Best of the 90's - Wrestlers

Best Wrestler of the 90's?

  • Hulk Hogan

  • Bret Hart

  • Shawn Michaels

  • The Rock

  • Steve Austin

  • Big Van Vader

  • Mick Foley

  • Sting

  • Ric Flair

  • Other

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Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am thrilled to announce the triumphant return of my weekly thread segment, "Best of the 90's" with the obvious debate we all can discuss until we are blue in the face - who was the MVP Wrestler of the 90's?

Please bear in mind, when voting, only look at what each wrestler accomplished from 1990 - 1999. What they did in December of '89 or January of '00 is immaterial. The nominees, in no particular order, are:

1. Hulk Hogan. Defeated Sgt. Slaughter for the WWE Title in one of the most emotionally charged matches in wrestling history. Returned to defeat Yokozuna for the title at Wrestlemania 9. Went to WCW and won World Title from Flair, turned heel to form the nWo and turn around the industry from WWF to WCW for 3 years. Helped put over The Undertaker and Bill Goldberg in this decade.

2. Bret Hart. Won Intercontinental Title from Mr. Perfect. Won the first ever ladder match against Shawn Michaels, and then the first King of the Ring. Went on to make Ric Flair submit for WWF Championship - his first of 5 in the 90's, including one over Yokozuna at Wrestlemania 10. Closed out the decade as the WCW Champion. Known for feuds and matches with Owen Hart, Shawn Michaels, Diesel, The Undertaker, etc.

3. Shawn Michaels. Initiated one of the most memorable tag team splits of all time when he superkicked Marty Jannetty. Won Intercontinental Title from British Bulldog. Launched the ladder match into mainstream with Razor Ramon at Wrestlemania 10. Won the 1995 Royal Rumble as the #1 entry - the first person ever to do it. Won the WWF Title from Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 12, his first of three WWF Title reigns in the 90's and 1st of two title wins against Hart. Formed Degeneration X with HHH in '97, central figure of the Montreal Screwjob.

4. The Rock. Debuted at Survivor Series 1996 as the sole survivor of his team. Won Intercontinental Title from The Sultan only 3 months in, turned heel and became a member of the Nation of Domination. Made the third party promo untouchable. Won the WWF Title in the finals of a Survivor Series Tournament, double-turned with Mankind and joined "The Corporation," and feuded with Steve Austin and The Undertaker until turning face again. Helped re-popularize pro wrestling with mainstream fans, promos remain legendary to this day.

5. Stone Cold Steve Austin. Debuted in 1991 and soon won the TV Title over Bobby Eaton. Joined "The Dangerous Alliance" and in 1993 teamed with Brian Pillman to form "The Hollywood Blondes." After an impressive run with the titles and feud with Arn Anderson and Paul Roma, Pillman was injured and Austin went back to singles, joining Col. Rob Parker. Won US Title, left for ECW. Won the King of the Ring in WWF and coined "Austin 3:16." Won WWF Title 4 times in late 90's.

6. Big Van Vader. In a 1990 match with Stan Hansen, Vader takes a stiff punch that knocks his eye out of its socket. With the eye held in by swelling, Vader removes his mask and puts the eye back into place, then finishes the match. 3-time WCW Champ by 1993, with wins over Sting and Ron Simmons. Feuds with Sting and Flair for the early part of the 90's. Won IGPW Tag Titles with Bam Bam Bigelow in Japan, returned to WCW to be managed by Harley Race. Defeated Cactus Jack in Texas Death Match at Halloween Havoc. Feuded with Hogan, went to WWF for several feuds with Shawm Michaels, Davey Boy Smith, Yokozuna.

7. Mick Foley. Debuted in WCW and had an instant feud with Sting for the WCW title. Feuded with Vader and took several hard blows to the face, as well as a number of injuries, one of which cut him so bad it was edited off TV. Also took powerbomb on concrete floor to create amnesia angle. Narrowly lost Texas Death Match to Vader. Decided to leave WCW after taking another concrete powerbomb which was announced poorly by Bobby Heenan. Went to ECW and cut classic anti-hardcore promos. Took 46 Singapore Cane strikes in a minute at the hands of Sandman and Terry Funk. Defeated Terry Funk for IWA "King of the Death Match" title. Feuded in WWF with Undertaker and won 3 WWF Titles in 1999.

8. Sting. WCW Mainstay for the 90's. 6 WCW Title wins in the 1990's. including 2 from '92-'93 and 2 in 1999. Feuded with the Four Horsemen and Dangerous Alliance in early 1990's, also had classic feuds with Vader over the WCW Title and King of Cable tournament. Also held the NWA / WCW International Title for parts of the mid-90's. Later in the 90's Sting feuded with the nWo and was insulted when Lex Luger figured him a member. So began the longest feud build up in wrestling history, and one of the greatest feuds, with Hollywood Hogan. Charter member of nWo Wolfpac.

9. Ric Flair. Began 1990 feuding with Sting after kicking him out of the Four Horsemen, and unified the NWA and WCW Titles against Tatsumi Fujinami. Fired from WCW and went to WWF with the "big gold belt" to feud with Roddy Piper and Hulk Hogan and team with The Undertaker. Won the WWF Title at the 1992 Royal Rumble despite entering 3rd. Feuded with Randy Savage to lead up to Wrestlemania 8. Eventually dropped WWF Title to Bret Hart and returned to WCW to win a disputed 10th NWA / WCW World Title over Barry Windham. Had a classic match with Vader which helped draw in Hulk Hogan. Unified the WCW World and International Heavyweight titles by defeating Sting. Forced to retire after a loss to Hogan in a cage, returned to feud with Savage and win MORE titles. Participated in nWo angles, ended the 90's quietly.

10. Other. Please explain who besides these 9 deserve a spot on the poll. Honorable mentions include- Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Lex Luger, Randy Savage, Yokozuna, The Sandman. Remember to back up your answers!

Holy wow is this a tough one. The biased side of me wants to vote for Hart, I've seen everything the guy did and he is by far my personal favorite. However, it is too hard not to vote for Hulk Hogan.

Hogan, for lack of a better term, was the man in the begining of the 90's. He owned the WWF title and everyone loved it. Any heel that fueded with him instantly became the most hated man in wrestling. He was the focal point of Wrestlemanias VI,VII, and VII, even if his match wasn't for the WWF Title. After Hogan "passed the torch" to The Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania VI, it seemed Hogan would be out of the Main Event picture, but a Main Event wasn't a Main Event without him. SummerSlam and Survivor Series both feature Hogan, with a double Main Event at SummerSlam and Hogan and Warrior teaming up and be the "Ultimate Survivors" at Survivor Series. With Mania approaching, the WWF needed Hogan in the Main Event, so Warrior dropped the belt to Sgt. Slaughter setting up the emotional Main Event IC25 eluded to. The tensions were so high that Vince McMahon moved the event to an indoor venue after Sgt Slaughter burned a Hogan T-Shirt on TV fearing he may be shot by a sniper. After putting over the Undertaker and having nothing to do with the WWF title, Hogan was still in the Main Event at Mainia VIII against Sid Justice. After one more short title reign, and establishing Yokozuna as a monster, Hogan left the WWF. All of this happened well before The Rock debuted and before Steve Austin had any major impact on the business. I could stop right here and still would feel I have to vote for Hogan.

However, what solidifies my argument is that Hogan, after the biggest face run ever, started one of the biggest heel runs ever as the leader of the NWO. No one else in the ninties can say they were the biggest face and then heel in wrestling. The only one who comes close is Bret Hart with his second run as champ, and then his anti-American charecter.
I would have to go with Shawn Michaels in this one. Sure the things mentioned already about him are amazing but there were many things left out as well. How about the fact that he was the first ever grand slam champion, how about him being part of the first Hell in a Cell match, how about his back to back royal rumble victories. How about him main eventing or having the most memorable match in 4 of 5 wrestlemania's (Wrestlemania 10, 11, 12, 14), how about him being one of the only stars left in the WWE once Hall, Nash, Xpac, Hogan, Savage, and Piper, and still doing everything he can to hold the company together as champion. He is and was the only guy I can ever remember to make even the crappiest wrestler look like a ring general during a match.

Im not saying the other guys were not great wrestlers and phenomenal contributers during the 1990's. I just think Shawn Michaels is and was 1 step ahead of everyone else.
I would have to go with Shawn Michaels in this one. Sure the things mentioned already about him are amazing but there were many things left out as well. How about the fact that he was the first ever grand slam champion, how about him being part of the first Hell in a Cell match, how about his back to back royal rumble victories. How about him main eventing or having the most memorable match in 4 of 5 wrestlemania's (Wrestlemania 10, 11, 12, 14), how about him being one of the only stars left in the WWE once Hall, Nash, Xpac, Hogan, Savage, and Piper, and still doing everything he can to hold the company together as champion. He is and was the only guy I can ever remember to make even the crappiest wrestler look like a ring general during a match.

Im not saying the other guys were not great wrestlers and phenomenal contributers during the 1990's. I just think Shawn Michaels is and was 1 step ahead of everyone else.

I simply can't agree with you on this. The way I have always felt about Shawn Michaels is that, he is a great entertainer, but he was greatly benefited by wrestling at a time where there were simply far less options. Aside from Bret Hart, the WWF really had no choice but to have Hart make Michaels into a superstar, thats right I said Hart made Michaels. Can you honestly tell me that if Hogan, Savage, Rude, and Flair all stayed with WWF you think Michaels would have competed with them? As soon as Stone Cold took off he leapfroged Michaels for the top spot. Then came The Rock and even Mick Foley were put above him. As soon as WWF had better options, they went to them.

I'm not a calling Michaels terrible, I just think he got a little more than he deserved.
I gotta go with Hogan on this one too. Not only for his multiple title reigns in both WWF/E and WCW, or his classic matches vs. Sgt. Slaughter, The Undertaker, Flair, Vader, The Giant and Yokozuna. Not only did huge WWF stars follow him to WCW but I think a huge part of it is that the greatest performer/face in wrestling history took one for the team in WCW and turned heel and created, quite possibly the most notable stable in wrestling history, the nWo. Everyone was looking at the same old Hulkamania gig from the WWF and found it old and boting. Hogan generated so much heat for this turn. The stable that he Hall, and Nash ran put so many wrestlers over in that time in WCW. Hands down Hulk Hogan.
I'd have to go with The Heartbreak Kid.. Shawn in the 90's Shawn went from a tag team performer to arguabley one of the...if not the best in ring performer of all time. His laddermatch with Razor took wrestling to the next level. He brought the high flying catch as catch can style to the mainevent scene.. He participated in a record number of match of the years.. was a main player in getting the WWF to go from a kid friendly show to the adult oriented attitude era.. HBK during his DX days took what you could get away with doing on TV to the very edge.. and no one has been there since.. In a time when wrestling was in a downward trend he was the glue that held everything together..before finally putting over Steve Austin with a broken back..
gots to be Steve Austin. While others may have had a hotter nineties overall, Stone Cold ushered in the most popular era EVER in wrestling, so I think that makes him by default the MVP of the ninties. Its impossible to beat really. Changed the culture, and face of wrestling as we knew it. Austin 3;16 says I just whipped your ass.
The examples given make me wonder if you're asking who had a better career in the 90s as opposed to who was the best wrestler of the 90s.

My pick has got to be Bret. Firstly he could actually WRESTLE. Secondly he could do it more convincingly and safer than most other guys. Third he is the greatest story teller I've EVER seen. Also, he's wrestled with almost every single guy on the top. Compare his matches against Yoko, Deisle etc against anyone else's matches against these people. 1997 will always be remembered by wrestling fans for the screwjob. Lets not forget his matchs and promos in the months leading up to this though. Theres a real art that you have to apreciate in a man wrestling as a heel in the US and a face everywhere else. Think about how many factors you have to remember when you're making a match that makes you absolutely hated by one section of the audience without making you look heelish to everyone else. Dave Metlzer even commended him on his promos during this angle (saying something like his promos were the best or the only ones worth a damn... I can't remember atm).

He brought the high flying catch as catch can style to the mainevent scene.

High flying catch wrestling? :headscratch:
Catch as catch can wrestling has nothing to do with highflying moves. Quite the opposite in fact. I'd give credit to a guy like Dean Malenko for bringing catch wrestling back into the mainstream during the 90s.

He is and was the only guy I can ever remember to make even the crappiest wrestler look like a ring general during a match.

Bret Hart made every guy he ever stepped in the ring look better than anyone else had ever made them look. He did it with guys that were way worse than what Shawn had to work with. Most of the guys Shawn worked with were his friends and his choices. Bret's entire career has been him being put in the ring with lemons and making lemonaid.
I voted for Bret Hart, after a very difficult choice. Michaels was my first choice, but I never could get into his time in the Rockers, and he was inactive for the last almost two years of the decade. Hogan may have been a huge draw, but with the politics he played, including ruining the end of starcade with sting, i just couldn't do it. I went with bret due to the fact that given some of the awful feuds he was put in given his star power, he and the other wrestler nearly always put on a good match. Think about some of the terrible feuds he got in the 1990s: Jean pierre lafeete, hakushi, Bob backlund, (not saying any of them are bad wrestlers, as they're all great, but the feuds just didn't seem to make much sense to me) and of course just about everyone he worked with in wcw, where he was so wasted. Then he had the whole montreal incident, which just was unfair.

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