: Kurt Angle choking out Anderson with the medal, spitting on Anderson, and then the most blatant low blow in history just to put the exclamation point on the rivalry.

TNA Lockdown 2010 gets my vote for TNA's best PPV of the year.
A great pick with Lockdown, and i have to agree with your observations on the Storm/RVD match. A good solid match between two of the upper-midcarders at the time was an interesting change to the usual X-Division opener and the fact that it had ramifications to the Lethal Lockdown match later in the show added another twist to it. Of course its hard to look past the Angle/Anderson match because it truly was a great match and the moonsault of the top looked sick, mainly because it appeared Angle landed on a good portion of Anderson's head.
I'd say Lockdown because of the awesome Angle vs Anderson match and the good Lethal Lockdown and RVD vs Storm matches.
I haven't been too impressed with TNA's PPVs (again) this year but I guess I could go with Lockdown. Though I think Lockdown Match with Team Hogan vs Team Flair & AJ/Pope Matches kinda drag it down. I hated the ending to the Team Hogan/Team Flair Match because of Hogan,Flair,and Bischoff all getting involved at the end. One positive is that it was held outside of Orlando.
I wanna say No Surrender but its hard to argue against Lockdown. TNA infront of a big arena crowd just takes everything to the next level and cage matches are a personal favorite of mine.
It's either Lockdown or No Surrender, both PPVs were great but if I had to choose I would have to say Lockdown. The Team Hogan Vs Team Flair match was pretty good and the Kurt Angle Vs Mr Anderson match was simply amazing and it being outside of Orlando gives it something extra, but when 10.10.10 comes around I'm sure BFG will be the best PPV of the year for TNA, I can't wait for it.
I know I'm likely in the minority here, but I'd say Slammiversary was the best PPV of the year from TNA's side. I know, it didn't seem like that good of a show to me either, but when you really look at it, it's not that bad.

The Kaz/Angle opener was really good, as was the X-Division match, which was the best work Williams and Kaz had together. AJ/Lethal was an above average match and the tag match, Enigmatic Assholes and Beer Money, was pretty decent as well.

The thing is, even the bad stuff wasn't that bad. Neal/Bubba wasn't the complete disaster that it should have been and Abyss/Wolfe wasn't nearly as shitty as most people made it out to be. Even the main event, while pretty weak, wasn't all that awful.

Lockdown would've had this easily, as it had the MOTY so far in Anderson/Angle as well as a pretty kickass World Title match. Not to mention the opener which I'm glad to see a few other people liked as well. The main event just killed it for me though. Terribly done and just left me shaking my head in disgust.
I'll go with Against All Odds despite Nasties vs. Team 3d being on the card. PPV's feauturing full tournaments (Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals & Finals) are always exciting. You never know who's gonna win beforehand, you think they do but it's always someone you never expect it to be which is what makes tournaments great and I thought TNA made a good decision having Pope win here while everyone thought Angle or Anderson would win.
I know its not part of the topic but i think the best is to come and the best is going to be tonight. Its going to have the unveiling of the biggest storyline, "they" now I dont want to say its going to be HUGE but i think it will change the landscape of TNA as we see it, so things will change from here. I won't go and speculate what it might be but it will be good.

The Sting story should be good (but man I wish Nash wasnt leaving or at least didnt tell us [Twitter])

and their are some great matches on this card.

RVD vs Abyss
3 Way for Title
Sting Match
EV vs Fortune

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