Best Referee

Who is the best referee in pro wrestling today?

  • Mike Chioda

  • Jack Doan

  • Charles Robinson

  • John Cole

  • Justin King

  • Chad Patton

  • Andrew Thomas

  • Earl Hebner

  • Brian Hebner

  • Jackson James

  • Todd Sinclair

  • other (specify)

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Pre-Show Stalwart
So, a pretty straightforward question; who is the best referee working in pro-wrestling today? I've limited the choices to TNA and WWE, plus the senior referee from ROH, just because I would assume extremely limited familiarity among most fans beyond those products (although feel free to vote other and tell us why).

However, this question is maybe not as simple as it seems. While most of what referees do is invisible to fans, what makes a referee better than others? In what ways can a good referee elevate a performance? Are referees just extensions of the backstage producer barking in their ear, or can a referee have a personal style that can be described in a way that distinguishes them from other referees?

Also, since I assume most people are not familiar with the names of refs (especially in WWE, where they are never acknowledge by announcers), perhaps only their faces, I've posted photos below:

Jack Doan

Mike Chioda

John Cone

Justin King

Charles Robinson

Chad Patton

Andrew Thomas

Earl Hebner

Brian Hebner

Todd Sinclair

Sorry, couldn't find a good photo of Jackson James
This is as best a tough question. I voted for Earl. Not because of the length of his career, his being the most senior referee active today. Hebner requires one very certain characteristic that I define for all good referees and that pretty much all WWE officials don't tend to do, not their fault of course. He isn't afraid to intervene in a match. He can call a DQ when it is one without fear, he also lets count-outs slide when there is a bit of action outside the ring.

I like generally how he lets play continue at times but never lets things get too far. As a symbol of this, I remember one time ( and I can't remember the match I'm afraid ) where one heel wrestler was performing a submission move and blaitantly holding the rope for extra added leverage in referees view. Instead of calling DQ or giving him a count, he kicked his hands off the rope and the guy got rolled up for a pin. I loved that moment. He referees like a wrestling fan, not some guy there to stop all the fun.
Earl Hebner hands down. As Alex said, he's not afraid to call it as it is, or get involved himself. I remember the event mentioned above, where he kicked a Wrestlers hands off the ropes, allowing for the win. I also remember when he pushed over a Ladder which had Sting & Christian Cage on it, allowing JJ to win the title in a KOTM match. He's also the main man in the Montreal Screwjob. He was the man who called that submission, which he repeated in TNA last year. Overall, he's a really great Ref.

Second for me would be Charles Robinson. He calls a good match & watching him get beat up by The Great Khali once was great T.V, no matter what people say :)
Apart from Earl Hebner, almost all the referees are interchangable. They are there to do a job, not to get your attention. The best referees are confident enough to face up to the wrestler who is cheating and get in their face to put them back in their place. It takes a degree of acting ability to do this and make it look realistic. Plus, they have to be able to take the occasional bump or two, when the heel shoves them out of the way or does a move on them every now and again.

I remember thinking the ref v ref match between Nick Patrick and Earl Hebner was pretty well done at WWF Invasion 2001, but apart from that, the obvious Montreal screwjob incident and one referee getting absolutely owned by Shane McMahon I cannot say I pay much attention to who is calling the action.

Earl Hebner is the only real one who has had a useful storyline presence, and due to how long he has been in the business, and some of the matches he has called I will have to say him
Earl Hebner without a doubt. I like how the matches feel more realistic and that his officiating is flexible. Most officials are rigid and it can be rather annoying when they impede on the flow of the match.
For me it was a toss up between Earl hebner and Charles Robinson.

While I firmly believe that Earl is the best I have ever seen, I think the best right now is Robinson. Robinson still make me feel (sometimes) like matches aren't scripted. He has great timing and plays the referee role perfectly.
I voted Mike Chioda... He's Senior referee now a good while and has been on the roster through many Era's. He also rocked a Bad-ass mullet in the early 90's :)

How about former ECW ref John Finnegan? He usually got involved in some sweet moves. Like how about the times himself and Kid Kash would collaborate with an insane type of Poetry In Motion. Finnegan would get on his hands and knees and cash would use him to springboard onto the ropes and to the outside. I always loved that spot! I remember he would also get involved with the FBI in stupid comedy/dance skits also. OR the time he did the Tree of Woe spot at Heatwave 98, The 3 faces (Dreamer,Sandman and Spike) had the Dudleys (including Big Dick and Joel Gertner) upside-down in the turnbuckles. The faces had a team huddle which included the Ref, they broke and each delivered a dropkick to their hanging opponents. Awesome.. Man, he shoulda been World Champ!!
the job of a ref is to officiate a match without being noticed. That's the job of a wrestler. If people are paying attention to the ref something's very wrong.

Therefore the logical conclusion is that the ref who's noticed by as few people as possible is the best. Thuis the only conclusion that can possibly be made is that the best ref is the ROH ref, because a far smaller number of people watch ROH, and thus fewer people notice him.
I think Earl Hebner is and has been a terrible referee for a long time. His counting is awful, particularly when he is counting a close 2 - he seems to be unable to make it seem like he might be about to count 3... the exaggerated stutter he does is just ridiculous.

For my money, the best referee for a long time has been Mike Chioda. Good, strong presence and a believeable and consistent count.
Mike Chioda and charles robinson... i voted for mike but both of them are absolutly awesome..

I notice Mike more on raw and charles on smackdown..
Anyone remember that thing when like i think it was it was cm punk and undertaker were at breaking point in 2009 where aparently charles banned the hells gate and had this thing against undertaker after?? he was awesome during tht little fued thing..

mike is more of a main event ref and is very good at the sliding around the ring for pins and doing alomst 3 counts... best ive ever seen
the job of a ref is to officiate a match without being noticed. That's the job of a wrestler. If people are paying attention to the ref something's very wrong.

Therefore the logical conclusion is that the ref who's noticed by as few people as possible is the best. Thuis the only conclusion that can possibly be made is that the best ref is the ROH ref, because a far smaller number of people watch ROH, and thus fewer people notice him.

See, I disagree with you, and I'll bring up a few examples. Are you telling me no one notices the ref during a 2 9/10ths kick out? How about during an excruciatingly close count-out or standing ten-count during a last man standing match? Referees are more than neutral bodies; they're crucial for heightening the drama of a match.

This is why I voted for Chioda. For my money, nobody does a better job of milking a ten-count. Also, his submission checks (e.g. "Whadda ya say, Randy?") are classic. I think he's the right balance of present yet unobtrusive.

While I can definitely see the arguments for Hebner, I feel that TNA's booking, especially the absurd number of referee knock-downs and quick roll-up finishes have made all their referee's look worse than WWE's by comparison, given that the latter are generally booked to be as uninvolved in the outcome of the match as possible. Given that constraint/stylistic booking choice, I think Chioda has more style and better timing than anyone in the game today.

My honorable mention goes to Todd Sinclair, who perfectly pulls off the wimpy and ineffectual official gimmick really well. He conveys a sense of exasperation at never being paid attention to by any of the wrestlers that offers some nice subtle comedy on a regular basis.
Also, a related point: does anyone think the personae developing around MMA refs like Big John, Mazzagatti, and Herb Dean, (or, in the negative, refs like Cecil Peoples and the cracked-out-looking white chick) have influenced our perceptions of wrestling referees? To some extent, Herb Dean forms my ideal conception of a combat sports official, from his handling of fouls to giving fighters commands. Any thoughts on this point?
As far as I can recall I've grown up with Earl reffing main events. I loved it when the heel pushed him and he pushed back. However I had to vote for Charles Robinson. He was Lil Nach in WCW right? That stuff made me laugh more than it should have.

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