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Best mic work of 2010?

Wrestler who did the best mic work in 2010

  • Wade Barrett

  • Kane

  • The Miz

  • Sheamus

  • Batista

  • CM Punk

  • John Cena

  • Chris Jericho

Results are only viewable after voting.


Pre-Show Stalwart
Out of all the wrestlers, who do think did the best on the mic in 2010 in terms of promos, line delivery, and really making their character come to life?

My pick is actually Kane. The way he delivered his lines during the Undertaker attacker search and the Undertaker feud was amazing. His character really came to life and made me love the character. Some of the best lines of the year:

"As you gasp for air, Rey, you'll know that your fate is sealed."

"It was your pride that allowed me to leave you...in a vegetative state."

I also love it when he called The Undertaker a mangled wretch.

Second would definitely be Wade Barrett. And third would be CM Punk as the Straight Edge Savior.
This award deffinately goes to CM Punk without a doubt. He has cut the best promos of 2010 by far. The guy interupted Rey Mysterio's daughter's Birthday song and sung it to her. All the work with the SES in the begining of 2010 was brilliant. I enjoyed every promo of CM Punk's this year. His announcing was also pretty good. CM Punk had some very entertaining mic work this year, and it is a slap in the face to Punk, for anyone to say that someone else was better on the mic than Punk in 2010. Did Kane, shave fans heads? That was great. Of course the guy saying Kane had the best mic work of 2010, is the same guy who says Ziggler/Kingston was the best feud of 2010. I think Punk will also cut the best promos in 2011, as he has already had some very good ones this past month.
CM Punk easily wins for me. I can see him taking my vote in 2011 as well. He is so convincing with whatever point he is trying to get across. He simply owned everyone he speaks to, or about. His work in The SES was flawless.

I think the fact he is my pick, can be summed up pretty easily with a simple fact. He was an announcer on RAW. His mic skills must be looked at as great by more people than just me. He was great when he would be left alone with Cole, or when he was with Cole and Lawler.

I think his best work is still ahead of him too. The more his rants and focus are on guys like John Cena and Randy Orton, it can only escalate the intensity and relevance of his promos and what not.
Out of all the wrestlers, who do think did the best on the mic in 2010 in terms of promos, line delivery, and really making their character come to life?

My pick is actually Kane. The way he delivered his lines during the Undertaker attacker search and the Undertaker feud was amazing. His character really came to life and made me love the character. Some of the best lines of the year:

"As you gasp for air, Rey, you'll know that your fate is sealed."

"It was your pride that allowed me to leave you...in a vegetative state."

I also love it when he called The Undertaker a mangled wretch.

Second would definitely be Wade Barrett. And third would be CM Punk as the Straight Edge Savior.

Kane really? LOL, he's terrible at acting.

CM Punk was my favourate of 2010. Chris Jericho was also great, but he was great in 2008 and 2009, but CM Punk just out did him in 2010. CM Punk had a mix of intelligence and the truth. He's not afraid to speak his mind and he really knows how to insult a person. Miz overacts and he's not inetelligent the least bit. Though, I'll give The Miz one thing, he certainly shows no signs of mistaking while he's talking. John Cena isn't great on the mic, but he sure as hell is CHARISMATIC. Wade Barrett impressed me a bit, but afterwards everytime I heard him, he basically blabbed out the same thing over and over and over again. Batista improved a lot but he's not great, Sheamus is at the same level as Batista.
John Cena isn't great on the mic, but he sure as hell is CHARISMATIC.

Not good on the mic? What the fuck do you think makes someone good on the mic? He's funny, exciting, he is extremely emotional, he's easily the best mic worker in the WWE since The Rock.

If you didn't vote for John Cena you're either guilty of letting your (s)markdom blind your vision, or being an idiot. In 2010 John Cena proved to us why he is on top of the WWE with nearly flawless mic work. His war against Nexus provided great, angry mic work, and then when he was in Nexus we got to see his vindictive and frustrated side. When he finally broke out we got to see him give a farewell speech that was arguably better than Shawn Michaels', and he's been dead on with his comedy since he's come back.

Why do people think CM Punk is so great on the mic? His most memorable line is about diet pepsi. Yeah, it was funny, but it does not make him a genius. He kills the momentum of guys who are extremely talented on the mic like Cena and Miz, and he's really not exciting at all, I'm never hanging on his every word or anything like that.

John Cena is really the only reasonable answer.
I believe that CM Punk would have to take the cake. His facial expressions, line delivery and timing were so convincing during the SES angle that he would even start to weird me out at times, especially with the whole "I can save you" rhetoric. It was down right discomforting at times (and still is, for that matter). Especially that complacent "I know something you don't" smile! I actually couldn't stand him for a while, but then I realized that it was due to his talent and excellent mic work.
Not good on the mic? What the fuck do you think makes someone good on the mic? He's funny, exciting, he is extremely emotional, he's easily the best mic worker in the WWE since The Rock.

If you didn't vote for John Cena you're either guilty of letting your (s)markdom blind your vision, or being an idiot. In 2010 John Cena proved to us why he is on top of the WWE with nearly flawless mic work. His war against Nexus provided great, angry mic work, and then when he was in Nexus we got to see his vindictive and frustrated side. When he finally broke out we got to see him give a farewell speech that was arguably better than Shawn Michaels', and he's been dead on with his comedy since he's come back.

Why do people think CM Punk is so great on the mic? His most memorable line is about diet pepsi. Yeah, it was funny, but it does not make him a genius. He kills the momentum of guys who are extremely talented on the mic like Cena and Miz, and he's really not exciting at all, I'm never hanging on his every word or anything like that.

John Cena is really the only reasonable answer.

While I'll give you Cena's great on the mic, he really is nowhere near Punk. If you've heard one Cena promo you've heard every Cena promo, and there is a definite comparison with The Rock... because that's who Cena is very clearly imitating every single time he opens his mouth.

The thing that makes CM Punk take it for me is that the dude can sit there telling the truth and get people to boo it. That takes talent. Anybody who has charisma can go out and tell funny stories and scream like Cena. Infact, a lot of times when Cena's doing his thing I think to myself "okay dude, calm down" or find myself wondering if he got a whiff of Jeff Hardy's duffle bag with some of the cracked out stuff he rants about.

I get that you're a huge Cena mark, and that's fine. I can see why you like the guy, but to say that Cena is "the only reasonable answer" on a list with Chris Jericho and CM Punk is just ludicrous
Kane really? LOL, he's terrible at acting.

Terrible at acting? What kind of illegal, south-korean opium are you smoking? I pretty much assumed it was a well-known fact that Kane was great on the Microphone....

I guess everybody has an opinion.

My pick might surprise some, but even though he left early in the year, he was cutting some of the most convincing heel promo's I have heard in quite some time, Batista.

I never thought batista was anything special on the mic until his fued with Cena, somehow his creative juices got flowing and he really showed he knows how to work the microphone.
Gotta be CM Punk for me. From face to SES to his commentary work to the New Nexus, he has owned everyone verbally. Whether he is adopting a comedic approach, or a darker sinister side, his delivery is phenominal. In my eyes he even surpasses the mic work of the extremely eloquent Chris Jericho.

Although, I was dissapointed that Rowdy Roddy Piper didn't appear on that list. His "Do the right thing" promo to John Cena on Raw was arguably the best piece of mic work in 2010 in my opinion. Every young wrestler in the back should have stopped what they were doing just to watch it. Sublime, passionate, emotive, real.
I'm voting for Punk, (Gasp!)
When I first joined this forum I swore to myself that I would never use the word mark,
Until I realized that's exactly what I am for a Punk. I've been hooked on Punks every word since his backstage promos in ECW. He's just continued to improve, somehow, over the years. Considering the horse shit he was given in 2010, he owned the MIC in every aspect.
I personally think that Wade Barrett did the best.

I think its because he is new and refreshing on the mic. He talks more than he actually wrestle. While its more to do with being British, but Barrett's delivery on the mic and every word he utters is impactful. He sounds like a believable leader and when he talks, I listen. When he passes the mic to David Otunga, I cringe. Barrett is a big man who can both talk and wrestle and I am sure Vince is loving every bit of it.
Personally, I found Punk's whole SES thing to be incredibly boring and a waste of time. Having to sit through him "converting" Serena and then shaving her head and yapping on and on for 20 minutes was just boring for me.

I voted for Jericho, simply because nobody has the control over how to make a crowd react like he does, even if creative didn't invest as much effort or give him as much mic time as guys like Punk, Miz and Barrett.

That being said, Barrett was also excellent for me as an old-school just-not-a-good-person heel that the crowd genuinely disliked,
I have to give this to CM Punk but what I am very glad of, is that there are so many people in this poll that actually deserve to be there. The great thing about that is that it shows how good some of the talents have become on the stick and that can only be a good thing for them, their careers and the WWE. The WWE loves a good talker and always have done. The Rock and Chris Jericho are only two people who illustrate the point that a good promo cutter can go very far in the organisation. Hell, you could even look at Mr. Kennedy (Anderson) for proof that you don't actually need to be the most talented in the ring if you can get people behind you with your charisma.

As I have stated though, I think CM Punk had the best year on the stick. His straight edge gimmick was something spectacular and it is his charisma that can get people behind it. I mean, if someone like John Morrison had attempted that, it would not have even had half of the success that CM Punk had with it. And that really is the telling sign for me. The second place superstar, from this poll, would have to be The Miz but I don't think he could have pulled off such a daring gimmick with such gusto and aplomb. The straight edge gimmick was very intricate and it cried out for someone with the charisma to take it to the limit of what it could. CM Punk was definitely the man who managed to do that and I don't think that anyone else would have had the same success.

Punk could pull off anything that the other guys were pulling off last year and might even have done it better than they did. However, when the shoe is on the other foot, there really is no comparison. CM Punk all the way home.
I'm really torn on this between Punk and Cena.

Cena- Still arguably WWE's best promo guy. I'll admit that sometimes I can't help but roll my eyes at some of Cena's promos that are just a little over board campy, but even then at least I'm actually listening. Cena makes you want to care when he speaks and there aren't many guys/girls who can really cut a captivating promo as consistently as Cena. Not only that, but no matter what he is talking about he cuts a great promo , which really isn't all that easy to do. I think he is the only guy out there who can cut a promo with no real topic and still do it well.

CM Punk- I think when it comes to looking at the year 2010, CM Punk made his mark on the mic. His SES segements were always entertaining , and the fact that he managed to cut a promo for his entrance at Wrestlemania really speaks volumes about his skills. His greatest gains though came from his time doing play-by-play. Punk brought an originality to commentating that hasn't been seen in quite some time , and I firmly believe that that is responsible for his current position in the company.

For the year 2010, I'm going to have to give it to CM Punk. Cena might be a little better over-all, but CM Punk managed to take his role in the company to new heights off of his mic work. It doesn't really get any better than that.
John Cena can portray a wide array of emotions: anger, (self) disappointment, excitement, happiness...etc. He's truely the best on the mic today. Don't agree? Look at the others on the OP's list...they're all heel. So what, right? So what is John Cena is the only face whose mic work can get a HUGE response from the audience, right? So what if everyone listens when Cena talks, right?

People accuse Cena of saying the same stuff every week, and yet, he portrays a wider range of emotions than anyone else on that list. He's the best wrestler on the mic today, fact.

Oh, and his goodbye promo was one of the best promos I've heard in a long long time.
I actually think Cody Rhodes stamped his mark on the WWE on the mic in 2010. He was brilliant throughout NXT, and when his Rookie Husky was eliminated, i think this is where Rhodes made his mark.

He wasn't given much of a chance other than that, apart from his dashing tips, but there is definitely a future at the ME level for the dashing one imo.
CM Punk takes it here his promo of singing happy birthday to Rey's daughter was so awesome and the rest of his SES work was awesome. and his promo on the last Raw of 2010 was great also. Punk has had the best mic work for 2009,2010 and most likely 2011.

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