Best Tag Team Division of the 90s?

Hardcore Heathen

Future Legend
Pick from all the major Companies from the 90s what Company had the Best Division and pick 3 Stand out Tag Teams that Made the division

My pick for best Tag Team Division is ECW. They may not be Widely known anymore except for a few but at the time they were just awesome. My top 3 Tag Teams are:
The Dudleys
Impact Players
Public Enemy
Honorable Mentions:
Danny Doring and Roadkill
The Gangstanators
RVD and Sabu

What's your best division and your picks?
Without getting into much detail I'd agree as a collection they were innovative and made tag wrestling cool, but mainstream WWE from 1998-2001 REALLY focused on the division and it was a pretty cool division to be, thou E&C, Hardy's and Dudleys stand out you had more great tag teams in the mix.

My favorite tag teams,
Owen Hart/Jeff Jarrett,
Edge and Christian,
Too Cool,
Shamrock/Bossman (though they were short term they were pretty good)
New Age Outlaws
Xpac & Kane,
Undertaker and Big Show
and lastly Rock N Sock Connection.

I loved them tag teams and could easily watch WWE Tag division from 1998-2001 and not get bored.

BTW my favorite tag team of all time is Bulldog/Owen.
Good post. Late 90s WWF had some great teams, as mentioned previously, but 90-91 WWF had some of the BEST teams ever and a plethora of really good feuds. Teams that come to mind off the top of my mind:
The Rockers
The Hart Foundation
The Legion of Doom
The Powers of Pain
The Natural Disasters
The Nasty Boys
Money Inc

Tag champs were always prominently placed on the PPVs, had some great managers (Fuji, Jimmy Hart, Brain, Paul Ellering, etc), unique personalities and great feuds. Who can argue that this one of the best eras?
I'm gonna go with in my eyes the best underrated Tag Team of all time..

Owen Hart & The British Bulldog


They only won the Tag Team titles once but they had better chemistry then any other Hart formation in history
WCW going into the 90's. Most of the tag teams were made up of what we consider today to be legends. That was a competitive tag division and featured a lot of great actual "wrestling"

The Enforcers- Arn Anderson and Larry Zbyszco
The Steiner Brothers
The Fabulous Freebirds
Honorable mentions:
Varsity Club-Mike Rotunda(I.R.S.) and Steve Williams
Doom- Ron Simmons and Butch Reed
Midnight Express

That list just blew me away
Early 90's WWF. It's not even close. Tag team wrestling was at its peak. The tag division was stacked with REAL tag teams with the top dogs being The Hart Foundation, Demolition (my personal favorite), and Legion of Doom.

An honorable mention goes out to WCW. Their tag division was stacked in the mid-90's. You had Harlem Heat, The Nasty Boys, The Outsiders, The Blue Bloods, High Voltage (hey, they weren't that bad), Faces of Fear, etc.
90's was a great decade for the tag team division.. I can't believe how the OP has missed out some top class teams, but it's your own opinion, so I respect that.. I would have to say the following..

Demolition, LOD, The Hart Foundation, Steiner Brothers, Outsiders and no one as even mentioned HARLEM HEAT!!
Man, the 90s were great for tag teams.. how I miss those days and wish tag teaming would come back

The Outsiders (My favorite tag team of all time)
Edge & Christian
DX (the original run of HBK & HHH in 97)
New Age Outlaws
Steiner Brothers
Harlem Heat
The Impact Players (yes, i was a big fan of Justin Credible at the time)
Vicious & Delicious (Buff & Scott Norton)(Not the greatest, but they made me laugh)
I only really knew about the later years of the 90s as I only really got into wrestling in the later years. So I thought its best to say something I know more about than just stuff that's on vintage collection lol
the 90s were the best time for tag team wrestling. heres my list
1. The hollywood blondes ( stunning steve and flyin bryan)
2. Harlem Heat/The ebony experience
3. Doom
4.The Steiner Brothers ( when scott was a high flyer)
5.Power And Glory
6.The Outsiders (NWO 4 LIFE!!!)
7.The Eliminators
8.The Hart Foundation( When they won the WWF Title the first time)
9.The Brain Busters ( Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson)
10......The Jumping Bomb Angels ( by far the best womens tag team ever!!!)

Special Mention...The Mega Powers..Got to give Macho man some shine
Early 90's WWF and WCW

1. Hart Foundation
2. Demolition
3. Rockers
4. Legion of Doom
5. Money Inc.
6. Nasty Boys
7. Steiner Brothers
8. Natural Disasters

Meanwhile, WCW had

1. The Steiner Brothers
2. Hollywood Blondes
3. Doom
4. Rock & Roll Express
5. Midnight Express
6. Miracle Violence Connection (Terry Gordy and Dr Death Steve Williams)
7. The Enforcers (Arn Anderson and Larry Zbysko)
8. Harlem Heat

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