Best Promo Of 2010


Dark Match Winner
Was there one promo last year, where one wrestler just blew your socks off; where he garnered so much heat, that you felt like he had moved up an echelon as a performer/entertainer; where you felt like he had the potential to truly be a player in the upper-mid card/main event scene. What promo would this have been?

Personally, anything the Miz said last year just clicked. His promo's became quality each and every week. He drew heat instantly. His heelish tactics made his promo's that more compelling. And, this is the same guy who couldn't remember his lines in the Diva Search contest of 2006.

Your thoughts?
The best promo has to be Miz's promo where he talks about how he used to be treated by guys like JBL. Despite the fact he was telling a story of triumph and overcoming the odds, he still managed to make us hate him. Furthermore he was drawing on a real life experience to make a really compelling promo. That one is probably my pick for promo of the year.

The said, Cena's farewell speech was also very powerful. He managed to make us think that he might be leaving for a while, he cried, he laughed, he got excited, the entire range of human emotion was present in that speech. It didn't make quite the impact that Miz's promo did, but it was certainly amazing.
I agree. The Miz has come a long way from The Real World, that's for sure. The one performer that really stood out to me though...and I never thought that I would say this because for the longest time I thought she didn't belong on Vickie Guerrero. People LOVE to hate her. As much as The Miz has improved, Vickie Guerrero has more heat than Miz by leaps and bounds. Simply by her grabbing the microphone, without actually saying anything, she garners one of the loudest reactions of the show. Probably the one promo she did, and I think this may have been in 2011, but regardless it was still awesome, was the promo where King and John Cena ripped Vickie apart with one-liners. That segment wouldn't have been nearly as funny as it was had it not been for Vickie's priceless reactions. There's also the personal aspect. In a very short time, Vickie went from stay at home mom, to top-notch heel. Sure at first people might have hated her because of how bad a performer she was but now, every time she's on TV, I laugh my ass off. If you ask me, she's honestly that good. In recent memory, I can only recall two heels that were so good that I actually laughed at them...CM Punk...and Eddie Guerrero. Vickie was lucky enough to learn from the best, and I'd say that she's doing a great job of keeping the Guerrero family name alive in WWE.

There is no doubt in my mind that this promo above - the Miz's promo against MVP - is the best promo of 2010. But it's not just because the Miz is great mic-worker that this promo is so good; but it's because of the way it was cut that makes it so magnificent. Miz starts off by giving an anecdote of a past unfortunate experience that he had to deal with it. He explains how no one believed in him; no one liked him; everyone hated him; and how poorly they treated him. Furthermore, he alludes to a time when JBL ridiculed him by being sarcastic telling Miz that he was: "A Gift from the Gods." - when really, Miz wasn't even remotely close.

Yet, even after Miz reflects on his past, Miz continues his promo by insulting MVP every step of the way as he makes his way to the ring. And to cap things off, he ends the promo on a high note with his famous quote: "I'm the Miz...and I'm....AWWEESSSSOOMMMEEEE!!!"

And in every word he said; every step he took to the ring - not once did he studder or fuck up any line. From start to finish, the promo was pure gold. With the numerous rhetorical devices he used for his speech, Miz expressed his past experiences - insulted MVP - and still managed to get the crowd booing him. Captivating the audience - that's essential in any promo... and Miz excelled on that greatly.
I'd say that the best promo of 2010 was Santino's Tea Party by far. But Miz was also a helthy competitor overreal and had by far the most impressive promos by a single competitor. Him and Edge anyway. I also liked the Farewells of HBK and Cena :D

This might be my favorite promo of the PG era. I loved Piper's passion, his talking of the title like it was all that mattered.

...and yes, even in the face of the IWC-Cena hated, the 'passing of the torch' of sorts to Johnny Cena, from Piper. Sure, the angle didn't go as well as it could've, especially with Cena's "firing", but still gotta love Piper at his best, Cena showing his respect for the legend and even Wade Barrett getting the chance to show and polish his mic skills.
Agreed on the Piper promo. The fire and the paassion he showed is really what the WWE needs to bring back to get people buying their PPVs.

These days it seems as though matches are just thrown together with a gimmick and there's your PPV. It's not about issues, it's not about titles, they really need to get their eye back on what is right.

That being said, The Miz's promo that a lot of people were touching on was self-pronotion at its absolute best. That raised The Miz from a "could make it" mid-level champion to a "stepping stone to the big belt" mid-level champion.

I was a fan of Cena's """"""""""farewell"""""""" speech but the fact that he didn't even last half a show before being all over my TV screen soured it for me.

If I had to rank, I'd go -

1) Piper on Old School Raw
2) Miz on MVP and breaking out in WWE
3) Michaels the night after Wrestlemania

Worst Promo -

Bret Hart during Wrestlemania before his match with McMahon - "we planned ahead of time!"

This might be my favorite promo of the PG era. I loved Piper's passion, his talking of the title like it was all that mattered.

...and yes, even in the face of the IWC-Cena hated, the 'passing of the torch' of sorts to Johnny Cena, from Piper. Sure, the angle didn't go as well as it could've, especially with Cena's "firing", but still gotta love Piper at his best, Cena showing his respect for the legend and even Wade Barrett getting the chance to show and polish his mic skills.

I hadn't seen that promo before having missed it at the time and just kind of forgotten about it but that must be it by far. Piper makes the title sound more important than I think anyone in the WWE has for quite a while.
For me, although I am a little partial because I've met the guy before, and always been a friend of his, but, my favorite promo of 2010, was the HBK farewell.

None of this promo was scripted, everything he said was off the top of his head, and with the tears running down his face, it just sold it perfectly. Honestly, I was kinda hoping for a Ric Flair type send off, but, HBK didnt want it.

My favorite lines of 2010 were definately, Rebecca, Cheyenne, and Cameron, Babies, daddy is coming home, and let's not forget, the Heartbreak Kid, kas left the building.

Thank You Shawn, you were the best.
I would say HBK's farewell speech, Jericho calling Cena a puppet when they were going to battle Nexus, and Barretts wind of change speech was pretty good and set the tone for his career
The HBK send-off was easily it for me. He had so much emotion. But the part that truly made it the best, was a part without words...Undertaker. When he came out at the beginning of the promo and tipped his hat, the true respect HBK has earned was shown. That signifies the legend that HBK is. That moment may have been the best of 2010, and to me, the best I've seen since I've watched pro wrestling (2007).
CM Punk's "Happy Birthday" promo to Rey Mysterio's daughter. He got heat the entire time with everything he said. He showed exactly why he's the best villian in the business.

Also, his in-match promos at Royal Rumble were awesome. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it, and everytime he cleared the ring, he'd take some time to share his thoughts.
The Miz/MVP without a doubt, and I imagine if I could watch more Miz promos from 2010 to refresh my memory, the majority of my top ten for the year would include him. This guy has consistently cut the best promos out of anyone in years, week after week earning him a top spot in the company. He is the one act I look forward to every week..

Piper/Cena/Barret- Excellent promo- Tough for Cena to cut good promos every week simply because we are used to his style, although they are still good. I think Barrett needs a little more credit, coming up as an NXT rookie, and making something out of the Nexus, he cut good promos to get us to hate the Nexus.. I really hope this guy doesnt sink over on Smackdown with the corre..

I hope some people post more promos on here... I am sure there are alot that are forgotten
My personal favorite was Cena's "Farewell" speech (And I'm not a Cena fan.)

It was raw and real, he was tearing up and talked about his family, it seemed so passionate that I really thought at the time that maybe Cena was taking some time off and would be gone for awhile...

That was my favorite promo of the year.
Wait wait wait wait wait WAIT!

Best promo of 2010, and there have been multiple Miz posts but only one CM Punk one? And not the one that pretty much solidified himself as the best the WWE has on the mike at Raw's birthday edition? What's wrong with the world?!

He was allowed to just go for ten minutes, a challenge for many to keep the audience interested, and he could easily have gone on for ten more minutes? But no, no-one talks about the Miz enough, except himself of course. Sheesh
John Cena's goodbye promo was epic: best of the year hands down. The array of emotions he made me feel in one speech was amazing. He addressed those who disliked him, and for the first time I saw Cena haters in a different light. Sure he came back the week after, but for a while I actually believed he was going to take temporary leave. Fantastic promo.
The Miz/MVP one without a shadow of a doubt. It was absolutely brilliant, and apparently all of it was true, which makes it even better. Everything about that promo just clicked, and it was simply awesome.

A close second has to go to Punk during his feud with Mysterio. His happy birthday promo was awesome, and he was gaining soooo much heat. There was no hesitation from Punk whatsoever, he just went with it.

Those are my 2 favorites.

This from Cody Rhodes was also brilliant, and i think worthy of a mention.


Don't get how that wasn't mentioned. That was, IMO, easily Barrett's best mic work to date, and the best heel promo of the year. He drew amazing heat and was a genuine a-hole. You could almost feel Cena seething with anger and Barrett's facial expressions and his taunts were awesome.
The Cody Rhodes NXT one is a personal favorite. Cena's farewell and Barrett's prickery are definite contenders, but yeah, Miz's probably takes the cake.

Another good one was Santino's "tea party" with Koslov and Sheamus. Ginger jokes, a chant for Vlad, and probably the best part: "Sheamus hates you because you beat him. It was the biggest upset in double-double-E history. EVAH."
I'll agree, The Miz was incredible on the mic in 2010, in fact when I watch RAW its usually just to see him.

HBK's farewell speech was one of the greatest speeches I've ever seen in wrestling, but I don't really count it as a promo because it wasn't leading up to a match or furthering an angle, it was his time to say goodbye and speak from the heart.

But there is one promo that absolutely blew me away last year. When Kane and Undertaker were building up to their Hell in a Cell match, Kane cut what I think is the best promo of the year in WWE and the best promo of Glenn Jacobs entire career. I'm not sure what smackdown it was on, but it was a fairly long promo, it was dark and gave insight to the character of Kane, it was well spoken and believable, he went out into the crowd and scared a child at one point, and Kane's flow went right along with the brooding music that was playing. If you can find it, its definitely worth checking out!
I'll agree, The Miz was incredible on the mic in 2010, in fact when I watch RAW its usually just to see him.

HBK's farewell speech was one of the greatest speeches I've ever seen in wrestling, but I don't really count it as a promo because it wasn't leading up to a match or furthering an angle, it was his time to say goodbye and speak from the heart.

But there is one promo that absolutely blew me away last year. When Kane and Undertaker were building up to their Hell in a Cell match, Kane cut what I think is the best promo of the year in WWE and the best promo of Glenn Jacobs entire career. I'm not sure what smackdown it was on, but it was a fairly long promo, it was dark and gave insight to the character of Kane, it was well spoken and believable, he went out into the crowd and scared a child at one point, and Kane's flow went right along with the brooding music that was playing. If you can find it, its definitely worth checking out!

I do recall that! Thats a very good point! Kane is good on the mic but inconsistent with what he is given to work with... He definatley IMO shows through his intelligence in his promos, He does have a degree in english or something like that I believe
If put HBK's farewell aside , I can say the following 5 are my favorite ones :

5)Batista on Why he should have been In Cena's position :

What a shame that Dave's best mic works were his very last ones.

4)Santino ,Kozlov and Sheamus tea party.

Well that was the funniest ,and funny promos have a huge share of good promos.

3)Cena's fake farewell :

I loved the Let's go Cena/Cena Sucks chant he demanded and received.Definitely a Raw highlight.


Hot Rod taught all of us a lesson,That even nowadays people win championships way easier than before , but It doesn't mean that this championship or legends like him have lost their values.

1)The Miz/MVP

The miz proved he is no joke.There are very few people who can go on talking nonstop in WWE like him ,maybe just Cena and Punk,but he did tell a brilliant story in a brilliant way.MvP's response was also one of his best,and I think Miz deserves to be known the 2010 top promo man.

THE MOST UNDERRATED PROMO OF THE YEAR: Eli Cottonwood's promo about Mustache.Man,that was unintentionally hilarious.
Lots of good choices to go with......

The Piper/Cena/Barrett promo was compelling for the reasons listed above. At that show, I dont think you knew what to expect from Piper.....but he did a great job putting over how important the title was and also putting Cena over as a guy who typically does the right thing, but he better not just hand the belt over to Barrett......great stuff.

Kane had the best mic work of his career during his feud with Taker, but I feel a lot of it was post-production aided. They did a tremendous job with the eerie music to add to the ambiance.

I can listen to the Miz talk about overcoming the odds any day of the week.....doesn't get old to me.

I'm a fan of CM Punk's work, but the only thing with him is I feel he didn't really have that one promo that stood out.....the Rey Mysterio birthday celebration seems like it was 3 years ago, even though it was just in February. Maybe when he was first revealed as the leader of the Nexus, but was that in 2010.....I don't remember.

If I were to go with one retirement speech, HBK over Cena by a landslide, only because Shawn's was REAL. He REALLY left. Cena never did. They botched the whole Cena-firing angle with him being on the show more than he was as an 'active wrestler'.

Good year overall on the mic, but my winner is Piper

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