Best Smackdown theme?

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
There is already one of these for Raw so I thought I'd make one for Smackdown. Here's a youtube video showing all of the Smackdown intros from 1999 to 2009.


I'm sure watching that will bring back some memories!

Now then.... what I would like to know is which intro theme for Smackdown do you like the best and why?

My personal favorite is "Let it roll", which they are currently still using, because it is so heavy and so catchy! It is an awesome song.... one of those you just want to hear again and again. I may be in the minority here, but my 2nd favorite was "If you rock like me" and I felt it was very underrated. After that it's the older themes (Everybody on the ground, The beautiful people, I want it all), they are more or less in a tie since they were all good but none stood out to me the way the more recent themes have.... and "Rise Up" is last for me. It was ok, but they used it for WAY too long and it got old after a while.

Your thoughts?
I agree. Rise Up was good. But I'm partial to The Beautiful People. I thought that was rockin. Although I didn't see the correlation to any of the lyrics in it and wrestling, but it was a hard hitting song and worked over all.
For me My favorite was the original "Rise Up" which they only used once on July 4th,2002. The crappy thing is It is so rare you can not find the original version of the song ANYWHERE. So i really can't give you a listen. I also like "The Beautiful People" .
My favorite theme song from smackdown I will have to go with the 2002 theme, The Beautiful People by Marilyn Manson. This song was just awesome, Yeah I know the song was not even close to a wrestling type of song, But It's just awesome specially becuase it's a song from Marilyn Manson.
I liked "I Want It All" the most. At the time, SD! had (IMO) the best show in the WWE, and this them just made it better. It pretty much just screamed out, "Hey, Watch this show"

I also like the last version of "Rise Up", Its not the music I liked so much, I liked the video package. Just something about it made it pretty damn cool.

Finally, I also like "Let It Roll". Just as you said Dagger, it is pretty catchy. Plus, the band, Divide the Day, is pretty good too.

Dagger, you said you enjoyed "Rock Like Me", well While I respect your opinion. I for one hated it. It just screamed out "WELCOME TO THE PG ERA!!" Its lyrics were terrible,

"If I'm on the floor, don't ever count me out!
coz I will stand up strong, it's what I'm all about!
coz if you rock like me you always stand to ground
and you take the pain or else you're goin’ down!"

Now while I enjoy Jet Black Stare, this is probably one of the worst songs I've ever heard.
Yeah, I would have to go with "I Want It All" as my favorite Smackdown theme song. It was the theme song that was used when I first started watching wrestling, and I just fell it love with it. I don't know what it was, but I just loved it! When I first started watching wrestling, I could only watch Smackdown, because I didn't have cable or internet... Now I have internet! Yesss! Anyway... I loved watching Smackdown in 2003 and the theme song helped me like Smackdown even more.

From watching the video, I see that some themes were mostly music-based, some was more upbeat, some got you more hype than others. "I Want It All" was by far my favorite before and after it was used. I also like the current one and also the one used last year.
I'm going to have to go with The Beautiful People song that was used from 2001-2003. This song was a great way to start off Smackdown, and get you pumped for the show. I remember I would always make sure to catch the beginning of Smackdown, so I could hear this song without any interruption. I like the current theme for Smackdown. It's a good song, and the lyrics to it aren't too bad either. The Smackdown theme that was being used before the current one was horrible. "If You Rock Like Me" was a terrible song, and I'm glad WWE got rid of it.
I have about the same thinking stream that Dagger has on this one. I find the very first theme annoying. I also feel that "If You Rock Like Me" was never given enough credit. I much preferred it to the first theme or "The Beautiful People". I also think that "Let It Roll" is the perfect Smackdown theme because it captures the essence of the show. "If you don't like me, I don't give a fuck. I will just hit you in the mouth."

It is kinda weird how I agree with Dagger all the way on this.
I've got to choose I Want It All. I thought it was a great song to listen to and the video to go along with it was great. The mixture between those two things is the reason why I think its top.

Like others I think the first one sucked. It was annoying as hell to listen to and was just shit. The latest one is pretty good. It's a fun song to listen to and goes along with a great opening video. I never really cared for any of the other ones really. None of them were awful or very good they just didn't capture my attention or anything.
Just like with the similar thread for RAW, this is being moved to the Wrestling Spam Zone.
I don't care if I'm the only person, but I actually liked the original. I have no clue what the vocals are saying, but I just find it catchy as all hell.

Also, Rise Up was pretty sweet, and I have heard the current one a grand total of 5 times, since I don't watch Smackdown often, but it is pretty cool.

I like the Beautiful People as a song, but I just can't get into it as a theme song for Smackdown (or any WWE show).
My favorite was:
I want it all. the intro video was awsome, and It was just so damn good. Watching all the wrestlers work out, and sweat etc.

Second: If you rock like me. (It seemed like a TV Show Theme would be perfect for some TV Series Intro)
Third: Let it roll ( This really pumps me up, and i love it way better than RAW's)
4th: Rise up- Drowning Pool (since I am a drowning pool fan, It was great to hear their stuff every week on Friday Night Smackdown!)
I thought "If you rock like me" was the worst one of them all.

"Rise Up" which they used in 05 I think, it's on the theme addict CD from them, that was the best theme for SD.

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