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Dark Match Winner

Shawn michaels returns after 4 years and the rest is history


Kevin nash returns after 9 months in 2003


Diesel returns royal rumble 2011


Booker t returns royal rumble 2011


Goldust returns royal rumble 2002, he had a decent run from here to to late 2003

Chris jericho returns 2007, was so happy to see y2j return


there just some of my favourites and there are numerous great ones so what are yours ?
For the moment that it was, this is one of my favorite returns. I remember reading on one of these sites that he was expected to be out for much longer than he was so even though I read the dirt sheets from time to time, even I was surprised to see him come back. A case where I believe WWE plants their own mis-leading "rumors" on these sites to attempt to swerve us.


And of course THIS return, after 7 years...7 long years.....FINALLY...

Will I be the first???



I think honestly, mine would be the return of Bret Hart to WWE TV after all those years of thinking it would never happen again...

This was a big one for me!

I was about 11 years old and was a huge Warrior fan. I had snuck downstairs to watch Mania (had to sneek, had school the next morning).

I remember cheering for Sid throughout the match as I hated Hogan. Then Warriors Music hit and I was jumping up and down like a Rabbit with epilepsy!

Just a shame for me that his return lasted, what 5 months if that :wtf:.
HHH's return before Mania X-8. "Its a beautiful day" by U2 is what made it so good.

Benoits return after breaking his neck. I was scared shitless that he was going to re break it after doing the flying headbutt for the first time in like a year.

Jerichos "Save us" return.

The rock coming back after 7 years.

Bret Hart coming back. Never thought it would happen. That guy is stubborn as hell. :p

Hogans last WWE run with the NWO.

And hopefully we see the ultimate warriors return one day... :)
i liked jericho's save us return where he interrupted orton's promo. but after that title match it was downhill until he turned heel

i'll tell you the worst re-debut
he comes back on ecw interrupting a random promo. the crowd was dead and the commentators were silent for about 30 seconds before saying "it's christian"
ECW was my favorite wrestling organization, so my personal favorite return was The Sandman returning in late 1999. I don't know if that arena was ever louder.

As for WWF or WWE, a lot of great ones have already been mentioned, and there are probably 10,000 Undertaker ones left to mention. I was really into Matt Hardy's return during the whole Edge/Lita/Kane/Snitsky stuff. As for a comedic return I'd go for Rikishi's return when The Rock shoved Vince's face up Rikishi's ass.

But the best WWE one for me would probably be Edge's return at Survivor Series 2008 when he stole Jeff Hardy's spot and won the belt from HHH. Edge was gone since the HIAC match from Summerslam and came back with a crazy hobo beard and ended that horrible HHH/Kozlov match with an amazing moment.
I would have to say The Rock coming back as the hollywood heel in 2003, i loved the rock concerts lol!

Also, i would have to say when Zack Ryder returned to television last week lol
Where the hell do I start! There were so many, but let me list the ones that are coming to mind...

Ric Flair when he returned in 2002. You just had to be there that night. It was truly incredible and the ovation he got that night that something very special and something that no one talks about ever for some reason..great night!

Undertaker from Judgement Day 2000 was awesome! After watching a great Iron man match, Undertaker returns within the last few minutes and makes a huge impact with his new American Bad Ass gimmick. Everytime I watch it I get chills...Let all the evil..now come back from the dead..Are you scared?..he's here! Classic stuff!

Hogan from 2002 of course! How could you not mention that? You had to be there. As a wrestling fan it was just surreal to see him back in WWE and then feuding with The Rock? It was like Hogan and Andre again, it really was. A great time for wrestling fans and all the kids that grew up with the Hulkster...it also brought Hogan full circle and there really wasn't anything left for him to do after that..probably the biggest comeback ever...

And last but not least has to be Bret Hart. I never thought I would see Bret ever come back in a million years. Bret was always my favorite wrestler growing up and to have the chance to see him come back, get closure with Shawn Michaels and basically finished his feud with Vince was a fans dream come true. Most of you guys saw it so I don't even need to go into detail..you know, great moment for Wrestling and the fans!

Can't think of anything else besides everytime Stone Cold came back! Always awesome to this day!!!
Theres a Monday night Raw when Kane returns
Lights go dark - then a spotlight with Paul Bearer coming out, crowd goes wild, Kane's music hits, crowd gets louder.
The only complaint, Stephanie McMahon was doing commentary, as JR/King were quiet you here Stephanie say "Tori, Tori, lets get outta here" - STFU
I remember having my own personal MTFO moment when the Undertaker returned in 2000 as The American Bad Ass, having not been seen for months.

What made this an awesome return was the fact that 'Taker came back as a completely fresh character compared to the satanic Ministry character he had been playing before he got injured. We had seen the promo videos claiming "he's here" but they really didnt give too much clue as to who was coming back, and when Undertaker appeared on his bike he looked entirely different with red hair and dressed in denim and leather on the motorbike.

Obviously, the crowd went crazy when they realised it was The Undertaker, and he interfered in the iron man match between Triple H and The Rock, beating the crap out of anyone. Really cool return


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