Best "Super" Finisher In Your Opinion


Dark Match Winner
There have been many wrestlers who have performed their finishers in a "Super" or enhanced way. Of course there are the finishers on tables and such but what I am looking for is a thread where people can post their favorite "enhanced" finishers they have ever seen. This comes off the heels of the Air-Bourne into the RKO. I finally got cable back recently and I was excited to be able to watch a Raw episode. When I saw that RKO I was amazed and speechless. It reminded me of when Shelton Benjamin jumped into Shawn Michaels' Sweet Chin from the ropes. Those are the epic finishers I am looking for. Ones from ladders in the MIB matches, jumping tombstone, top rope FU. Anything you can remember and videos are more than welcome!!!
What was real memorable Super Finisher would probly have to to be the time when Eddie Guerrero did the frog splash of the top of the big show shoulders. That was one of the best storylines when they had eddie and the big show both friends and rivals.
Wrist Clutch Burning Hammer... you already know you're screwed... this is like the cherry on top.
The best "super finisher" would have to be the RKO off the turnbuckle. I've seen Randy do it a few times and of amazes me every time. I'm a fan of the regular RKO, but this one is too cool. It looks like it brings so much more power and impact when it's done. It's an awesome move.
Jeff Hardy's numerous Swanton Bomb's have to count. The man just seems to love jumping from large heights. They give the swanton an extra sense of awe in my opinon, sort of making it seem that hardy would try anything to win.




and these are the only some of the few
mick foley, barb wire elbow drop.

hbk, elbow off the ladder, thru the table w\ vince encased inside a trash can. fantastic.

jericho pulls off the walls of jericho on top of the ladder.... creative& looks painful.

and my favorite..... kurt angle moonsault off the top of the cage. taking one of the best looking moonsaults in wrestling off the cage, fucking amazing.
As much as I'm not a fan of Jeff Hardy, his extreme Swantons have been a thing of beauty. I mean, admittedly the move isn't all that difficult, but doing it after falling 25 feet is pretty wicked. THe other Jeff Hardy moment I remember is that awesome Whisper in the Wind he did on Umaga off the top of the steel cage without looking.

The Mysterio and Benjamin Sweet Chin Musics were awesome, and definitely close to the best.

My absolute favorite "super" finisher has got to be the "super" Canadian Destroyer off the top rope. I don't know that it's ever been done in a promotion like TNA, but there are several videos on youtube of the move being done in the indy circuit.
I would have the say the best super finisher would have to be the fameasser that billy gunn did to mankind(I believe) through a table. I was searching for the video on youtube but couldnt find it. It was amazing due to the height he got on the leap which was atleast 8 feet and the table just exploded.
I don't know if it is the "Best" of all time, but it is one of my favorites. That would be the Sweet Chin Music onto an opponent coming off of the ropes. It really has a "WOW!" factor and always gets a major response from the crowd. A Sweet Chin Music most always finishes an opponent off, but there are some that can kick out of it. Whereas an opponent coming from that angle is going to be finished if Sweet Chin Music connects.
if i had to choose one it would have to be the rko reversal on carlito back in vengeance 06 (I believe). Carlito did a double jump springboard (thats when u jump on the ropes for a springboard near the turnbuckle and then jump on top of the adjacent rope near the same turnbuckle ) Sorry if that sounds confusing......... anyways when he flew into the ring off the second jump, he did a 180 spin in mid air to face orton.It looked like carlito was going for a shoulder block or something but just like the Air Bourne RKO reversal, randy just slid underneath his neck and let the impact from the momentum create the damage
Best Super Finisher of all time has to be The Burning Hammer. The move is/was rarely used unless a guy couldn't be put away. Watch Kobashi vs. Misawa from 2003 and see why. A close second would be Marufuji's Pole Shift. Both moves are insane headdrops.
if i had to choose one it would have to be the rko reversal on carlito back in vengeance 06 (I believe). Carlito did a double jump springboard (thats when u jump on the ropes for a springboard near the turnbuckle and then jump on top of the adjacent rope near the same turnbuckle ) Sorry if that sounds confusing......... anyways when he flew into the ring off the second jump, he did a 180 spin in mid air to face orton.It looked like carlito was going for a shoulder block or something but just like the Air Bourne RKO reversal, randy just slid underneath his neck and let the impact from the momentum create the damage
Brock Lesnar F-5 ing people into the turnbuckle on the outside. Great finisher especially if they are on a stretcher. Wish he could do it in the UFC
despite barely being used ive gonna go with the rolling powerbomb from a ladder, a normal powerbomb is just viscous now imagen that from a great height with lots of momentum OUCH the impact it leaves even makes me wince

The thing is, and there were a couple others I believe, although a great move and thanks for the video, I am talking about a wrestler's definitive finisher but enhanced. For instance, Shawn Michaels has sweet chin music, but he does it from someone bouncing off the ropes. Jeff Hardy has a Swanton, but he does it from a 20 foot ladder. Undertaker has a tombstone but he jumps when he does it one last time to end Shawn Michaels' career. Know what I mean? Like If I were to say "The time when Jeff Hardy did whisper in the wind on Umaga from the top of the cage" this is a great impact move, but it isn't his finisher. Otherwise we could have a thread a thousand pages long of great impact moves. Lets try to stick to definitive finishers only. ;)
super rko's are great but i believe angle once did a super angle slam which was very impressive.
And although this is about finishers i feel that the super german suplex in the angle v benoit cage match should be metioned it was so impressive(and what has happened to german suplexs these days they seem to have disappeared
Despite starting off weak, This became the most powerful and painful chokeslam in all of history.

Undertaker Vs Mankind Hell In A Cell 1998

This is still my favorite match of all time and probably, besides my Grandfather, the main reason I got into wrestling. This match and the first Bloodmatch between Austin and Kane afterward was something out of a fairytale.

Back on subject, my two favorite super moves are the following.


JR explains my feelings on the subject :lmao:


Pick any friggen moment in this match that has Finisher in it and tell me it wasn't Amazing. Probably, the best tag match in WWE history as far as I'm conserned.
For me, the best super finisher, if you could call it that, is a tie between the HBK moonsault into the Tombstone at WM XV, and the HBK moonsault onto Undertaker through the table at WM XVI. Though not really super finishers, they were awesome moves, and are just 2 great moments from 2 of the best matches in WWE history.
Jeff Hardy's Swanton Bombs from the air did what it takes to get a decent pop. I believe finishers like these really pump up the crowd and they show much more interest to the match and in essence, the wrestler.

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